
Tranquilla, her account of the addreffes of Venuftulus, Fungofa, Flofculus, and Dentatus, defigned as a contraft to the narrative of Hymenæus, vi. 309. Her marriage with Hymenæus, and the felicity with which it was attended, vii. 158. Tranflations, the progrefs of, iv. 125. Unknown in Greece, 1,25. Not much read in Italy, 125. State of, in France, 125. Obferv tions on, viii. 272. A production of moderns, 272. The progrefs of, 272. Early cultivated in England, 275. Its progrefs in En land, 276.

Tranflator, character of a good translator, ii. 76.

Travels, directions for writing works of, viii. 350.

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Specimen of

the common method of writing journals of travels, 387.

Treakle, Zachary, complaint against his idle wife, viii. 56. His wife's anfwer and complaints against her husband, 11. Trees, the want of, in a good part of Scotland, x. 322.

Troilus and Creffida, obfervations on Shakespeare's play of, ix. 328. Trumball, Sir William, Pope's Epitaph on him, and criticisms on it,

iv. 143.

Truth, how far ridicule the teft of it, iv. 288. Its high original, and valt importance, vi. ito. Its eafy entrance into the mind when introduced by defire and attended with pleasure, vii. 147. A steady regard to the luftre of moral and religious truth, a certain direction to happiness, 236. The crime of the violation of, viii. 75. The want of it in hiftorians, lamented, 75. Exemplified in an Englishman's and a Frenchman's account of the capture of Louisburgh, viii. 76.

Trypherus, his character, vi. 175.

Tucker, Dr. his propofals concerning America, confidered, x 138. Turenne, Marshal, his faying of the importance of immediately correcting our mittakes, v. 210.

Turk, characterized as a husband, xi. 315.

Turnips introduced into the Isle of Col. x. 470.

Turpicola, her history, vii. 287.

Twelfth Night, obfervations on Shakespeare's comedy, ix. 310.

Two Gentlemen of Verona, obfervations on Shakespeare's comedy of, ix. 304.

Tyrconnel, Lord, takes Savage into his houfe, and promises him a pesfion of 2001. a year, iii. 278. His quarrel with Savage, 283.


VAFER, his character of an infidious flatterer, vii. 134.
Vagario, his character, v. 176.

Vagulus, his account of Squire Bluster, vii. 9.

Valdeo, his excellent remark upon refigning his commiffion, v. 186. Vanessa, her unhappy partiality for Swift, and death, iii. 390. By her will orders the poem of Cadenus and Vanessa to be published, 391.

Van Homrigh, Mrs. See Vaneja.




Vanity, the lie of, defined, i. 22. Of authors, reprefented in the cafe of Mifellus, v. 103. Exceffive, exemplified in the character of Mr. Frolick, 389. Its tendency to idleness, vii. 84.

Vafalage, the gradual declination of, from the time of the Danes and Normans, x. 304.

Vega, Lopez de, burlefque of fome lines of, xi. 378.

Venice, account of the quarrel between that state and Paul V. iv. 324. Venuftulus, the manner of his addreffes to Tranquila, vi. 308. His unmanly and timid conduct expofed, 351.

Verecundulus, the infelicities he sustained through habitual bashfulness and timidity, vii. 103.

Verfification, remarks on its rules, vi. 92. 104. The peculiarity of Milton's, in his Paradife Loft, 106. See Virgil.

Vice, the defcriptions of it in writing should be always calculated to excite difguft, v. 26. The effence of, confidered, x. 247.

Victoria, her letter on the foolish anxiety to excel merely in the charms of external beauty, vi. 376. On the mortifications arifing from the lofs of it, 394.

Vida, his art of Poetry tranflated by Chriftopher Pitt, iv. 160. His remarks on the propriety of Virgil's verfification, vi. 132. Vines, first planted by Noah, x. 301. Progrefs of the cultivation of, 302. Ordered to be destroyed by an edict of Domitian, 302. Of France, fuperior to the mines of America, 311.

Virgil, account of the Sortes Virgilianæ, ii. 11. Specimen of Sir John Denham's tranflation, 80. Milbourne's criticisms on Dryden's tranflation, 415. Vain attempts to tranflate Virgil by Brady and Tate, 418. Eneid, tranflated by Chriftopher Pitt, iv. 161. This tranflation contrafted with Dryden's, 161. In what refpects fuperior in paftoral poetry, v. 239. Remarks on the judicious propriety of his verfification, 242. Why preferred to Homer by Scaliger, vi. 140. The plan of his Eneid formed upon the writings of Homer, 323. Exceptions to fome of his imitations of Homer, 324. Criticifms on his Paftorals, ix. 68.

Virtue, the danger of mistaking the love, for the practice of virtue, exemplified in Savage, iii. 302. The reprefentations of it in works of fancy, fhould be always exact and pure, v. 25. The difference between fpeculative and practical virtue, 90. The error of fubftituting fingle acts of it, for habits, 184. Obttructed by confounding the praise with the practice of goodness, 184. United with industry fupplies the genuine fources of hope, vi. 211. Virtue and truth, often defeated by pride and obstinacy, 102. The conftant purfuit of it, the highest excellence, vii. 263. The criterion of, confidered, x. 246. Such conduct not to be repented of, for the event, xi. 96. To be pursued by virtuous means, z65. The various attacks on it, 340.

Virtuofo, his character dillinaly drawn, vi. 68. The advantages he is capable of communicating to others, 73. His exceffive fondness for curiofities often the evidence of a low genius, 76.

Visionary Schemes, the effects of, xi. 121.

Vifitor's criticisms on Pope's Epitaphs, iv. 140.


Vivaculus, his letter on Virtuof's, vii. 215.

Ulinifh, account of, x. 401.

Ulva Ifle, account of, x. 492. The Mercheta Mulierum paid there,


Ulyffes, the difcovery of, improper for a picture, viii. 181.

Uneafinefs of mind, often relieved by comparing our lot with that of others, vii, 265.

Union, the difficulty of, either between nations or fmaller communities,

ix. 15.

Univerfities, the fuperiority of the English, to their academies, and foreign univerfities, viii. 133.

Voltaire, his vifit to Congreve, iii. 164. Pays a visit to Pope, iv. 51. Young's Epigram on him, 248. Volunteer Laureat, iii. 306.

Voffius, Ifaac, delighted in having his hair combed for many hours together, ii. 288.

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Voting, confiderations on the rights of, for reprefentatives in Parlia

ment, X. 11,

Voyages, introduction to The World Displayed, a collection of, ix. 374. Abtract account of, in fearch of new countries, x. 34, Ill confequences of, 63.

Upton, Mr. obfervations on his Critical Obfervations on Shakespeare, ix. 286.

Usefulness, publick, fhould be the object of our diligent endeavours, vi. 371. 375.


WAINSCOT, TOM, complaint of his fon's becoming a fop, and neglecting butinefs, viii. 379.

Waller, Edmund, his life, ii. 222. Born at Colfhill, in Hertfordthire, March 3, 1605. 222. His father left him 35c0l. a year, 222. Educated at Eton, and removed to King's College Cambridge, 222. Returned to Parliament in his 18th year, 222, Wrote his firit poetry in his 18th year, 223. Wrote poetry a moit by inflinct, 223. Marries Mrs. Banks a great heiress, 225. Lofes his wife, who leaves one daughter, 225. Addreffes Lady Dorothea Sidney under the name of Sachariffa, who rejects his addrefles, 225. Celebrates Lady Sophia Murray under the name of Amoret, 228, Supposed to have taken a voyage, 228. Marries a lady of the name of Breffe or Breaux, by whom he has five fons and eight daughters, 228. Being returned to the parliament of 1640, makes a noisy speech on imaginary grievances, 229. No bigot to his party, 231. His fpeech on Epifcopacy, 231. Sends 1000 broad pieces to the King when he fet up his ftandard, 234. Continues to fit in the rebellious conventicle, and to fpeak against their proceedings, 234. Nominated one of the commiffioners to treat with the King at Oxford, 234. Engaged in a plot against Parliament, 235. The manner in which the plot was difcovered, 237, Him and Tomkyns taken up, both of whom confefs the whole plot, 238. A day of


thank f

thankgiving appointed for deliverance from the plot, 240. Earl of Portland and Lord Conway taken up on the declaration of Walter, for being concerned in the plot, are examined several times by the Lords, and admitted to bail, 240. Tomkyns and Chaloner executed for the plot, 242. Tried and condemned, and after a year's imprisonment, and a fine of 10,000/. is banished, 243. Obtain, from Cromwell, permiffion to return, 244. Received by Cromwell, as a kinfman, 244. Writes his famous panegyrick on Cromwell, 245. Writes a Poem on the death of Cromwell, 246. Writes again on the Reftoration of Charles II. 246. Returned to Parliament for Haftings, 247. Obtains from the King the Provoflship of Eaton, but Clarendon refufes to put the Seal to the grant, from his not being a clergyman, 248. His oppofition to Clarendon on that account, 249. Kindly treated by James II. 250. Prepares for his latter end, 251. Died Oct. 21, 1687, and was buried at Beaconsfield, 252. Account of his defcendants, 252. His character by Clarendon, 252. Declared he would blot from his works any line that did not contain fome motive to virtue, 258. His works characterized, 259. Specimen of his tranflation of the Paflor Fido, 271.

Walmsley, Gilbert, fome account of, ii. 472.

Walpole, Horace, travels through France into Italy with Gray, where

they quarrel, and each pursue their journey feparately, iv. 295. Walsh, William, his life, ii. 305. Born at Aberley, Worcestershire, 1663, 305. Entered Gentleman Commoner at Oxford 1678, 305. The belt critick in the nation, 305. Member of Parliament for Worcestershire, 305. Gentleman of the Horfe to Queen Anne, 305. A zealous friend to the Revolution, 306. Correfponded with Pope, on the pastoral comedy of the Italians, 306. Suppofed to have died in 1709, 306. Account of his works, 306. An early encourager of Pope, iv. 8.

Wants, thofe who have no real, form imaginary ones, xi. 6. The wants of him who wants nothing, xi. 8.

War, Princes think it neceffary to affign fome reafon for, but frequently a very unfatisfactory one, iv. 566. Should be conducted by rules confiflent with the univerfal intereft of man, vi. 53. Different feelings on the approach of, viii. 17. Deplorable cafe of the ladies loofing their gallants, 18. The raifing and training an equal number of women recommended, 19. Women capable of being defeated, as Braddock, without feeing his enemies; of furrendering Minorca without a breach; and of looking at Rochfort, 20. Every man ought to fight as the fingle champion, 29. The duty of thinking as if the event depended on a man's counfel, 29. Propofal for erecting a fort on Salfbury plain, refembling Breft, arming it with beef and ale, and ufing our foldiers to attack it, 31. Affes, bulls, turkeys, geefe, and tragedians, to be added by way of accuftoming the foldiers to noifes equally horrid with the war cry, 32. Dimingtion of the love of truth, one of the calamities of war, 120. Ill effects of making preparations for it, in the time of peace, x. 39. Every method of pacification to be tried before war is engaged in, 59. Its miferics little attended to by many, 60. No expectation of


allies in a war which might have been prevented, 62. The propriety of demanding expences in preparing for war when the oppofite party confents to conditions required, confidered, 75. War of 1756, origin of, x. 146.

Warburton, W. Bishop of Gloucefler, his literary and critical character, IV. 67. Defends Pope's Effay on Man against Croufaz, 69. Commences a friendship with Pope, 69. Erects a monument to the memory of Pope, 87. Defends the memory of Pope again the accufations of Mallet, 88. Obfervations on his notes on Shakespeare, ix. 285. View of the controverfy between him and M. Croufaz, on Pope's Effay on Man, 364.

Warner, Tim. account of his good fort of woman to his wife, viii. 400. Warrior, the vanity of his wifhes, xi. 337.

Watering-Places, obfervations on, and on a felect fet at one of them, viii. 312.

Watts, Dr. Ifaac, his life, iv. 179. Born at Southampton, 1674, 179. Began with Latin at four years of age, 179. Educated in a dif fenting academy, 180. A maker of verfes from fifteen to fifty, 180. Leaves the academy at twenty years of age, 181. Tutor to Sir John Hartop's for, 181. Becomes Preacher at twenty-four years of age, His cha181. Sir Thomas Abney takes him into his house, 181. racter as a preacher, 184. His moral character, 185. His works characterized, 185. Received an unfolicited diploma of D. D. from Edinburgh and Aberdeen, in 1728, 186. Died 1748, 187. His character, 187. Weaith, the contempt of it reprefented in various inftances, v. 370, 371. Wrong notions of its usefulness corrected, 374. Why the object of general defire, vi. 383. The real importance and influence of it fhewn in the cafe of disappointed expectations, vii. 80. Weather, caufes why an Englishman's converfation is first on the weather, viii. 42. A more noble topick than generally fuppofed, 42. Influences the temper, 43. The folly of fubmitting to fuch influ

ence, 43.

Weft, Gilbert, his life, iv. 199. Educated at Eton and Oxford, 199. Defigned for the church, but obtains a commiffion in the army, 199. Refigns his commißion, and appointed Clerk extraordinary of the Privy Council, under Lord Townend, 1729, 200. Settles at Wickham in Kent, zco. Publishes his Obfervations on the Refurrection, Created LL. D. at Oxford, 1748, 200. Frequently 1747, 200. vifited by Lyttelton and Pitt, 200. Clerk of the Privy Council and Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital, 201. Died 1756, 201. His works characterized, 202.

Wharton, Lord, his vile character, iii. 50.

Whatever is, is right, true fenfe of that affertion of Mr. Pope, ix. 368. Whirler, Jack, his hiftory, viii. 72.

Whisperer, his character, vii. 25.

Whitefoot, his character of Sir Thomas Browne, iv. 604.

Whitehead, Paul, fummoned before the Lords for his poem called

Manners, iv. 77.

Wickedness, the general spread of it confidered, vi. 434.

Wife, an idle one defcribed, viii. 56. Cautions in choofing one, 396.


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