
to carry off five pieces of cannon. The others were all retaken.

It is impoflible to attempt to do juftice to the conduct of the Archduke; he aninated the troops in retaking Sundheim, directed the attacks on the work that had been loft to the left of it, and, under the heaviest fire, gave his orders with the greatest coolness and the most perfect military knowledge.

Lieutenant Proby, of his Majefty's 9th regiment of foot (attached to LieutenantColonel Craufurd's miffion), was wounded by a musket shot; but I feel great fatisfaction in being able to add that the wound is of a very flight nature, and will have no other confequence whatever than that of a very fhort confinement.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) ROB. CRAUFURD. Head-Quarters of his Royal Highnefs the Archduke Charles of Auftria, Offenbourg, Nov. 23, 1796.


IT is with much fatisfaction that I have the honour to inform your Lordship, that, after an interval of ten days without any advices from Italy, his Royal Highnels the Archduke has this day received a report from General Alvinzy, the tenor of which is fuch as to confirm the hopes which his former difpatches infpired. This report, which is very fhort, is dated Calabro, Nov. 13, and is in substance as follows:

After the action of the 6th, near Baffano, the enemy continued to retreat, abandoned even the ftrong pofition of Montabello without refiftance, and croffed the Adige at Verona.

On the 11th General Alvinzy arrived near Villanova, and the fame evening a confiderable part of the enemy's army, commanded by Buonaparte in perfon, advanced from Verona, and took polt in the neighbouring mountains.

Early on the 12th Buonaparte com menced a general attack upon the whole line, which though made with infinite violence, was relifted with the most perfect Readiness and bravery.

Whilft Buonaparte was thus employed, in repeated though ineffectual efforts, to force the front of the pofition, General Alvinzy detached a column against each of his flanks. No fooner had thefe arrived at their point of attack, than the enemy retreated with precipitation; and a moft fevere and important affair was thus completely decided in favour of the Austrians.

Two of the enemy's Generals were known to have been wounded, and a third was amongst the number of prifoners already brought in.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) ROB. CRAUFURD. Head-quarters of his Royal Highness the Archduke Charles of Auftria, Offenburgh, Nov. 28, 1796.


I HAVE the honour to inform your Lordship, that after the affair of the 22d inft. nothing remarkable happened here till the night from the 26th to the 27th, in which the enemy made a fally, in confiderable force, against the first parallel of the attack on the right bank of the Kinzig. The enemy was inftantly repulfed, with the lofs of about 40 killed and wounded. Amongst the killed was a commandant of a battalion.

The batteries of the first parallel, as well as the guns in all the redoubts to the right and left of it, commenced firing this morning; and in the courfe of the forenoon the enemy's advanced pofts were driven out of the village of Kehl.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) ROB. CRAUFURD. Head quarters of his Royal Highnes the Archduke Charles, Offenburgh, Nov. 27, 1796.


IT is with much fatisfaction that I have the honour to inform your Lordfhip, that his Royal Highness the Archduke has this day received a report from Genera! Davidowich, dated Piovezano, Nov. 18, in which he gives an account of his having, on the preceding day, attacked and entirely defeated the enemy on the heights of Riveli.

The attack commenced about feven in the morning of the 17th, and, after a moft obftinate refiftance, the enemy was entirely driven from his pofition, and purfued as far as Cambara."

General Davidowich took 12 can. non, about 1100 prifoners, and many officers. Amongst the latter are Generals Fiorella and Valette. He praises, in the warmeft terms, the conduct of his generals, and the difcipline and remarkable bravery of his troops.

The enemy having, in the courfe of the night from the 17th to the 18th, received confiderable reinforcements, took another pofition on the heights near Cambara; in which General Davidowich

vidowich attacked him the next morn ing, and drove him back beyond Pefchierra.

When General Davidowich fent off this report (the evening of the fecond affair) he was encamped with his right towards the Lake of Garda, near Colla, and his left to the Adige; Pefchierra being in front of his right wing, and Verona in front of his left.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) ROB. CRAUFURD. Right Hon. Lord Grenville, &c. [HERE END THE GAZETTES.]


JAN. 21.

The anniversary of the murder of Louis XVI. has been again celebrated at Paris by a fête. The Oath of Hatred to Royalty and Anarchy was repeated, and the Directory affifted at the ceremony.

This anniversary was celebrated, however, amidst the execrations of all the writers of eminence in Paris, the force of whofe language evidently produced a fenfible impreffion on the mafs of the people; Barras, Prefident of the Directory, took therefore vaft pains, in a long difcourfe, to explain the nature of the ceremony, and to ftate that they were far from propofing even the juft punishment of the laft of their kings as the fubject of a feaft, but as a day of important recollection; upon which Frenchmen, calling to mind the borrors of the ancient fyftem, should swear eternal hatred to Royalty on the one fide, and to Anarchy on the other. This hypocritical qualification of the cere mony, however, did not appease the indignation of the feeling and nervous writers, who confider it as a horrible exhibition of inhumanity, and deprecate its repetition.

After the speech of Barras, the Conftitutional Guard of the Directory took the oath in the following words:

" I swear eternal hatred to Royalty "and Anarchy, and inviolable at "tachment to the Republic and "Conftitution of the third year." In the fitting of the Council of Five Hundred, the Prefident Riou le Brumaire, in prefacing the taking of the cath of hatred againft Royalty, had the impudence to couple the virtuous Louis XVI. with the infamous Robespierre. In the Council of Elders, feveral members propofed to confine the Oath to Hatred against Royalty in France, but this reftriction was rejected by the Council. Feb. 4. The Paris Journals to the

30th ult. reached town laft night. By thefe Journals we learn, that the last efforts of the Emperor to relieve Mantua, and re-establish himself in Italy, have been unfortunately frustrated by the genius and good fortune of Buonaparte.

The last reinforcement fwelled the Imperial army of General Alvinzi to upwards of 50,000 men; these maintained for fome days a moft obftinate feries of battles with the French army, the refult of which was, that 23,000 of the Imperialifts were made prifoners, with the lofs of a proportionate number of cannon, standards, &c. Several of thefe ftandards, it is added, were worke ed by the hands of the Emprefs of Germany herself.

Such are the leading particulars related by the French Generals. It is fcarcely poffible that the whole of their ftatements can be strictly correct, but the general fact is too true.

Extra&t of a Letter from Buonaparte to General Clarke, dated Verona, Jan. 20. "Scarcely had I quitted Roverbella, when I learned that the enemy prefented itfelf at Verona. Maffena made his difpofitions in a very happy manner. We took 500 prifoners and three pieces of cannon. General Brune received feven balls in his cloaths without being wounded by any of them. Such is the effect of good fortune. We had only ten men killed, and 100 wounded.

(Signed) "BUONAPARTE."

Extract of a Letter from the Commander in Chief, Buonaparte, to the Executive, Directory.

"Head-Quarters at Roverbella, Jan. 18.

"Since the 13th of January fo many operations have taken place, which have multiplied the military proceedings in fuch a degree that it will be impoffible for me to fend you before to-morrow the cir cumftantial accounts; and this day I muft content myself with fimply announcing them. On the 13th of January the enemy came to attack the divifion of General Maffena before Verona, which produced the battle of St. Michel, where we were completely fuccesful. We made 600 prifoners, and took three pieces of cannon. The fame day they attacked the head of our line at Monte baldo, and brought on the battle of Corona. They were repulfed, and we took 110 prifoners.

"On the 14th, at midnight, the divifion of the enemy's army, which, fince the 9th, was established at Bevi

lagua, whence it obliged the division of General Angereau to fall back, haftily threw a bridge over the Adige, within a league of Porto Legnago, oppofite Anguiari.

"On the 14th, in the morning, the enemy filed a very strong column by Montagna and Caprina, and thus obliged the divifion of General Joubert to evacuate Corona, and concenter at Ri voli. I forefaw this movement, and got there in the night, when enfued the battle of Rivoli, which we gained on the 14th and 15th, after an obftinate refiftance, in which we took 13,000 prifoners, feveral ftandards, and many pieces of cannon. General Alvinzy, al moft alone, had much difficulty in efcaping.

On the 25th General Guyeux attacked the enemy at Anguiari, with a view to overpower them before they entirely effected their paffage. He did not fucceed in his defign, but he made 300 prifoners. On the 28th General Angereau attacked the enemy at Anguiari, which caufed the fecond battle at that place. He made 2000 prifoners took fixteen pieces of cannon, and detroyed all their bridges on the Adige; but the enemy, profiting of the night, defiled ftraight for Mantua. He had already arrived within reach of the cannon of that place, and attacked the fuburb of St. George, where we were carefully entrenched, and in which attempt they failed. I arrived in the night with reinforcements, and began the battle of La Favorite, from the field of which I now write to you. The fruits of this action were 7000 prifoners, with fandards, cannon, all the baggage of the army, a regiment of huflars, and a confiderable convoy of grain and black cattle, which the enemy was endeavouring to throw into Mantua. Wurmfer attempted a fortie to attack the left wing of our army; but he was received in the ufual manner, and obliged to return. Behold then in three or four days the fifth army of the Emperor totally deftroyed!

"We have 23,000 prifoners, among whom are one Lieutenant-General, two Generals, 6000 men killed or wounded, Aixtypieces of cannon, and about 24 ftandards. All the battalions of the Volunteers of Vienna are made prifoners. Their ftandards have been worked by the hands of the Emprefs.

"The army of General Alvinzy was upwards of fifty thousand men, a part of which arrived from the interior of

Auftria. The moment I return to the head-quarters, I thall fend you a detailed account to inform you of the military movements that took place, as well as the corps and individuals that most diftinguished themselves.


Paris, Feb. 9. The Tete de Pont of Huningen has capitulated to the Auftrians. The French were allowed four days to evacuate the fort. The Auftrians engaged not to fire upon Huningen during the war, unlefs the French effect the paffage of the Rhine.

Mr. Pinckney, the American Minif ter, has received orders to quit the ter ritory of the Republic, and is set out.


It was on the 9th, that the important account arrived at Paris. But the Directory, not having received the official details, did not make any formal communication to the Legislature till Satur day laft, when the Council of Five Hundred received a Meffuage, of which the following brief, but eventful account, is given in a Paris Paper of the 12th.-A Meffage from the Directory announced the Capture of Mantua, the entrance of the Army of Italy into the Papal Territories, and the complete de fest of his Holincis's Army.Nor is this all-the victorious Army of Italy; no longer cramped in its exertions by the fiege of Mantua, has ftretched its vat arms on every fide; to the Bishopric of Trent, towards the Adriatic, and to the Romagna. A divifion has entered Ro veredo and Trent, where the enemy's hofpitals fell into the hands of the French. Another divifion has reached Trevifo; and by this time probably Triefte, the only port which the Emperor has on the Adriatic, is in their poffeffion. The Pope had dispatched his army to co-operate with the Auftrians, but their career was foon checked by the Repeblicans, who completely defeated them.

The garrison of Mantua are, we underftand, to remain prifoners of war till exchanged.

The Paris papers contain long and minute details refpecting the confpira cy, of which it is in our power to give only a very imperfect idea. The papers tranfmitted to the Council of Five Hun dred by the Directory, whilft they place the existence of fome plot beyond all doubt, are at the fame time compofed of elements fo abfurd and contradictory, that the whole feems to be the work of fome exalted head, and obfcure adven


turous intriguers (perhaps, indeed, of the Republicans themfelves), rather than of Louis XVIII. to whom the Directory would impute it. This confpiracy exhibits a fort of ridiculous coalition between our Government, the Jacobins, and the Royal Directory at Paris. On the one hand, we find the Marquis de Bouille, who lives very quiet in London; the Prince de Poix, who was dif

graced by Louis XVIII; and Puifaye, defpifed by ail parties, pointed out as the commanders of the Royal columns; on the other hand, we fee the names of Tallien and the Marquis del Campo in the lift of the confpirators; and we are told, the fon of Egalité, who refides at Philadelphia, is concealed in the boufe of Santerre. to difpute with Louis XVIII. the fruits of the confpiracy.



WILLIAM LANCASTER, a per fon taken into cuftody a few days ago, on fufpicion of robbing Lord Borington, near Putney, and who was only ditcharged the preceding day at Bowfreet, was this evening fhot dead on Finchley Common by Lord Strathmore, whom he attempted to rob. His Lord hip was going out of town in a poft chaife, followed by three fervants in another chaife; when on Finchley Common two men rode up to the carriages; Lancafter to that in which his Lordship was, and, after ftriking the poft-boy in the face with his piftol to make him ftop, came to the door of the chaife, and running his piftol through the glafs it by accident flashed in the pan, on which his Lordship immediately discharged a blunderbufs at him, the contents of which lodged in his throat; he in a very few moments fell off his horfe, dead; his companion, who was at the other chaife, hearing the report, made up and caught hold of the bridle of Lancaster's horfe juft as he fell, and rode off with it as fait as poffible. Lancafter was foon after taken to the workhoufe at Finchley, where the Bowfreet officers went to fee him. He was very much disguised in drefs, having a Welch wig on, and a blue apron, like that of a butcher. He is fuppofed to have committed a great number of robberies about the metropolis within the last two or three years.

FEB. 1. This evening about ten e'clock the patrole, going their rounds, difcovered the body of Colonel Frederick lying dead under the porch of the weft gate of Weftininfter Abbey. He appeared to have been shot, one fide of his face being totally gone, and a vast quantity of blood and fome brains lying about the fpot where he was found. Several rf the inhabitants near the fpot about a-paft eight o'clock, were alarmed by

the report of fire-arms. The Colonel's hat was lying by his fide; and in his pockets were found two shillings, a paper with a fmall quantity of gunpowder, and a card of his addrefs."

The Coroner's Inqueft fat upon the body, when Mr. Sterling, of Northumberland-ftreet, with whom the deceased had lodged for fome time past, and a gentleman of the name of Gretton, spoke particularly as to the deranged ftate of the deceafed's mind for feveral months; that he fuppofed his derangement origi nated from diftrefs, occafioned by his lofing a penfion of 200l. per year, allowed him by the Duchefs of Wirtemberg previous to the war; but who, to compenfate the lofs, propofed raifing a regiment of foldiers, to be difpofed of as the British Government should think fit, on condition that the deceased should have the command of it, which regiment was offered to the Eaft India Company, or to ferve in Portugal; but from fome unknown reasons was not accepted, which affected the deceafed fo much, his diftreffes increafing, that he frequently told feveral of his friends he should destroy himself.

Mrs. Segur, who keeps a coffee-house in Palace-yard, alfo fpoke to the deranged state of the deceased's mind, who called at her house on Tuesday evening, appeared in a high fever, and refused to take the fmalleft refreshment.

Mr. Gwillam, of the Story's-Gate coffee-houfe, proved the deceased's dining there on Wednesday; but obferved nothing particular in his conduct.

William Colvin, the boy who faid he faw the deceafed killed, wasre examined before the Coroner; when, on the oath being administered to him, he confeffed that all he had before faid was falfe; and that he knew nothing further concerning the tranfaction, than that he met a boy on Wednesday night in St. Margaret's Church-yard, who

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informed him the body of a man was lying under the porch of the Abbeygate, oppofite Tothill-ftreet, and whom he accompanied to view it.

Under thefe circumftances, and it alfo appearing that the deceafed had borrowed a piftel a few days ago of a perfon in St. Martin's lane, the Jury, at near four o'clock, returned a verdict of Lunacy.

The piftol has not yet been found; moft likely it was picked up by the boy who first discovered the body.

Colonel Frederick, we are affured, was more than 70. He has left a daughter, and, we believe, four grand children. He was a very amiable and unoffending character.

he was the chief companion of the prefent King of Poland (if we may ftill call the amiable and unfortunate monarch by that name) while in this country, and used to relate a curious anecdote of dining with the King, then Count Poniatowski, at an obfcure cof. fee-house in the city, where each relied upon the other for money to pay the expences of a very moderate dinner; but both were too neceffitous, and Frederick was obliged to pledge his watch to liberate himfelf and the future Monarch of Poland.

The remains of this unfortunate gen tleman were yesterday interred in the church-yard of St. Ann's Soho, near to the body of his father. The hearfe was accompanied by two mourning coaches, in which were fome gentlemen, who admired and esteemed him when living, and were folicitous of paying this laft tribute to departed worth!-About an hour before the interment, a very refpectable perfon defired to place upon the church-wall, at the head of the grave, the following character. It was fubmitted to the minifter, who granted the request.

"Here lie the mortal remains of Colonel Frederick, fon of Theodore, King of Corfica.-In his deportment he was a finished Gentleman;" in honour, honefty, and truth he was princely. He was poor in circumftances, rich in the poffeffion of the moft liberal heart; and the greateft diftrefs he laboured under was the want of abilities to relieve the diftreffes of others.God be with him."

King Theodore died in the parish of St. Ann's, at the houfe of Mr. Def. champs, No. 5, Little Chapel-street, on the 11th of December 1756.*.

A Letter was received in town from Mr. Margarot, dated Port Jackson,

A writer in one of the daily papers, who feems to be well informed, fays, "The general opinion that Colonel Frederick was the fon of the late Theodore, King of Corfica, is, we have reafon to believe, perfectly unfounded. The following anecdotes with respect to this unfortunate man have been fent by a Gentleman who was for many years on terms of intimacy with him, and had various opportunities of learning many curious circumstances refpecting his origin and pursuits:

"Colonel Frederick was not the son of Theodore. He was, like Theodore, a German, and he was also, like him, an adventurer; but he was no relation whatever to him. He had been a lay brother in a Capuchin Monaftry, from which he decamped, and fome time after came over to England in very great distress, without friends, and with no refources but what he found in his own fertile and happy mind. He arrived much about the fame time that Theodore died, and finding the people take a kind of interest in the hapless fate of a man who they were told was a King, Mr. Frederick hit upon the expedient of paffing for his fon, and it fucceeded. The affertion could not be easily contradicted. The fact did not merit investigation, and it was every where believed that he was the son of Theodore.

"When I was a boy I remember him living by the bounty of minors. Sir John Boriafe -Warren was a very great friend to him, for he took him into his house, and bought his fon a commiffion in the 15th regiment. This fon was killed at German Town, in America.

"I asked the father fome years fince how he came to be a Colonel, and he told me that the Duke of Wirtemberg had given him the Brevet rank. He conflantly lived by expedients, and from hand to mouth; conftantly assisted, but always poor. But whatever his whole hiftory may be, and no one in this country knows it except the widow of David Garrick, who is his country-woman, and who knew him well, he certainly did not deferve the fate he met with.

"Exceffive vanity was the weak part of Colonel Frederick's character, but in almost every other point of view his qualities were of the most eftimable kind. He poffeffed the principal requifites of an accomplished gentleman; and, though frequently diftreffed himself, he has been often known to administer from his flight resources relief to the miserable."


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