
Thou art the overflowing source from whence we spring, and the immense ocean to which we tend.

Thou art the liberal donor of all we possess, and the faithful promiser of all we hope.

Thou art the vigilant protector of our lives, and our deliverer from all who molest us.

Thou art the merciful punisher of our sins, and-bounteous rewarder of our obedience.

Thou art the safe conductor of our pilgrimage, and the eternal rest of our wearied souls.

Such words, alas! our weak capacity is constrained to use, when we endeavour to speak of thy bounties.

Fancy may picture to us something beyond these expressions; but infinitely beneath the least of thy mercies.

Tell us thyself; one word of thine expresses more than all the eloquence of men and angels.

Tell us thyself, O thou mild instructor of the ignorant! what thou art to us.

Say to our souls, thou art the author of life and salvation; but say it in such a manner that we may hear thee.

Gladly will we run after the sound of that voice; and hope, by following it, to enjoy thy paternal regard.

When we have once found thee, O thou joy of our hearts! never permit us to lose sight of thee again.

Never let us turn our eyes from thee, but steadily fix them on thy glorious countenance. Suffer us not to go till thou hast given us thy blessing, and may thy blessing unite us still more closely to thee.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

Ant. The Lord has made all things for himself; for his glory and our salvation.

Ant. What is man, O Lord! that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that thou shouldst visit him?

Psalm XVI.

LET us now consider, O Lord our God! let us humbly remember what we are to thee. We, who alas! are nothing in ourselves, what can we be to thy immensity?

No sun or moon in borrowed light,
Revolves thine hour away;

The Lamb on Calvary's mountain slain
Is thy eternal day.

From every eye he wipes the tear,
All sighs and sorrows cease;
No more alternate hope and fear,
But everlasting peace.

The thought of thee to us is giv'n,
Our sorrows to beguile;

T'anticipate the bliss of heav'n
In his eternal smile.


CHAPTER-1. John. 2.

Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world. If any one love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world is concupiscence of the flesh, concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life, which is not of the Father, but of the world: and the world passes away, and the

concupiscence thereof; but he that does the will of God, abides for ever.

Ant. Learn of me, says our Lord, that I am meek and humble of heart; and you shall find rest to your souls.


Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord! according to thy word in peace;

Because my eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all thy people;

A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people, Israel.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

Ant. Learn of me, says our Lord, that I am meek and humble of heart; and you shall find rest to your souls.

V. Meekness is the heaven of this life.

R. But the heaven of heavens is above.

Let us pray.

O God! whose gracious Providence has particularly ordained the spirit of meekness to waft us over the turbulent sea of this world,

Thou art all things in thy own inexhaustible being, what canst thou receive from our poverty?

This only we are to thee, O great creator! the unthankful object of all thy bounties.

This only we are to thee, O dear Redeemer! the unworthy cause of all thy sufferings.

Guilty, we committed the crime, and thou in thy innocence didst undergo the punish


We went astray from the paths of life, and thy mercy came down from heaven to seek us;

To seek us in the wilderness where we had lost ourselves, and bring us to the discipline of thy love.

Lord! what are we, that thou should'st thus regard such poor, vile and insignificant crea


What can our good will add to thy bliss, that with so many charms thou invitest us to love thee!

What can our malice detract from thy happiness, that thou threatenest so violently if we love thee not!

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