Number Ninety-One. THE (OLD) FARMER'S ALMANACK, CALCULATED ON A NEW AND IMPROVED PLAN, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1883; Being third after BISSEXTILE or LEAP-YEAR, and (until July 4) 107th of American Independence. FITTED FOR BOSTON, BUT WILL ANSWER FOR ALL THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. Containing, besides the large number of Astronomical Calculations and the Farmer's Calendar for every month in the year, a variety of NEW, USEFUL, AND ENTERTAINING MATTER. ESTABLISHED IN 1793, BY ROBERT B. THOMAS. PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM WARE & CO. Sold by the Booksellers and Traders throughout New England. [Entered, according to Aet of Congress, in the year 1882, by WILLIAM WARE, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.] TO PATRONS AND CORRESPONDENTS. ANOTHER year of peace and prosperity has blessed our country. Though New England has suffered somewhat from the drought of the past summer, yet the West and the South rejoice in an abundant harvest, and the East must partake of the general prosperity. Let us wisely use our abundant resources to provide broad and deep foundations for the welfare of those to come after us. The table of holidays is on page 5. The tide tables are on page 38. The other tables will be found in their usual places. We have to thank our friends and correspondents for their favors, and beg they will continue to obl re us with their suggestions or corrections. We close with the words of the founder APRIL. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri Sat. 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CALENDAR. MAY. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 JUNE. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat. 2 3456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat. 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST. Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fri. Sat. 1234 : 1 ECLIPSES FOR THE YEAR 1883. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8. Im Scorpio, secrets. THERE will be four Eclipses this year, two of the SUN and two of the MOON. I. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON. April 22, invisible in Boston, visible on the Pacific coast, Asia, and the Pacific Ocean. II. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, May 6, invisible in the United States, visible in the Southern Pacific Ocean. III. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, October 16, visible as follows:Eclipse begins 1h. 14m. A. M.; middle of Eclipse, 2h. 10m. A. M.; Eclipse ends 3h. 6m. A. M., Boston time. IV. AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, October 30, invisible in Boston, visible in the Pacific Ocean, and partly visible on the Pacific coast of North America and Asia. MOVABLE FEASTS AND FASTS FOR 1883. Septuagesima Sund., Jan. 21 | Good Friday, March 23 | Whit-Sunday, May 13 Shrove Sunday, Feb. 4 Easter Sunday, First Sunday in Lent, 25 Trinity Sunday, Ash Wednesday, 7 11 Palm Sunday, Mar. 18 Low Sunday, April 1 Corpus Christi, " 20 24 1 Advent Sunday, Dec. 2 Venus will be Morning Star till September 20, then Evening Star the rest of the year. Mars will be Morning Star throughout the year. Jupiter will be Evening Star till July 5, then Morning Star the rest of the year. Saturn will be Evening Star till May 20, Morning Star till November 28, then Evening Star the rest of the year. MERCURY. - The most favorable time for seeing Mercury in 1883 will be about Jan. 21, May 13. September 10, in the West, after sunset, and March 3, July 1, October 21, in the East, before sunrise. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PLANETS. Juno. Pallas. Ceres. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE ASPECTS. Conjunction, or in the same degree. 1 8 Opposition, or 180 degrees. *ロ Sextile, 60 degrees. Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. Dragon's Tail, or Descending Node. A Trine, 120 degrees. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. 12. Capricornus, knees. COLLEGES, PROFESSIONAL, AND NORMAL SCHOOLS IN NEW ENGLAND. Colleges. (Corrected Sept. 1882.) BATES, LEWISTON, ME. 3 tms. Beg. 6w. fm Tu. bef. Thank., 1st Tu. Apr., 3d Tu. Aug. Com., Th. aft. last We. June. BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. Com., 2d Th. July. Vac. 11w. fm Com.; 2w. at Christmas; 1w. in Spring. COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME. Com. 1st Wed. July; vac. 9w. fm Com., 1 w. fm. last We. Nov., 6w. fm last W.Jan. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEM. GOLL., KENT'S HILL, Me. 3 tms, 13w. each. Beg. 3d Mo. Aug., 1st Mo. Dec., 2d Mo. Mar. DARTMOUTH, HANOVER, N.H. Com., last Th. June; vac. 8w. after. N.H. CONF. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, TILTON, N.H. Tims begin Mar. 21., Aug. 29, and Dec. 5. LEWIS COLLEGE, NORTHFIELD, VT. Year beg. 24 Th. Sept.; closes 3d Th. in June. MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT. Tms beg. Sept., 13,'83, Jan, 11., Ap.12,'84. UNIVERSITY OF VT., AND STATE AGRICULT. COLLEGE, AT BURLINGTON. Com. last Wed. June; vac. fm. Com. 10w. -fm. Wed. bef. Christmas 2w., and 2w. fm close of Spring tm. VERMONT METH. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLL., MONTPELIER, VT. Tms beg. Dec. 11, '82, Mar. 26, Aug. 27, '83. AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS. 3 tms. Beg. Jan. 4, Apr. 12, and Sept. 6. BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. 2 tms. Beg. 1st Mo. Sept. and Feb. BOSTON UNIVER., BOSTON, MASS. COLL. OF LIBERAL ARTS. 3 tms. 1st beg. Sept. 20, '82; 2d beg. Jan. 2, '83; 3d beg. Mar. 21, '83. COLL. OF MUSIC. 2 tms. 20w. each; 1st beg. Sept. 4, '82; 2d beg. Feb. 8, '83. SCHOOL OF ALL SCIENCES. Post grad. dep't. Tms same as in Coll. of Lib. Arts. COLL. OF THE HOLY CROSS, WORCESTER, MASS. Year beg. 1st Wed. Sept., ends last Th. June. HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Year beg. Th. aft. last Wed. Sept., ends at Com. last Wed. June; rec. 23 Dec. to Jan. 2, inc., and fm We. bef. Fast to, inc. SMITH COLL., NORTHAMPTON, MASS. (For women.) 3 tms., Jan. 4, Apr. 12, and Sept. 14. TUFTS COLL., COLLEGE HILL, MASS. A single tm of 39w. Beg. Sept. 15, '83.; Com. 3d Wed. June; vac. 13w. WELLESLEY COLLEGE, WELLESLEY, MASS. (For women.) 3 tms. 1st tm. beg. Sept. 6, 1882. WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. Com. 1st Wed. July; vac. 9w. af. Com., 3 w. fm 3d Tu. Dec., 2w. fm end of 2d tm. BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R.I. Acad yr. beg. 3d Wed. Sept. Com. 3d Wed. June. TRINITY, HARTFORD, CONN. 2 tms. 1st beg. mid. Sept., 2d beg. early in Jan. Com. Th. bef. July 4. WESLEYAN UNIV., MIDDLETOWN, CT, Com. last Th. June, 1882; vac. 11w. fm Com., 2w. at Chris., 1w. in Spring. YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Com. last Wed. June; vac. 11w. fm Com. 1st tm. 14w., vac. 3w.; 2d tm till Com. with recess at Laster. SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS (YALE COLL). Beg. Oct. 1, and ends May 31. Theological Schools. THEO. SEM., BANGOR, ME. (Or. Cong.) Anniver. 1st Wed. June; vac. 14w. fm anniv. Exam. for entrance, Sept. 13. THEOL. DEPART. BATES COLL., LEWISTON, ME. Year same as College. VT. EPISCO. INST., BURLINGTON, VT. Acad. yr. 40w. fm 1st Th. in Sept. THEO. SEM. (Orth. Cong.), ANDOVER, MASS. Yr. b. Sep. 7,'82; an. July 14, '83. BOSTON UNIVER. SCHOOL OF THEOL. (Method.) Year beg. Sept. 20, '82. NEW CHURCH THEO. SC., WALTHAM, MASS. (Swedenborg.) Yr. beg. Oct. 182. EPISC. THEO. SCH. AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Yr.beg. 4th Wed. in Sept; ends 3d Wed. in June. NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) Ann. 2d Wed. June Vac. fm an. to 2d Tu. Sep., and 1w. in Feb. DIVINITY SCH. OF HARVARD UNIV. Yr. same as that of Harvard Coll. TUFTS COLL., DIV. SCHOOL, COLLEGE HILL, MASS. (Univ.) School year same as that of the College. BERKELEY DIV. SCH. (Epis.) MIDDLE TOWN, CT. Beg. Sept. 23, ends abt Je. 1. DIV. SCH. OF YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CT. (Ortho. Cong.) Year beg. 2d Th. Sept., closes 3d. Th. May. THEO. INST. OF CONN., HARTFORD. (Ortho. Cong.) Acad. 2d Th. Sept. to 2d Th. May. Medical Schools. MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME. Beg. Feb. 8, lasts 16w. PORTLAND SC. FOR MED. INS., PORTLAND, ME. 2 tms., beg. June 6, and Oct. 3, 1883. MED. DEPT. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N.H. Lecture tm beg. 1st Wed. Aug., cont. 14w. Recitation tm. beg. 1st Wed. Dec., cont. 30w. UNIV. OF VT., MED. DEP. BURLINGTON, VT. Beg. 1st Th. Mar., cont. 16w. MED. SCH. OF HARVARD UNIVER., BOSTON. Year beg. Th. aft. last Wed. in Sept., ends last Wed. in June. BOSTON UNIV. SCH. OF MED. (Home.) Open to both sexes. Beg. Oct. 2, 1882. MED. INST. OF YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 1st Th. Oct., till Com., with vac. same as Yale College. DENTAL SCH., HARV. UNI., BOSTON. Begins and ends with College year. BOSTON DENTAL COLLEGE, BOSTON. Prelim. tm beg. Oct. 2; reg., Nov. 6; Sp. tm beg. Mo. aft. 1st Wed. Mar., 1883. Law Schools. LAW SCH. OF HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Year same as College. BOSTON. UNIV. SCH. OF LAW. Beg. 1st Wed., Oct. ends last Wed. May. LAW SCH.. NEW HAVEN, CONN. Yr. beg. Sept. 28, '82, ends June 27, '83. Scientific and Agric. Schools. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ΜΕ. Tms beg. Feb. 6, Aug. 7. Com. June 27. CHANDLER. SCIEN. SCHOOL, THAYER SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, AND N.H. COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECH. ARTS, HANOVER, N. H. Tms same as Dartmouth College. UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course. MASS. AGRIC. COLL., AMHERST, Mass. 3 tms. Year beg. last Th. Aug., ends last Wed. June. MASS. COLL. OF PHARMACY, BOSTON, MASS. Year beg. 1st Mo. Oct., 1882. BOSTON UNIVER. COLL. OF AGRICUL. Terms same as in Mass. Agric. College. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. UNIV.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The year is the same as that of Harvard Coll. THE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. (a school of agriculture. horticulture, and veterinary medicine, in Harv. Univ.) Yr. same as Harv. Coll. MASS. INS. OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSΤΟΝ. Academ. yr. last Mo. Sept. to Fri. bef. 1st Tu. June. WORCESTER FREE INSTITU., WORC., MASS. Tms: fm last Tu. Aug. to 2d Fri. Jan., and fm 1st Tu. Feb. to 2d Fri. July. SHEFFIELD SCIEN. SCHOOL (YALE COLL.), NEW HAVEN, CT. Terms same as those of Yale College. Normal Schools. EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, ME. Terms beg. Mar. 6, Aug. 21, and Dec. 4, 1883. GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, GORHAM, WESTERN NORMAL SCH., FARMING- STATE NORMAL SCH.. CASTLETON, NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASSACHU- MASS. NORMAL ART SCHOOL, 1679 R. I. STATE NORMAL SCH., Prov., STATE NORMAL SCH., NEW BRITAIN, MEETINGS OF FRIENDS IN NEW ENGLAND. (Corrected Sept., 1882.) The Yearly Meeting of Friends is held | mo., at Falmouth; and 1st fifth day, at Portland, Me., beginning with a meeting on Ministry and Oversight, on 5tlı day, 6th month (7th) at 9 A. M. For business, on 6th day (the 8th), at 9 A.M. Public meetings for worship on First day, at 10.30 A.M., and 3 P.M. The Yearly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly Meetings of Rhode Island, Salem, Sandwich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalboro', Dover, and Fairfield, held as follows: Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at Providence; 1st fith day, 5th mo., at East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., at Fall River. Salem: 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Salem; 4th fifth day, 5th mo., at Amesbury; 3d fifth day, 8th mo., at Lynn; 3d fifth day 10th, mo., at Weare. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and 12th mos., at New Bedford; 2d fifth day, 7th 10th mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Fal- HOLIDAYS IN NEW ENGLAND. The following days, in respect to the payment of notes, are Legal holidays. On most of them, courts, banks, etc., are closed. If the day falls on Sunday, the day following is usually kept as a Holiday. Maine. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. New Hampshire. Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Vermont. Jan. 1, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Massachusetts. Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Rhode Island. Feb. 22, May 30 (or 29th if 30th is Sunday), July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Conn. Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. |