TO PATRONS AND CORRESPONDENTS. We have again the pleasure of presenting to our friends their old acquaintaince, who will, we trust, long be a familiar and welcome visitor at their homes and by their firesides. "Tis a hundred years this year since our fathers founded the Nation. Long live the Republic! And that she may live long, let her sons cherish public and private virtue. Put good men in office, and keep them there during good behavior. The Courts are arranged alphabetically, by counties. A glance will show the advantage of the change. The Calendar below will be found convenient. The list of the meetings of County Commissioners in Maine, discontinued for some years, is inserted on page 5, where, also, may be found the list of Meetings of Friends. The Tide Table is on page 45. The P. O. Regulations are on pages 46 and 47. Our friends will accept our thanks for their suggestions, and we trust will make more, and point out any errors they may find. Our endeavor is always to improve the Almanack. T There will be four Eclipses this year, two of the SUN and two of the MOON. 1. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, March 9 and 10, visible in the United States. At Boston, it begins 0h. 37m. A. M., March 10, and ends at 2h. 37m. II. AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, March 25, visible in the United States; visible in New England as a Partial Eclipse only, as follows : AUG 27 1953 6-1-53 BEGINS. Bangor, Me. 3h. 57m. Dominical Letters, B, A III. A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, Sept. 3, invisible in the United States. visible in the South Pacific and Antarctic Oceans. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES FOR Lunar Cycle or 1876. Epact, 4 Golden Number, ( 15 Roman Indiction, 4 Julian Period, 6589 Solar Cycle, 9 MOVABLE FEASTS AND FASTS FOR 1876. The most favorable time for seeing the planet Mercury, which is seldom visible to the naked eye, is when it is near the elongations. But all elongations are not equally favorable, the most favorable being those in which the planet is at the greatest distance from the sun, and for places in the Northern Hemisphere when the planet is at the same time considerably north of it. In 1876 there are no very favorable times for the Northern Hemisphere, the best being about March 5-15, in the morning, before sunrise, and May 15-25, in the evening, soon after sunset. MORNING AND EVENING STARS. VENUS will be Evening Star till July 14, then Morning Star the rest of the year. MARS will be Evening Star till August 12, then Morning Star the rest of the year. JUPITER will be Morning Star till May 17, Evening Star till December 4, then Morning Star the rest of the year. SATURN will be Evening Star till February 17, Morning Star till August 27, then Evening Star the rest of the year. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE PLANETS. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE ASPECTS. Conjunction, or in the same degree. 8 Opposition, or 180 degrees, Dragon's Tail, or Descending Node. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. * Sextile, 60 degrees. Trine, 120 degrees. COLLEGES, PROFESSIONAL, AND NORMAL SCHOOLS IN NEW ENG. (Corrected Aug. and Sept. 1875.) COLLEGES. BATES, LEWISTON, ME. - Com., Wed. aft. last Tu. Jun. Vac., Com.; 6 w. fin Tu. bef. last Th. Nov.; 1 w. in spring. BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. - Com., 2d Wed. July. Vac., 11 w. from Com.; 2 w. at Christmas.; 1 w. in spring. COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME. Com., 4th Wed. July. Vac., fm Com.,5 w.; from 3d w. Dec. 8 w.; from 1st Wed. May, 1 w. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEMALE COLL., KENT'S HILL, ME. - Three terms 13 w. each. Com., 2d Mon. Aug.; last Mon. Nov.; 2d Mon. March. DARTMOUTH, AT HANOVER, N. H. Com., last Thurs. in June; vac. 9 w. from Com.. and 4 w. in the winter. Year ends last Thurs. in June. N. H. CONF. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, TILTON, N. H. - Fall tm beg. Aug. 23, '76; Winter tm beg. Dec. 6, '76; Spring tm beg. March 21, '76. MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT.Com., July 15. Fall tm beg. Sept. 3. NORWICH UNIVERSITY, NORTHFIELD, VT. The School year, 1875-6, began Sept. 1, '75, and closes June 19, '76. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, AND STATE AGRICULT. COLLEGE, AT BURLINGTON. Com., last Wed. Jun. Vac., from Com. 10 w.; from Wed. before Christmas 2 w., and 1 w. from close of spring term. VERMONT METH. SEMINARY AND FEMALE COLLEGE, MONTPELIER, VT.(No returns received.) AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS. -3 tms. Begin Jan. 6, Apr. 13, and Sept. 7. BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. Two sessions, beginning on 1st Mon. of Sept., and 1st Mon. of Feb. BOSTON UNIVERSITY, BOSTON, MASS. -COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS. -3 tms, 1st beg. Sept. 21, '76; 2d beg. Jan. 4, 177; 3d beg. Mar. 30, '77. COLLEGE OF MUSIC, -2 tms, 20 w. each; 1st begins Sept. 12, '76; 2d beg. Feb. 6, '77. SCHOOL OF ORATORY.-2 tms: 1st begins Oct. 12, '76; 2d begins Jan. 2, closes May 17, '77. COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, WOR CESTER, MASS. - Year begins 1st Wed. Sept., ends last Thurs. June, HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, MASS-Acad. year begins Thurs. after last Wed. Sept., ends at Com., last Wed. June; recess fm 24 Dec. to Jan. 6, inclusive. TUFTS COLL., COLLEGE HILL (MEDFORD), MASS, First tm beg. Sept. 9, '75, ends Feb. 2, 76; vaca. 2 w.; 2d tm beg. Feb. 17. Com. June 21; vac. 11 w. WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS, Com., last Wed. Jun. Vac., 10 Com.; 3 w. fm Tues. bef. Chr., 2w. fm 24 Tues. April. BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R. I. - Acad yr. beg. 3d Wed. Sept. Com, 3d Wed, June. TRINITY, HARTFORMO, CONN.-2 tms; 1st beg, mid, Sept.; 2d beg. early in Jan. Com. Thur. bef. July 4. WESLEYAN UNIV., MIDDLETOWN, Ст. -Com., 4th Th. June. Va., 11 w. fm Com., 2 w. fm Dec, 22; and 1 w. fm April 5, YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN.- Com. Th. aft. last Wed. June. Vac., 11 w. fm Com. 1st tm. 14 w., vac. 2 w; 2d tm. 13 w., vac. 2 w.; 3d tm. 10 w. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS. THEO. SEM., BANGOR, ME. Or. Cong.) - Anniversary Thurs. af. 1st Wed. June; vac. 15 w. from anni. VT. EPIS. INSTITUTE, BURLINGTON, VT. - Acad. yr. 43 w. fm 1st Wed. in Sept. THEO. SEM. (Ortho. Cong.), ANDOVER, MASS. - Anni. Thurs. bef. July 4; vaca. 9 w. after anni., and 3 w. in spring. BOSTON UNIVER. SCHOOL OF THEOL. (Metho.). - Year beg. Sept. 22, 1875. NEW CHURCH THEO. SCH., WALTHAM, MASS. (Swedenborg).-Pres., Rev. Thos. Worcester, Boston. EPISCOPAL THEO. SCHOOL AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Year begins 3d Wed. in Sept., ends 3d Wed. in June. NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) - Ann., 2d Wed.Jun. Vac. fm ann. to 2d Tu. Sept., and 1 w., including last Wed. Jan. DIVINITY SCHOOL OF HARVARD UNIV. - Year is same as that of Harvard Coll. TUFTS COLLEGE DIV. SCHOOL, COLLEGE HILL (MEDFORD), MASS. (Univ.)School year same as that of the College. BERKELEY DIV. SCHOOL (Epis.), MIDDLETOWN, CONN. - Year beg. 15th Sep.; ends about the 1st June. DIV. SCH. of YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CONN. (Ortho. Cong.) - Year beg. 3d Thurs. Sept.; closes 3d Thurs. May. THEO. INST. OF CONN., HARTFORD. (Ortho. Cong.)-Acad. yr fm 3d Th. Sept. to 4th Th. May. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME.-Beg. Feb 17, lasts 16 w. MED. DEP. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N. H. - Lecture tm beg. 1st Wed. Aug.; cont. 14 w. Recitation tm beg. 1st Wed. Dec.; cont. 30 w. VT. MED. SCH., BURLINGTON, VT. Medical lect. beg. 2d Th. Mar., con. 16w. MED SCH. OF HARV. COLL., BOSTON.The year beg. Th. af. last Wed. in Sept.; ends last Wed. in June. BOSTON UNIV. SCH. OF MED. (Homœopath.) - Open to both sexes. 2 tms. 1st beg. Mar. 16, cont. 15 w.; 2d beg. Oct. 7, cont. 21 w. MED. INST. OF YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN, CONN.-Course beg. Oct. 21, 1875, closes Feb. 17, 1876; spring tm beg. Mar. 2, 1876, cont. 16 w. DENTAL SCH., HARV. COLL., BOSTON. -Year beg. Th. after last Wed. in Sept., ends last Wed. June. BOSTON DENTAL COLLEGE, BOSTON. - Session beg. about Nov. 1, lasts 4 mo. N. E. FEMALE MEDICAL COLLEGE. United with Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. LAW SCHOOLS. LAW SCHOOL, AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Year is same as that of Harvard Coll. BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW. -Beg. 1st Wed. Oct., ends 1st Wed. June, LAW SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CONN. Yr. beg. 11 w. aft. Com. Yale Coll. SCIENTIFIC AND AGRICULTURAL | COL.) NEW HAVEN, CT. - Terms same SCHOOLS. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ME. Three terms: 1st beg. Feb. 1; 2d, May 2; 3d, Aug. 24; Com., Aug. 2. CHANDLER SCIEN. DEPT., N. H. COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECH. ARTS, AND THAYER SCHOOL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, HANOVER, N. H.-Terms same as Dart. Coll., except that Agric. Coll. closes about Apr. 15, and Thayer school has only 2 w. vacation in winter. UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course. MASS. AGRICUL. COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. - Three terms; begin March 23, Aug. 24, and Dec. 14. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. COLL.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - The year is the same as that of Harvard College. THE BUSSEY INSTITUTION, JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. (a school of agriculture and horti. in Harv. Un). Year same as that of Harvard College. MASS. INS. OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. Ac. yr. last Mo. Sep. to Sat. bf. ist Mo. Je. WORCESTER FREE INSTIT., WORCESTER, MASS.-Two terms: 1st, fm 2d Tu. Sept. to last Fri. Jan.; 2d, from 3d Tu. Feb. to 1st Frid. August. as those of Yale College. NORMAL SCHOOLS. EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, ME. -Two tms, 20 w. each; beg. Aug. 17, 175, and Feb. 8, 76. WESTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, FARMINGTON, ME. - Two terms; beg. Feb. 22 and Aug. 29. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTLETON, VT. - (No returns received.) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, JOHNSON, Vr.-Fall tm. 20 w., beg. 1st Tu. Sept.; spring tm, 20 w., beg. 3d Tu. Feb. STATE NORM. SCHOOL, RANDOLPH CENTRE, Ѵт. - Two terms of 20 w. each. Fall term beg. 4th Tues. in Aug.; spring term beg. 2d Tues. in Feb. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, NEW BRITAIN, CONN.-Spring and summer tm beg. Feb. 14, closes June 30; sch. year beg. Sep. NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASS. In each of these the course of study occupies 2 years, or 4 tms, each tm including 19 ws. study and 1 w. rec. Exam. for admis., at beg. of each term, will take place: At Salem, Tues. Feb. 8, and Tues. Aug. 29; at Westfield, Feb. 17, and Sept. 1; at Bridgewater, Wed. Feb. 23, and Tu. Sept. 5: at Framingham, Thurs. Feb. 24. and Thurs. Sept. 7; and at Worcester, Tues. Mar. 1, and Tues. Sept. 13. SHEFFIELD SCIEN. SCHOOL (YALE | (Corrected Sept. 1875.) The Yearly Meeting of Friends is held 7th mo., at Falmouth, and 1st fifth day, at Newport, beginning with meeting of 10th mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Falmouth: ministers and elders, the 2d sixth day in 7th day before 1st sixth day in 2d and 9th the 6th mo., at 9 A. M. For business on mos., at Windham; 6th mo. at West7th day, at 9 A. M. Public meetings for brook, and 11th mo. at Durham. Smithworship on 1st day at Newport and Ports- field: 2d fifth day, 2d month, at Wormouth, at 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. The Year- cester; 2d fifth day, 5th mo., at Northly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly bridge; 2d fifth day, 8th month, at Meetings of Rhode Island, Salem, Sand- Bolton; 2d fifth day, 11th mo., at Smithwich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalboro', field. Vassalboro': 2d sixth day in the Dover, and Fairfield, held as follows:- 2d and 9th months, at Vassalboro'; on Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at the last sixth day in the 5th month, at Providence; 1st fifth day, 5th mo., at China; and on the 2d sixth day in 11th East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., month, at East Vassalboro'. Dover: 7th at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., day before 4th fifth day, 1st mo., at Rochat Fall River. Salem: 7th day before 3d ester, 4th mo. Dover, 8th mo. at North fifth day; 1st mo. at Salem, sth mo. at Berwick, 10th mo. at Sandwich, N. H. Lynn, 10th mo. at Weare; and on 7th Fairfield: 7th day before 2d sixth day, in day before 4th fifth day, 5th mo.,at Ames- 2d and 9th mos., at Manchester; 7th day bury. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and before last sixth day, 5th mo., and 7th day 12th mos., at New Bedford; ist fifth day, before 2d sixth day, 11th mo.. at Fairfield. MEETINGS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN MAINE. Sept. 1875.) Oxford, at Paris, 2d Tues. May and 1st Tues. Sept. Penobscot, at Bangor, 1st Tues. Ap. and Aug., and 2d Tues. Dec. Piscataquis, at Dover, 1st Tues. Ap., Aug., and Dec. Sagadahoc, at Bath, 1st Tu. March, July, and Nov. Somerset, at Skowhegan, 1st Tues. March and Aug., and 2d Tues. Dec. Waldo, at Belfast, 3d Tues. April, Aug., and Dec. Washington, at Machias, 1st Wed. aft. Ist Tues. Jan. and Oct.; at Calais, 1st Wed. aft. 4th Tu. April. York, at Alfred, 2d Tu. Ap. and Oct. 1876. JANUARY, First Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. 6 22 31 12 21 40 18 20 34 24 19 14 30 17 42 I First Quarter, 4th day, 10h. 40m., morning, E, Full Moon, 11th day, 1h. 39m., morning, W. Last Quarter, 18th day, 4h. 5m., morning, E. 1 Sa. 7 304 37 2S. 730438 3 3 Μ. 7 30 439 2345678 4 Tu. 7 304 40 m. h. Sun m. m. Slow Moon's Age. 970 4 45 242 feet 932357 980 5463 34 feet 10 39 4 40 990657 34 4 h'd 11 47 5 23 9100758444h'd morn. 6 8 91108695454 h'd 6 Th. 7 304 42 912096106 64 n'k 7 Fr. 7 30 4 43 9130 10 611 74 7 n'k 99S.730445 9 14 0 11 7 12 81 83 arm 9 150 12 713 94 94 arm 058 657 214 7 50 3 32 8 48 8 Sa. 7 304 44 452 9 53 6 1011 0 |