


The Fairies' Child is walking,
List, list, as the leaves come down,
To the sprites around her talking.
Along the windy, waving grass
Their evening whispers breathe and pass:
From yon aged bending bough
now o'erhead in the air 'tis streaming.
Their leafy language floats below;


principal aim was to teach the people that | Amid the nut-grove, still and brown,
in educational and industrial pursuits their
true dignity consisted." We are compelled
to state thus much because we opened the
volumes in the expectation that we were
about to enjoy a treat among the old Irish
ballads, perhaps to meet with some of those
which Goldsmith wrote for the street-singers,
and which were now first recovered.
were disappointed; but we acknowledge
with great readiness that if the recently-
written political songs be excluded from a
second edition, which Mr. Hayes probably
looks for, a volume will remain which will
be generally welcome. As a proof that we
do not advise him to exclude political writers
as well as songs, we cite the following, from
the best portion of the book, the "Ballads
of the Affections." It is by Mr. C. Gavan

My Love is as fresh as the morning sky,

My Love is as soft as the summer air,
My Love is as true as the Saints on high,
And never was saint so fair;

O, glad is my heart when I name her name,
For it sounds like a song to me-
I'll love you, it sings, nor heed their blame,
For you love me Astor Machree!
Sweet Sibyl! sweet Sibyl! my heart is wild
With the fairy spell that her eyes have lit;
I sit in a dream where my love has smil'd
I kiss where her name is writ!

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O darling, I fly like a dreamy boy;
The toil that is joy to the strong and true,
The life that the brave for their land employ,
I squander in dreams of you.

The face of my Love has the changeful light
That gladdens the sparkling sky of spring;
The voice of my Love is a strange delight,
As when birds in the May-time sing.

O hope of my heart! O light of my life!
O, come to me, darling, with peace and

O, come like the Summer, my own sweet

To your home in my longing breast!
Be blessed with the home sweet Sibyl will sway
With the glance of her soft and queenly eyes;
O! happy the love young Sibyl will pay
With the breath of her tender sighs.
That home is the hope of my waking

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That love fills my eyes with pride-
There's light in their glance, there's joy in

their beams,

When I think of my own young bride. We add, from the " Fairy Ballads," one not indeed of the best, but best suited to our space, yet with merit withal, the following picture of "The Fairies' Child." It is by Mr. T. Irwin, and we pay him no small compliment when we say that Mr. Westwood could hardly treat the subject with more grace than we find here:

O, who can tell what things she hears-
What secrets of the fairy spheres,
That fill her eyes with silent tears?
Sweet wandering fancy charmed the child,
With cheeks so pale, and eyes so wild.
0, what shall come of this dreaming?
Down by the sun-dry harvest-road,
She paces with her scented load
Through quiet evening's hours,
Of late year moss and flowers.

Blooms from the wood of every hue,
Moon-pale, purple, jet, and blue.
Woven in bunches and lightly pressed
Upon her simple, snowy breast,
And through the brown locks lightly tressed
Nodding in crownlets o'er her.

And lo! as the cloud on ocean's brim,
With moonlight has enriched its rim;
A quaint wild shape with kindly eyes,
And a smile like a star of the distant skies,
Goes tripping the path before her.

Now by her pillow, small and white,

Mid faded leaflets lying,

An eager star, like a taper light,
O'er the curtain's edge is spying.

The scent of the broom-buds fills the room,
The window is full of the bare blue gloom,
And by the low hearth ashily sinking,
Half asleep, is a fairy winking.
Out in the air there comes a sound
Of music eddying round and round
The ivied chimneys-swooning near
The glassy pave, and streaming clear
As moonlight into the little ear,
Like a shell in brown weed gleaming;

And just as the first bird, mounted high
On the sycamore's tinkling canopy,
Sings to the first red streak of day,
Her soul with the Fairies speeds away,
O'er field, and stream, and hamlet gray,

Where the weary folk are dreaming.

It is said of the physician Théophraste Renaudot, that he founded the Gazette de France expressly for the amusement of his patients. He succeeded admirably both in amusing and curing them, because, as he said, there was something to delight all, but nothing that could exasperate any. We write this for the especial benefit of Mr. Hayes, for whose profit, indeed, we might say more; but as Cardinal Dubois remarked when he began his Memoirs, and would not depart therein from what was his peculiar vocation: "Je ne suis pas de mon métier historiographe de France."




"A STREET there is in Paris famous,

For which no rhyme our language yields, Rue Neuve des Petits-Champs its name is, The New street of the Little Fields; And here's an inn, not rich and splendid, But still in comfortable case, In which, in youth, I oft attended To eat a bowl of Bouillabaisse. "This Bouillabaisse a noble dish is,

A sort of soup, or broth, or brew; A hotch-potch of all sorts of fishes

That Greenwich never could outdo. Green herbs, red peppers, muscles, saffern, Soles, onions, garlic, roach, and daceAll these you eat at Terré's tavern, In that one dish of Bouillabaisse.

"Indeed, a rich and savory stew 'tis,

And true philosophers, methinks, Who love all sort of natural beauties, Should love good victuals and good drinks. And Cordelier or Benedictine

Might gladly sure his lot embrace, Nor find a fast-day too afflicting

Which served him up a Bouillabaisse.

"I wonder if the house still there is?
Yes, here the lamp is as before,
The smiling, red-cheeked écaillère is
Still opening oysters at the door.
Is Terré still alive and able?

I recollect his droll grimace;
He'd come and smile before your table,
And hope you liked your Bouillabaisse.
"We enter-nothing's changed or older-

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"How's Monsieur Terré, waiter, pray? The waiter stares, and shrugs his shoulder'Monsieur is dead this many a day.'

'It is the lot of saint and sinner,

So honest Terré 's run his race!' 'What will Monsieur require for dinner?' 'Say, do you still cook Bouillabaisse?'

"Ah, oui, Monsieur,' 's the waiter's answer, 'Quel vin Monsieur desire-t-il?'

Tell me a good one.' 'That I can, sir:
The Chambertin with yellow seal.'

'So Terré's gone,' I say, and sink in
My old accustom'd corner place;

'He's done with feasting and with drinking, With Burgundy and Bouillabaisse.'

"My old accustom'd corner here is,

The table still is in the nook,
Ah! vanished many a busy year is,
The well-known chair since last I took.
When first I saw ye, cari luoghi,

I'd scarce a beard upon my face,
And now, a grizzled, grim old fogy,
I sit and wait for Bouillabaisse.
"Where are you, old companions trusty
Of early days here met to dine?
Come, waiter, quick, a flagon crusty,

I'll pledge them in the good old wine.

The kind old voices and old faces

My memory can quick retrace:
Around the board they take their places,
And share the wine and Bouillabaisse.

"There's Jack has made a wond'rous marriage,
There's laughing Tom is laughing yet,
There's brave Augustus drives his carriage,
There's poor old Fred in the Gazette ;
O'er James' head the grass is growing-
Good Lord! the world has wagged apace
Since here we set the claret flowing,

And drank, and ate the Bouillabaisse.
"Ah, me! how quick the days are flitting,
I mind me of a time that's gone,
When here I'd sit, and now I'm sitting
In this same place, but not alone.
A fair young form was nestled near me,
A dear, dear face looked fondly up,
And sweetly spoke, and smiled to cheer me-
There's no one now to share my cup.

"I drink it as the fates ordain it

Come, fill it, and have done with rhymes; Fill up the lonely glass, and drain it, In memory of dear old times. Welcome the wine, whate'er the seal is,

And sit you down and say you grace, With thankful heart, whate'er the meal is Here comes the smoking Bouillabaisse.'

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ALTHOUGH I enter not,
Yet, round about the spot
Sometimes I hover;
And at the sacred gate,
With longing eyes I wait,
Expectant of her.

The minster bells toll out
Above the city's rout

And noise and humming; They've stopped the chiming bell, I hear the organ's swell

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She 's coming she's coming!

My lady comes at last,

Timid and stepping fast,

And hastening thither, With modest eyes downcast,

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She comes- she's here-she's past.

May heaven go with her!

Kneel undisturbed, fair saint,
Pour out your praise or plaint,
Meekly and duly.

I will not enter there,
To sully your pure prayer
With thoughts unruly.

But suffer me to pace
Round the forbidden place,
Lingering a minute,
Like outcast spirits who wait
And see through heaven's gate
Angels within it.

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From the Literary Gazette.

A Century of Acrostics on Names of Eminent Men. Simpkin, Marshall, & Co.

THE acrostic is an old and favorite form of verse, but we do not remember to have be==fore seen a separate volume of such poetry: In our own language its use has been almost wholly an exercise of ingenuity, and it has been considered fit only for trivial subjects, to be classed among nuga literaria. The word in its derivation includes various artificial arrangements of lines, and many fantastic conceits have been indulged in. Generally the acrostic has been formed of the first letters of each line, sometimes of the last; sometimes of both; sometimes it is to be read downwards, sometimes upwards. An ingenious variety, called the Telestich, is that in which the letters beginning the lines spell a word, while the letters ending the lines, when taken together, form a word of an opposite meaning, as in this instance :

"Unite and untie are the same-so say yo U. Not in wedlock, I ween, has this unity bee N. In the drama of marriage each wandering gou T To a new face would fly -all except you and IEach seeking to alter the spell in their scen E." Although the fanciful and trifling tricks of poetasters have been carried to excess, and acrostics have come in for their share of satire, the origin of such artificial poetry was of a higher dignity. When written documents were yet rare, every artifice was employed to enforce on the attention or fix on the memory the verses sung by bards or teachers. Alphabetic associations formed obvious and convenient aids for this purpose. In the Hebrew Psalms of David, and in other parts of Scripture, striking specimens occur. The peculiarity is not retained in the translations, but is indicated in the common version of the 119th Psalm by the initial letters prefixed to its divisions. The Greek Anthology also presents examples of acrostics, and they were used also in the old Latin language. Cicero, in his treatise "De Divinatione," has this remarkable passage:

"the verses of the Sybils (said he) are distinguished by that arrangement which the Greeks call Acrostic; where, from the first letters of each verse in order, words are formed which express some particular meaning; as is the case with some of Ennius's verses [the initial letters of which make which Ennius wrote!']" The modern history of acrostics would supply some curious literary entertainment, but we must not occupy more space with general remarks. In the volume before us a successful attempt is made to use this form of verse for conveying useful information and expressing agree able reflections. The alphabetic necessity of VOL. XI. 51


the choice of words and epithets has not hindered the writer from giving distinct and generally correct character to the biographical subjects, as may be seen in the following examples, which are as remarkable for the truth and discrimination of the descriptions as for the ingenuity of the diction:


"Good Country Parson, cheerful, quaint,
Ever in thy life a saint,
O'er thy memory sweetly rise
R are old Izaak's eulogies,
Giving us, in life-drawn hue,
Each lov'd feature to our view.
"Holy Herbert, humble, mild,
E'en as simple as a child,
Ready thy bounty to dispense,
Beaming with benevolence,
E ver blessing, ever blest,
Rescuing the most distrest;

Thy Temple' now is Heaven's bright rest.

"Deep rolls on deep in thy majestic line,

R ich music and the stateliest march combine : Yet, who that hears its high harmonious strain Deems not thy genius thou didst half profane? Exhausting thy great power of song on themes Not worthy of its strong, effulgent beams.

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"Oopyist of Nature simply, sternly true, -
Real the scenes that in thy page we view.
'A mid the huts where poor men lie' unknown,
B right humor or deep pathos thou hast thrown.
Bard of the Borough' and the 'Village,' see-
E'en haughty Byron owns he's charm'd by thee.

"Wondrous Wizard of the North,
A rm'd with spells of potent worth!
Like to that greatest Bard of ours,
The mighty magic of thy powers:
E'en thy bright fancy's offspring find
R esemblance to his myriad mind.
"Such the creations that we see,
Character, manners, life in thee-
Of Scotia's deeds, a proud display,
The glories of a bygone day;

Thy genius foremost stands in all her long array.


"Like the bright Impress of thy genial mind,
Are Elia's essays, humorous, gay, refined:
Most amiable wert thou, gentle, brave,
Burying all thought of self, as in a living grave..



"Knowledge diffusing of most useful kind,
Not for the favor'd few, but striving many,
In philanthropic energy of mind,

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"Wandering, through many a year, 'mongst Cumbria's

0'er her wild fells, sweet vales, and sunny lakes,
B ich stores of thought thy musing mind distills,
Day-dreams of poesy thy soul awakes: -
Such was thy life-a poet's life, I ween;
Worshipper thou of Nature! every scene
Of beauty stirr'd thy fancy's deeper mood,
Reflection calmed the current of thy blood:
Thus in the wide Excursion' of thy mind
High thoughts in words of worth we still may find.

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Gives thee a place scarcely surpass'd by any;

Handing thee down 'mongst knights of prouder name.
Thine, too, the praise of spreading Shakspeare's fame.


"Masterly critic! in whose brilliant style

And rich historic coloring -breathes again

Cloth'd in most picturesque costume the while

All the dim past, with all its bustling train.

Under this vivid, eloquent painting, see,

Life given anew to our old history's page;

A nd in thy stirring ballad poetry,

Youth's dreams of ancient Rome once more our minds



"Lays like thine have many a charm ;
Oft thy themes the heart must warm.
Now o'er Slavery's guilt and woes,
Grief and shame's deep hues it throws;
Far up Alpine heights is heard
Excelsior,' now the stirring word;
'Life's Psalm' now, onward is inviting,
Longings for nobler deeds exciting;
O'er Britain now resounds thy name,
While 'States unborn' shall swell thy fame.

"Thy verse is like rich music to the ear;
Elegant, tender, sweet, thy varied lays :
Now, soft as lute, or as the clarion clear,
Now, pensive as some song of olden days.
Young fancy revels in thy poet dreams,
Steep'd in such melody of words as none

Of elder laureate bards have pour'd-it seems
Now, like Eolian strains from breezy zephyrs won.


"Delightful Novelist! lov'd by youth and age,
In many-color'd life' how rich thy page!
Comic, pathetic scenes alike to thee;
Kindliest benevolence in all we see,

Ennobling humble worth, and struggling poverty.
No sickly sentimental trash we find;

8 weet sympathy pervades thy bright, thy glowing

The series of acrostics commences with Homer, Cicero, and Virgil, and is followed in chronological order down to our own times. The dates, appropriate mottoes and occasional short notes being given, render the book more useful as an agreeable miscellany of bibgraphical and historical sketches. It may further gain the interest of our readers for the work when we add, that it was composed "to relieve some of the many unoccupied hours that belong to that greatest of afflic tions, the deprivation of sight."

In these modern days of ours, printing has | knot the "Question d'Orient." Yet we still go' become a sort of "culte," and the humble pro- on believing in Captain Pen; there are still those fession of literature is transformed, to use the among us who believe in Cheap Literature, "not cant transcendental phrase, into the "priesthood wisely, but too well." We still believe that of letters." Four years ago, Captain Pen went masses of print will do our business, spread light bragging about that he had done for his sturdy far and wide over the earth, and conduce to that rival Captain Sword; but the Exhibition of All" progress of the species " of which so much is Nations had not closed four months before Cap- said and sung. The whole nation suffers from tain Sword was the principal figure in a certain a plethora of print, and seems likely to suffer, coup d'état; and three years had not gone by, at least during our day and generation. before, the pen failing in a rather lamentable fash- tator. ion, the sword went forth to out that famous


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From Gallenga's "Piedmont."

side of the woman who had wrought all the mis

SCENE IN THE HISTORY OF PIEDMONT.ery that awaited him. The Marchioness awoke

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sword, which lay on the table by his bedside; and at length succeeded, not without great difficulty, in breaking the King's heavy slumbers.

and bounded up with a scream; but she was "IN life's last scene what prodigies sur- hurried away in her scanty night attire, and conprise! After steering through all the veyed first to a nunnery at Carignano, then to a depths and shoals of the wars of Louis the state prison at the Castle of Ceva. Not a few of Fourteenth, and facing in the field the ablest her relatives and partisans were arrested in of his Marshals, Victor the Second was the course of the same night. wrecked by doting. At sixty-four he married "The Chevalier Solaro, one of the colonels, the widow of Count St. Sebastiano-an old | next proceeded to possess himself of the King's flame of his youth, whom he created Marchioness of Spigno. Tired of business, and devoting himself to this new bride, he resigned the throne to his son, Charles Emanuel, after the manner of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, in spite of the entreaties of that son and the remonstrances of his subjects. But in a few months, weary of inaction, or stirred up by the ambition of the Marchioness, who wished to be a real Queen, Victor announced his intention to resume the sceptre. Charles, a submissive son, called his Council together, and intimated his willingness to resign, but that he did not deem himself authorized to do so without their assent. The laymen were apprehensive, but silent. The Archbishop Gattinara spoke out.

"Victor sat up in his bed; he looked hard at the faces of his disturbers, and inquired on what into a paroxysm of fury; he refused to accompany errand they had come: on hearing it, he burst them, to dress, to rise from his bed. They had to wrap him in his bedclothes, and thus to force him from the chamber.

"It was a painful and an anxious moment. The soldiers had been chosen for their character of reliable steadiness and discipline, but were not proof against the passionate appeals of the man who had so often led them to victory. Murmurs were heard from the midst of them, and a regiment of dragoons, addressed by Victor in the courtyard, gave signs of open mutiny. The Colonel, Count of Perosa, however, with great "Gattinara strongly and at full length demon- presence of mind, ordered silence in the King's strated the unreasonableness of Victor's preten-name, and under penalty of death, and drowned sions; when, at his persuasion, it was unanimously resolved that the tranquillity of the country did not admit of a repeal of that King's act of abdication. The apprehension of Victor Amadeus was next moved.

"Whilst they were yet deliberating, a note was handed to the King, by which the Baron of St. Remy, commander of the citadel of Turin, announced that at midnight Victor had come from Moncalieri, on horseback, followed by a single aid-de-camp, and asked for admittance into the fortress. The commander had firmly but respectfully answered that the gates of the citadel could not be opened without an order from the King; whereupon the old King, in a towering passion, had turned his horse's head back to Moncalieri.

"This last proof of Victor's readiness to resort to extreme measures determined the still wavering minds in the King's Council. An order of arrest against Victor was drawn up, which Charles Emanuel signed with trembling hand, with tears in his eyes.

the old King's voice by a roll of the drums. They thus shut him up in one of the Court carriages, into which he would admit no companion, and followed him on horseback with a large escort to the Castle of Rivoli.

"Rivoli was for some time a very hard prison to Victor Amadeus, with bars at the windows, a strong guard at the doors, and unbroken silence and solitude within. His frequent fits of ungovernable rage made his keepers apprehensive that reason had forsaken him; and they treated him, though with marked respect, yet with untiring watchfulness, as a maniac. They show stillor at least they showed till lately-a marble table which the strong old man cracked with his doubled fist in one of his paroxysms of anguish and fury. By degrees, however, loneliness and confinement did their work, and the storm of angry passions subsided into the calmness of deep-set melancholy. The rigor of his captivity slackened, though by no means the vigilance of his gaolers. He was allowed the use of books and papers, and intercourse with friends; presently, also, the soothing company of the Marchioness, the fair tempter who had wrought him all this woe. At his own request he was removed to Moncalieri, as he complained of the keen air of Rivoli: but the infirmities from which he

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"The Marquis of Ormea, who had been raised to power by the father, who now conducted the affairs of the son, and was more than any man implicated in these fatal differences between them, took the warrant from Charles' reluctant hands, and, on the night of the 27th to the 28th of Sep-was suffering sprang from other sources than intember [1781], repaired to Moncalieri.

"He had encompassed the castle with troops, summoned from the neighborhood of the capital, and charged four colonels with the conduct of the dangerous expedition.

"These walked without resistance into the old King's apartments; where he was found plunged in one of his fits of sound, lethargic sleep, by the

clemency of sky or climate. His mind and body were equally shattered under the consequences of the violent scenes he had passed through. He now turned his thoughts to Heaven, and prepared for coming death. He wished for a reconciliation with his son, and, through the confessor that this latter had sent him, sued for an interview. Charles Emanuel instantly ordered his carriage

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