ECLIPSES FOR THE YEAR 1884. THERE will be five Eclipses this year, three of the SUN and two of the MOON.. I. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. March 27, invisible in the United States, visible in the vicinity of Hudson's Bay. II. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, April 10, partly visible at Boston, as follows: - Eclipse begins 4h. 19m. Α.Μ. Total phase begins 5h. 27m. A.M., just before the moon sets. III. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, April 25, invisible in the United States, visible in the Southern Pacific Ocean. IV. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, Oct. 4, partly visible in Boston, as follows:- Moon rises partly eclipsed; eclípse ends 6h. 16m., P.M. V. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, Oct. 18, invisible in the United States; visible in western Europe and Asia. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES FOR 1884. MORNING AND EVENING STARS. Venus will be Evening Star till July 11, then Morning Star the rest of the year. Mars will be Morning Star till February 1, then Evening Star the rest of the year. Jupiter will be Morning Star till January 19, Evening Star till Aug. 7, then Morning Star the rest of the year. Saturn will be Evening Star till June 3, Morning Star till December 12, then Evening Star the rest of the year. MERCURY. - The most favorable time for seeing Mercury in 1884 will be about Jan. 4, April 25, August 23, Dec. 17, in the West, after sunset, and Feb. 13, June 12, October 5, in the East, before sunrise. * *ロ NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PLANETS.. The Sun. Mercury. Venus. 24 Jupiter. The Earth. H Uranus. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE ASPECTS. Conjunction, or in the same degree. | 8 Opposition, or 180 degrees. Sextile, 60 degrees. १६ Juno. Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. A Trine, 120 degrees. 3. Gemini, arms. 7. Libra, reins. 11. 4. Cancer, breast. 8. Im Scorpio, secrets. 12. Sagittarius, thighs. COLLEGES, PROFESSIONAL, AND NORMAL SCHOOLS IN NEW ENGLAND. Colleges. (Corrected Sept., 1883.) BATES, LEWISTON, ME. 3 tms. Beg. 6w. fm Tu. bef. Thank., 1st Tu. Apr., 3d Tu. Aug. Com. Th. aft. last We. June. BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. Com., 2d Th. July. Vac. 11w. fm Com.; 2w. at Christinas; 1w. in Spring. COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME. Com. 1st Wed. July; vac. 9w fm Com., 1 w. fm last We. Nov., 6w.fmlast We. Jan. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEM. COLL., KENT'S HILL, ME. 3 tms., 13w. each. Beg. 3d Tu. Aug., 1st Tu. Dec., 2d Tu. Mar. DARTMOUTH, HANOVER, N.H. Com. last Th. June; vac. 9w after. N.H. CONF. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, TILTON, N.H. Tms. begin Mar. 19, Aug. 27, and Dec. 3. LEWIS COLLEGE, NORTHFIELD, VT. Year beg. 2d Th. Sept.; closes 3d Th. in June. MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT. Tms. beg. Jan. 3, Apr. 11, Sept. 12, '84. UNIVERSITY OF VT., AND STATE AGRICULT. COLLEGE, AT BURLINGTON. Com. last Wed. June; vac. fm Com. 10w.-fin Wed. bef. Christmas 2w., and 2w. fm close of Spring tm. VERMONT METH. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLL., MONTPELIER, VT. Tms beg. Dec. 10, '83, Mar. 24, Aug. 25, '84. AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS. 3 tms. Beg. Jan. 3, Apr. 12, and Sept. 11. BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. 2 tms. Beg. 1st Mo. Sept. and Feb. BOSTON UNIVER., BOSTON, MASS. COLL. OF LIBERAL ARTS. 3 tms. 1st beg. Sept. 20, '83; 2d beg. Jan. 2, '84; 3d beg. Mar. 19, '84. COLL. OF MUSIC. 2 tins. 26w. each; 1st beg. Sept. 13, '83; 2d beg. Feb. 7, '84. SCHOOL OF ALL SCIENCES. Post grad. dep't. Tms same as in Coll. of Lib. Arts. COLL. OF THE HOLY CROSS, WORCESTER, MASS. Year beg. 1st Wed. Sept., ends last Th. June. HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Year beg. Th. after last Wed. Sept., ends at Com. last Wed. June; rec. 23 Dec. to Jan. 2,inc., and fm We. bef. Fast to Tu. af., inc. SMITH COLL., NORTHAMPTON, MASS. (For women.) 3 tms., Jan. 3, Apr. 10, and Sept. 19. TUFTS COLL., COLLEGE HILL, MASS. A single tm of 39w. Beg. Sept. 19, '84. Com. 3d Wed. June; vac. 13w. WELLESLEY COLLEGE, WELLESLEY, MASS. (For women.) 3 tms. 1st tm. beg. Sept. 12, 1884. WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. Com. 1st Wed. July; vac. 9w.aft. Com., 3 w. fm 3d Tu. Dec., 2w. fm end of 2d tm. BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Acad yr. beg, 3d Wed. Sept. Com. 3d Wed. June. TRINITY, HARTFORD, CONN. 2 tms. 1st beg. mid. Sept., 2d beg. early in Jan. Com. Th. bef. July 4. WESLEYAN UNIV., MIDDLETOWN, CT. Com. last Th. June, 1883; vac. 11w. fm. Com., 2w. at Chris., 1w. in Spring. YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Com. last Wed. June: vac. Com. 1st tm. 14w., vac. 3w.; 2d tm till Com. with recess at Easter. SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS (YALE COLL). Beg. Oct. 1 and ends May 31. Theological Schools. THEO. SEM., BANGOR, ME. (Or. Cong.) Anniver. 1st Wed. June; vac. anniv. Exam. for entrance, Sept. 11. THEOL. DEPART. BATES COLL., LEWISTON, ME. Year same as College. VT. EPISCO. INST., BURLINGTON, VT. Acad. yr. 40w. fm 1st Th. in Sept. THEO. SEM. (Orth. Cong.), ANDOVER, MASS. Yr. b. Sept. 6, '83; an. July 19, '84. BOSTON UNIVER. SCHOOL OF THEOL. (Method.) Yr. beg. Sept. 19, '83. NEW CHURCH THEO. SC., WALTHAM, MASS. (Swedenborg.) Yr. beg. Oct. '83. EPISC. THEOL. SCH. AT CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Yr. beg. 4th Wed. in Sept.; ends 3d Wed. in June. NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) Ann. 2d Wed. June an. to 2d Tu.Sep., and Mar. DIVINITY SCH. OF HARVARD UNIV. Yr. same as that of Harvard College. TUFTS COLL., DIV. SCHOOL, COLLEGE HILL, MASS. (Univ.) School year same as that of the College. BERKELEY DIV. SCH. (Epis.) MIDDLETOWN, CT. Beg. Sept. 21, ends abt Je. 1. DIV. SCH. OF YALE COLL., NEW HANEN, CT. (Ortho. Cong.) Year beg. 2d Th. Sept., closes 3d Th. Mày. THEOL. INST. OF CONN., HARTFORD. (Ortho. Cong.) Acad. 2d Th. Sept. to 2d Th. May. Medical Schools. MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME. Beg. Feb. 7, lasts 16w. PORTLAND SCH. FOR MED. INS., PORTLAND, ME. 2 tms., beg. June 4, and Oct. 2, 1884. MED. DEPT. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N.H. Lecture tm. beg. 1st Wed. Aug,, cont. 14w. Recitation tm. beg. 1st Wed. Dec., cont. 30w. UNIV. OF VT., MED. DEP. BURLINGTON, VT. Beg. 1st Th. Mar., cont. 16w. MED. SCH. OF HARVARD UNIVER., BOSTON. Yr. beg. Th. after last Wed. in Sept., ends last Wed. in June. BOSTON UNIV. SCH. OF MED. (Home.). Open to both sexes. Beg. Oct. 11, '83. MED. INSTIT. OF YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 1st Th. Oct., till Com., with vac. same of Yale College. DENTAL SCH., HARV. UNI., BOSTON. Begins and ends with College year. BOSTON DENTAL COLLEGE, BOSTON. Prelim. tm. beg. Oct. 5, '83; reg., Nov. 5, '83. Sp. tm. beg. 2d Mo. Apr., '84. Law Schools. LAW SCH. OF HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Year same as College. BOSTON UNIV. SCH. OF LAW. Beg. 1st Wed. Oct., ends last Wed. May. LAW SCH., NEW HAVEN, CONN. Yr. beg. Sept. 27, '83; ends June 25, '84. Scientific and Agric. Schools. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ME. Tms beg. Feb. 12, Aug. 5. Com. June 25. CHANDLER SCIEN. SCHOOL, THAYER SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, AND N.H. COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECH. ARTS, HANOVER, N.H. Terms same as those of Dartmouth College. UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course. MASS. AGRIC. COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. 3 terms. Yr. beg. 2d Th. Sept., ends last Wed. June. MASS. COLL. OF PHARMACY, BOSTON, MASS. Year beg. 1st Mo. Oct., 1883. BOSTON UNIVER. COLL, OF AGRICUL. Terms same as in Mass. Agric. College. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. UNIV.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The year is the same as that of Harvard Coll. THE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. (a school of agriculture and horticulture, in Harv. Univ.). Year same as that of Harvard College. VETERINARY SCHOOL OF HARVARD UNIVER. Year same as that of College. MASS. INS. OF TECHNOL., BOSTON. Ac. yr. 1. Mo. Sep. to 1st Tu. aft. May 27. WORCESTER FREE INSTITU., WORC., MASS. Tms: fm last Tu. Aug. to 3d Sat. Jan., and fm 1st Tu. Feb. to last Th. Je. SHEFFIELD SCIENT. SCHOOL (YALE COLL.), NEW HAVEN, CT. Terms same as those of Yale College. Normal Schools. FAST. NORMAL SCH., CASTINE, ME. Tms b. Mar. 11, Aug. 26, and Dec. 9, '84. GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, GORHAM, WESTERN NORMAL SCH., FARMING- STATE NORMAL SCH., CASTLETON, NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASSACHU- R. I. STATE NORMAL SCH., PROV., STATE NORMAL SCH., NEW BRITAIN, MEETINGS OF FRIENDS IN NEW ENGLAND. (Corrected Aug., 1883.) The Yearly Meeting of Friends is held | mo., at Falmouth; and 1st fifth day, at Newport, R.I., beginning with a 10th mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Fal meeting on Ministry and Oversight, on 5th day, 6th month (12th), at 9 A.M. For business, on 6th day (the 13th), at 9 A.M. Public meetings for worship on First day at Newport and Portsmouth, at 10.30 A.M. and 3 P.M. The Yearly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly Meetings of Rhode Island, Salem, Sand wich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalboro', Dover, and Fairfield, held as follows:Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at Providence; 1st fifth day, 5th mo., at East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., at Fall River. Salem; 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Salem; 4th fifth day, 5th mo., at Amesbury; 3d fifth day, 8th mo., at Lynn; 3d fifth day, 10th mo., at Weare. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and 12th mos., at New Bedfool; 2d fifth day, 7th mouth: 7th day before 1st sixth day in HOLIDAYS IN NEW ENGLAND. The following days, in respect to the payment of notes, are legal holidays. On most of them, courts, banks, etc., are closed. If the day falls on Sunday, the day following is usually kept as a Holiday. Thanksgiving and Fast are appointed by state or national authority. When not appointed in any year there would, of course, be no such holiday. Maine. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Fast, and Thankgiving. Conn. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. 1 1 : 1884.] JANUARY, FIRST MONTH. ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 's Declination. First Quarter, 5th day, 4h. 50m., evening, E. Full Moon, 12th day, 10h. 43m., morning, W. now1 Tu. 7 30 438 9 80 4 43 14 14 legs 814 239 22W. 730439 990544 12 2 feet 9 19 3 28 33 Th. 730440 9 100 6552 24 feet 10 25 4 4 Fr. 7 304 41 9110 756313 feet 11 32 ran 4 16 56 5 Sa. 7 30 4 41 9110 7 674 41⁄2 h'd morn 556 66S-730442 9120 86855 h'd 041 649 7 7 Μ. 7 30 4 43 9 130 96966+ n'k 150 744 8 8 Tu. 730 4 44 9 14 0 10 7 10 7 7 n'k Tair W. 7294 45 9 16 0 12 7 11 884 arm 10 10 Th. 729 447 9180 14 81299arm 11 Fr. 7 294489 190 15 8 13 10 10 br. Inow Wet 12 12 Sa. 7 294 49 14 14 Μ. 7 284 51 15 15 Tu. 7 27 452 30 8 42 49942 5 13 10 41 611 11 40 rises morn h'rt 627 036 9 200 16 90 11 11 br. 7331 30 9 220 18 915 112 9 23 0 199160204 h'rt 9 25 0 21 10 17 14 14 bel. 837 2 20 16 16 W. 7 274 53 9 2602210 18 2 24 bel. 939 37 17 17 Th. 7 26 4 54 9 28 0 2410 19 24 3 bel. 10 39 352 18 18 Fr. 7 264 56 9300261120 3 3 rei. 11.38 437 19 19 Sa. 7 25 457 9320281121 44 44 rei. morn 5 20 20 20 S-7 25 458 933029 11 22 5 54 sec. 21 21 Μ. 7244 59 9 350 3112236-64 sec. 22 22 Tu. 7 245 1 9370331224 62 7 sec. 23 23 W. 7 235 um 24 24 Th. 7 225 25 25 Fr. 7 21 5 26 26 Sa. 7 20 5 2939035 12 25 74 84 thi. 3 5 6 30 30 W. 7 175 11 035 6 4 132 6 49 228 7 35 322 822 414 911 5 4 10 1 9 410 37 12 26 84 94 thi. 95004613 114 9 52 0 48 13 10 kn. 549 10 52 legs 6 3033 04 legs 79123 9 540 5014201 feet 816 213 lide, Heffragees belwen the 673 velocktion the storms come between the 6x9xqoebek 7 JANUARY hath 31 days. Thdes [1884. Oh! cold is winter's bitter wind; Stern sweep its storms the snowy waste along: 1 Tu. Circumcision. Gambetta died, 1883. 2 W. 3 Th. 4 Fr. H Perigee. Farmer's Calendar. It is high time to lay out the plans for the year that is to come. (2d. Magis Legislature meets Stormy, Let us start off right, and pay up 5 Sa. Low tides. 2d Sun. aft. Chris. known maxim that well begun is with much half done. This lazy way of put- 6 F 7 Mo. 9th. Legislature meets in. 10 Th. runs high. > died, 1883. 11 Fr.stat. Lot M. Morrill cold, but 12 Sa. 13th. Very high tides. 1 2.6. 13th. & in Perih. leru. Length of night 14h. 35m. 16 W. 13th. 640. be among the first. What it wants is a little more thought, more skill, are apt to work more than to think. We must put in more brain work. Be sure you're right, David Crockett used to say, and then go ahead; but to live up to that rule we must have some plan Becomes to work up to, and then stick to it. The moles and the mice will gnaw 19th. Steamer Cambria sunk, 400 lives 8240. 10 F 2d Sund. after Epiphany. 21 Mo. in Apo. 20th inf. the bark off the young fruit trees 22 Tu. Very low tides. gr. hel. lat. N. 23 W. 24 Th. runs low. is the way to keep off the rabbits. C L |