1876. APRIL, Fourth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Decinination. Day of Day of Day of m. 1 4N.52 7 7 9 13 9 21 19 11 28 25 13 28 23456 2 5 15 4 15 2 6 46 12 9 0 18 11 7 24 13 9 30 92 1 Sa. 5 416 26 12 453 424 7 445 br. | 148 6 32 93 2 S. 5 40 6 28 12 48 3 45 94 3 Μ. 5 38 6 29 12 513 48 39 64 74 h'rt 3 20 8 26 95 4 Tu. 5 376 30 12 53 3 50 310 74 84 h'rt 351 9 16 96 5 W. 5 35 6 31 12 563 53 311 8 94 bel. 4 15 10 3 97 6 Th. 5 336 32 12 59 3 56 212 92 101 bel. 4 37 10 48 98 7 Fr. 5 326 33 13 13 58 213 102 11 rei. 457 11 32 99 8 Sa. 5 306 34 13 4 4 12 114 114 rei. rises morn. 100 9 S.5 286 35 13 74 4 ΙΟΙ 10 Μ. 5 276 36 13 9 4 115 0 sec. 7 51 0 15 6 NW APRIL hath 30 days. 4000 1876. Who knows not Spring? Who doubts, when blows The swallow doubts not; nor the rose That stirs, but wakes not; nor the weed. Aspects, Holidays, Events, DE VERE. Farmer's Calendar. the land is too wet; it is time lost; so we might as well wait till 1 Sa. Length of night 11h. 14m. Ir is of no use to plough when 2 A 5th Su. in Lent. Passion Sund, 3 Mo. Low tides. State election in Conn. 3d. Washington Ir5 W. State election in Rhode Island. 4 Tu. 3d. 6 . 6 Th. Raphael died, 1520, O. S. 7 Fr. 8 Sa. 9 A 10 Mo. 11 Tu. the sun and air have made it fit to work well. We can do some smart work under the barn now and then, and haul out a part of that big pile there. If it is Fine weather alternating spread out on the land where it with sudden showers. is to be used, it will take no Palm Sund. High tides. harm, and it is a great deal that surrender of GensLee at Appo- better to spread it from the cart mattox Court House, 1865. Fine but variable. 12 W. 64. Henry Clay born, 1777. 16 A Easter Sunday. 17 Mo. 15th. Gold 115 1-8, 1875. > & than to dump it in heaps. I don't like to have the rain wash all the best part of it down in the spots where the heaps lie. If it is spread on even, and the rain washes it down, it goes into the soil just where it ought to Rainy. go, and the soil holds it there, as tight as a vice, till the roots of plants are ready to grasp it, and use it to build up their growth. 18 Tu. Very low tides. 19 W. 6. Battle of Lexington, 1775. 20 Th. Na Grows fine again. Set out small fruits. Sow onions, beets, and radishes, 21 Fr. 22der John Harper, head of firm of Har1875, 78. and set out asparagus in the 22 Sa.sup.6. garden. There is nothing that 23 A Low Su. St. George. 6. is so apt to give health and to 24 Mo. 6Ψ๔.๔. ing. suit the taste like the small fruits 25 Tu. St. Mark. in their prime; and there is no 26th. 68. man that can have these at so 26 W. in Peri. Very high tides. small a cost, as he who owns 69. ( runs high. a strip of land. Get ready to Great fire at Oshkosh, Wis. About five fight the tent caterpillar. A hundred buildings burned; loss about 27 Th. 28 Fr. 29 Sa. 82,000,000., 1875. 30 A 2d Sun. af. East. 6 w C. long pole, with a brush on the end of it, is good for him. It is a shame to let him eat up the apple trees every year. 1876. MAY, Fifth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. m. Days. d. m. 3456 3 15 55 4 16 13 10 16 30 11 18 6 17 19 31 23 20 45 29 21 45 16 46 12 18 21 18 19 44 24 20 56 30 21 54 Day of Day of Day of Full Moon, 8th day, 5h. 8m., morning, W. Last Quarter, 16th day, 8h. 42m., morning, W. 122 1 Μ. 4 546 59 14 55 23754 6 h'rt 123 2 Tu. 4 537 114 85 538617 bel. 124 3 W. 4 527 125 4 Th. 4 517 2 14 10 573971 8 bel. 314125931081 9 rei. 4 14 14 5 11 4 11 94 94 rei. 5 1417 5 14 4 12 104 10 rei. 7 14 21 5 184 129 8 Μ. 4 46 7 130 9 Tu. 4 457 131 10 W. 4 44 7 6 14 19 5 16 4 13 11 114 sec. 8 14 23 5 20 4 15 S Sets. Souths. m. h. m 9 14 25 5 22 416 0 14 thi. 12 thi. 24 kn. 132 11 Th. 4 43 7 10 14 27 5 24 417 12 146 25 Th. 4 30 7 24 14 54 5 513204 147 26 Fr. 4 29 7 25 14 56 5 53 33 14 148 27 Sa. 4 29 7 26 14 575 54 3 4 2 149 28 S. 4 28 7 27 14 59 5 56 35 3 150 29 Μ. 4 277 27 15 0557364 10 52 2 10 11 37 32 morn. 353 014 442 044 5 29 196 14 131 657 150 7 40 210 8 24 230 9 10 255 10 0 3 24 10 55 sets 11 56 0 arm 921 1 1 151 30 Tu. 4 27 7 28 15 15 58 37 5 5 bel. 047 6 45 6 Sa. Farmer's Calendar. PLOUGH early and deep. The best work pays in the end. Make a rule at all times to do your level best. Corn will soon come to planting. Give it warm and 4 Th. gr. elo. E. 3d. Low tides. 7 A 8 Mo. 9 Tu. 10 W. 11 Th. 12 Fr. 624. High tides. Moravian Brethren, died, runs low. in Apogee. 13 Sa. Pope Pius IX. born, 1792. 14 A for stock, ought to go in the Pleasant. It is a good plan to soak the 4th Sunday after Easter. seed in warm water a few hours 15 Mo. Gold 115 7-8, 1875. before it is put in the ground. We would not wait for the 20th, first, just to let them nip the fresh, 1876. JUNE, Sixth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 's Declination. Full Moon, 6th day, 7h. 53m., evening, E. Last Quarter, 14th day, 10h. 30m., evening, E. New Moon, 21st day, 5h. 32m., evening, E. First Quarter, 28th day, 10h. 30m., morning, E. Length Day's of Days. Incre. Rises. Sets. h. m.h. 1 Th.4 267 30 15 Fast. Sun Moon's Age. 2 9 7 7 rei. 154 2 Fr. 4 25 7 30 15 56 2 210 8 8 rei. 148 854 155 3 Sa. 4 25 7 31 15 66 3 211 9 9 sec. 29939 156 4 S. 4 25 7 32 15 7 6 4 212 94 101 sec. 2 32 10 25 157 5 Μ. 4 24 7 32 15 86 5 213 102 11 thi. 3 111 14 158 6 Tu. 4 24 7 33 15 9662 112 113 thi. 335 morn. 159 7 W. 4 24 7 34 15 106 7 115 Of thi. rises 05 173 21 W. 4 24 7 40 15 16 002 103 11 arm 174 22 Th. 4 24 7 40 15 160021114 - br. 175 23 Fr. 4 24 7 40 15 1600 2200 br. 176 24 Sa. 4 25 7 40 15 150 1231 11⁄2 h'rt 10 24 morn. 6 10 6 53 |