
Son Jesus, upon my angel guardian, thy holy servants N. N. and all those blessed saints whose memory the church celebrates this day, beseeching thee, through their prayers, to pour forth thy grace into my heart, and enable me in all things to seek thee alone, and to adhere continually to thy adorable will. I also offer it up, O my God! in thanksgiving for the numberless benefits and favours thou hast bestowed upon me, from the first moment of my birth to the present time; for having created me to thy own image and likeness, for having redeemed me by the death of thy beloved Son, and sanctified me by thy holy Spirit; for having preserved me, amidst all the vicissitudes of this life, and turned my thoughts to the hopes of a better one; but above all, for having brought me into the fold of thy holy Catholic church; for having vouchsafed, so frequently to feed and nourish my soul with the body and blood of thy own dear Son, and for thy infinite goodness towards me, in N. N. [Here mention such particular mercies as God has shewn to you.] For these, O Lord! my soul desires to praise thee, and all that is

within me, to bless thy holy name; and as the greatest homage I can possibly render thee, for these thy ineffable mercies towards me, I prostrate myself in thy divine presence, and offer up to thee this most adorable sacrifice of the body and blood of thy beloved Jesus.

Act of Propitiation.

COVERED with shame and confusion, O almighty God! I appear before thee, loaded with the heavy burden of my sins, by which I have so often offended thy infinite majesty, and done so great an injury to my soul. Ah, great God! with what confidence can I appear in thy presence? Or how shall I presume to lift up my eyes to thee, loaded, as I am, with so many crimes, and sullied with the stains of so many transgressions? Alas, my good and gracious Lord! if thou wilt enter into judgment with thy servant, how shall I be able to stand before thee? But thou hast revealed thyself to us as a God of pity and compassion, and willing to forgive those who repent and fly to thee for mercy with a contrite heart. Wherefore, O my God! sensible of my manifold sins,

I now return to thee, full of grief and sorrow for having offended thee; and because I have nothing of myself capable of appeasing thy anger against me, behold, O sovereign Lord! I offer to thee this most adorable sacrifice of thy beloved Son Jesus, as the most ample propitiation for the sins of the whole world, and particularly for all those which I have myself committed against thee. O almighty God! through the merits of this oblation, and of the bloody sacrifice which Jesus offered upon the cross, I beseech and entreat thee to have mercy on me, thy poor unworthy servant, and on all thy people throughout the whole world, and to grant to us all a perfect contrition and true repentance. Hear, O merciful Lord! the voice of the blood of Jesus that crieth out to thee, not for vengeance, but for pardon and mercy; grant us pardon for the past, give us grace to amend our lives, and never more to offend thee for the time to come; give us strength to persevere in thy holy service and in the practice of good works, to the end of our life, and we shall forever sing with joy the praises of thy mercy.

Act of Petition.

FINALLY, O my God! I offer up to thee this most adorable sacrifice, for the necessities of all mankind; beseeching thee for the sake of thy divine Son, to open thy heavenly treasures, and pour forth thy blessings upon us for our help and relief, according to our various wants: grant that all may know thee, that all may reverence and honor thee; that all may love thee and enjoy thy protection; may those who err, enter into the right path; put an end to all heresies, convert to the true faith all who as yet do not know thee; grant to us all thy grace, O my God! and the enjoyment of thy peace; may thy holy will be done, not ours; comfort all those who are in affliction, who suffer under the weight of their miseries and the violence of temptation; and mercifully alleviate their evils, whether corporal or spiritual, enabling them to endure them with such dispositions that they may be a means of sanctifying their souls here, and bringing them to thy eternal glory hereafter. I also recommend to thee thy holy Catholic church

our chief bishop N., with all the pastors and ministers of thy church, especially those of this country. May thy infinite mercy be extended to the President of these United States, and to all magistrates and rulers, to all Christian kings, princes and governors, throughout the whole world, and all the different orders in thy church. I beseech thee to give to each one of us the true spirit of his calling, that we may all honor thee in our respective stations here, and after this life, glorify thee forever in heaven. O my God! I recommend to thee in a special manner those who profess the true faith; grant to thy priests the spirit of wisdom, zeal, holiness and purity, and to thy people, the spirit of humility, docility and obedience; grant to our prelates a fervent charity and enlightened prudence, with a plenteous effusion of all the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost; wash away our iniquities, and grant to us all that spirit of prayer, vigilance and self-denial, which will defend us from a repetition of our former offences; grant us peace and unity 'mong ourselves, and so adorn our lives

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