Scientific and Agric. Schools. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ME. Tms beg. Fe. 5, and Au. 7. Com. June 26. CHANDLER SCIEN. DEPT., N. H. COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECH. ARTS, AND THAYER SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, HANOVER, N. H.-Terms same as Dart. Coll., except that Agric. Coll. closes about Apr. 15, and Thayer school has only 2 w. vacation in winter. UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course. MASS. AGRIC. COLL, AMHERST, MASS. - Tms beg. Aug. 29, Dec. 13, and Mar. 28. BOSTON UNIVER. COLL, OF AGRIC. Terms same as in Mass. Agric. Coll. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. COLL.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - The year is the same as that of Harvard College. THE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. (a school of agriculture and horticulture in Harv. University). - Year same as that of Harvard College. MASS. INS. OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. Ac. yr. last Mo. Sep. to Sat. bf. Ist Mo. Je. WORCESTER FREE INSTIT., WORCESTER, MASS. - Tms: fm 2d Tu. Sep. to last Fri. Jan., and fm 3d Tu. Fe. to 1st Fri. Au. SHEFFIELD SCIEN. SCHOOL (YALE COL.) NEW HAVEN, CT. - Terms same as those of Yale College. Normal Schools. EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, ME. - Terms beg. Aug. 28, Dec. 4, 1877; and Mch. 11, 1878. WESTERN NORMAL SCH., FARMINGTON, ME. - Tms beg. Fe. 26 and Au. 27. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, PLYMOUTH, N. H.- Terms beg. Sept. 12, Dec. 5, 1877; and Feb. 27, 1878. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTLETON, Ѵт.-2 tms; beg. Feb. 7, and Aug. 31. STATE NORMAL SCH., JOHNSON, VT. Tms beg. 1st Tu. Sept., and 3d Tu. Feb. STATE NORM. SCH., RANDOLPH, Ѵт. -Tms beg. 4th Tu. Au., and 2d Tu. Feb. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, NEW BRITAIN, CONN.-Spring and summer tm beg. Feb. 14, closes June 28; sch. year beg. Sep. NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASSACHUSETTS. -The year is divided into 2 terms of 20 weeks each, including a recess of 1 week near the middle of the term. Vacation, 3 weeks in winter, 9 weeks in summer. Examination for admission at the beginning of the school year, which is, at Salem, last Tu. in Aug.; at Westfield, last Thurs. in Aug.; at Bridgewater, 1st Tu. in Sept.; at Framingham, 1st Th. in Sept.; at Worcester, 2d Tu. in Sept. MEETINGS OF FRIENDS The Yearly Meeting of Friends is held at Newport, beginning with meeting of ministers and elders, the 2d sixth day in the 6th mo., at 9 A. M. For business on 7th day, at 9 A. M. Public meetings for worship on 1st day at Newport and Portsmouth, at 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. The Yearly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly Meetings of Rhode Island, Salem, Sandwich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalboro', Dover, and Fairfield, held as follows: Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at Providence; 1st fifth day, 5th mo., at East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., at Fall River. Salem: 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Salem; 4th fifth day, 5th mo., at Amesbury; 3d fifth day, 8th mo., at Lynn; 3d fifth day, 10th mo., at Weare. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and 12th MASS. NORMAL ART SCH., 28 School Street, Boston. - Term beg. ist week in Oct., ends at end of May. IN NEW ENGLAND. Sept. 1877.) 7th mo., at Falmouth, and 1st fifth day 10th mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Falmouth: 7th day before 1st sixth day in 2d and 9th mos., at Windham; 6th mo. at Westbrook, and 11th mo. at Durham. Smithfield: 2d fifth day, 2d month, at Worcester; 2d fifth day, 5th mo., at Northbridge; 2d fifth day, 8th month, at Bolton; 2d fifth day, 11th mo., at Smithfield. Vassalboro': 2d seventh day in the 2d and 9th months, at Vassalboro'; on the last seventh day in the 5th month, at China; and on the 2d seventh day in 11th month, at East Vassalboro'. Dover: 7th day before 4th fifth day, 1st mo., at Rochester, 4th mo. Dover, 8th mo. at North Berwick, 10th mo. at Sandwich, N. H. Fairfield: 7th day before 2d sixth day, in 2d and 9th mos., at Manchester; 7th day before last sixth day, 5th mo., and 7th day mos., at New Bedford; 1st fifth day, I before 2d sixth day, 11th mo., at Fairfield. MEETINGS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN MAINE. (CorrectedSept. 1877.) Androscoggin, at Auburn, 1st Tues. April and Oct. Aroostook, at Houlton, 3d Tues. Jan. and 1st Tues. June and July. Cumberland, at Portland, 1st Tues.. Jan, and June. Franklin, at Farmington, last Tues. April and Dec. Hancock, at Ellsworth, 4th Tu. Jan. and 2d Tues. April and Oct. Kennebec, at Augusta, 3d Tues. Ap., Aug., and Dec. Knox, at Rockland, 1st Tue. Ap. and Dec., and 3d Tues. Aug. Lincoln, at Wiscasset, 2d Tues. May, Ist Mon. Sept., and last Mon. Dec. Oxford, at Paris, 2d Tues. May and 1st Tues. Sept. Penobscot, at Bangor, 1st Tues. Ap. and Aug., and 2d Tues. Dec. Piscataquis, at Dover, 1st Tues. Ap. Aug., and Dec. Sagadahoc, at Bath, 1st Tu. March, July, and Nov. Somerset, at Skowhegan, 1st Tues. March and Aug., and 2d Tues. Dec. Waldo, at Belfast, 3d Tues. April, Aug., and Dec. Washington, at Machias, 1st Wed. aft. 1st Tues. Jan. and Oct.; at Calais, 1st Wed. aft. 4th Tu. April. York, at Alfred, 2d Tu. Ap. and Oct. 1878. JANUARY, First Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. m. Days. d. m. 21 29 17 50 17 33 6 22 27 12 21 35 18 20 28 24 19 7 30 30 30 W. 7 16 5 12 956053 14 27 9 10 kn. 5 47 10 7 Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 Tu.runs low. Circumcision. 4 Fr. 5 Sa. 7 Mo. 6 8 Tu. & 9W. 10 Th. 11 Fr. 12 Sa. 4th. in Perih. 6240.. › Connecticut. C. (in Ap. {R R.I. leg. m'ts DODDRIDGE. Farmer's Calendar. A NOTE-BOOK in the pocket is a very handy thing. Keep the run of all that takes place through the day. It won't cost much time, you know, to jot down the sums you pay and take, and at the end of the year close up the score and square the books. If you can pay off all debts, so as to start with a clean bill, you Cornelius Vanderbilt, N. Y. railroad king, died, aged 82, leaving property can let the world wag. Debt is € inferior. 880,000 18778 Sestim'd at $85,- the load that drags so many folks 68. Very low tides. C. L. of n. 14h. 39m. 13 F 1st Sun. af. Epip. 624. 14 Mo. 16th Sir John Moore killed at Corunna, 1809. 15 Tu. Gold 1061, 1877. Cold. 16 W. at gr. bril. (runs high. Continues 19 Sa. 20th. Very high tides. 20 F 2d Sun. af. Epiph. 6 21 Mo. Louis XVI. beheaded, 1793. 22 Tu. signs of a down. No man will be apt to fail if he takes care not to run in debt. But if you can't pay off all you owe, it is best to square up all the same, and see just how you stand. The way to start on the new year is to make up your mind to do the best you can and to make the most of life. Now is just the time to lay out cold, the plans for the year. Map out C. the farm, and jot down what is but is to be planted, what you aim thaw to get, and the cost. Take may good care of the stock this cold be expected weather. Warm barns and good care do much to bring stock out well in the spring. Let a cow run down by poor fare, and it is hard work to bring her up again. to be done with each lot, how it about this time. $29th. Bill establishing an Electoral Com. 26 Sa. { for counting vote for Pres't signed, 1877. 27 F 3d Sunday after Epiphany, 28 Mo. 29th. George III. died, aged 81, 1820. Give her a few roots now and then, and a good carding every day. If you have no barn cellar, fix up a rough board roof over the manure heap. 1878. FEBRUARY, Second Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 's Declination. New Moon, 2d day, 3h. 32m., morning, W. First Quarter, 10th day, 8h. 32m., morning, E. O Full Moon, 17th day, 6h. 32m., morning, W. Last Quarter, 23d day, 10h. 28m., evening, E. 32 1 Fr. 7 14 5 14 10 33 2 Sa. 7 135 16 10 31 0 14 0 legs 5 46 0 31 34 3 S. 7 12 5 17 10 6471 13 35 4 Μ. 7 11 5 18 10 36 5 Tu. 7 10 5 20 10 10 17143 14 12 feet 849232 9483 11 37 6 W.795 21 10 12 1914 42 38 7 Th. 7 7 5 22 10 15 1 12 14 5 22 39 8 Fr. 7 40 9 Sa. 7 41 10 S. 7 42 11 Μ. 7 43 12 Tu. 7 44 13 W. 7 6 5 24 10 18 1 15 14 63 55 25 10 20 1 17 14 7 3 35 26 10 23 120 14 8 44 24h'd 24 h'd 34 h'd 4 n'k 5 n'k 25 28 10 261 23 14 9 54 54 arm 15 29 10 28 1 25 14 10 64 7 arm 05 30 10 30 1 27 14 11 7 8 br. 14 Th. 6 585 31 10 33 1 30 14 1289 br. 46 15 Fr. 6 575 33 10 36 1 33 14 13 9 10 h'rt 47 16 Sa. 6 565 34 10 38 135 14 14 104 104 h'rt 18 17 S. 6 545 35 10 411 38 140 11 11 bel. 14 24 49 18 Μ. 6 53 5 36 10 43 1 40 14 16 3 4 0 bel. 0 rei. 10 51 3 51 11 56 433 morn. 5 19 1269 2874 314 8 2 41693 5910 4 5 53 11 3 627 11 59 rises morn. 730 0 53 8491 44 14 rei. 107 236 24 sec. 11 24 3 27 34 sec. morn. 4 21 5 5 thi. 0 1323 66 thi. 32 62 346 8 3 9 2 429 855 59 28 Th. 6 375 49 11 12 2 913 26 94 94 legs 57 26 Tu. 6 405 46 11 58 27 W. 6 39 5 48 11 31324 74 7 kn. 6 13 25 849 kn. MERCURY. 5 2944 The most favorable times for seeing Mercury in 1878, will be about Feb. 2, June 2, and Sept. 25, in the East, before sunrise, and April 15, Aug. 13, and Dec. 8, in the West, after sunset. FEBRUARY hath 28 days. 1878. "Tis winter now: the gleaming snow Has left the heavens all cold and clear; Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 Fr. 2d. H. ti. ecl., inv. in U.S. 3 F 4th Sunday aft. Epiphany. in 8. 8 Fr. Rear-Admiral Wilkes died, aged 76, 1877. 9 Sa. 68. d Ψ C. d 8. 10 F 5th Su. af. Ep. 11th. V.l.tid. They desert their engines at 4 P.M. 77. 12th. Strike of engineers on B. & M. R.R. runs high. Pleasant. 11 Mo. 12 Tu. 13 W. 14th. Gold 105, 1877. 16 Sa. 8. is brewing. 17 F Septuages. Sun. 6 C. 18 Mo. in Aph. (in Perigee. 19 Tu. Very high tides. 20 W. inferior. 21 Th. S. LONGFELLOW. Farmer's Calendar. THERE'S nothing like the eye of the owner who loves them, to make cattle thrive. It is all wrong to keep them out in rough winds and storms. draught of air is as bad for them as for you. Don't you know A cold that a flock of hens will take cold in a draught as quick as a boy? In the round of chores, you have time now to look to the wants of all the live-stock well fed, and clean. No one on on the farm, to keep all warm, the farm ought to let this month pass without giving much time to books. They are the voices of the distant and the dead. They bring to us all, the society, the companionship, the very spiritual presence of the greatest The and the best of our race. time you give to the study of Cold good books will not be lost. It will tell on the farm, on the northerly winds, mind, and on the heart. We 22 Fr. WASHINGTON BORN, shifting must strive to make better men, 23 Sa. French Revolution began, 1848. to as well as to do better work, 24 F Sexagesima Sun. St. Matthias, to cherish loftier aims and no25 Mo. runs low. easterly, the spring work comes on, you 26 Tu. 27th. Henry W. Longfellow born, 1807. will be too tired and have too 27 W. Low tides. accompaniedby much to do to give much time 28 Th. 62/৫. fog and rain. to books; so do it now, and bler purposes in life. When make the most of them. I have noticed that those who keep up a good degree of mental activity, who read and seek to store the mind with facts from every source, get along the best in life, and do the most good in the world. |