

In some form the theory of evolution is now accepted by nearly all the leading scientific and philosophic students of the world. It is rapidly giving its own shape to the thought of civilization. Science, art, human life, religion, and reform are becoming its disciples; and their tendencies in the near future must be largely determined by it.

Workers in many departments of thought have already reshaped their teachings into accordance with its principles; but so far as I know, in this country, no book has been devoted to a discussion of its effect upon religion.

This volume makes no claim to completeness. It is only an essay in answer to the question, "If evolu tion is true, what have we left in the way of religion?" Some scientists affirm, and some frightened religionists exclaim, that evolution is essentially atheistic and irreligious; and that, if it is true, we have

left no religion at all. The writer believes that it is the business of both science and religion to seek first and always for the truth; for the truth only leads to God. He further believes that it is waste of time to seek to reconcile assumed truths. Truths are already at one, and need no reconciliation. Find and apply truth, then the result is God's.

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