
furnified by his Britannic Majefty wherever they may be wanted.

Art. IV. Befides the Levy Money ftipulated in the preceding Article, his Britannic Majefty hall caufe to be paid to every Officer, as alfe to every one employed, not a fighting man of equal rank, the fum of three months pay according to his rank, and upon the fame footing as his national troops, in order to facilitate the expence of his private equipment, which payment fhall be made immediately after the figna. ture of the prefent Treaty.

Art. V. His Majefty the King of Great Britain engages himfelf, in like manner, to pay to the Serene Land. grave an annual fubfidy during the fix years this Treaty is to continue. This fubfidy thall commence from the day of the fignature, and it fall be paid at the rate of eighty thoufand crowns banco per annum. The payment of this fubfidy fhall be made regularly, without abatement, every quarter, to the Agent of his Highness in London.

Art. VI. Thefe troops fhall remain in the fervice and at the difpofition of his Britannic Majefty during fix years, and his Majefty fhall allow them during

this term

1. Every thing that is neceffary for their fubfiftence, namely, pay, bread, forage, and, in general, all emoluments, as welt ordinary as extraordinary, attached to every rank, on the fame footing that he allows them to his Britih troops in the different places of their deftination; and for this purpose the statements of payment thall be anpexed to the prefent Treaty.

2. Medicines and futtenance for the fick and wounded, with a place and the neceffary means of conveyance wherein they may be treated and taken care of, precifely on the fame footing as the national British troops, by their own Phyficians and Surgeons.

The pay fhall commence from the day of the review, according to the effective state in which the laid corps fhall be delivered, which fhall be verified by a table, figned by the refpec. rive Ministers of the high Contracting Parties, which fhall have the fame force as if it had been infested word for word in the prefent Treaty.

Art. VII. As in the before mentioned table the firength of each company, of which four make a battalion, amounts to one hundred and fixty three'

diers, must be obferved, that in this

number are comprifed feven men, unarmed, intended, according to the tita bithed custom in the Heffian fervice, to ferve as fervants to Officers, and it is agreed upon that thefe men hel nevertheless pafs mufter as foldiers in every refpect.

Art. VIII As it is to be feared that, notwithstanding the care matte ufe of, it will not be poffible entirely to prevent defertion until the arrival of the troops at the place of embarkation, and his Serene Highness promising to employ every means in his power that the faid corps thail be embarked complete, it is agreed upon, that there fhall be t the fard review ten fupernumerary men per company to fupply the place of de ferters on the march; fo that in cafe, on the arrival of the corps at the port, the number of fupernumeraries fhall exceed that of the deferters, the remainder may be diftributed amongst the battalions, and added to the amount, in order to increase, in fuch case, the levy money, pay, &c. and his Highnes engages himself moreover to caufe the faid corps to be efcorted by a detach. ment of cavalry, in order to pick up deferters, procure quarters, &c. &c. it being well underfood that the expences, as well of the march, as of the return of the detachment of cavalry, thall be defrayed by his Majesty.

Art. IX. All the objects of pay and maintenance fhall be calculated accord. ing to the table of the annual review, fo that the vacancies happening from one review to another shall not make any alteration in the frate of payment. His Majefty fhall cause these objects to be paid in advance from two to two months, either by affignments payable in favour of the Heffian Commiffioner upon whatever cheft of his Majesty may be nearest to the faid Commiffion, or in ready money to his Serene Highnefs's Agent in London.

Art. X. A fresh review fhall take place regularly every year; his Majefty hall give three months notice of the number of recruits neceffary to com plete the corps, which number shall be fixed according to the official report of the first day of April, fo that the recruits shall be ready to be delivered to the English Commissary the first day of July, at the place of the first res vicw, or one month after, at such port in Germany, or at fuch place on the frontiers of the Empire as his Majefty may chufe for their reception. The

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term of their delivery shall be deemed to be that of the new review, and the total of the number of effective men remaining, according to the report of the month of April, added to that of the recruits delivered to the. British Commiffary, fhall be confidered as the effective ftate of the new period, and hall not vary until the review of the following year.

Art. XI. There fhall be paid for each recruit armed, equipped, difciplined, and exercised, the fun of twenty crowns banco; and his Highness the Landgrave takes upon himself the expences of transport to the place of embarkation, as well as of escort, which are to be reimbursed by his Britannic Majesty.

Art. XII. As, during the continuance of this Treaty, it will neceffarily occur, that Officers or Soldiers, either for family reafons, on account of preferment, or for fick nefs, will be obliged to return home, his Majefty takes upon himself the expences of their tranfport in the two former cafes, as far as the frontiers of the Empire, and in the latter to their own country: his Highnefs promifes, in return, to replace the non-commiffioned Officers and Soldiers to whom he may give permiffion to return for any other reafon than that of fickness, at his own expence, and without requiring the confideration for recruits fixed in the preceding Article, referving to himself nothing but the tranfport from the frontiers of the Empire unto the place of their deftination. Moreover, his Highnefs will never recai an Officer or Soldier with out urgent caufe, or without having acquainted his Majefty thereof; and he will take care that the number of Officers fhall be always complete.

Art. XIII. The Moft Serene Landgrave being at the charge of furnishing the faid corps with arms and clothing, in conlequence of the pay upon the footing of English troops, as agreed upon in thefe Articles, his Majefty fhall caufe indemnification to be made for fuch lofs only in cloathing, arms and accoutrements as fhall be occafioned by fome accident of war or of voyage; as well as for every expence incurred in the tranfport of thefe feveral articles to the troops, and alfo of every thing they may ftand in need of; it being well understood that the aforefaid Articles thall be delivered to the English Com

iary at the fame time as the re

cruits of the year, in order that the fame veffel may convey both.

Art. XIV. In cafe an Officer fhould lofe his equipage, either on his route or by fome accident of war, his Majefty fhall grant him the fame indemnifica tion as English Officers are allowed in fimilar cafes.

Art. XV. As foon as his Serene Highnets fhall have put the corps in a state to march, within the term agreed upon, he thall be confidered as having fulfilled his preliminary engagements fo that the payment of the levy money, fubfidy, and pay fhall take place according to the aforefaid determination, even in cafe his Majefty, on accoune of fome unforeseen event, fhould not think proper to have the corps reviewed, or to caufe it to march or embark.

Art. XVI. If before the period of the review his Britannic Majefty fhall find himself difpofed to renounce this Treaty entirely, his Serene Highnes fhall receive, under the title of indemnification,

ift. The levy money.

2d. The equipage money allowed to the Officers.

3d. Three months pay for the whole of the troops, according to the Table annexed to the fecond Article, &c.

4th. One year's fubfidy.

Art. XVII. At the end of fix years, his Britannic Majefty fhall fend back the corps, at the difpofal of his Highnefs, in the fame ftate in which it was taken into his fervice, and being at the entire expence of tranfport until their arrival at Darmstadt; it being underftood that his Majefty fhall not pay the levy money for the men who may be wanting at that time, except in the cafe where he thall have failed to inform the Serene Landgrave of it fix months beforehand, in order to fave his Highness the expence of a new completion. If by accident the return thould be retarded, the Treaty fhall be tacitly prolonged for one year, in every refpect, and a certain fum thail be agreed upon as an equivalent for levy money, in proportion to the prefent arrangement.

Art. XVIII. If his Majefty fhould think proper, after the expiration of the fix years fixed for the duration of this Treaty, to keep the faid corps for fome years longer, his Highness confents to it beforehand; and it will be then only neceffary to make an arrange


ment refpecting the levy and equipage money for the Officers, which will be calculated according to the proportions of the prefent Treaty.

Art. XIX. His Serene Highness referves to himself the jurifdiction over his troops, as well as all difpofitions refpecting promotion, difcipline, and interior administration.

Art. XX. His Britannic Majefty grants to his Highnefs the fum of fifteen thousand pounds fterling, to an fwer the first expences of equipping this corps; payment of which thall be made immediately after the fignature of this Treaty, and fhall be carried to the account of levy money.

Art. XXI. Deferters fhall be faithfully delivered up on both fides, and neither the foldiers, nor any other perfons belonging to the corps of Heffe Darmstadt, fhall be permitted to fettle in the dominions of his Britannic Majefty.

In witness whereof,, we the underfigned, authorized by the full power of his Majesty the King of Great Britain on one fide, and of his Serene Highness the reigning Landgrave of Heffe Darm. ftadt on the other, have figned the prefent Treaty, and have caufed the feals of our arms to be affixed thereto.

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fome circumstances of an unwelcome nature had lately occurred in relation to France; that our trade had fuffered and was fuffering extenfive injuries in the West-Indies, from the cruizers and agents of the French Republic; and that communications had been received from its Minifter here, which indicated danger of a further disturbance of our commerce by its authority; and that we were, in other refpects, far from agreeable; but that I referved for a fpecial meffige a more particular communication on this interefting subject. This communication I now make.

"The complaints of the French Minifter embraced most of the tranfactions of our Government, in relation to France, from an early period of the prefent war; which, therefore, it was neceffary carefully to review. A col. lection has been formed of letters and papers relating to thofe transactions, which I now lay before you, with a letter to Mr. Pinckney, our Minifter at Paris, containing an examination of the notes of the French Minifter, and fuch information as I thought might be ufeful to Mr. Pinckney in any further reprefentations he might find neceffaty to be made to the French Government. The immediate obje& of his miffion was, to make to that Government fuch explanations of the principles and conduct of our own, as, hy manifesting our good faith, might remove all jealouly and difcontent, and maintain that harmony and good understanding with the French Kepublic, which it has been my conftant folicitude to preferve. A Government which required only a knowledge of the truth to justify its measures, could not but be anxious to have this fully and frankly displayed. "GEO. WASHINGTON.

"United States,

Jan. 19, 1797."

The letter from the American Secretary of State to Mr. Pinckney difclofes fome curious facts. Among other things, the Minister of France has made it a fubject of formal complaint to the American Government, that the French flag has not been displayed before Congrets in their Hall of Seffion; and, what is more fingular, the Minifter has complained that the publishers of Almanacks ard Registers have arranged the names of the British Minifter before that of the French and Spanish Minifters, and he has requested the Prefidert to disavow this conduct of the printers, and fupprefs the publications. What will the world think of the Agent of a great Nation defcending to fuch puerilities? and what opinion will be formed of the Minifter of a free Nation, who can be fo ignorant of the Laws of the United States as to fuppofe the Executive has the power to fupprefs a publication not prohibited by law? It feems as if the Agents of the French Nation take unwearicd rains to make their Government hated and themfelves defpued.



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NO bufinefs of importance occurred in ferent parts of the country, it ap the Upper Houfe till


The Lord Chancellor on that day read the following Meffage from the King:


"His Majesty thinks it proper to communicate to the House of Lords, without delay, the meafures adopted to obviate the effects which might be occafioned by the unufual demand of fpecie lately made from different parts of the country in the Metropolis.

The peculiar nature and exigency of the cafe appeared to require, in the firft inftance, the meafure contained in the Order of Council, which his Majefty has directed to be laid before the Houfe. In recommending this important fubject to the immediate and ferious attention of the House of Lords, his Majefty relies with the utmost confidence on the experienced wifdom and firmness of his Parliament, for taking fuch measures as may be heft calculated

to meet

any temporary preffure, and to call forth, in the most effectual manner, the extenfive refources of his kingdoms in fupport of their public and commercial credit, and in defence of their deareft interefts.

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Feb. 26, 1797.

Lord Grenville

Mr. Chancellor

of Exchequer.

"By the Lords of his Majefty's Moft Honourable Privy Council. Present, The Lord Chancellor Earl of Liverpool Lord Prefident Duke of Portland Marquis Cornwallis Earl Spencer "Upon the reprefentation of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, ftating, that from the refult of the information which he has received, and of the enquiries which it has been his duty to make, respecting the effect of the unusual demands for specie that have been made upon the metropolis, in confequence of ill-founded or exaggerated alarms in difVOL. XX MARCH 1797.

pears, that unless fome measure is

immediately taken, there may be reafon to apprehend a want of a fufficient fupply of cash to answer the exigencies of the public fervice. It is the unanimous opinion of the Board, that it is indifpenfably neceffary for the public fervice, that the Directors of the Bank of England should forbear iffuing any cash in payment until the fense of Parliament can be taken on that subject, and the proper measures adopted thereupon, for maintaining the means of circulation, and fupporting the public and commercial credit of the kingdom at this important conjuncture; and it is ordered, that a copy of this minute be tranfmitted to the Directors of the Bank of England, and they are hereby required, on the grounds of the exigency of the cafe, to conform thereto until the fenfe of Parliament can be taken as aforefaid. W. FAULKNER,"

[When the above Order was published in the city, it was accompanied by the following notice from the Bank:

BANK OF ENGLAND, FEB. 27, 1797. "In confequence of an order of his Majefty's Council, notified to the Bank last night, copy of which is hereunto


"The Governor, Deputy Gover. nor, and Directors of the Bank of England, think it their duty to inform the Proprietors of Bank Stock, as well as the Public at large, that the general concerns of the Bank are in the moft affluent and profperous fituation, and fuch as to preclude every doubt as to the fecurity of its notes.

their ufual discounts for the accommodation of the Commercial Intereft, payDividend Warrants will be paid in the ing the amount in Bank-notes, and the

"The Directors mean to continue

fame manner..



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prime contriver and mover and organizer of the measure; but he did not think his reprefentation of the caufe of the fcarcity of cath was fair. The alarms of the country had no doubt occafioned a fearcity; but the great caufe o the fcarcity was the exportation of fpecie to fubfidize the Emperor and other Powers on the Continent. It was not his intention to difcufs the queftion generally at prefent; but he felt it a duty he owed to the country to move, "That an humble Addrefs be prefented to his Majefty, humbly foliciting his Majefty, that no further exportation of Gold or Silver in Coin, or Gold or Silver in Bullion, should take place for the ufe of the Emperor, or any other Foreign Power, until the fenfe of Parliament fhall have been taken on the fubject, af. ter a full view of the caufe of the public exigencies, on which his Majesty has been this day advised to issue a most extraordinary and illegal proclamation."

A number of Lords here, called out it was no Proclamation; upon which his Grace fubstituted in the place of it, Order of Council.

Lord Grenville confidered the Duke's opinion as determining to decide upon the queftion to-night, and debate it to


The Duke of Grafton contended that the measure was illegal,and thought it highly neceffary that Parliament fhould look on it with a jealous eye.

Lord Grenville felt himself ready to enter into the defence of having fo fupported our Allies at any time it might be brought forward, convinced that it had been of great fervice, and of effential benefit to the kingdom.

Lord Guildford had long feared the fyftem purfued would produce fomething like the prefent, though he had never entertained an idea of its being carried to fo great an extent. The prefent Motion had nothing to do with that fubject, but very properly, as he thought, went to fatisfy the public, and prevent Minifters from taking the opportunity of increafing the prefent difficulties by fending more money out of the kingdom: and therefore, thould the Noble Duke perfift in his motion, he should certainly divide with him, unless the Noble Lord would undertake to affure the Houfe that Minifters had no fuch intention.

Lord Moira declared, that fince the Noble Secretary of State declined giv. ing an answer to the queftion, that Mi

nifters had no intention to fend money out of the kingdom, which he certainly did not think they would attempt in the fhort space of twenty-four hours, he would certainly vote for the Motion, because he thought the refufal to satisfy that Houfe would tend to increase the alarms of the Public.

Lord Grenville did not think it would caufe any alarm, or that the prevention of any was the object of the Motion; it rather appeared as intended to caft an oblique reflection upon Administration, and he hoped, when the Houfe thought they merited any blame, they would not do it, as it were, by a fide wind. The Houfe then divided on the Motion,







The Order of the Day being read for fummoning the Houfe, his Majesty's Meffage was read.

Lord Grenville stated, that the alarms, with fuch induftry circulated through the country, of an intended invafion, had caufed a confiderable demand for fpecie on the Bank of England, infomuch, that it was found requifite by a ftrong measure to arreft the progrefs of what might ultimately prove deftructive to the credit of the nation. He did not with it to be understood that the Bank was unable to pay the demands made upon it. The contrary, he was proud to fay, was the fact, and it would in the end be proved to the full fatisfaction of the public. Our Commerce, our Cré. dit, and our Finances were in the moft flourishing ftate; but it became the duty of his Majesty's Council, when they faw any evil arifing, to endeavour to put an immediate ftop to it. He fhould not take upon him to affert that the meafure adopted by the Cabinet in the prefent inftance was ftrictly canformable to law. The Council had no right to controul the Bank, nor did they affume fuch a power-they only made a request, and that requeft was immediately complied with. Its juftice was evident - its effect appeared to be fraught with benefit; and therefore the meafure was adopted. The Noble Lord said it would be unneceffary to go into detail on this bufinefs; and therefore he should come immediately to the point, which was a Motion for "An humble Addrefs to his Majefty, to thank him for his gracious communi


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