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Now is that glorious resurrection time,

When all earth's buried beauties have new birth.
Behold the yearly miracle complete -

God hath created a new heaven and earth!

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Th. Nicomede.

Dull weather. $3d. General Sheridan

2 Fr. in 8.
3 Sa. Length of night 8h. 54m.
4-A Whit-Sunday. Pentecost.
5 Mo. 640. Changeable.
6 Tu.din Seriyi distr. beginners

7 W.

8 Th.


Farmer's Calendar..

THE corn has come to the hoe, and there is no time to lose. Weeds grow fast. Watch them, or they are sure to get ahead and make bad work. Keep them under from the first, and give

3d. Serious disturb. by striking miners, them no chance to get out of

at gr. bril.runs low. hand. It does not pay to raise
weeds. They take the heart out
Fine. of the soil, and turn nothing

in Apogee.

9 Fr. 7th. New Hampshire legislature meets.

10 Sa. 7th. High tides.
11 A Trinity Sunday. St. Barnabas.

12 Mo. Sth, O. S. Mohammed died, 632.

13 Tu. 6h৫.

Signs of rain.

14 W. Very low tides.

15 Th. Corpus Christi.

16 Fr. 15th. Gold 116 3-4, 1875.

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Grand cent.


17 Sa. Battle of Bunker Hill, 1775.

› celebration of the event in Boston, 1875.

18 A 1st Sun. af. Trin.

Length of night 8h. 44m.

19 Mo.

20 Tu.

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into the crib in the fall.
war upon them. Give them no

quarter. It is a free fight, and
to win is a duty. Then there
are the worms on the trees.

Keep a sharp eye on them. No
gun for such game like a long
pole with a brush on the end.
One good twist and the fruit is
ours. Now is the last chance to
put in swedes. Sow the seed
from the 15th to the 20th, on a
light, warm soil, in good heart,
and if they have any care they
will give a crop that will feed
many a cow through the early
winter, and save hay and grain.
Horses thrive on swedes, as well
as other stock. Sow millet, or
Hungarian grass seed, about the
middle of this month, on warm
soil, with some fertilizer as a
dressing, and you can cut two
tons of good fodder by the mid-
dle of August. Put the scythe
in early. Take time by the fore-
lock. Make the most of each
shining hour.

Changes nere came in East,


's Declination.

JULY, Seventh Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

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Day of

Day of

Day of

Full Moon, 6th day, 10h. 53m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 14th day, 9h. 11m., morning, W.
New Moon, 21st day, Oh. 8m., morning, W.
First Quarter, 27th day, 10h. 34m., evening, W.

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153 1 Sa. 14 277 40 15 1303 410 72 8 sec.




036 8 23

184 2 S. 4 27 7 39 15 120

4 41189 sec.

1 4 9 11

185 3 Μ. 4 28 7 39 15 11 0

54129494 thi.

186 4 Tu. 4 29 7 39 15 10 0

6413 101 102 thi.

135 10 1 21410 52

187 5 W. 4 307 39 15 90

7 4 14 11 114 kn.

3 311 44

188 6 Th. 4 307 38 15 80 850 11월 - kn.

rises morn.

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196 14 Fr. 4 36 7 35 14 59 0 17 623 44 5 h'd 11 20
197 15 Sa. 4 37 7 34 14 57 0 19 624 52 53 n'k
198 16 S. 4 387 33 14 55 0 21 625 61 64 n'k
199 17 Μ. 4 39 7 33 14 54 0 22626 747 arm
200 18 Tu. 4 397 32 14 53 0 23 627 84 84 arm
201 19 W. 4 40 7 31 14 51025 628 92 92 br.
202 20 Th. 4 417 30 14 49 0 27 629 10 10 br.
203 21 Fr. 4 427 30 14 48 0 286 111 11 h'rt
204 22 Sa. 4 437 29 14 46 0 30 6 1 Oh'rt
205 23 S. 4 44 7 28 14 44 0 326203 11 bel.
206 24 Μ. 4 45 7 27 14 42 0 34 6 3 14 2 bel.
207 25 Tu. 4 46 7 26 14 4003664243 rei.
20S 26 W. 4 47 7 25 14 38038 6531 3 rei. 10 16
209 27 Th. 4 48 7 24 14 36 0 40 66 44 44 sec. 10 39
210 28 Fr. 4 497 23 14340426755 sec. 11 4
211 29 Sa. 4 507 22 1432044 6 8 6
212 30 S. 451 7 21 14 30 0 46697

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JULY hath 31 days.


On a glorious July day,

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The meadows were ripe and sweet with hay,
And the purple mountains, erect and bold,
Propped pyramid clouds of ruffled gold.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

in Apogee. Low tides.
2 A 3d Sun. af. Trin. 624 C.
3 Mo. Length of night 8h. 50m.
4 Tu. runs low. INDEPENDENCE
5W.689. in Apogee.
6 Th. 2d. Jury in Beecher-Tilton case, being
› unable to agree, are discharged, 1875.

> declared, 1776.

7 Fr. High tides. Hot and dry. 8 Sa. greatest elongation W. 9A 4th Sunday after Crinity. 10 Mo. 6. the soilar, died at St. Louis, aged 54, 75. 11 Tu. 12th (O. S. 1st). Battle of the Boyne, 1690. 12 W. 14th Intercollegiate boat race, won by 13 Th. Very low tides. Sultry. 14 Fr. 69 inf. 15th. Gold 115, 1875. 15 Sa. St. Swithin. 6뽀৫.

"Cornell," 1875.

16 A 5th Sunday after Trinity. 17 Mo. Middle of July to end of August good

time to bud fruit trees.

18 Tu. 20th. in Perigee.


Farmer's Calendar.

It is not a good plan to put off haying too late. Grass ought to be cut in the bloom, and if you wait till it is all in this state, a part of it will be sure to get too ripe. It is best to strike in now, and put the right will into the work. With a good ma

chine the horse can do a good

part of the mowing, and so save time and strength. The scythe can trim up around the walls and the trees. The hoe, too, must take its turn from time to time, as well as the scythe, or the weeds will gain on us. Give some thought to the plants in the kitchen garden. It will not do to let that go. The currant worm and the squash bug, and a host of other foes are to be met. Try and head them off, or they will take a large share of the fruits of our toil. When the strawberries are all picked, it is just as well to dig up the vines and set out cabbages, or round turnips, or some other crop that comes in late, and so save the use of the land. It pays best to change the bed every year or every two years, at most. Sow with thunder. turnip seed where the early pease 28 Fr. 27th. Duncan, Sherman & Co., the well-grew, and on all spots where

19 W. 6. 20 Th. St. Margaret.

runs high. 6. Rain.

21 Fr. 6.in.
22 Sa. St. Mary Mag. 6 C. 6.
23 A 6th Sunday after Trinity.
24 Mo. 23d. Very high tides.

25 Tu. St. James, DOG DAYS BEGIN.
26 W. St. Anne. Expect showers
27 Th..

29 Sa.

30 A

{known banking firm, N. Y., Y., failed, 1875.

624. 30th. Low tides. 7th Sunday after Trinity. Andrew Johnson ex-president U. S.,

31 Mo. Andere, 1878 66

plants have failed. Round tur-
nips don't amount to much, to be
sure, but they are a good deal
better than nothing.



AUGUST, Eighth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

m. Days. d. m.

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Day of

Day of

Day of

Full Moon, 5th day, 1h. 53m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 12th day, 5h. 14m., evening, W.
New Moon, 19th day, 7h. 41m., morning, E.
First Quarter, 26th day, 1h. 33m., evening, E.

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214 1 Tu. 4 537 19 14 260 50 6119


h. Place. h.


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215 2 W. 4 54 7 17 14 23 0 53 6 12 10 104 kn. 216 3 Th. 4557 16 14 210 55 613 104 11 kn. 217 4 Fr. 4 56 7 15 14 19 0 57614 11 11 legs 218 5 Sa. 4 57 7 14 14 17059 60 0 legs

219 6 S. 4 587 12 14 14 1 2


220 7 Μ. 4 59 7 11 14 121 4 5 17 0 14 feet

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152 10 30

252 11 19

355 morn.

rises 06

85 0 50

824 133

92 257

6 1600

221 8 Tu. 5

07 10 14 10 16

842 2 15

222 9 W. 5

223 10 Th. 5

924 3 39

224 11 Fr. 5


6 14 3113521

3432 n'k

948 4 25

225 12 Sa. 5


4 14 0 116 5 22


4 n'k 10 20 5 14

226 13 S. 557

31358118 523


54 arm 11 069

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232 19 Sa. 5 126 54 13 42 1343 111 112 h'rt 233 20 S. 5 136 53 13 40 1 36 3 1 0 bel. 234 21 Μ. 5 14 6 51 1337 1 393200 bel. 235 22 Tu. 5 15 6 50 13 35 1 41 33 14 14 rei. 236 23 W. 5 16 6 48 13 32144 2 4 2 2 rei. 237 24 Th. 5 17 6 46 13 29 1 47 25 22 31 sec. 238 25 Fr. 5 18 6 45 13 27 149 26 33 4 sec. 93450 239 26 Sa. 5 19 6 43 13 24 1 52174 44 thi. 10 9 240 27 S. 5 20 6 42 13 22 1 54185452 thi. 10 52 241 28 Μ. 5 21 6 40 13 19 1 5719662 thi. 11 44 242 29 Tu. 5 22 6 38 13 16 20 110 7 243 30 W. 5 23 6 37 13 14 2 2011 81 9 kn.

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$10th. 1792. Storming Tuileries in Paris by the

mob, massacre of the Swiss guards, and capture of the king.

10 Th. St. Lawrence. Low tides. 11 Fr. 6.

Signs of rain.

12 Sa. 68.60.680. 13 A 9th Sunday after Trinity. 14 Mo. 15th. ru.high. {God! Gold 1133-8, 15 Tu. Assump. of Virgin Mary. 240. 16 W. ४१८. 15th. Napoleon born, 1769. 17 Th. in Perigee. Very hot. 18 Fr. (. 15th born, Sir 1771. Walter Scott 19 Sa. ff. Very high tides. 20 A 10th. Sun. af. Tr. . Count Rumford, practical philosopher, 21 Mo. died, 1814. 22 Tu. 20th. at greatest bril. W.Philadelphia 12th. Horace Binney, bar, died, long 187, sen, aged mem, of 24 Th. St. Bartholomew. Fine weather. 26th. Bank of California 25 Fr. f 24 C. stops payment, 1878. 26 Sa. 29th. in 8. Very low tid. 27 A 11th Sun. af. Tr. 8h. 28 Mo. St. Augustine. ( runs low. 29 Tu. Beheading of St. John Baptist. 30 W. 29th. in Apogee. 31 Th. O. 8. John Bunyan died, 1688,



Farmer's Calendar.

SWALE grass does not make the best of feed for cows, and yet we keep on with it year after

year, as if it were the best in the barn. If there are roots to go with it, the dry cows can live through the cold months; but we are apt to give them too much of it, and bring them out in the spring the worse for the wear. Why not take hold, when the hay time is over, and drain the swamp, let off the water, and so put it in a state to raise good grass? Too much water makes bad work. The muck you take out of the ditch will pay a part of the cost, for it is good to put on to the dry and sandy plains, and to mix in the compost heap. Muck in a light soil gives it more power to take in and hold the rich gas that floats in the air, and that is added to it in the dung from the barn. Muck is good to make a mulch for the pear trees. On some kinds of land it is worth all it costs to get it out, and more too. Plough land where the pease came off, and sow on round turnips the first of this month. Grass seed can be sown as we get on near the end, and if the ground is moist it will take well, and get a strong root before the cold sets in. Cut and cure millet for hay about the middle of the month.


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