[ocr errors][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

96 5 Th. 5 19 6 15 12 56 3 521324
97 6 Fr. 5 17 6 16 12 59 3

Last Quarter, 3d day, 7h. 41m., morning, W.

New Moon, 11th day, 4h. 8m., morning, E.

First Quarter, 19th day, 6h. 52m., morning, E.

Full Moon, 26th day, 1h. 22m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]

Rises. Sets. of Days. Incr.
h. m.kh.m. h. m. h. m. m.

1S-5 26 6 11 12 453 41 1220
93 2 Μ. 5 24 6 12 12 48 3 44 12 21
94 3 Tu. 5 22 6 13 12 51 3 47 13 22
95 4 W. 5 21 6 14 12 53 3 49 13 23

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

55 13 25

318 827

98 7 Sa. 5 15 6 17 13 23

58 14 26

82 94 feet

3529 14

99 8 S-5 14 6 19 13 54

11427 92 10 feet

421 959

100 9 M. 5 12 6 20 13 84

41428 102 102'd

448 10 41

101 10 Tu. 5 11 6 21 13 10 4

6 15 29 114 114 h'd

sets 11 24

102 11 W. 5

96 22 13 13 4

915 11월


640 05

103 12 Th. 5

7 6 23 13 16 4

1215 100 n'k

739 0 48

104 13 Fr. 5

5 6 24 13 194 15 15

20 1 n'k

836 1 31

105 14 Sa. 5

4 6 25 13 214 17 16

3 1

[blocks in formation]

106 15 S-5

26 26 13 244 20 16

4 14

2 arm 10 31

3 2

107 16 Μ. 5

16 28 13 27 4 23 16



24 arm 11 25

3 51

108 17 Tu. 4 596 29 13 30 4 26 16



3 br. morn 4 40

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

116 25 W. 4 47 6 38 13 51 4 47 18 14 10 10 sec.
117 26 Th. 4 46 6 39 13 53 4 49 180 111 11
118 27 Fr. 4 44 6 40 13 564 521816

rises 11 45

[blocks in formation]

APRIL hath 30 days.


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

The children with the streamlets sing,

When April stops at last her weeping,

And every happy, growing thing

Laughs like a babe just roused from sleeping.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 G Easter Sunday. Change-

2 Mo.
3 Tu.


in Aph.
runs low. the state election in

[ocr errors]

4 W. 8. Low tides.
5 Th.


6 Fr. 9th. Lee surrendered to Grant, 1865.

Jon T. Raymond, comedian,

7 Sa.

9th. Lord Bacon died, 1626, aged 65.

8 G

Low Su. 6 § C, 6 C.

9 Mo.

died, 1887, aged

10 Tu.

High tides.


11 W.


[blocks in formation]

12 Th. in Apogee.

14 Sa. 6Ψ





12th. Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee,
senior bishop of the Epis-
copal Church, died, 1887,
aged 79.

15 G 2d Sunday after Easter.
16 Mo. 14th. Lincoln assassinated, 1865. and

17 Tu.runs high.

18 W. Very low tides. sunshine.
19 Th., ১৯৫.

20 Fr. 15th. Very Rev. William Quinn, Vicar-
General of N. Y., died, 1887, aged 66.

21 Sa.gr. hel. lat. S.

22 G 3d Sunday after Easter.
23 Mo. St. George.

24 Tu. 6,68৫.


Farmer's Calendar.

ARBOR DAY seems to have
come to stay, and so we might as
well make the best of it. If I
could have my way I think I
should fix it in the fall, when
there seems to be more time to
'tend to it, but better have it now
than not at all. Set out trees

then, and line the sides of the
road and the village streets with
the graceful elm, the maple, the
beech, the birch, or the linden.
They are sure to add to the money
value of every farm and every
house on the road. They will be
growing while you sleep, and age
only gives them greater grace and
beauty and value. The great
secret of success in tree planting
is to keep the roots from the sun.
If you have to buy them at the
nursery it will pay to get the best,
and to give them the best of care.
A thrifty tree is a thing of
beauty, and that, they say, is a

Westerly joy forever. Start the plough as

[blocks in formation]


soon as the land is fit for it. We
do not, as a rule, work our lands
often enough or deep enough.
The fineness of the soil has about
as much to do with plant growth
as a coat of manure. It is a good
plan to be up early and look
after the chores. Seed time comes
but once a year. Make the most
of it.




Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Last Quarter, 2d day, 6h. 47m., evening, E.
• New Moon, 10th day, 8h. 24m., evening, W.
First Quarter, 18th day, 6h. 5m., evening, W.
O Full Moon, 25th day, 8h. 40m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]

123 2 W. 4 37 6 45 14 85
124 3 Th. 4 36 6 47 14 11 5
125 4 Fr. 4 35 6 48 14 13 5
126 5 Sa. 4 336 49 14 16 5

127 6 S-4 32 6 50 14 18 5

128 7 Μ. 4 316 51 14 20 5





Full Sea,

☑ Morn Even

[blocks in formation]

119203 | 32| kn. morn |

[blocks in formation]

129 8 Tu. 4 306 52 14 225 18 19 27 10 104 h'd
130 9 W. 4 28 6 53 14 25 5 21 19 28 104 11 n'k
131 10 Th. 4 27 6 54 14 27 52319 112 112 n'k

132 11 Fr. 4 26 6 55 14 295 25 20

133 12 Sa. 4 25 6 56 14 315 27 20
134 13 S.4 246 57 14 3352920
135 14 Μ. 4 23 6 58 14 355 3120
136 15 Tu. 4 226 59 14 37 533 20

0 14 395 35 20

114 415 37 19

214 43 5 3919

3 14 455 41 19




4 39

5 34

6 25

7 13


253 8 41
320 9 23
3 45 10 5

4 10 10 47

sets 11 29

0 arm 729014

2004 arm

826 10

3041 arm 922 1 48
41 12 br. 10 15 2 37
5 12 24 br. 11 33 28

6 243 h'rt 11 47 4 19

7 344 h'rt morn 5 10

954 54 bel.

4 14 46 542 19 10 64 64 bel.

5 14 48 544 19 11 74 72 rei.

6 14 50 5 46 19 12 84 84 rei.

7 14 525 48 19 13 94 9 sec.

[blocks in formation]

84442 h'rt


140 19 Sa. 4 18 7


141 20 S-4 18 7

137 7 43

142 21 Μ. 4 17 7


143 22 Tu. 4 16 7

241 9.28

144 23 W. 4 15 7

3 15 10 23

145 24 Th. 4 14 7

3 51 11 22

146 25 Fr. 4 14 7

9 14 555 51 19 11 111 thi.

rises morn

147 26 Sa. 4 13 7

10 14 57 55319 16 11월 - thi.

832 0 22

148 27 S-4 12 7 11 14 595 55 19 17 0 04 kn.


[blocks in formation]

14 kn. 10 81

2 24

150 29 Tu. 4 11 7 12 15

15 57 18 19 1

2 legs 11 18

3 22

15130 W. 4 11 7 13 15

2558 18 20


3 legs 11 56

4 17

8 14 545 50 19 14 10 104 sec.

[blocks in formation]

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Tu. St. Philip and St. James.

[blocks in formation]

died, 1887, aged 66.


31 Th. Corpus Christi. 29th Legislature meets

in R. I., at Newport.


Farmer's Calendar.

It is high time to look ahead,
and to look out for the wants of
the next winter. It stands to
reason that a change of food now
and then is a good thing for stock
of all kinds. No doubt a cow can
live through the cold weather on
hay alone, just as well as a man
can pull through on one kind of
food, but who will say that she
can thrive, give a rich flow of
milk, or even keep up her normal
condition? The same dish, day
after day and month after month,
no matter how good it may be,
is sure to pall on the appetite of
man, and why not of beast as
well? So I say put in an acre or
two of Mangolds and Swedes.
They will be worth at least twice
as much as they cost, if it were
only for a change and variety for
the cattle next winter. The first
ought to be sown by the middle

of the month, but the Swedes will

do a little later. It is worth
while to stick a few pumpkin
seeds into the hills of corn, say
after the first hoeing next month.
They make many a luscious
breakfast for stock in the frosty
mornings of November. Isn't it
best to put in a small patch of
carrots, also? They are rather
hard to raise, but nothing is
better for stock in winter.

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