
episties, ib.; the gospel as a scheme of
morals, 412; doctrine of the cross, its
tendency to raise the tone of moral obliga-
tion, 443; obedience requires not only
motives, but inclination and power, 443;
Paul took no ecclesiastical dignity, ib.;
philosophy hostile to Christian toleration,
444; somnolence of character, its
evils, 445; remarks on the German
school, ib.; St. Paul's heavenly minded-
ness, 600; on the love of money, de-
ceptive nature of the principle, ib.;
God the fountain of our mercies and vir-
tues, ib.; on prayer, 604; character of
the work, 607

Peace, song of, in the mask, 517; see
Hunt's Descent of Liberty
Penn's prophecy of Ezekiel concerning
Gogue, 91, et seq.; prophecy. become
more clear as its accomplishment ap-
proaches, 62; permanent peace for
Europe not yet to be expected, 93;
Gog, and the land of Magog, 95;
Author's application of these names,
96; design of the work, 97; inquiry
into the title of the prophecy, 98;
nations signified by its names, ib.; in-
vading army, its native regions, 99;
Gogue, its particular application,
101; prophetic signification of Jeru-
salem and Israel, 103; declaration of
the prophets, considered as threefold, after
St. Augustine, 104; geography of the
prophecy, 106; extract, ib.; objec-
tions to the Author's system, 106-7;
general remarks, 108

Penry, John, his persecution and execu-
tion in the reign of Elizabeth, 274
Periodical Accounts of the Moravians,
extracts from', 157, et seq.
Personality, its import as applied to a dis-
tinction in the Divine essence considered,
243; scriptures assert the fact, without
explaining the mode, ib.

Phillips on the veins of Cornwall, 361
Phillips's description of the oxyd of tin;
of the primitive crystal and its modi-
fications including an attempt to
ascertain with precision the admea-
surement of the anele 82.571
Philosophical or

and societ







the elm tree called ulmin, 257; on a
method of freezing at a distance,
description of the solvent glands ..
gizzards of the Ardea Arguia,
Cassuarius Emu, and the long t
Cassowary, 259; on the st
which Alcohol exists in i
liquors, ib.; on a new variet
breeds of sheep, 261; exper
ascertain the coagulating
the secretion of the gastri
261; Blagden's appendi
Ware's paper on vision, 26*
of drawing extremely fine wILL S
description of a single lens 10%
ter, ib.; on the tusks of the N.

Philosophy, Christian, princi
Christian philosopher,
requisite to form one.
into the principles that ..
ence of Christian pu
differs from the philos.
thens, 508; in rega
knowledge, ib.; al
heathen morality
practice, 51; p.
morality requires.
512; Christian.
from modern p
tions on the..

Philosophy, us
tion, 444
fessor Si



Pius 1





[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed]

rior organs and faculties,
is, ib. et seq.; dangerous
he author, 330; incon-
the Edinburgh Review,
organization, author's no-
oneous, 332; brain asserted
seat and organ of conscious
duplicity of the brainular
.; alleged instances, ib. ; ob-
03; faculties of the mind
ortionate to the size of the
..4; facial angle of Camper,
remarks on the understanding

ndent on the relative size of
e to the head, ib.; plurality in
,459; on the supposed renova-
the attention by a change of
ib.; somnambulism, 460; in-
of a somnambulist, 461; on the
lar organs, with observations,
et seq.; passion of a Dutch priest
reeing animals killed, 466; instances
strong instinctive disposition to steal,
A general objections to the system,
107; organs, with their situations and
external marks, 468-9:

[ocr errors]

nhauer's notice relative to the geo-
logy of the coast of Labrador, 575
Stewart's philosophy of the human
mind, 130, et seq.; metaphysical sci-
ence still in its infancy, ib.; capable
of practical purposes, 131; theory
of ideas, without foundation, 132; sen-
sation not explainable by words, 133;
qualities producing sensations, ib.;
sensation does not imply perception,
134; perceptions arising from dif-
ferent senses, contradictory, 135; fal-
lacies considered, ib.; memory and at.
tention, 137; absence of mind, 138;
inquiry if habits become anatomical,
139; association of ideas and memo-
ry, 140; a bad memory and its cau-
ses, 142; technical memory, 144;
state of the mind in sleep, 144; on
dreams, 145; cause of the inaccu-
rate estimate of time in dreams, 147
Sthenia and Asthenia, see Hill's essay on


Storer's history of British cathedrals,
378, et seq.; the dark ages the era of
their exertion, ib.; surprising ingenui-
ty and skill of the architects un-
taught by science, 379; contents and
execution of the work, ib; biographi
cal sketch of Theodore, the eighth arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 380, et seq.
Sutton's letters to the Duke of Kent, on
consumption, 181, 198, et seq.


405; Mr. S.'s reception at the court
of Chelicut, 406; bravery and skill of
Ras Welled, 407; his noble conduct,
ib.; present subdivisions of Abyssinia,
409-10; excursion to the mountains
of Samen, 412; attempts to shoot the
Hippopotamus, 413-4; history of
Pearce, 415-6; Abyssinian custom of
cutting the flesh from living oxen, 417-8;
Bruce's grossly false statement,ib.; ele-
phant hunt, 419; rigour of an Abys
sinian lent, 420; prevalence of super-
stition, 421; Abyssinian baptism,
422; obelisk at Axum, 423; return of
Mr. S. 424; interesting character of
Yasons, 425; Abyssinians success-
fully oppose popery and mahomme-
danism, 426

Scene in the interior of Africa, account of a

very interesting one, 235
Scott's Lord of the Isles, 469, et seq.;
comparative estimate of Scott's pro-
ductions, 470; sketch of the poem,
ib. et seq.; objection to the poem on
the charge of incongruity, 472, et seq;
extracts, ib.; Lord Ronald's fleet, 475-
6; descriptive piece, ib.; death of Allan,
477; farther extracts 478, et seq.
Scripture, its language extravagant, on
the hypothesis of the simple huma-
nity of Jesus Christ, 249
Scriptures, form in which they existed
previously to the invention of print-
ing, 80

[ocr errors]

Secretaries of the geological society, on
some vitreous tubes found near, Drigg
in Cumberland, 576
Sermon occasioned by the execution of
some criminals at Bishops Stortford,
498; the case stated, ib.; heads of the
discourse, 449; purchasing game un-
justifiable, ib.; evils occasioned by
poaching, 500

Sermons by the Rev. J. Venn, 577; on
the happiness of the saints in heaven, 580,
et seq.; on communion with angels, 583;
on consistency in religion, 584; reflec-
tions on eternity, 585
Sermons on particular occasions by Ar-
chibald Alison, LL.B. 55; defective
in regard to doctrine, 59, et seq.
Sensation not explainable by words,


Shepherd's Paris in 1802 and 1814,

72; sensations naturally excited by
contemplating Paris, 73; its deep in-
terest to the man of taste, ib.; cause
of a demoiselle's detestation of Buo-
naparte, ib,

Sick Man's Friend, by the Rev. J. Fry,


[ocr errors]

Sismondi, de l'interêt de la France à l'e-
gard de la traite des Nègres, 65, et
seq.; folly and wickedness of any attempt
to revive the trade, 67; war of extermi.
nation the only means of success, 68;
author's leading arguments, ib; at-
tempt, its cost to France, 69; greater
advantage of employing free slaves as
farmers, 70

Slate's select nonconformist's remains,
87, et seq.; character of the sermons,
88; Oliver Heywood, some account
of him, 89; mode of passing his time in
York Castle, ib.

Slave trade abolished by the national
congress of Chili, 314

Slave trade, and slavery of blacks and
whites, 490; et seq.; see Gregoire
Slave trade, Wilberforce's letter to Prince
Talleyrand de Perigord on it, 65,

Sleep, state of the mind in it, 144
Smeaton's miscellaneous papers, 298,

et seq.; titles of the papers, 299
Smedley's Jephthah, a poem, 205, et
seq.; disadvantage attending the com-
position of university prize poems,
205; sketch and extracts, ib. et seq.
Smithson on a substance from the elm
tree, called ulmin, 257

Socinian controversy, see Wardlaw
Socinians, their glaring want of candour in
rejecting the greater part of the first two
chapters of Matthew and Luke, 372, et

[blocks in formation]

ment, 190; some countries colder
than Great Britain less liable to con-
sumption, ib.;' manners, &c., of the
'lower classes of Russia,' 191; their
results, contrary to English prejudi-
ces, 192; partial exposure, its dan-
ger, 193; objections against the
English modes of heating rooms, 194;
remedies, 195-6; futility of sending
sending consumptive patients abroad,
196; Dr. Sutton on consumption, ib.;
his objections controverted, 199; de-
bility the chief cause of these dis-
eases, 200; improper diet in regard
to young persons, 201; instances, ib.;
cautions to parents, 204

Southey's Roderick, 352, et seq.; esti-
mate of his poems, 353; an heroic
poem, to be successful, must be na-
tional, 354; Sevtt's poems more po-
pular than Southey's, the reasons of
it, ib. et seq.; causes operating to
weaken the interest of the poem, 356;
the fable, ib. et seq.; author's success
in managing the fable 357; achieve-
ments and flight of Roderick, 358; re-
flections on the religious character of
Roderick as portrayed by the author,
360; caution requisite in introducing
sacred subjects into works of fancy,
361; fable continued, 361; charac-
ter of Pelayo, 365, and extract; Count
Julian, 364; Florinda, and extract, ib.;
beautiful description of moon-light, 365;
death of Count Julian, 366, et seq.
Spangenberg's account of the mission
of the united brethren, extracts from,'
4 et seq.: 9 et seq.
Spiritual comfort, Colquhoun's treatise
on, 294, et seq.; object of the treatise,

Spiritual life, causes of its decay, 375
Spotted spider of the isle of Elba, 304
Spurzheim's craniology, 321, et seq.;

outline of Dr. Gall's system, 322; ob-
jectious in regard to plurality of or-
gans, 323; from the consideration of
the general uniformity of the brain
through life, ib.; that all the organs
cannot be equally superficial, 324;
the inexplicability of sudden conver-
sion of character, on this theory, ib.;
its assimilation with the doctrine
of necessity, ib.; Dr. S.'s notions
concerning the nervous origin pecu-
liar, 325, et seq.; innateness of facul-
ties, 326; instinct of animal sa law of
nature, 327; determinate faculties not
produced by external instruments, ib.;
extracts, ib.; separate organization for
separate faculties considered, 328;

Dr. S.'s opinion that election is the con-
sequence of superior organs and faculties,
329; objections, ib. et seq.; dangerous
position of the author, 330; incon-
sistency of the Edinburgh Review,
(note) ib.; organization, author's no--
tions of, erroneous, 332; brain asserted
to be the seat and organ of conscious-
ness, ib.; duplicity of the brainular
system, ib.; alleged instances, ib. ; ob-
jections, 333; faculties of the mind
not proportionate to the size of the
brain, 334; facial angle of Camper,
335; remarks on the understanding
as dependent on the relative size of
the face to the head, ib.; plurality in
orgaus, 459; on the supposed renova-
tion of the attention by a change of
study, ib.; somnambulism, 460; in-
stance of a somnambulist, 461; on the
particular organs, with observations,
464, et seq.; passion of a Dutch priest
for seeing animals killed, 466; instances
of a strong instinctive disposition to steal,
ib.; general objections to the system,
467; organs, with their situations and
external marks, 468-9:

Steinhauer's notice relative to the geo-
logy of the coast of Labrador, 575
Stewart's philosophy of the human
mind, 130, et seq.; metaphysical sci-
ence still in its infancy, ib.; capable
of practical purposes, 131; theory
of ideas, without foundation, 132; sen-
sation not explainable by words, 133;
qualities producing sensations, ib.;
sensation does not imply perception,
134; perceptions arising from dif-
ferent senses, contradictory, 135; fal-
lacies considered, ib.; memory and at-
tention, 137; absence of mind, 138;
inquiry if habits become anatomical,
139; association of ideas and memo-
ry, 140; a bad memory and its cau-
ses, 142; technical memory, 144;
state of the mind in sleep, 144; on
dreams, 145; cause of the inaccu-
rate estimate of time in dreams, 147
Sthenia and Asthenia, see Hill's essay on

Storer's history of British cathedrals,

378, et seq.; the dark ages the era of
their exertion, ib.; surprising ingenui-
ty and skill of the architects un-
taught by science, 379; contents and
execution of the work, ib; biographi-
cal sketch of Theodore, the eighth arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 380, et seq.
Sutton's letters to the Duke of Kent, on
consumption, 181, 198, et seq.

Taylor on the economy of the mines of

Cornwall and Devon, 568
Theft, propensity to it, in a Prussian chap-
lain, and a Calmuck Tartar, 466
Theodore, a Greek of Tarsus, and eighth
archbishop of Canterbury, biographical no-
tice of him 380, et seq.

Tides in Ungava Buy remarkably high,

Time unnoticed by insane persons, two in-
stances adduced, 46

Time's telescope for eighteen hundred
and fifteen, 210
Tyerman's evangelical hope, 401, et seq.;
plan of the essay, 402; uncandid cen-
sure of the Armenian methodists, ib.;
objectionable statement, in regard to
the doctrine of final perseverance,

Tynemouth Castle, and its scenery, 594 -
Tunny fishery, 305

Ungava Bay, voyage to, from Okkak;
see Okkak
on it, 524
Unity of God, 243

bishop of London's remarks

Velvet Cushion, new covering to, 595,
et seq.; character, tale, and remarks,
596, et seq.; Vicar's death, 599
Venn's sermons, 577, et seq.; sketch of
his life, ib.; character of his sermons
and object of his preaching, 579; on
the happiness of the saints in heaven, 580,
et seq.; on communión with angels, 583;
on consistency in religion, 584; reflec-
tions on eternity, 585

Venus, table of her transits, 392
Vestments in the church, disputes con-
cerning them, 267

Vitrified forts in Scotland, 562

Waldenses, brief memoirs of, 398; re-
cent persecutions of the Vaudois,
399; origin of the MS. from which
the memoirs are taken, ib.; profit of
the memoirs to be distributed to the
Vaudois, ib.
Wardlaw on the Socinian controversy,
236, et seq.; inquiry into the causes
that tend to protract the existence of
the Socinian controversy, 237; first,
its retention of some portion of scrip-
tural truth, ib.; Dr. Priestly indebted
to his education among Calvinists
for some of his best principles, (note)
ib.; second cause, the logical dex-
terity of its defenders, 238; thirdly,
accordance of Socinianism with phi-
losophic prejudices, &c. 239, et seq.;

principal points of the controversy
should be considered as determined,
241; some writers injudicious in their
mode of defending scripture truths, 242 ;
personality, its import not defined in scrip-
ture, 243; unity of God, ib.; apostolic
benediction of Paul, remaks on, ib; su-
preme Divinity of Jesus Christ, 245;-
vast importance of the doctrine, ib.; re-
marks on 1 John, v and 20, and note,
247-8; inferiority of Jesus to the Fa-
ther considered, 248; language of scrip-
ture extravagant on the hypothesis of
the simple humanity of Jesus Christ,
249; remarks on Romans ix. and 5, 251,
et seq.; on the test of truth,' 369;
reasonableness of the Gospel not ne-
cessarily the ground of its authority,
370; result of reason being admitted
as the standard of revelation, 370;
the proper province of reason, 371-2;
on the use of evidence, ib; observa-
tions on the right mode of conducting in-
quiries into the meaning of the sacred vo-
lume, 372; uncandid conduct of the So-
cinians in rejecting the first chapters of
Matthew and Luke's Gospels, ib.; Dr.
Lawrence on the supposed testimony
of Epiphanius and Jerome in regard
to the first chapter of Matthew, (note)
ib.; remarks on decay in the spiritual
life, 375; defect in Mr. Wardlaw's
statement, 376; Christian experience,
its estimation in the views of Socinia-
nism, 376; on Christian character,
377; general estimate of the work, ib.
Ware's observations relative to the near
and distant sight of different persons,

Wathen's voyage to Madras and China,
447, et seq.: crimps, ib.; Conjeveram, 449;
temple of Vishnou, ib.; of Seeva, 451; his
carriages, 452; two Brahmins recover
caste, by hanging on a hook, 453;
Pulo Penang, ib.; author threatened by
a Malay, 454; visit to a Chinese temple,
455; sly of holy pigs, ib.; extraordinary
specimen of candour, 456; Chinese es-
timate of British integrity, 457; au-
thor's preference of his own country,

Webster on some new varieties of fossil
alcyonia, 572

Webster on the fresh water formations
in the Isle of Wight, and on the
strata over the chalk in the south-east
of England, 561
Whitaker's primary visitation sermon,
336, et seq.; inquiry into the cause of
the rancour exhibited by Christian pq-
lemics, 337, et seq.; Bishop Horsley's

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