The Tutor's Assistant, Or Comic Figures of ArithmeticJ. and F. Harwood, 1843 - 128 oldal |
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12 months 27 yards acres aliquot annum Arithmetic AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT barley-corns barrels BEER MEASURE Bought brokerage bushels Butt Ciphers cloff CLOTH MEASURE contains cost cubic inches denomination desire to know difference ditto divide by 20 divide the product dividend DIVISION divisor dozen Drachms Drams DRY MEASURE English ells farthings feet FENCHURCH STREET figure Find the commission Firkin Flemish ells furlongs given quantity gold grains gross guineas hogsheads hundred Imperial gallons interest Kilderkin LAND MEASURE less miles millions moidores multiplicand multiply the quantity Number-is Old measure ounce pecks Pennyweight pieces pints Pipe poles pounds Proportion quarters wide quarts quotient gives remainder requires roods Rule of Three RULE.-Multiply Sack scruples silver sold solid Square subtract sugar suttle TABLE tare term thousand tobacco tods TROY WEIGHT whole numbers wine yards of cloth
Népszerű szakaszok
27. oldal - By comparing the number of grains in the Avoirdupois and Troy pound and ounce respectively, it appears that the Troy pound is less than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 14 to 17 nearly ; but the Troy ounce is greater than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 79 to 72 nearly.
xiv. oldal - Los números cardinales 0: zero 1: one 2: two 3: three 4: four 5: five 6: six 7: seven 8: eight 9: nine 10: ten 11: eleven 12: twelve 13: thirteen 14: fourteen 15: fifteen 16: sixteen 17: seventeen 18: eighteen 19: nineteen 20: twenty...
123. oldal - DECIMALLY. 1. Under the multiplicand write the corresponding denominations of the multiplier. 2. Multiply each term in the multiplicand...
13. oldal - ... any number divided by 9, will leave the same remainder as the sum of its figures or digit: divided by 9 ;" which may bt demonstrated in this manner.
43. oldal - Days in each Month. Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November ; February hath twenty-eight alone, All the rest have thirty and one ; Except leap-year, and then's the time February's days are twenty-nine.
110. oldal - Tare is an allowance made to the buyer for the weight of the box, barrel, or bag, &c. which contains the goods bought, and is either at so much per box, &c., at so much per cwt., or at so much in the gross weight.
7. oldal - ... the less number under the greater, in the same manner as in Addition, that is, units under units, tens under tens, and so on ; and draw a line below them. — Begin at the...
xv. oldal - Here any figure in the first place, reckoning from right to left, denotes only its simple value ; but that in the second place, denotes ten times its simple value ; and that in the third place a hundred times its simple value ; and so on ; the value of any successive place being always ten times its former value.
123. oldal - Do the same with the seconds in the multiplier, setting the result of each term two places to the right hand of those in the multiplicand, &c.
91. oldal - ... multiply the second and third terms together, and divide the product by the first; the...