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Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

's Declination.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

[blocks in formation]


335 1 Tu. 6 544 12

New Moon, 6th day, 8h. 16m., morning, E.
First Quarter, 14th day, 1h. 22m., evening, E.
Full Moon, 21st day, 3h. 58m., evening, E.
Last Quarter, 28th day, 7h. 21m., morning, W.

Length Day's

Rises. Sets. of Days. Decre.




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[blocks in formation]

9 185 58 2725

[blocks in formation]

336 2 W. 6 55 4 12

917 5 59 26 26

74 84 sec.

2 40 8 30

337 3 Th. 6 57 4 12

915 6

1 26 27

8월 94 sec.

3 43 9 18

338 4 Fr. 6 58411


325 28

92 10 sec.

4 45 10 7


339 5 Sa. 6 59 4 11

9 12 6

4 25 29 104 11 thi.

5 45 10 56

9 11 6

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340 6 S-70411

341 7 Μ. 7 14 11

342 8 Tu. 7 14 11

9106624 1114 - kn.

9 10 6 624 204 0 kn.

Fold 343 9.7 2411 9 96 723 3 1

344 10 Th. 7 3411 9 86 8234 14
34511 Fr. 7 4411 976 922 5 24

[blocks in formation]

5 25 11 112 thi.

sets 11 45

533 034

6 23 1 22

14 legs

810 256

16 210

[blocks in formation]

34 feet 10 3425

347 13 S-76412 9

66 10 21 7 34

4 feet 11059

348 14 Μ. 7 6 412


6610 21 84

42 feet 1159 5 52

349 15 Tu. 7 7 4 12


5 6 11 20 9 54

54 h'd

morn 637

350 16 W. 7 7 4 12


56 11 20 10


6 h'd

059 7 24

351 17 Th. 7 8412 9

46 12 19 11


7 n'k

22 813

352 18 Fr. 7 9413 9

[blocks in formation]

84 n'k


353 19 Sa. 7 10 4 13 9 3613181384 94 arm

4 15 10 2

354 20 S-7 10 4 13

9 3 Inc. 18 14 9 104 arm

523 11 1

355 21 M. 7 11 4 14

9 30 017 104 11 br.

6 29 morn

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Cum 356 22 Tu. 7 11 4 14 9 30

1357 23 W. 7 12 4 15 930

358 24 Th. 7 12 4 16 9 40

359 359 25 Fr.

7 12 4 16 9 40

360 26 Sa. 7 13 417 9 40
361 27 S. 7 13 418 9 50

362 28 Μ. 7 13 4 19 9 60

11618 02 1 h'rt

115 19 1월 1월 bel.

115 20 21 22 bel.

21421 34 34 rei.

0 17 16 114 114 br.

rises 03


0 h'rt

6 47 15

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

363 29 Tu. 7 14 4 20 9 60


54 54 rei.

033 6 29

364 30 W. 7 14 4 20 9 60

313 24

64 7 sec.

137 7 17

Cold when 1. Debok tides come in the legs fou

DECEMBER hath 31 days.


hafle The



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Weather, &c.

2 W. Battle of Austerlitz, 1805.

3 Th..



4 Fr. lion and banished
5 Sa. 7th. U.S. Congress meets.

$3d. Arabi Pasha condemned for rebel-
Ceylon, 1882.


6 D 2d Sun. in Adv. St. Nicholas. 7 Mo. Cruns low. High tides. 6, gr. elong. E.

8 Tu.

9 W.

10 Th.



in Apogee. 69৫.

14th. Henri Martin, Fr. historian, died,

11 Fr. 141883.

12 Sa.in. Fine again
13 D 3d Sunday in Advent.
14 Mo. Very low tides. for
15 Tu. 14th. Washington died, aged 67, 1799.

John G. Whittier

16 W. Length of night 14h. 56m.
17 Th. in Peri. John Ch
18 Fr. inf.




Farmer's Calendar.

IT is one of the nice things
about a farm that there is always
enough to do. There is no need
of an idle hour; and, when you
think that the men of work are
the men of mark, there seems to

be some hope that, if we stick to
it, we may come to be marked
men; that is, men noted for
something, and it's a good
plan to be noted for something,
- if it isn't anything more than
minding our own business. There
is no end to the chores about the
house, the barn, the piggery,
and the henhouse, to say noth-
ing of the woodshed that needs

a sharp eye as we go into the

winter. A warm toolhouse is

handy just now, and there is always something to mend. A few hours' work will save many a bill at the blacksmith's. The ploughs, the carts, the shovels and hoes, the rakes and other tools ought to be looked over and ER'S DAY- put to rights. But the days are

19 Sa. 6 C. Shortest days; about nine 20 D 4th S. in Adv. 21st. Cru.hi. 21 Mo. St. Thomas. ent. S.

22 Tu. Cin Per., 6




23 W. Very high tides. 24 Th. Thackeray died, 1863.

25 Fr. Christmas Day.

Pilgrims landed, 1620.


26 Sa. St. Stephen. 240,8h.
27 D Ist Su. af. Ch. St. John Evang.
28 Mo. Holy Innocents. 64C,6 C.
29 Tu. stat. 27th. gr. hel. 1. N.
30 W. in Per. 28th..
31 Th. Low tides. 27th. 68 ৫.

short now, and we must make
the most of them, so as to have
some time left for reading and
study. Good books ought to be
the farmer's choice companions.
Through them he can talk with
the greatest minds that ever
lived, and seek inspiration from
the grandest of human sources.

There is no lack of mental food
nowadays with a free library in
almost every town.


(Corrected Sept., 1884. U. S. Congress may make changes.)
Supreme Court at Washington, D.C.

Court comes in 2d Monday in October.

The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief and eight Associate Justices. There are nine judicial circuits, and to each of these is assigned one of the justices.

There are also nine Circuit Judges, each of whom is to reside in his circuit. The circuits and justices are as follows:

First Circuit, Horace Gray. of Boston, Mass., Associate Justice. (Maine, N.H., Mass. R.I.)

Morrison R. Waite, of Ohio, Chief Justice. (Md., Va., W. Va., N.C., S.C.)

William B. Woods, of Montgomery, Ala, As. J. (Geo., Fla., Ala., Miss., La., Tex.)
Stanley Matthews, of Cincinnati, Ohio, As. J. (Ohio, Mich., Ken., Tenn.)



Samuel Blatchford, of New York, As. J. (Vt,, Conn., N.Y.)

[merged small][ocr errors]

Joseph P. Bradley, of Newark, N.J., As. J. (Penn. N.J., Del.)

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

John M. Harlan, of Kentucky, As. J. (Ind., Ill., Wis.)

Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk, Iowa, As. J. (Min., Iowa, Mo., Kan., Ark., Neb., Col.)

Stephen J. Field, of San Francisco, Cal., As. J. (Cal., Oregon, Nev.)

James H. McKenney, Washington, D.C.

U. S. Circuit Courts in 1st and 2d | May and 1st Tu. Dec.; at New Haven,

Eastern Circuits.

4th Tu. in Feb. and Aug.

Maine, at Portland, 1st Tu. in Feb. and Dec.; at Bath, 1st Tu. in Sept.; at Bangor, 1st Tu. in June.

Connecticut, at N. Haven, 4th Tu. in Apr., and at Hartford, 3d Tu. in Sept. Maine, at Portland, Apr. 23, and Sept. 23.

Massachusetts, at Boston, May 15 and Oct. 15.

New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, May 8, and at Concord, Oct. 8.

Rhode Island, at Providence, June 15 and Nov. 15.

Vermont, at Windsor, 3d Tu. May, at Rutland, 1st Tu. Oct., and at Burlington, 4th Tu. in Feb.

If the days happen on Sunday the Court comes in the Monday following.

U. S. District Courts.

Massachusetts, at Boston, 3d Tu. in Mar., 4th Tu. in June, 2d Tu. in Sept., and ist Tu. in Dec.

New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, 3d Tu. in Mar. and Sept.; at Concord, 3d Tu. in June and Dec.

Rhode Island, at Newport 2d Tu. in May and 3d Tu. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tu. in Feb. and Aug.

Vermont, at Windsor, 3d Tu. May; at Rutland, 1st Tu. Oct.: at Burlington, 4th Tu. Feb.

U.S. District Courts have jurisdiction in bankruptcy cases previous to Sept. 1. 1878, and are always open for such

Connecticut, at Hartford, 4th Tu. in business.

(Corrected Sept., 1884. Legislature meets in January, 1885, and may make changes.)

Androscoggin, at Auburn, 1st Tu.

Apr. and Oct.

Aroostook, at Houlton, 1st Tu. Jan. and July.

Cumberland, at Portland, terms of record, 1st Tu. Jan. and June; and regular sessions, 1st Tu. every mo.

Franklin, at Farmington, last Tu.

Apr. and Dec.

Hancock, at Ellsworth, 4th Tu. Jan. and 2d Tu. Apr. and Oct.

Kennebec, at Augusta, 3d Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec.

Knox, at Rockland, 1st Tu. Apr. and Dec., and 3d Tu. Aug. Lincoln, at Wiscasset, 2d Tu. May, 1st Mon. Sept., and last Mon. Dec.

Oxford, at Paris, 2d Tu. May, 1st Tu.

Sept., and last Tu. Dec.

Penobscot, at Bangor, 1st Tu. Jan., Apr., July, and Oct.

Piscataquis, at Dover, 1st Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec.

Sagadahoc, at Bath, 1st. Tu. Mar., July, and Nov.

Somerset, at Skowhegan, 1st Tu. Mar. and Aug., and 2d Tu. Dec.

Waldo, at Belfast, 2d Tu. Apr., 3d Tu. Aug. and Dec.

Washington, at Machias, 1st Tu. Jan. and Oct.; and at Calais, 4th Tu. Apr.

York, at Alfred, 2d Tu. April and October.

(Corrected Sept., 1884. Legislature meets in Jan. and May, and may make changes.)

Supreme Court.

Bristol Co., at Bristol, 1st Mon. in

Mar. and 2d Mon. in Sept.

Kent Co., at E. Greenwich, 2d Mon. in Mar. and 4th Mon. in Aug.

Newport Co., at Newport, 3d Mon. in Mar. and 3d Mon. in Sept.

Providence Co., at Providence, 4th Mon. in Mar. and 1st Mon. in Oct. Washington Co., at S. Kingstown, 3d Mon. in Feb. and 3d Mon. in Aug.

Court of Common Pleas.

Bristol Co., at Bristol, 1st Mon. in May and last Mon. in Oct.

Kent Co., at E. Greenwich, 2d Mon. in Apr. and Oct.

Newport Co., at Newport, 3d Mon. in May and Nov.

Providence Co., at Providence, 1st Mon. in Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. Washington Co., at S. Kingstown, 2d Mon. in May, and 1st Mon. in Nov.

COURTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. (Corrected September, 1884. Legislature meets in January, 1885, and may make changes.)

[blocks in formation]

Knox Co., at Rockland, 2d Tu. Mar. and Dec. and 3d Tu. Sept.

Lincoln Co., at Wiscasset, 4th Tu. Apr. and 4th Tú. Oct.

Oxford Co., at Paris, 2d Tu. Mar., 3d Tu. Sept.

Penobscot Co., at Bangor, Civ. Business, 1st Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct.; Crim. Business, 1st Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. Aug. Piscataquis Co., at Dover, last Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. Sept.

Sagadahoc Co., at Bath, 1st Tu. Apr. and 3d Tu. in Aug. and Dec.

Somerset Co., at Skowhegan, 3d Tu. Mar., Sept., and Dec.

Waldo Co., at Belfast, 1st Tu. Jan.
and 3d Tu. in Apr. and Oct.
Washington Co., at Machias, 1st Tu.
Jan. and Oct.; at Calais, 4th Tu. Apr.
York Co., at Saco, 1st Tu. Jan.; at

Alfred, 3d Tu. May and 3d Tu. Sept.
Superior Court for Cumberl'd Co.
At Portland, Civil only, 1st Tu. Feb.,
Mar., Apr., Oct., Nov., Dec. Civil and
Criminal, 1st Tu. Jan., May, and Sept.
Superior Court for Kennebec Co.
At Augusta, Civil, 1st Tu. Feb., 2d Tu.
June. Civil and Criminal, 1st Tu. Apr.,
Sept., and Dec.


(Corrected Sept., 1884. Legislature meets in June, 1885, and may make changes.)

[blocks in formation]

[If the term of a probate court falls on a legal holiday, or day of state elections, said court shall be held on the next secular day after.]

Belknap Co., at Laconia, 3d Tu. of every month.

Carroll Co., at Conway, 1st Tu. Jan., May, and Sept.; at W. Ossipee 1st Tu. Feb., June, and Oct; at Ossipee Corner, 1st Tu. Mar., July, and Nov.; at Wolfeboro' Junc., ist Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec. Cheshire Co., at Keene, 1st and 3d Fri. Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec.; 1st Fri. July, and 3d Fri. Aug.

Coös Co., at Colebrook, last Tu. Jan. and Aug.; at Lancaster, 1st Tu. Jan., Mar., May, July, and Nov.; at Gorham, 1st Tu. Apr. and Oct.

Grafton Co., at Lisbon, 3d Tu. Apr. and Oct.; Plymouth, 2d Tu. May and Nov.; Canaan, 1st Tu. June and Dec.; Haverhill, 3d Tu. Mar. and Sept.; Woodville, 1st Tu. July; Bristol, 3d Tu. July; Littleton, 3d Tu. Jan.; Wentworth, 3d Tu. Aug.; Orford, 3d Tu. Feb.; and Lebanon, 1st Tu. Mar. and Sept.

Hillsborough Co., at Manchester, 3d Tu. Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., and Dec., and 4th Tu. Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., and Nov.; Nashua, 4th Tu. Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.; Francestown, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Aug.; Amherst, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. June and Dec.; Peterborough, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Feb., May, and Nov.; Greenville, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Apr. and Oct.; Hillsboro' Bridge, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Jan.and July; and Milford. Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Mar. and Sept.

Merrimack Co.. at Concord, 2d and 4th Tu., every month.

Rockingham Co., at Exeter, Wed. aft. 3d Tu. Feb., Mar., and Aug., Wed. aft. 1st Tu. Apr., and Wed. aft. 2d Tu. each other month; Portsmouth, 3d Tu. Mar., and 2d Tu. Jan., May, July, Sept., and Nov.; Derry, 3d Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. June and Oct.; and at Raymond, 1st Tu. Apr., 3d Tu. Aug., and 2d Tu. Dec.

Strafford Co., at Dover, 1st Tu.every month; Farmington, 3d Tu. Apr., Aug., and Dec.; Rochester, 3d Tu. Jan., Mar., June, and Oct.; and at Somersworth, 3d Tu. Feb., May, July, Sept., and Nov.

Sullivan Co., at Newport, last Wed. Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., and Dec.; and at Claremont, last Wed. Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., and Nov.

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