a gule as 3 days 1880. FEBRUARY, Second Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. s Declination. m. 36 5 Th. 7 10 5 19 10 9 1 Last Quarter, 3d day, 10h. 54m., morning, W. 32 1 S. 7 155 139 433 2 M. 7 14 5 15 10 243 Tu. 7 12 5 16 10 35 4 W. 7 11 5 18 10 m. h. ung m. m. Slow. Moon's Age. 580 55 14 21 10 4 1 7 1 4 14 24 54 54 sec. 61425 61 6 thi. h. m. 11 25 3 53 h. 223 rei. 11423 44 44 sec. 0385 37 1526 34 33734 37 6 Fr. 7 9 5 20 10 11 1 8 14 26 748 thi. 478 36 A387 Sa. 7 85 22 10 14 1 5 29 38 39 8 S.7 75 23 10 16 1 40 9 Μ. 7 5 5 24 10 19 1 16 14 29 13 14 28 91 104 kn. 5 47 10 36 101 11 legs 41-10 Tu. 7 4 5 26 10 22 1 19 14 112 113 legs sets 11 31 42 11 W.7 35 27 10 241 21 14 1 04 feet 7 10 1 10 43 12 Th. 7 15 28 10 27 1 24 14 44 2011 feet 3 11 14 h'd 32 n'k 10 283 24 13 Fr. 7 05 29 10 29 1 26 14 52 21 Sa. 6 495 40 10 51 1 48 14 11 8 44 n'k 7 arm3 19 8 12 53 22 S. 6 47 5 41 10 54 1 51 14 12 9 Remember that in all miseries lamenting becomes fools, Co id agale on first quarter and commenced to som 8 18 1 56 9 24 2 40 3 n'k 51 arm 1 33 6 32 Ga giupiter and Satine FEBRUARY hath 29 days. 1880. Moon Last The fire is burning cheerly bright, D. M. D.W. Aspects, Holidays, Events, ay the storm. 1 D Sexagesima Sunday. 3 Tu. 4 W. 5 Th. 6 Fr. 91, East show Indications of a thaw. in Perig. 7 Sa. 69. Low tides. Pleasant. PERCIVAL. Farmer's Calendar. THE chores at the barn and the care of stock will fill up a part of this cold month, and there will still be left some time to read and to think. It is not time lost, by any means, to keep up with the world; and it would be a strong point against the farm, if it were to keep a man behind the rest of his fellows in tides cool mental culture. He ought to Lool get from books the food of Signs of a thought, at least, and to make storm. well read, are better than many, 14th. 6hC. and hence the choice ought to 8 D Quin. or Shrove Sunday. 10 Tu. Shrove Tuesday. 11 W. Ash Wednesday. Prize 12 Th. 64৫: 13 Fr. 10th. Queen Victoria 14 Sa. the most of it. A few books, more, and sup. St. Valentine. be the best that can be made. Mon 15D 1st Sunday in Lent. Eust A good free library is a great 16 Mo.6C. Dull weather, boon to any town. It makes 17 Tu. Length of night 13h 19m. very farm worth 19m. puts it in the power of every 18 W. 6 8 C C in A Apogeeg citizen to grow better and more 19 Th. runs high. 20 Fr. Very low tides. Cold. to have it, unless you're going 26 Th. Napoleon escapes from Elba, 1815. stones from which we can hope 27 Fr. Longfellow born, 1807. Pleasant. not afford to waste time on in 8. others. The wood-pile can be good plan to keep a year's stock of wood on hand, so as to have it dry Thor Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. m. Last Quarter, 3d day, 6h. 22m., evening, E. New Moon, 10th day, 8h. 3m., evening, W. First Quarter, 18th day, 7h. 52m., evening, W. 6 355 51 11 162 13 12 20 62 2 Tu. 6 335 52 11 192 16 12 21 CMS, CHA8. 4 64 Morn Even Place. R Rises. D Souths. m. 5 54 thi. 206 29 67 7 S. 6 25 5 58 11 33 2 30 11 26 8월 9 68 8 Μ. 6 23 5 59 1136 2 33 11 27 92 10 legs 454 10 14 5 1150 247930 14h'd 915 22 6 1153 2 50 9 4 1 2 n'k 10 18 2 48 7 1156 253952124 n'k 11 19 335 8 1158255962434 arm morn. 4 24 9 12 125887344 arm 017 5 13 6 6 11 12 53 2884442 arm 110 6 3 4 6 12 12 83 5895454 br. 36 13 12 10 37710 6 6 br. rei. 157 653 238 7 42 3 13 8 30 343 917 411 10 4 437 10 51 5 2 11 40 rises morn. 8 9030 81 21 S. 6 16 14 12 133 10 711 744 74 hrt 9 26 1 24 2 21 3 21 heng changes comeng after guer in the months MARCH hath 31 days. 1880. ८ ! And in thy reign of blast and storm, Smiles many a long, bright, sunny day, Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 Mo. St. David. High tides. in 8. in Perigee. 3 W. Length of night 12h. 37m. 2 Tu. 4 Th. runs low. 5 Fr. Boston Massacre, 1770. 6 Sa. Windy. in Peri. Low tides. 7 C 4th Sunday in Lent. 10 W. 11-Th. Cool 12 Fr. eida 19 Sa. 624. 12th. 6. 6hC. High tides. 12th. Disast. flood in Hungary; Szegedin inund.; great loss of life and prop.. '79. Lize 14 C5th Su.in. Lent. Passion Sund. 15 Mo. 6240.14th. 6৫. ↑ 1 vir 16 Tu. Days and nights 17th. 68. 17 W. St. Patrick. 18 Th. 19 Fr 20 Sa. (in Apogee. runs high. Easterly 20th. Very low tides. ent. . SPRING BEGINS. 21 C Palm Sunday. St. Benedict. Ra 23 Tu. BRYANT. Farmer's Calendar. THERE is no time like this to fix up and get ready for spring work. There are more or less tools to mend; ploughs, carts, hoes, and rakes, and the fences to be put up. The more of these odd jobs you can do now, the less loss of time by-and-by. We don't want to leave off work in the field to run after the cows and sheep. Bad fences make breachy cattle. Nor can we wait an hour or two to start the barn cellar. It is a good plan runs low. Showery. farmer must make his vote tell. 1 1 1 i 1880. APRIL, Fourth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. m. Days. d. m. Last Quarter, 2d day, 1h. 29m., morning, Ε. O Full Moon, 24th day, 6h. 6m., evening, E. 4 37 11 12 sets 11 57 85 0 42 101 10 Sa. 5 276 36 13 326 84 84 legs 2279492 feet 228 10 10 feet 44 1229 102 11 h'd 94611 01 n'k IO2 11 S. 5 25 6 37 13 12 491200 n'k 971 29 103 12 Μ. 5 23 6 38 13 15 4 12 13 1 11⁄2 n'k 10 6 2 17 IOS 17 Sa. 5 15 6 44 13 29 4 26 18 44 54 br. 11322 Th. 5 033 5 35 110 6 22 142 7 8 210 7 54 236 8 40 31927 326/10 16 354 11 9 114 23 Fr. 5 115 24 Sa. 5 4 25 morn. 11625 S. 5 36 53 13 50 4 47 216 11 |