ENTERED, ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1858, BY JOHN A. GRAY, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW-YORK. JOHN A. GRAY, Printer and Stereotyper, 16 and 18 Jacob Street, New-York. A INDEX. PAGE ....598 A Tragedy of the Mammoth Cave,..... .111 tributor,... 469 386 ISRAEL QUARRELL against Fortune,.........262 Ashes,.. ..618 J 'Drearily Falls the Snow," .227 ..228 .278 294 EDITOR'S TABLE: Festival of the Saint Nicholas Society, 84; 'The Bloody Scul- lion of Skedink': a Novel, 200; The 'Good Time Coming' for Jackasses, 202; Correction: by a Michigan Corre- spondent, 203; The Autocrat' on 'Facts': 'The Old Man Dreams,' 204; The Amours of Warren Hastings, 318; Story of a Detective Expert,' 317; America by River and Rail, 322; Some Thoughts about Fancy-Fairs, 418; The late Henry Cary: 'John Waters,' 422; The late Henry Cary, Esq.: 'John Waters of the KNICKERBOCKER, 520; Interesting Facts in Science and Art, 647; Paäs Festival of the St. Nicholas Extracts from a Recent East-Indian Journal, 'In Captivity,'. 'To the Queen.' By R. M. Oakes,...850 'We're growing Old together,'. LITERARY NOTICES: Guy Livingstone, or Tho- |