
I am

express willingness or determination. If you mean willing to" or "I am determined to," then use will. These sentences are correct:

I. I will lend you my book. (Willingness)
2. I will do it or die. (Determination)

3. We will accept your conditions. (Willingness)

4. I will not permit such a thing.


5. If you wish me to go, I will go. (Willingness)

6. You need not beg me; I will not stay. (Determination)

7. I will give you $10 for it. (Willingness)

8. I will fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.


9. All right, we will furnish half. (Willingness) 10. We will not budge an inch.



Now notice how the sentences just cited differ in meaning from those that follow. In the following sentences, I shall and we shall are used because the sentences express mere future action, not willingness or determination:

I. I shall be glad to see you.

2. We shall be delighted to have you call.
3. I shall be here until to-morrow.

4. We shall be disappointed if you do not come.
5. I shall be twelve years old to-morrow.

6. We shall finish this book next month.
7. I shall look for you next Thursday.

8. If we don't hurry, we shall be late.

9. I shall be sound asleep before ten o'clock. 10. We shall be sorry to lose you.

II. When shall we arrive?

12. I'm not sure that I shall go.

Remember that "I (we) shall be," not "I (we) will be,” must be used before adjectives.

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These two words follow the rules for shall and will. After the past tense of a verb of saying or thinking, shall becomes should and will becomes would:

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I shall be twelve years old to-morrow.

He said that he should be twelve years old to-morrow.

I shall be greatly surprised if the project fails.

He told us that he should be greatly surprised if the project failed.

My sister will return next June.

Lewis remarked to me that his sister would return next

If you wish me to stay, I will stay.

She assured me that if I wished her to stay she would stay.

'Had Rather."

In recent years the attempt has been made to put had rather and had better under ban. But there is no better English than had rather and had better, as the following quotations show:

1. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

2. I had rather hear them scold than fight.

- Psalms.

SHAKESPEARE: Merry Wives of Windsor.

3. Cæsar was heard to say that he had rather die once by treason than to live continually in apprehension of it.

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4. I had rather you would provide claret than to use my Madeira.

WASHINGTON: See Owen Wister's Seven Ages of Washington, p. 7.

5. I had rather keep our New England associates for that Durpose than to see our bickerings transferred to others.

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6. If they would rather die, they had better do it.

-DICKENS: Christmas Carol.

7. I had rather live in a purer air than that of controversy.

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10. You had much better write what seems right and just to yourself.

HUXLEY: Letter to Romanes.

II. I would a great deal rather, for my part, have a man stumble in his speech than to feel he was so exceedingly smooth that he had better be watched.

- WOODROW WILSON: Address, Sept. 2, 1912.

12. If our peace organizations are not prepared to have us take part in the plans they devise, they had better disband.

— A. LAWRENCE LOWELL: Atlantic Monthly.


Give the complete passive conjugation of choose and catch.


Insert may or can in each of the following blanks; give a reason for your choice:

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1. Susie McGee and Fannie Watson go fishing with us?


[blocks in formation]

Insert might or could in each of the following blanks; give a reason for your choice:

1. Who told you that you - hunt on these grounds?

2. Mr. Wharton said that we

3. Julius said that he

4. I was sure that I

hunt here whenever we pleased.

hold out eighteen pounds.

beat him running.


Insert shall or will in each of the following blanks; give a reason for your choice:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I go for a doctor?


not be satisfied unless our team wins by a large

be our guest during commencement?

do as I please.

5. If you prefer it, I

assign the lesson now.

6. If the boat turns over, we all be drowned.

7. I not submit to such treatment.

8. We

9. I

say nothing about it, if you so desire, probably remain here a week.

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10. We be greatly surprised if you do not succeed.


give you all the assistance in my power.

12. We resist to the uttermost.


Insert should or would in each of the following blanks; give a reason for your choice:

[blocks in formation]

6. They intimated that they bear their part of the expense.

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How would you defend had rather?



The strangest thing about verbs remains to be told in this chapter. If some one were to ask you to give an example of a verb used as the subject of a sentence, you would doubtless reply that only nouns and pronouns could be used as the subjects of sentences; and if you were asked to use a verb as a modifier of a noun or pronoun, you would doubtless say that only adjectives could be used as modifiers of nouns and pronouns. But in this lesson you will find that verbs

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