ECLIPSES FOR 1882. There will be two Eclipses this year, both of the SUN, and a transit of Venus over the Sun's disk. I. A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, May 17, invisible in New England, visible in the Eastern Hemisphere. II. AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, Nov. 10, Invisible in New England, visible in the Southern Pacific Ocean. V. A TRANSIT OF VENUS over the Sun's disk, Dec. 6, the principal phases of which are as follows, Boston time: - First contact, Dec. 6, 9h. 19m. A.M.; Forming of ring, first internal contact, 9h. 40m. A.M.; Breaking of ring, second internal contact, 3h. 2m. P.M.; Last contact, 3h. 23m. P.M. The time at other points in New England does not differ appreciably from the Boston time of the same phe nomenon. Venus will be Morning Star till Feb. 20, Evening Star till Dec. 6, Morning Star rest of year. Mars will be Evening Star till Dec. 10, then Morning Star the rest of the year. Jupiter will be Evening Star till May 30, Morning Star till Dec. 18, then Evening Star the rest of the year. Saturn will be Evening Star till May 5, Morning Star till Nov. 14, then Evening Star the rest of the year. MERCURY. The most favorable times for seeing Mercury in 1882, will be about Feb. 6, June 1, Sept. 28, in the West, after sunset; and March 21, July 19, and Nov. 7, in the East, before sunrise. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PLANETS. | The Earth. H Uranus. Juno. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE ASPECTS. Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node. Venus. Mercury. 24 Jupiter. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. 9. 1 Sagittarius, thighs. COLLEGES, PROFESSIONAL, AND NORMAL SCHOOLS IN NEW ENG. Colleges. (Corrected Sept. 1881.) BATES, LEWISTON, ME. -3tms. Beg. 6w. fm Tu. bef. Thank., 1st Tu. Apr., 3d Tue. Au. Com., Th. aft. last We. June. BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. - Com., 2d Thurs. July. Vac., 11 w. from Com.; 2 w. at Christmas; 1 w. in spring. COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME.Com., 4th We. June; vac. 9 w. fm Com., 1 w. fm last Wed. Nov., 6 w. fm last W. Jan. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEMALE COLL., KENT'S HILL, ME. - Three terms 13 w. each. Beg. 3d Mon. Aug.; 1st Mon. Dec; 2d Mon. March. DARTMOUTH, AT HANOVER, N. H. Com. last Th. June; vac. 8 weeks after. N. H. CONF. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, TILTON, N. H.-Terms beg. Mar. 15, Aug. 30, and Dec. 6. LEWIS COLLEGE. NORTHFIELD, VT. - Year begins 2d Thurs. Sept.; closes 3d Thurs. in June. MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT.Tms. beg. Sep. 14, 182, Jan. 12, Ap. 13, '83. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, AND STATE AGRICULT. COLLEGE, AT BURLINGTON. -Com., last Wed. June. Vac. from Com. 10 w.; from Wed. before Christmas 2 w., and 2 w. from close of spring term. VERMONT METH. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, MONTPELIER, VT.3 tms, beg. Mar. 27, Aug. 24, and Dec. 10. AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS.-3 tms. Begin Jan. 5, Apr. 13, and Sept. 7. BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. Two tms. Beg. 1st Mon. Sep. and Feb. BOSTON UNIVERSITY, BOSTON, MASS. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS. -3 tms, 1st beg. Sept. 22, '81; 2d beg. Jan, 2, 182; 3d beg. Mar. 22, 82. COLLEGE OF MUSIC, -2 tms, 20 w. each; 1st begins Sept. 8, '81; 2d beg. Jan. 30, '82. SCHOOL OF ALL SCIENCES. Post-grad. dep't. Tms same as in Coll. of Lib. Arts. COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, WORCESTER, MASS. - Year begins 1st Wed. Sept., ends last Thurs. June. HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.-Acad. yr. beg. Th. after last Wed. Sep., ends at Com., last Wed. June; rec. 23 Dec. to Jan. 2, inc., and fr. Wed. bef. Fast to Tu. af., inc. SMITH COLLEGE, NORTHAMPTON, Ms. (For Women.) - 3 tms., Jan. 5, Apr. 13, and Sept. 15. TUFTS COLL., COLLEGE HILL, MASS. - A single tm of 39 w. Begins Sept. 21, 1882; Com. 3d Wed. June. Vac. 13 w. WELLESLEY COLLEGE, WELLESLEY, MASS. (For Women.) Three terms. 1st term begins Sept. 8, 1881. WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. Com., 1st Wed. July. Vac., Com.; 3 w. fm Tu.bef. Chr., 2w. fm last Tu. Mar. BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R. I. - Acad yr. beg. 3d Wed. Sept. Com. 3d Wed. June. TRINITY, HARTFORD, CONN. - 2 tms; 1st beg. mid. Sept.; 2d beg. early in Jan. -Com. Thur. bef. July 4. WESLEYAN UNIV., MIDDLETOWN, CT. --Com., last Th. June, 1881. Vac. 11 w. fm Com., 2 w. at Chris., 1 w. in spring. YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN.-Com. last Wed. June. Vacation, 11. w. from Com. 1st tm. 14 w., vac. 3 w.; 2d term till Com. with recess at Easter. SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS, (YALE COLL.) -Beg. Oct. 1, and ends May 31. Theological Schools. THEO. SEM., BANGOR, ME. (Or. Cong.) - Anniversary 1st Wed. June; vac. 14 w. from anniv. Exam. for entrance Sept. 15. THEOL. DEPARTMENT, BATES COLL., LEWISTON, ME. - Year same as College. VT. EPIS. INSTITUTE, BURLINGTON, VT. - Acad. yr. 40 w. fm. İst Th. in Sept. THEO. SEM. (Ortho. Cong.), ANDOVER, Mass. Yr. b. Sep. 2,'80. An. Th. b. Jly. 4. BOSTON UNIVER. SCHOOL OF THEOL. (Method.). - Year beg. Sept. 22. NEW CHURCH THEO. SCH., WALTHAM, MASS. (Swedenborg.).-Yr. beg. Oct.'81. EPISCOPAL THEO. SCHOOL AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. -Year beg. 4th Wed. in Sept.; ends 3d Wed. in June. NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) - Ann., 2d Wed. Jun. Vac.fmann. to 2d Tu. Se., and 1 w. in Feb. DIVINITY SCHOOL OF HARVARD UNIV. -Year is same as that of Harvard Coll. TUFTS COLLEGE DIV. SCHOOL, COL LEGE HILL, MASS. (Univ.) School year same as that of the College. BERKELEY DIV. SCH. (Epis.), MIDDLETOWN, CT.-Beg. Sept. 23; ends abt Je. 1. DIV. SCH. of YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CONN. (Ortho. Cong.) - Year beg. 2d Thurs. Sept.; closes 3d Thurs. May. THEO. INST. OF CONN., HARTFORD. (Ortho. Cong.)-Acad. yr fm 2d Th. Sept. to 2d Th. May. Medical Schools. MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME.-Beg. Feb. 9, lasts 16 w. PORTLAND SCH. FOR MED. INS., PORTLAND, ME.-2 tms, beg.Jun. 8, and Oc.5,'81. MED. DEP. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N. H.- Lecture tm. beg. 1st Wed. Aug.; cont. 14 w. Recitation tm. beg. 1st Wed. Dec.; cont. 30 w. UNIV. OF VT. MED. DEP., BURLINGTON, VT. - Beg. 1st Th. Mar., con. 16 w. MED.SCH.OF HARV. UNIV., BOSTON.The year beg. Th. af. last Wed. in Sept.; ends last Wed. in June. BOSTON UNIV. SCH. OF MED. (Homœopath.)--Open to both sexes. Beg.Oct. 6. MED. INST. OF YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. - Winter trm. beg. Oct. 6, 1881, closes Feb. 8, 1882; spring tm beg. Feb. 22, and closes June 28, 1882. DENTAL SCH., HARV. UNIV., BOSTON. - Begins and ends with college year. BOSTON DENTAL COLLEGE, BOSTON. -2tms.: beg. Nov. 7,'81, and 2d Mond. Mar. 282. Preliminary term Oct. 2, 82. N. E. FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE. United with Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. Law Schools. LAW SCH. OF HARVARD UNIV., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Year same as College. BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW. - Beg. 1st Wed. Oct., ends last Wd. May. LAW SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CONN.Yr. beg. Sept. 29, 81, ends June 27, '82. Scientific and Agric. Schools. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ME. - Terms same as Dart. Coll. BOSTON UNIVER. COLL. OF AGRIC.Terms same as in Mass. Agric. Coll. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. UNIV.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - The year is the same as that of Harvard College. THE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. (a school of agriculture and horticulture in Harv. University). - Year same as that of Harvard College. MASS. INS. OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. Ac. yr. last Mo. Sep. to Fri. bf. 1st Tu. Je. WORCESTER FREE INSTIT., WORC., MASS.-Tms: fm last Tu. Aug. to 2d Fri. Jan., and fm 1st Tu. Fe. to 2d Fri. July. SHEFFIELD SCIEN. SCHOOL (YALE COL.) NEW HAVEN, CT. - Terms same as those of Yale College. Normal Schools. EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, ME.-Terms beg. Mar. 7, Aug. 22, and Dec. 5, 1882. GORHAM NORMAL SCHOOL, GORHAM, ME.-2 terms, 20 weeks each. Begin in Feb. and Aug. WESTERN NORMAL SCH., FARMINGΤOΝ, ΜΕ. - Tms beg. Fe. 21 and Au. 29. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, PLYMOUTH, N.H.-2 tms; beg. Aug. 30, '81, and Feb.7, '82. Each term 20 weeks. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTLETΟΝ, VT.-2tms; beg. 1st Mo. Feb., last Tu. Au. STATE NORMAL SCH., JOHNSON, VT. -Tms 20w.; beg. 1st Tu. Sep., 2d Tu.Feb. STATE NORM. SCH., RANDOLPH, VT.-! Tms.beg. Feb. 7 and Aug. 22. NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASSACHUSETTS.- The year is divided into 2 terms of 20 weeks each, including a recess of 1 week near the middle of the term. Vac. 3 w. in winter, 9 w. in summer. Exam. for admiss. at the beg. of each term, which is, at Salem, Feb. 7 and Sept. 5; at Westfield, Feb. 7 and Sept. 5; at Bridgewater, Feb. 8 and Sept. 6; at Framingham, Feb. 15 and Sept. 5; at Worcester, Feb. 9 and Sept. 7. MASS. NORMAL ART SCH., 1679 Washington Street, Boston. - Term beg. Feb. 6 and Sept. 4. R. I. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, PROV., R. I.-2 trms. Spring term beg. Feb. 8, closes June 30. Fall tm.beg. 1st Tu. Sep. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, NEW BRITAIN, CONN.-Spring and summer tm beg. Jan. 30, closes Jne 23; sch. year beg. Sep. MEETINGS OF FRIENDS IN NEW ENGLAND. (Cor. Sept. 1881.) The Yearly Meeting of Friends is held | at Newport, R.I., beginning with a meeting of Ministers and Elders, the 2d sixth day in the 6th month (9th) at 9 A. Μ. For business on 7th day, at 9 A.M. Public meetings for worship at Newport and Portsmouth, on 1st day at 10 A. M. and 4 P.M. The Yearly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly Meetings of Rhode Island, Salem, Sandwich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalboro', Dover, and Fairfield, held as follows: Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at Providence; 1st fifth day, 5th mo., at East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., at Fall River. Salem: 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Salem; 4th fifth day, 5th mo., at Amesbury; 3d fifth day, 8th mo., at Lynn; 3d fifth day, 10th mo., at Weare. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and 12th mos., at New Bedford; 2d fifth day, 7th mo., at Falmouth, and 1st fifth day 10th mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Falmouth: 7th day before 1st sixth day in 2d and 9th mos., at Windham; 6th mo. at Falmouth, and 11th mo. at Durham. Smithfield: 2d fifth day, 2d month, at Worcester; 2d fifth day, 5th mo., at Northbridge; 2d fifth day, 8th month, at Bolton; 2d fifth day, 11th mo., at Smithfield. Vassalboro': 2d seventh day in the 2d month, at Vassalboro'; on the last seventh day in the 5th month, at China; and on the 2d seventh day in 9th and 11th months, at East Vassalboro'. Dover: 7th day after 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Rochester, 4th mo. Dover, 8th mo. at North Berwick, 10th mo. at Sandwich, N. Η. Fairfield: 7th day before 2d sixth day, in 2d and 9th mos., at Manchester; 7th day before last sixth day, 5th mo., and 7th day before 2d sixth day, 11th mo., at Fairfield. Registered Four, Four and One-half, and Five per cent. U. S. Western States, 54,418,750 8.44 11,030 15.09 Corporations, 227,451,550 35.26 1,527 2.09 Total, ....... $644,990,400 100.00 73,114 100.00 1882. JANUARY, First Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. 123 456 6 30 17 33 6 22 27 12 21 35 18 20 28 24 19 Full Moon, 4th day, 6h. 14m., morning, W. 1S. 7 30438 9 m. h. m. m. 4 411 9 20 20 Fr. 724 4 59 935 0 3111 1112 legs 6 41 16 21 21 Sa. 7 245 0 9360321220102 feet 75822 22 22 S.7235 19380341231 23 23 Μ. 7 225 12 feet 9 12 256 2 940036 12 4 2 21 feet 10 26 3 48 24 24 Tu. 7 225 4 9420381252234 h'd 11 37 439 25 25 W. 7 21 5 5 9 44 0 40136 32 44 h'd morn. 5 31 26 26 Th. 7 205 7 94704313 7 43 51 n'k 27 27 Fr. 7 195 9 490 45 13 8 54 61 n'k 28 28 Sa. 7185 9 951047 13 963 7 arm 29 29 S. 7 17 5 10 30 30 Μ. 7 165 12 8 9 53 0 49 13 10 7 8 arm 046 622 151 7 14 252 86 3 48 858 438948 D. M. D.W. How bright the skies! how clear the air! Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 A 1st S. aft. Christ. Circumcision. 2 Mo. runs high. 1 in Per. 25 W. Conversion of St. Paul. h. 26 Th. 6 η C,6C,640. 27 Fr. 26th. British beaten by Boers, 1881. 28 Sa. Peter the Great died, 1725, O. 8. Farmer's Calendar. WE come now to the parting of the way. It is one of the points where it is time to turn over a new leaf. The past is like a book that is closed. Its record is made up. It is wise to ask what is the balance sheet. It may not be in our power to go back and mend its mistakes, but it has its lessons to serve as a guide for our steps in that part of the road that lies before us. Let us heed them. It is the best way to make it a happy New Year. There is a lull in farm work just now, but the chores at the barn have no end. A cow that is wintered well is worth more all the year round than one that is not. Why don't you make more use of the card and the brush? To feed well is the great secret of success with stock on the farm; to feed well takes thought and care, as well as hay. roots, shorts, and cotton seed meal. They talk about ensilage and the moist food from silos, but we haven't yet brought the old systems of feeding to anything like perfection. We must study the wants of our stock. The master's eye, with a steady, 29 A 4th Sun. aft. Ep. Low tid. kind and gentle hand, is what 30 Mo. runs high, 6 8৫. 31 Tu. 30th. Charles I. beheaded, 1649, O.S. 31st. Abolit. of Corn Laws in Eng., 1849. is wanted at this time of the year. Nothing like it to promote thrift. |