
safe to cast thy eyes upon me? I, a sinner; a worm of the earth; more contemptible than nothing itself, approach thee, O sovereign Lord! and receive thee within my bosom! My God! I acknowledge my infinite unworthiness of so great a favour, and humble myself profoundly before thee. O wash me yet more from my sins and blot out all my iniquities. I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, and firmly resolved with thy assistance, never more to relapse into my sins.

Act of Hope.

THOUGH filled with confusion at the sight of my unworthiness, O Lord! thy goodness inspires me with confidence and leads me to expect every thing from thee. Can any one resist that loving invitation; "Come to me, all ye that labour, and are heavily burthened, and I will refresh you?" What would become of us, did we not apply to thee under the trials and temptations that continually beset us? Behold then, O Lord! I fly to thee as my only refuge; thou alone hast the words of eternal life; and I hope to hear from thee those words

of heavenly sweetness, which will encourage me to persevere in thy service to the end.

Act of Love and Desire.

YES, O divine Saviour! attracted by thy charms, I desire to fix my heart on thee, as my only good, my only happiness. Too late have I known thee, O sovereign beauty and perfection! too late have I loved thee. Come then, O Lamb of God! who takest away the sins of the world. Come, thou beloved of my heart, to nourish, comfort, and enliven my sickly soul. Let blind and infatuated worldlings run after the delusive enjoyments of life; for my part, nothing besides thee can ever content me, in heaven or on earth. For thee my flesh and my heart have fainted away; for thou art the God of my heart and my portion forever.


Immediately after Communion when the fulness of the Divinity dwells corporally within you, enter into yourself and consider the wondrous mysteries that have been wrought for your advantage. Consider yourself as a living tabernacle in which the Saint of saints is really present. Adore him, praise him, and let your heart expand in sentiments of the most fervent gratitude, confidence, and love. After this you may recite the following prayers.

Act of Thanksgiving.

My Lord and my God! I thank thee with all the powers of my soul, for the incomparable favour thou hast bestowed upon me, in condescending to make my heart the dwelling place of thy infinite Majesty. I would wish to make thee a return worthy of thy inconceivable goodness; but, alas! what acknow


ledgments of mine, poor and miserable as I am, could ever equal thy stupendous mercies? All that I can do is to be absorbed in wonder at thy incomprehensible love, and in transports of continual joy, to exclaim; my God is within me, my God has deigned to visit me. that is great and most holy, is united to vileness and wretchedness itself. What then shall I return to the Lord for all that he has done to me? I have nothing of myself; but, O eternal Father! allow me to present thee thy own adorable Son, in thanksgiving for thy unbounded goodness. His merits are ours, and I therefore offer them to thee as the only worthy acknowledgment of the admirable graces thou hast bestowed upon me. May all creatures, in union with him, continually adore and praise thy holy name.

Act of Offering.

"My beloved is to me, and I to him." Yes, O divine Jesus! thou hast given thyself entirely to me; behold I consecrate myself to thee without reserve. I desire to belong to thee alone; and for this purpose I offer to thee my

understanding that it may be incessantly employed in meditating on thy infinite perfections. I offer thee my memory, that it may dwell perpetually on thy manifold mercies; I offer thee my heart that its affections and desires may be fixed on thee alone; I offer thee my soul and body, and my whole being, that it may be ever devoted to thy service, and the accomplishment of thy holy will. Consume in me, therefore, whatever is displeasing to thee, O Lord! that I may burn only with the love of thee, now and in eternity.

Act of Petition.

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O ADORABLE Saviour! as thou hast come to enrich me with thy favours, and desirest me to implore them with confidence, I ask of thee, not the good things of this life, not the wealth, the honors, and the pleasures of the world; but, what is far more precious for a christian, a sincere and heartfelt sorrow for my sins, the light which will unfold to me the vanities of this world; a constant fidelity in corresponding to thy grace; a holy fervour in thy service; in a word, an ardent love for thee, and a happy

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