
evitable difadvantages, in the pecuniary tranfactions, occationed by that war, which will render a further provifion neceffary. The actual liberation of all our Citizens who were prifoners in Algiers, while it gratifies every feeling heart, is itself an earneft of a fatiffactory termination of the whole nego


Measures are in operation for effe&ting Treaties with the Regencies of Tunis and Tripoli.

To an active external commerce, the protection of a naval force is indifpenible. This is manifeft with regard to wars in which a State is itfelf a party; but befides this, it is our own experience, that the moft fincere neutrality is not a fufficient guard against the depredations of nations at war. To fecure respect to a neutral flag requires a naval force, organized, and ready to vindicare it from infult or aggreffion. This may even prevent the neceffity of going to War,by difcouraging Belligerent Powers from committing fuch violations of the rights of the neutral party, as may, firit or laft, have no other option. From the best information I have been able to obtain, it would feem as if our trade to the Mediterranean, without a protecting force, will always be infecure; and our Citizens expofed to the calamities from which numbers of them have but just been relieved.

Thefe confiderations invite the United States to look to the means, and to fet about the gradual creation of a navy. The increafing progrefs of their navi gation promiles them, at no diftant period, the requifite fupply of feamen; and their means in other refpects fayour the undertaking. It is an encouJagement likewife, that their parti cular fituation will give weight and influence to a moderate naval force in their hands. Will it not then be adwifeable, to begin without delay, to provide, and lay up the materials for the building and equipping of fhips of war; and to proceed in the work by degrees, in proportion as our refources hall render it practicable, without inconvenience; fo that a future War of Europe may not find our commerce in the fame unprotected ftate in which it was found by the prefent?

Congrefs have repeatedly, and not without fuccefs, directed their attention to the encouragement of Manufactures. The object is of too much confequence, pot to enfure a continuance of their efforts,

in every way which fhall appear eligible. As a general rule, Manufactures on public account are inexpedient. But where the ftate of things in a Country leaves little hope that certain branches of Manufacture will for a great length of time obtain; when these are of a nature effential to the furnfhing and equipping of the public force in the time of War, are not establishments for procuring thera on public account, to the extent of the ordinary demand for the public fervice, recommended by ftrong confiderations of national policy, as an exception to the general rule? Ought our Country to remain, in fuch cafes, dependent on foreign fupply, precarious, becaufe liable to be interrupted? If the neceflary articles fhould in this mode coft more in time of peace, will not the fecurity and independence thence arifing form an ample compenfa tion? Eftablishments of this fort, commenfurate only with the calls of the Public Service in the time of Peace, will, in time of War, easily be extended in proportion to the exigencies of the Go vernment, and may even perhaps be made to yield a furplus, for the fupply of our Citizens at large; fo as to mitigate the privateers from the interruption of their Trade. If adopted, the plan ought to exclude all thofe branches which are al ready, or likely foon to be established in the Country, in order that there may be no danger of interference with purfuits of individual industry.

It will not be doubted, that with reference either to individual or national welfare, agriculture is of primary importance. In proportion as Nations advance in population, and other circumstances of ma turity, this truth becomes more apparent, and renders the cultivation of the foil more and more an object of public pa tronage. Institutions for promoting it grow up, fupported by the public purfe; and to what object can it be dedicated with greater propriety? Among the means which have been employed to this end, none have been employed with greater fuccefs than the establishment of Boards, compofed of proper characters, charged with collecting and diffuting informa tion, and enabled by premiums, and small pecuniary aids, to encourage and affift a fpirit of difcovery and improvement. This Species of establishment contributes doubly to the increafe of improvement, by ftimulating to enterprize and experiment, and by drawing to a common centre the refults every where of individual skill and obfervation, and fpreading them thence

over the whole Nation. Experience accordingly has fhewn, that they are very cheap inftruments of immenfe national benefits.

I have heretofore proposed to the confideration of Congrefs, the expediency of eftablishing a National Univernity; and alfo a Military Academy. The defireableness of both these Institutions has fo conftantly increased with every new view I bave taken of the fubject, that I cannot omit the opportunity of once for all recalling your attention to them.

The Affembly to which I addrefs myfelf is too enlightened not to be fully fenfible how much a flourishing state of the Arts and Sciences contributes to national profperity and reputation.-True it is, that our Country, much to its honour, contains many Seminaries of Learning highly respectable and useful; but the funds upon which they reft are too narrow to command the ableft Profeffors in the different departments of libetal knowledge, for the Inftitution contemplated, though they would be excellent auxiliaries.

Amongst the motives to fuch an Inftitution, the affimilation of the principles, opinions, and manners of our Countrymen, by the common education of a portion of our youth from every quarter, well deferves attention. The more homogeneous our Citizens can be made, in these particulars, the greater will be our profpect of permanent union; and a primary object of fuch a National Inftitution fhould be, the education of our youth in the fcience of Government. In a Republic, what fpecies of knowledge can be equally important, and what duty more preffing on its Legislature, than to patronize a plan for communicating it to thofe, who are to be the future guardians of the Liberties of the Country?

The inftitution of a Military Academy is alfo recommended by cogent reafons. However pacific the general policy of a Nation may be, it ought never to be without an adequate ftock of Military knowledge for emergencies. The firft would impair the energy of its charac. ter, and both would hazard its fafety, or expofe it to greater evils when War could not be avoided. Befides, that War might often not depend upon its own choice. In proportion as the obfervance of pacific maxims might exempt Nation from the neceflity of practif. ing the rules of the Military art, ought be its care in preferving and tranf

mitting, by proper establishments, the knowledge of that art. Whatever ar gument may be drawn from particular examples, fuperficially viewed, a tho rough examination of the fubject will evince that the art of War is at once comprehenfive and complicated; that it demands much previous study; and that the poffeffion of it, in its moft improved and perfect ftate, is always of great moment to the fecurity of a Nation. This, therefore, ought to be a ferious care of every Government; and for this purpofe an Academy, where a regular course of inftruction is given, is an obvious expedient which different Nations have fuccessfully em ployed.

The compenfations to the Officers of the United States, in various inftances, and in none more than in respect to the most important ftatious. appear to call for Legiflative revifion. The confequences of a defective provifion are of a serious import to the Government.

If private wealth is to fupply the defect of public retribution, it will greatly contract the sphere within which the felection of character for Office is to be made, and will proportionally diminish the probability of a choice of men able as well as upright.-Befides that, it would be repugnant to the vital principles of our Government virtually to exclude from public trufts talents and virtue, unless accompanied by wealth.

While, in our external relations, fome ferious inconveniencies and embarrassments have been overcome, and others leffened, it is with much pain and deep regret I mention, that circumstances of a very unwelcome nature have lately occurred. Our trade has fuffered, and is fuffering, extenfive injuries in the Weft Indies, from the cruizers and agents of the French Republic ;-and communications have been received from its Minister here, which indicate the danger of a further disturbance of our commerce by its authority, and which are, in other refpects, far from agreeable.

It has been my conftant, fincere, and earnest with, in conformity with that of our Nation, to maintain cordial harmony, and a perfect friendly underftanding with that Republic. This with remains unabated; and I fhall perfevere in the endeavour to fulfil it, to the utinoß extent of what shall þe

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confiftent with a juft and indifpenfible regard to the rights and honour of our Country; nor will I early ceafe to cherish the expectation, that a spirit of juftice, candour and friendship on the part of the Republic, will eventually enfure fuccefs.

In pursuing this courfe, however, I cannot forget what is due to the character of our Government and Nation; or to a full and entire confidence in the good fenfe, patriotifm, felf-refpect, and fortitude of my Countrymen.

I referve for a fpecial Meffage a more particular communication on this interefting fubject.

Gentlemen of the House of Reprefen


I HAVE directed an Estimate of the appropriations neceffary for the Service of the enfuing year, to be fubmitted from the proper Department, with a view of the Public Receipts and Expenditures, to the latest period to which an account can be prepared.

It is with fatisfaction I am able to inform, you, that the Revenues of the United States continue in a fate of progreffive improvement.

A reinforcement of the exifting provifions for discharging our Public Debt, was mentioned in my Addrefs at the opening of the laft Seffion. Some preliminary steps were taken towards it, the maturing of which will, no doubt, engage your zealous attention during the prefent.-I will only add, that it will afford me a heart-felt fatisfaction to concur in fuch further measures as will afcertain to our Country the profpect of a speedy extinguifhment of the Debt.-Pofterity may have to regret, if, from any motive, intervals of tranquillity are left unimproved for accelerating this valuable end.

Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the
House of Reprefentatives,

MY 1olicitude to fee the Militia of the United States placed on an efficient eftablishment, has been fo often, and fo ardently expreffed, that I fhall but barely recall the subject to your view on the prefent occation; at the fame time that I fhall fubmit to your enquiry, Whether our Harbours are yet fufficiently fecured?

The fituation in which I now ftand, for the last time, in the midst of the Reprefentatives of the People of the United States, naturally recalls the period when the Adminiftration of the prefent form of Government com

menced; and I cannot omit the occafion to congratulate you and my Country, on the fuccefs of the experiment; nor to repeat my fervent fupplications to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and Sovereign Arbiter of Nations, that his providential care may ftill be extended to the United States; that the virtue and happiness of the People may be preferved; and that the Government which they have inftituted, for the protection of their Liberties, may be perpetual.

G. WASHINGTON. United States, 7th Dec. 1796.



FREDERICK WILLIAM II. WE having been informed, that an opinion has been propagated through a part of our State of Weftphalia, fituated on the left Bank of the Rhine, to wit, the Provinces of Cleves, Meurs, and Guelders, in the actual possession of the French Troops, that fufficient remon ftrances and proteftations had not been made on our part against the various innovations and oppreffions which the French Commiffaries and Agents exercife over our faithful fubjects; we have therefore thought it good to make this public declaration, by means of our Regency, jointly with our Chamber of War and of Territory; and we do publicly declare that we have never ceafed, nor fhall we ever cease, to intereft ourselves in behalf of our faid fubjects, by the intervention of our En voy to the French Republic; and that it is far from our intention to depart from the basis of the Treaty of Balle refpecting the Civil or Financial Adminiftration of thofe Countries.

In concluding the Treaty by which the War between our State and the French Republic was put an end to, is was never our intention to grant them more than a mere military poffeffion of our Provinces on the left fide of heRhine, til! Peace thould be concluded with the Emperor; and this intention, which had been taken as a bafis in the negociations, is fufficiently manifeft by the tenor of the 5th Article, which exprefsly de clares, "That the Troops of the Republic fhall occupy thefe Countries be longing to it."


The difference between Provinces conquered from an enemy, and those which belong to a Power in alliance, and which have been merely conceded for a temporary military occupation, is fufficiently evident; and it is obvious that they ought not to be treated in the fame manner.

It is therefore impoffible for us to believe that the French Government, confidering the amicable ties fubfifting between us and it, will ftill oppofe fuch evident reafoning. It cannot fail to conceive, that neither fequeftration nor confifcation of the goods of the Clergy, nor the projected fale of woods, nor the enormous contribution of three millions, impofed on the country between the Meufe and the Rhine, which would entirely ruin that country, can take place with any regard to appearance of juftice. It has already in effect given our En. voy at Paris the moft pofitive affurance, that the measures taken with respect to the Clergy thould be put an end to, and that the Ecclefiaftics thould remain in quiet enjoyment of their goods and revenues; we, therefore, conftantly expect the revocation of the order for the fale of woods, and, in general, a renunciation of all thofe deftructive innovations relative to our dominions.

We shall not by any means recognize as valid the fale of woods, which have already taken place to our great aftonishment; and we are pofitively determined to have recourfe to the purchafers for reftitution in kind, or for the value at which the property fold fhall be eftimated by our Agents, and for the damages which fhall refult from the wafte committed on thefe woods.

In thofe cafes, where the purchafers cannot be found, we fhall exercise our feverity on ali thofe who are employed by thefe laft for cutting and carrying wood. We, in confequence, exhort our faithful Subjects of the faid Provinces to remain affured of our lafting and efficacious protection, and to wait with confidence for the return of that ancient order of things, fo highly to be defired. At Wefel, in our Chamber of War and Territory, 29th December 1796, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty. BARON DE STEIN, Firft Prefident. Given at Emmerick, in our Regency, the 29th December 1796, in the name and on behalf of his Majefty.


VOL. XXXI. FEB. 1797.

No. V.


I Have it in command from his Majesty to acquaint the Houfe of Commons, that his Majefty feels the deepest regret that his endeavours to preferve peace with Spain, and to adjust all matters in difcuffion with that Court by an amicable Negotiation, have been rendered ineffectual by an abrupt and unprovoked Declaration of War on the part of the Catholic King.

His Majelty, at the fame time that he fincerely laments this addition to the calamities of War, already extending over fo great a part of Europe, has the fatisfaction to reflect, that nothing has been omitted on his part which could contribute to the maintenance of Peace on good grounds, confiftent with the honour of his Crown and the interefts of his dominions.

And he trufts, that under the protection of Divine Providence, the firmnefs and wifdom of his Parliament will enable him effectually to repel this unprovoked aggreffion, and to afford to all Europe an additional proof of the spirit and refources of his Majesty's kingdoms.

I am alfo commanded by his Majesty to acquaint the Houfe of Commons, that his Majesty feels the utmolt concern that his earneft endeavours to effect the reftoration of Peace have been unhappily fruftrated, and that the Negotiation in which he was engaged has been abruptly broken off by the peremptory refufal of the French Government to treat, except upon a bafis evidently inadmiffible, and by their having, in confequence, required his Majefty's Plenipotentiary to quit Paris within 48 hours.

I have directed the feveral Memorials and Papers which have been exchanged in the courfe of the late difcuffion, and the account tranfmitted to his Majesty of its final refult, to be laid before the Houfe.

From thefe Papers, his Majefty trufts, it will be proved to the whole world, that his conduct has been guided by a fincere defire to effect the restoration of Peace on principles fuited to the relative fituation of the Belligerent Powers, and essential for the permanent interefts of his kingdoms, and the general fecurity of Europe, whilft his enemies have advanced pretenfions at once inconfiftent with thoie objects, unfupported even on the grounds on which they were profeffed to reff, and repugnant both to the fyftem eftablished by repeated T Treaties,

Treaties, and to the principles and practice which have hitherto regulated the intercourse of independent nations.

In this fituation his Majefty has the confolation of reflecting, that the continuance of the calamities of War can be imputed only to the unjust and exorbitant, views of his enemies; and his Majefty, looking forward with anxiety to the moment when they may be difpofed to act on different principles, places in the mean time the fulleft reliance, under the protection of Providence, on the wifdom and firmness of his Parliament, on the tried valour of his forces by fea and land, and on the zeal, public fpirit, and refources of his kingdoms, for vigorous and effectual fupport in the profecution of a contest which it does not depend on his Majefty to terminate, and which involves in it the fecurity and permanent interefts of this country and of Europe.

I fincerely congratulate the House of Commons upon the failure of the recent formidable attempt of the French to invade his Majefty's kingdom of Ireland. The providential difperfion of their squadrons, until his Majesty's Fleets were enabled to appear upon the Coalt, cannot fail to imprefs fenfations of awful and ferious gratitude for fo fignal an inftance of Divine Interpofition; at the fame time the Commons will cherish the fatisfactory reflection, that the delufive hopes of fuccefs in creating divifion and infurrection in the country, by which the enemy were inSpired, have been totally difappointed, and that the late alarm his afforded his Majefty's fubje&ts an opportunityof teftifying, at the hazard of their fortunes and their lives, their invincible attachment to the mild Government of their beloved Sovereign and the bleffings of their happy Conftitution. I have beheld with pleafure the zeal and alacrity of his Majesty's Regular and Militia Forces, and the prompt and honourable exertions of the Yeomanry Corps, whofe decided utility has been fo abundantly difplayed, while the diftinguished fervices of the most refpectable characters in forwarding the meafures of Government, the benevolent attention fhewn to the Army by all ranks and defcriptions of perfons, and the fpirited measures which were taken to fupport Public Credit, have made an indelible impreffion upon my mind: it was from this general spirit of animated and gallant loyalty, that I was infpired with a juft hope, that had the enemy fucceeded in an attempt to land, their career would have been terminated in total discomfiture: I have not failed to reprefent to his Majefty

is meritorious conduct of his faithful

commanded to convey to them his cordial acknowledgements and thanks.

His Majefty's concern for the safety and happiness of his people has been anxious and unceafing; he was prepared to fend every requifite military afsistance from Great Britain.

And his Majesty is not without hopes, that the formidable fleet afsembled under the command of Lord Bridport for the protection of this kingdom (the arrival of which was only obftructed by thofe adverse storms which proved so destructive o the prefent expedition of the enemy), may ftill fall in with the hostile squadron, and effect their total defeat.

At the fame time, however, his Majefty trufts that the Houfe of Commons will advert to the fituation and refources of the kingdom for establishing future fecurity, by means proportionable to the daring efforts which may be expected from a defperate enemy, who, having rejected every reasonable propofal for the reftoration of Peace, is endeavouring to excite difaffection among his Majesty's fubjects, and to propagate the principles of anarchy by the fpirit of plunder.

No. VI.


THE undersigned is charged, by the exprefs command of the King of Pruffia, His Moft Gracious Sovereign, to make the following overtures to all Their Excellencies, the Plenipotentiaries of the Affociated States of Northern Germany, delegated to affeinble in Convention at Hildesheim: The general concerns of Germany, with regard to the continuance of the War, ftill remain in a moft undecided condition, and the confolatory hope of a general Peace, fo devoutly to be wished, remains as yet uncertain and remote to the laft degree, fince the Negociations entered upon for that purpofe may, alas ! produce a farther and more obftinate War, rather than bring about its final conclufion. In this perplexing fituation, it certainly is a happiness which Northern Germany cannot fufficiently praife, to fee itself entirely freed, not only from the miferies of this ravaging War, but alfo from all the inconveniencies connected with it, fuch as the requifitions of the Belligerent Powers, the paffage and marches of troops, and many other fimilar bur

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