
[The following Prayer was compofed and ufed by Doctor Johnfon previous to his receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, on Sunday December 5, 1784.]


LMIGHTY and moft merciful Father, I am


now, as to human eyes it seems, about to commemorate, for the laft time, the death of thy Son Jefus Chrift our Saviour and Redeemer. Grant, O Lord, that my whole hope and confidence may be in his merits and thy mercy; enforce and accept my imperfect repentance; make this commemoration available to the confirmation of my faith, the establishment of my hope, and the enlargement of my charity; and make the death of thy Son Jefus Christ effectual to my redemption. Have mercy upon me, and pardom the multitude of my offences. Blefs my friends; have mercy upon all men. Support me, by thy Holy Spirit, in the days of weakness, and at the hour of death; and receive me, at my death, to everlafting happiness, for the fake of Jefus Christ. Amen.

* He died the 13th following.


The Roman Numerals refer to the Volume, and
the Figures to the Page.


BERBROTHICK, account of the town of, viii. 216. Of
the ruins of the monaftery there, 218.

Aberdeen, account of, x. 2.1. Dr. Johnson meets with an old ac-
quaintance, Sir Alexander Gordon, there, 221. Account of the
King's College, 223. Account of the Marifchal College, 224.
Account of the Library, 224. The course of education there,
225 Account of the English chapel, viii. 226.

Abilities, the reward of, to be accepted when offered, and not fought
for in another place, exemplified in the ftory of Gelaleddin of
Baffora, vii. 300.

Abouzaid, the dying advice of Morad his father to him, vi. 289.
Abfence, a destroyer of friendship, vii. 89.

dby finia, preface to the tranflation of Father Lobo's voyage to, ii.

Academical education, one of Milton's objections to it, ix. 88.

Acaftus, an inftance of the commanding influence of curiofity, vi.


Achilles, his addrefs to a Grecian prince fupplicating life, improper
for a picture, vii. 180.

Action (dramatick), the laws of it stated and remarked, vi. 97.
Action (exercile), neceffary to the health of the body, and the
vigour of the mind, v. 81. 87. The fource of cheerfulness and
vivacity, 86.

Action (in oratory), the want of, confidered, vii. 361. Tends to
no good in any part of oratory, 362.

Actions, every man the beft relator of his own, vii. 259. The in-
juftice of judging of them by the event, iii. 219.

Adam unparadifed, a MSS. fuppofed to be the embryo of Para-
dife Loft, viii. 3.

Adams, Parfon, of Fielding, not Edward, but William Young, xi.

Addifon, Jofeph, fuppofed to have taken the plan of his Dialogues
on medals from Dryden's Effay on Dramatick Poetry, ix. 322.



His life, x. 73. Born at Milfton, in Wiltshire, May 1, 1672, 73. The various fchools at which he received inftruction, 73. Cultivates an early friendship with Steele, 74. Lends 100l. to

Steele, and reclaims it by an execution, 75. Entered at Oxford, 1687, 75. Account of his Latin poems, 76. Account of his English poems, 76. On being introduced by Congreve to Mr. Montague, becomes a courtier, 78. Obtains a penfion of 3007. a year, that he might be enabled to travel, 78. Publishes his travels, 79. Succeeds Mr. Locke as Commiffioner of Appeals, as a reward for his poem The battle of Blenheim, 81. Went to Hanover with Lord Halifax, 81. Made Under-fecretary of State, 81. Writes the opera of Rofamond, 81. Afifts Steele in writing the Tender Husband, 81. Goes to Ireland with Lord Wharton as Secretary, 81. Made Keeper of the Records in Birmingham's Tower, S2. The oppofite characters of him and Wharton, 82. His reafon for refolving not to remit any fees to his friends, 82. Wrote in the Tatler, 83. Wrote in the Spectators, 83. His tragedy of Cato brought on the ftage, and fupported both by the Whigs and Tories, 89. 91. Cato warmly attacked by Dennis, 92. Other honours and enmities fhewed to Cato, 93. Cato tranflated both into Italian and Latin, 93: Writes in the Guardian, 94. His fignature in the Spectator and Guardian, 95. Declared by Steele to have been the author of the Drummer, with the ftory on which that comedy is founded, 95. Wrote feveral political pamphlets, 96. Appointed Secretary to the Regency, 98. In 1715 publishes the Freeholder, 98. Marries the Countefs of Warwick, Aug. 2, 1716, 99. Secretary of State, 1717, but unfit for the place, and therefore refigns it, 100. Sir J. Hawkins's Defence of the Character he had given of Addifon in his Hiftory of Mufick against the author of the Biog. Brit. 104. Purposes writing a tragedy on the death of Socrates, 100. Engages in his Defence of the Chriftian religion, 101. Had a defign of writing an English dictionary, 101. His controverfy with Steele on the Peerage Bill, 102. During his laft illness fends for Gay, informs him that he had injured him, and promifes, if he recovered, to recompence him, 105. Sends for the young Earl of Warwick, that he might fee how a Chriftian ought to die, 105. Died June 17, 1719, 106. His character, 106. The courfe of his familiar day, 109. His literary character, 112. Account of his works, 113. Extracts from Dennis's Obfervations on Cato, 119. Confidered as a critick, 137. Commended as a teacher of wifdom, 140. Character of his profe works, 140. Example of his difinterested conduct in difpofing of places, 141. A converfation with Pope on Tickell's tranflation of Homer, 233. Becomes a rival of Pope, xi. 95. Supposed to have been the tranflator of the Iliad, published under the name of Tickell, 99. His critical capacity remarked, v. 91. 140. 143. Obfervations on his tragedy of Cato, xi. 99.

Admiration, and ignorance, their mutual and reciprocal operation,


Adventurer, No. xxxiv. iii. 137. No. xli. 144. No. xlv. 150.
No. 1. 156. No. liii. 162. No. lviii. 168. No. lxii. 175.
No. Ixix. 183. No. lxxxiv. 190. No. lxxxv. 197. No. xcii.
204. No. xcv. 213. No. xcix. 219. No. cii. 220. No. cvii.
223. No. cviii. 239. No. cxi. 245. No. cxv. 252. No. cxix.
259. No. cxx. 255. No. cxxvi. 271. No. cxxxi. 278.
cxxxvii. 285. No. cxxxviii. 292.
Adversaries, the advantage of contending with illuftrious ones, xii.



Adverfity, a feafon fitted to convey the moft falutary and ufeful in-
ftruction to the mind, vi. 58. The appointed inftrument of pro-
moting our virtue and happiness, 60.

Advertisements, on pompous and remarkable, vii. 160.
Advice, good, too often difregarded, v. 97.

The caufes of this af
figned, 98. Vanity often the apparent motive of giving it, 99.
When most offenfive and ineffectual, vi. 90.

Affability, the extenfive influence of this amiable quality, vi. 2.
Affectation, the vanity and folly of indulging it, iv. 131. 133.
Wherein it properly differs from hypocrify, 134. The great ab.
furdity of it expofed in the character of Gelafimus, vi. 228.
Afflictions, proper methods of obtaining confolation under them, iv.
113. 332. Infeparable from human life, vi. 268. The benefits
of, 270.

Africa, progrefs of the discoveries made on that coast by the Portu-
guefe, ii. 213.

Age, the prefent an age of authors, iii. 252.
Age, the complaints of, iii. 224.

Agriculture, its extenfive ufefulnefs confidered, vi. 28. Thoughts on,
both antient and modern, ii. 384. Productions of, alone fufficient
for the fupport of an induftrious people, 385. In high confidera-
tion in Egypt, 385. The many antient writers on that fubject, 388.
'The enrichment of England, 389. A proper fubject for honorary
rewards, 391. Superior to trade and manufactures, 392. Danger
to be apprehended from the neglect of, 397. An art which go-
vernment ought to protect every proprietor of lands to practife, and
every enquirer into nature to improve, 397. Account of, at Raa-
fay, one of the Hebrides, 283. Bad ftate of, at Oftig, in Sky,
ix. 305. The raifing of the rents of eftates in Scotland confider-
ed, 326.

Ajut, his hiftory, vi. 267. 276.

Akenfide, Dr. Mark, his opinion of Dyer's Fleece, xi. 275. His
life, 335. Son of a butcher at Newcastle upon Tyne, born 1721.
Defigned for a diffenting minifter, but turns his mind to phyfick,
335. Pleafures of Imagination published, 1744, 356. Studies at
Leyden, and becomes M. D. 1744, 356. An enthufiaftick friend
to liberty, and a lover of contradiction, 357. Practifes phyfick at
Northampton and Hampftead, 358. Settles at London, 358. Al-
lowed 300l. a year by Mr. Dylon, 358. By his writings obtains
the name both of a wit and fcholar, 359. Died 1770, 359. Cha-
racter of his works, 359.

Alabafer, Roxana, commended, ix. 87.



Alacrity, the cultivation of it the fource of perfonal and focial pleasure,
v. 18, 19.

Albion, in lat. 3°, account of the friendly inhabitants found there by
Drake, xii. 137.

Alexandrian Library, its lofs lamented, vii. 263.

Aliger, his character, vi. 354.

Alien, Mr. of Bath, praised by Pope in his Satires, xi. 135.

All's Well that Ends Well, obfervations on Shakespeare's, ii,


Almamoulin, the dying fpeech of Nouradin, his father, to him, v. 314,
His thoughtless extravagance, 316. The excellent advice which
the fage gave him, 318.

Altilia, her coquetry defcribed, vi. 246.

Amazons, obfervations on the hiftory of the, vii. 351. Old maids
in England moft like Amazons, 352.
Amazons, of the Pen, iii. 254.

[ocr errors]

Ambition, generally proportioned to capacity, xii. 17. A quality
natural to youth, iv. 97. The peculiar vanity of it in the lower
ftations of life, 420, 421. A deftroyer of friendship, vii. 90.
Characterized. viii. 268.

America, Taxation no Tyranny, or, an answer to the Refolutions and
Addrefs of the American Congrefs [1775], x. 155. Motives
urged by patriots against the taxation of, 157. Examination into
our claim to the right of taxing it, and of their objections to be
taxed, 162. The plea of want of reprefentation examined, 172.
Their claims of exemption from taxation from their charters ex-
amined, 179. Objection to taxation made by an old member,
examined, 181. Proceedings of the congrefs of Philadelphia
examined, 185. Pleas of the Boftonians expofed, 188. Their
refolutions and address exposed, in a fuppofed addrefs from the
Cornish men, 194. Some of the arguments made ufe of against
our taxing it examined, 199. Firft incited to rebellion from Eu-
ropean intelligence, 202. Confiderations on the Indians granting
their lands to foreign nations, 211. Difficulty of ascertaining
boundaries, 282. The power of the French there, 1756, 287,
Colonies first fettled there in the time of Elizabeth, 294. Con-
tinued in the reign of James I. 299. Colony first fent to Canada
by the French, 301. The firft difcovery of Newfoundland by
Cabot, and the fettlement from thence to Georgia confidered,
314. The encroachment of French on our back settlements
examined, 315.

Amicus, his reflections on the deplorable cafe of prostitutes, v.

Amoret, Lady Sophia Murray celebrated by Waller under that name,

ix. 233.

Amusements, by what regulations they may be rendered useful, v.

Anacreon, Ode ix. tranflated, i. 159.

Anatomy, cruelty in anatomical refearches reprobated, vii. 66.
Andrew's, St. account of the city of, viii. 111. The ruins of the
cathedral, 113. Account of the univerfity, 114. Expence of


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