The new Moon, in Dec. 1910. Moon Rims Hoegh on the High thes. one day after the Full Moon the DECEMBER hath 31 days. 17th 1876. ) of October 1896 with a for with 5 th Calmly we look behind us, on joys and sorrows past; Enough for safety and for peace, if Thou art with us still. ANON Farmer's Calendar. Main Dielem bez as seen her Can Frida Vw Moon 15th 17 A 3d Sunday in Advent. 18 Mo. in Apogee. THE chores must be done from day to day. Cows need great the Farmers' Club. That is a make the most of them. We 21 Th. St. Thomas. ent. 5. { SWINTER BEGINS. must keep in mind all the time DAY. Trenton, 1776. $26th. Battle of to his own soul, as well as to 27 W. St. John Evang. 31st. in Per. 29 Fr. 30 Sa. 31 A 1st Sun. after Christmas. Last quarter the Tth one day befor We Friday COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Supreme Court.-At Washington, D.C. Court comes in 2d Monday in October. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief and eight Associate Justices. There are nine judicial circuits, and to each of these is assigned one of the justices. By a law passed in 1869, there are also nine Circuit Judges, each of whom is to reside in his Circuit. The Circuits and Justices are as follows: Second Third Fourth " Fifth Justice. (Maine, N. H., Mass., R. I.) (Md., Va., W. Va., N. C., S. C.) First Circuit, Nathan Clifford, of Portland, Me., Asso. Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Clerk.. (Geo., Fla., Ala., Miss., La., Tex.) (Ohio, Mich., Ken., Tenn.) (Ind., Ill., Wis.) (Min., Iowa, Mo., Kan., Ark., Neb.) in May and Nov.; at N. Haven, 4th Tues. in Feb. and Aug. Maine, at Portland, 1st Tues. in Feb. and Dec.; at Bath, 1st Tues. in Sept.; at Bangor, 4th Tues. in June. Massachusetts, at Boston, 3d Tues. in Mar., 4th Tues. in June, 2d Tues. in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Dec. New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. in March and Sept.; at Exeter, 3d Tues. in June and Dec. Rhode Island, at Newport, 2d Tu. in May, and 3d Tues. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tues. in Feb. and Aug. Vermont, at Windsor, 3d Tu. May; at Rutland, 1st Tu. Oct.; at Burlington, If the days happen on Sunday, the 4th Tues. Feb. Court comes in the Monday following. U. S. District Courts. Connecticut, at Hartford, 4th Tues. U. S. District Courts have jurisdiction in bankruptcy cases, and are always open for such business. REGISTERS OF BANKRUPTCY IN NEW ENGLAND. The following days, in respect to the payment of notes, are legal holidays. On most of them, courts, banks, &c., are closed. If the day falls on Sunday, the day following is usually kept as a Holiday. Maine.-Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Courts are also closed on 2d Mon. Sept., and on day of presidential election. New Hampshire. - Feb. 22, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Vermont.-Jan. 1, July 4, Christmas, Fast, Thanks'ng, and 1st Tu. Mar. and Sep. Massachusetts. - Feb. 22, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving. Rhode Island. - Feb. 22, May 30 (or 29th if 30th is Sunday), July 4, Christmas, Fast, and Thanksgiving.. Connecticut. - Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, Christmas, Fast, and ThanksCOURTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. (Corrected Sept. 1875.) Supreme Judicial Court. LAW TERMS. Portland, 3d Tues. July for counties of Franklin, Oxford, Androscoggin, York, and Cumberland. Augusta, 4th Tu. May for Somerset, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, and Kennebec Co's. Bangor, 3d Tues. June for counties of Aroostook, Washington, Piscataquis, Hancock, Waldo, and Penobscot. A meeting of all the justices shall be held annually at Augusta during the law term; and all undecided questions of law and equity previously submitted shall then be decided. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL ACTIONS. Androscoggin Co., at Auburn, 3d Tues. Jan., April, and Sept. Aroostook Co., at Houlton, last Tu. Feb., and 3d Tu. Sept. Cumberland Co., Civil only, at Portland, 2d Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct. Franklin Co., at Farmington, 1st Tu. Mar., and 4th Tu. Sept. Hancock Co., at Ellsworth, 2d Tu. Ap. and Oct. Kennebec Co., at Augusta, 1st Tu. Mar., 1st Tu. Aug., and 3d Tu. Oct. COURTS IN THE STATE (Corrected Superior Court of Judicature. | Two terms are held each year, on the 1st Tu. June and Dec., both at Concord. and Oct. Cheshire Co., at Keene, 1st Tues. of April and 3d Tues. of Oct. Coös Co., at Colebrook, 1st Tu. of Feb. and 3d Tu. Aug., for Nor. Ju. Dist., and at Lancaster, 4th Tu. of Apr. and ist Tu. of Nov. for South. Jud. Dist. Grafton Co., at Haverhill, 4th Tues. of Mar. and 4th Tues. Sept. for the West. Jud. Dist., and at Plymouth, 1st Tues. of May and Nov. for the Eastern Jud. Dist., Hillsborough Co., at Amherst, 1st Tues. of May, at Manchester, 1st Tues. of Jan., and at Nashua, 1st Tues. of Sept. Merrimack Co., at Concord, 1st Tu. of Oct., and 1st Tues. of April. Rockingham Co., at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. Oct., and Exeter, 3d Tues. Jan. and 2d Tu. of April. Strafford Co., at Dover, 2d Tues. of Feb., and 1st Tues. of Sept. Sullivan Co., at Newport, 4th Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Sept. Probate Courts. Belknap Co., at Laconia, 3d Tues. of every month. Carroll Co., at Conway, 1st Tu. Jan., May, and Sept.; at West Ossipee, 1st Tu. Feb., June, and Oct.; at Ossipee Corner, 1st Tu. Mar.. Jul., and Nov.; and at Wolfeboro' Junction, Ist Tu. Ap., Aug. and Dec. Cheshire Co., at Keene, 1st and 3d Fri. every month. Coös Co., at Colebrook, 1st Tu.Feb.and Knox Co., at Rockland, 2d Tu. Mar. and Dec., and 3d Tu. Sept. Lincoln Co., at Wiscasset, 4th Tu. Ap., and 4th Tu. Oct. Oxford Co., at Paris, 2d Tues. Mar., 3d Tues. Sept., and 1st Tues. Dec. Penobscot Co., at Bangor, Civil Actions, 1st Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct.; Criminal Act'ns, 1st Tu. Feb., and 2d Tu. Aug. Piscataquis Co., at Dover, last Tu. Feb., and 2d Tu. Sept. Sagadahoc Co., at Bath, 1st Tues. Ap., and 3d Tu. Aug. and Dec. (Dec. term for Civil Actions only.) Somerset Co., at Skowhegan, 3d Tu. Mar., Sept., and Dec. Waldo Co., at Belfast, 1st Tu. Jan., and 3d Tu. in Apr. and Oct. Washington Co.. at Machias, 1st Tues. of Jan., and 1st Tues. of Oct.; and at Calais, 4th Tu. April. York Co., at Saco, 1st Tu. Jan.; at Alfred, 3d Tu. May, and 3d Tu. Sept. Super. Court, Cumberland Co. For Civil Actions only, 1st Tuesday of Feb., Mar., Apr., Oct., Nov., and Dec.; and for Civil and Criminal Cases, 1st Tues. of Jan., May, and Sept. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Sept. 1875.) Sep.; at Lancaster, 1st Tu. Jan., Mar., May, July, and Nov.; at Gorham, 1st Tu. Oct. Grafton Co., at Lisbon, 3d Tues. of Ap. and Oct.; at Plymouth, 1st Tu. of May and Nov.; at Canaan, Ist Tu. of June and Dec.; at Haverhill, 3d Tu. Mar. and Sept.; at Bristol, 3d Tu. July.; at Littleton, 3d Tu. Jan.; at Wentworth, 3d Tu. Aug.; at Orford, 3d Tu. Feb.; and at Lebanon, 1st Tues. March, and Sept. Hillsborough Co., at Manchester, 4th Tu. Jan., March, May, July, Sep. and Nov.; at Nashua, 4th Tu. Feb., Ap. June, Aug., Oct. and Dec.; at Hillsboro Bridge, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Jan.; at Francestown, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Ap., July, and Oct.; at Amherst, Fri. aft. 4th Tu. Feb., June, Sept. and Dec.; at Peterboro', Frid. aft. 4th Tu. May and Aug.; and at Mason Village, Fri. after 4th Tues. of March and Nov. Merrimack Co., at Concord, 4th Tu. month; at Franklin, 2d Tu. Feb., May, Aug. and Nov.; at Warner, 2d Tu. Jan., Apr., July, and Oct.; and at Pittsfield, 2d Th. Mar. and 2d Tu. June, Sep., and Dec. Rockingham Co., at Exeter, Wed. aft. 1st Tu. Ap., Wed. after 3d Tu. Feb., Mar., and Aug., and Wed. af. 2d Tu. each other month; at Portsmouth, 3d Tu. Mar., and 2d Tu. Jan., May, July, Sept., and Nov.; at Derry, 3d Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. June and Oct.; and at Raymond, 1st Tu. April, 3d Tu. Aug., and 2d Tu. Dec. Strafford Co., at Dover, 1st Tu. Jan., Mar., May, Aug., and Oct.; at Rochester, Ist Tu. of July and Dec.; at Farmington, 1st Tu. of Apr. and Sept.; and at Somersworth, 1st Tues. of Feb., June, and Nov. Sullivan Co., at Newport, last Wed. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec.; and at Claremont, last Wed. of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov. COURTS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. Supreme Court. (Corrected Sept. 1875.) Gen. term at Montpelior, Oct. or Nov. Addison Co., at Middlebury, 1st Mo. aft. 3d Tu. Jan. Bennington Co., at Bennington, 2d Tu. after 4th Tues. in Jan. Caledonia Co., at St. Johnsbury, 1st Thurs. next aft. 4th Tues. in Aug. Chittenden Co., at Burlington, 1st Tu. in Jan. Essex Co., at Guildhall, 4th Tues. in August. Franklin Co., at St. Albans, 1st Th. after 2d Tues. in Jan. Grand Isle Co., at North Hero, 3d Jan. Lamoille Co., at Hyde Park, 3d Tu. in Aug. Orange Co., at Chelsea, 6th Tu. aft. 4th Tu. in Jan. Orleans Co., at Irasburg, 1st Thurs. next aft. 3d Tues. in Aug. Rutland Co., at Rutland, Ist Th. aft. 4th Tu. Jan. Washington Co., at Montpelier, 2d Tues. in Aug. Windham Co., at Newfane, Mon. following 2d Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Windsor Co, at Woodstock, 1st Th. aft. 4th Tu. next aft. 4th Tu. in Jan. Caledonia Co., at St. Johnsbury, 1st Tues. in June and Dec. Chittenden Co., at Burlington, 1st Tues. in April, and 3d in Sept. Essex Co., at Guildhall, 2d Tues. in March and Sept. Franklin Co., at St. Albans, 2d Tu. in Apr. and Sept. Grand Isle Co., at North Hero, last Tu. but one in Feb. and last Tu. in Aug. Lamoille Co., at Hyde Park, 4th Tu. May, and Dec. Orange Co., at Chelsea, 1st Tu. in June, and 3d in Dec. Orleans Co., at Irasburg, 1st Wed. after 1st Tues, in Sept. and 1st Tu. in Feb. Rutland Co., at Rutland, 2d Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Washington Co., at Montpelier, 2d Tu. Mar. and Sept. Windham Co., at Newfane, 2d Tues. in April and Sept. Windsor Co., at Woodstock, 4th Tu. in May, and Ist in Dec. COURTS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. (Corrected Sept. 1875.) Fairfield Co., for civil business only, at Bridgeport, 1st Tues. in Mar. and 2d Tu. in Dec.; at Danbury, 4th Tu. in Aug. and 3d Tu. Oct.; for criminal business, and such civil business as may be transferred there by order of court, at Bridgeport, 3d Tues. in Feb., 4th Tu. in Aug., and 3d Tu. in Oct.; and at Danbury, 1st Tues, in June. Hartford Co., for civil business only, at Hartford, 2d Tues. in March, 4th Tues. in Sept., and 3d Tu. in Dec.; for criminal business only, 4th Tu, in Aug. and 1st Tu. in Dec. and March.; and ist Tues in July for both civil and criminal business. Litchfield Co., at Litchfield, 4th Tu. Jan., 2d Tu. April, 3d Tues. Sept., and 1st Tu. Nov. Middlesex Co., at Middletown, 1st Tues. Feb. and Dec.; at Haddam, 2d Tu. in April, and Oct., and, for criminal business only, 3d Tues. in July. New Haven Co., for civil business only, at Waterbury, 1st Tu. in February March and Sept., 2d Tues. in May and New London Co, At New London, 3d Tues, in Jan. and 2d Tues. in Sept.; at Norwich, last Tues. in March and 3d Tues. in Nov. Tolland Co., at Tolland, 1st Tues. in Feb., Sept., and Dec., and 2d Tu. April. Windham Co., at Brooklyn, 1st Tu. in Jan. and Nov., 3d Tues. in Apr., and 4th Tues. in Aug. Courts of Common Pleas. Fairfield Co., at Danbury, 1st Mon. Jan., Feb., May, and Oct.; at Bridgeport, 1st Mon. Mar., June, Sept., Nov., and Dec., and 1st Tu. April; and at Stamford, an adjourned term for the trial of court cases only, on 2d Mon. May and Dec., and at such other times as the judge may order. Hartford Co., at Hartford, 1st Mon. in cach month except July and Aug. New Haven Co., at New Haven, 1st Mon. in each month except July and Aug. New London Co., at Norwich, Ist Tues. Feb. and Oct.; at New London, 1st Tues. of Apr. and Aug. A District Court, For the towns of Barkhamstead, Bridgewater, Canaan, Colebrook, Cornwall, Kent, New Hartford. New Milford, Norfolk, North Canaan, Roxbury, Salisbury, Sharon, and Winchester, is held at Winchester, 1st Mon. Jan., May, Oct; at Canaan, 1st Mon. Mar., Aug., and Nov.; at New Milford, Ist Tu. Apr., and 1st Mon COURTS IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. Supreme Court. E. Greenwich, 2d Mon. in March, and 4th Mon. in Aug. S. Kingstown, 3d Mon. in Feb., and 3d Mon. Aug. Newport, 3d Mon. in Mar., and 3d Mon. in Sept. Providence, 4th Mon. Mar., and 1st Mon. in Oct. SUPREME JUD. AND SUPERIOR Court of Common Pleas. Bristol, 1st Mon. in May, and last Mon. in Oct. E. Greenwich, 2d Mon. in Apr. and Oct. S. Kingstown, 2d Mon. in May, and 1st Mon. in Nov. Newport, 3d Monday in May and November. Providence, 1st Mon. in Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. COURTS IN MASSACHUSETTS. (Corrected Sept. 1875.) Supreme Judicial Court. Barnstable and Dukes Coun ties, at Barnstable, 1st Tuesday of May. May. Essex Co., at Salem, 3d Tu. April and 1st Tues. Nov. Franklin Co., at Greenfield, 2d Tu. Hampden Co., at Springfield, 4th Norfolk Co., at Dedham, 3d Tu. Feb. Suffolk Co., at Boston, 2d Tu. Sept. and 1st Tues. April. Worcester Co., at Worcester, 2d Tu. April. LAW TERMS. A law term for the Commonwealth shall be held at Boston on the 1st Wednesday of January of each year, which term may be adjourned, from time to time, to places and times most conducive to the despatch of business and the interests of the public; and there shall be entered and determined therein questions of law arising in the Superior Court. Barnstable Co., at Barnstable, Tues. next after 1st Mon. of April, and 2d Tues. of Oct. Berkshire Co., at Pittsfield, (civil) 4th Mon. of Feb., June, and Oct.; (crim.) 2d Mon. of Jan. and July. Bristol Co., at Taunton, 2d Mon. of March and Sept., and at New Bedford, 2d Mon. of June and Dec. Dukes Co., at Edgartown, last Tues. of May and Sept. Essex Co., (civil) at Salem, 1st Mon. of June and Dec., at Lawrence, Ist Mon. of March, and at Newburyport, 1st Mon. of Sept.; (crim.) at Lawrence, 1st Mon. of Oct., at Newburyport, 2d Mon. of May, and at Salem, 4th Mon. of Jan. Franklin Co., at Greenfield, 3d Mon. of March, and 2d Mon, of Aug. and Nov. Hampden Co., at Springfield, (civil) 2d Mon. of March and June, and 4th Mon. of Oct.; (crim.) 3d Mon. of May, and 1st Mon. of Dec. Hampshire Co., at Northampton, (civil) 3d Mon. of Feb., 1st Mon. of June, and 3d Mon. of Oct.; (crim.) 2d Mon. of June, and 3d Mon. of Dec. Middlesex Co., (civil) at Lowell, 2d Mon. of March, and 1st Mon. of Sept.; at Cambridge, 1st Mon. of June, and 2d Mon. of Dec.; (crim.) at Cambridge, 2d Mon. of Feb., and 4th Mon. of June; and counties of Barnstable, Dukes County, at Lowell, 3d, Mon. of Oct. Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, and Suf folk; and also all questions of law arising Nantucket Co., at Nantucket, 1st in other counties where special provisions are not made therefor. And law terms of said court shall also annually be held as follows: Berkshire Co., at Pittsfield, 2d Tues. of September. Bristol Co., at Taunton, 4th Tu. Oct. Essex Co., at Salem, 1st Tues. Nov. Hampden Co., at Springfield, 3d Mo. after 1st Tues. of Sept. Hampshire and Franklin Cos., at Northampton, Mon. next after 2d Tues. of Sept. Oct. Plymouth Co., at Plymouth, 3d Tu. Worcester Co., at Worcester, 4th Tues. after 1st Tues. Sept. Mon. of June and Oct. Norfolk Co., at Dedham, (civil) 4th Mon. in Apr., Sept., and Dec.; (erim.) 1st Mon. in Apr., Sept., and Dec. Plymouth Co., at Plymouth, 2d Mon. of Feb. and June, and 4th Mon. of Oct. Suffolk Co., at Boston, (civil) 1st Tues. of Jan., Ap'l, July, and Oct.; (crim.) 1st Mon. of every month. Worcester Co., (civil) at Worcester, 1st Mon. of March, Mon. next after 4th Mon. of Aug., and 2d Mon. of Dec.; and at Fitchburg, 2d Mon. of June and Nov.; (crim.) at Worcester, 3d Mon. of Jan., 2d Mon. of May, and 3d Mon. of Oct.; and at Fitchburg, 2d Mon. of Aug. COURTS OF INSOLVENCY IN MASSACHUSETTS. The U. S. District Courts have jurisdiction over insolvency cases, and are open at all times for that purpose. |