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App. I. to great empire and glory. . . . In the course of time they subdued many nations between the Caspian and Mootis, and beyond the Tanais. . . . In the time of Herodotus they had gained an important footing in Europe, and had taken a westerly direction." In 628 B.C. they invaded Media and became masters of Asia; even Babylon for nearly thirty years was subservient to them. In 508 B.C. they overcame the armies of Persia, and those of Greece and Rome fared no better.

Sharon Turner, in "History of the Anglo-Saxons," traces our ancestors into Media, saying that we appeared there in the eighth century before Christ. This is the date that may be gathered from Homer for these nations, but Homer and Herodotus both show that Media was not the birthplace.


Turner further says the Saxons were a "Gothic or Scythian tribe, 10 and of the various Scythian nations which have been recorded, the Sakai, or Sacæ, are the people from whom the descent of the Saxons may be inferred with the least violation of probability. They defeated Cyrus, and reached the Cappadoces on the Euxine. That some of the divisions of this people were really called Sakasuna 15 is obvious from Pliny. . . . It is almost important to remark that Ptolemy mentions a Scythian people, sprung from the Sakai, by the name of Saxones." Strabo, Herodotus, Diodorus, Pliny, and Ptolemy show that in the days of the Apostles the British race were located in Cappadocia, Galatia, Pamphylia, Lydia, Bithynia, Mysia, 20 Achaica, Thessaly, Macedonia, and Iliyricum.


Jesus said that he was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel' (Matt. 15, ver. 24). The Apostles went to the localities above mentioned.

Unlike the Jews, the general mass of the English do not trace 25 back their ancestors, but it must be remembered that Paul told them to give up the perpetuation of genealogy. "Avoid foolish questions, and genealogies" (Titus 3, ver. 9). "Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies" (I. Tim. 1, ver. 4).

The following extracts from “Palestine into Britain," by the Rev. 30 L. G. A. Roberts, are instructive.


"M. Paul du Chaillu in his early history of the English-speaking nations, The Viking Age,' clearly brings the Northmen or Scandinavians from the very region of Ar-Sareth or Dacia and Getæ, to the north coast of Europe, through South Russia, Poland, 35 and Prussia, and into the British Islands. He also says that they had a high degree of civilisation, and had many customs like those of the ancient Greeks, the Scythians, and the Massagetæ (Viking Age,' pp. 4, 5, 26).

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That these are not German tribes is clearly evidenced from the 40 fact of their language compare the British language with the Hebrew and we see whence the race originated. The fact of language alone is no test, for Hebrew and Assyrian are similar in character, and yet are not the same race, but the Assyrian is precisely similar to the German in the position of the verb, and 45 Germany, we believe, is very largely Assyrian.


App. I.

"The venerable Bede and also the ethnologist Latham, independently of each other, state that the Continental English left not a trace of their kith and kin behind (Latham's 'Ethnology of the British Isles ').

5 "An edict issued by Augustus Cæsar, 14 B.C., releases all Jews in Britain from slavery or taxation.

"Crania Britannica,' quoting from Hoare's 'Wiltshire,' tells of a facsimile of a Hebrew breastplate being found on the breast of a skeleton dug up in a cist or barrow at Stonehenge.

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"The Druidical worship was very similar to that of the Hebrews (Hulbert's Religions of Britain,' 1825).* Their high priest was similarly clad, and had a tiara on his head, with the incommunicable name of I.A.U. upon it. He was clothed in spotless white, with 415 a girdle round his waist, and a breastplate of judgment upon his 15 breast They believed in one God, whom they worshipped under three names-Belenus, HESUS, and Taran. Hesus was their great All-heal, and they believed Him to be the Saviour of the World. When they gave up Druidism they never changed the name of HESUS, which they obtained from the 24th Psalm, which Psalm 20 they knew by heart. The Lord HESUS and mighty, He is the King of Glory' (Heb.)." When you "lift up your heads . . the King of glory shall come in." "Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts [Hesus and mighty], he is the King of glory" (Ps. 24, ver. 9, 10). This "Lord of hosts" is the power when we treat, i.e., pray rightly.

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The Massagetæ. The remaining seven tribes rounded the 413 3 Caspian, expelled the Scythians on the east side, and settled on the 413 borders of the Media, known to Isaiah as the desert by the sea,"

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25 not far from their old homes on the River Gozan, and in the cities 410 32 of the Medes. Here they became a dependency of Media and were known as the Massagetæ. Herodotus gives a number of details of the people he calls the Scythians, which identify them with the. Israelites.






For sixteen and three-quarter centuries Joseph remained separated from Israel and pursued a different route to Britain, "the land of the Covenant." This historical fact explains what could not be understood before, namely, why the prophets, especially Hosea, differentiate, not only between Judah and Israel, but between 35 Joseph (or Ephraim), Judah, and Israel. In tracing their history it will be seen that in the Bible the Getæ are known as Joseph or Ephraim," and the Massagetæ as "Israel" or "that troop "Gad." About eighteen times are the tribes of the house of Israel enumerated in the Bible. In every case one tribe is omitted; 40 generally Levi, once Simeon, and once Dan. In the Apocalypse Dan is not mentioned as one of the tribes "sealed . . . in their foreheads" (Rev. 7, ver. 3), for safety. At the time this was written Dan was already in Great Britain, the land of the Covenant, 413 10 and required no protection.



* The ritual and institutions of the Druids were so obviously Israelitish that Stukeley, who, the Rev. Robert Douglas states, is "the best authority on this subject," writes, "I am persuaded that our forefathers were of the patriarchal religion, and came from Abraham."


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App. I. Fall of Babylon. In 538 B.C., under the name of the "People of Gutium" (a fair-haired race under the direct protection of the God Merodach) the warriors of Israel, as recorded in the "Cylinders of Cyrus," marched to Babylon and fought against it in the victorious army of Cyrus, whom some say was an Israelite of the tribe of Dan.



Chapters 50, 51, and 52 of Jeremiah can only be understood if the fact is grasped that Israel and Judah here met, and that Israel came as conquerors. Daniel, who was at that time inside Babylon, was fully cognisant of the position of the children of Israel, as shown by his prayer: "Unto us confusion of faces. . . unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their trespass" (Dan. 9, ver. 7); and the opening of the river gates of Babylon at night, when the conquerors marched in, was certainly due to the Jews 15 inside. This opening of the gates was clearly prophesied by Isaiah as follows: "Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut" (Isaiah 45, ver. 1). Daniel, who until then was personally unknown to the king 20 Belshazzar, probably spoke that night as boldly as the Bible states that he did, knowing that in any case he would be safe the next day. As the political leader of the Jews, and the foremost man amongst them, and with the great scientific knowledge that he had, he must have known perfectly well what was about to happen. 25 That he was implicated in the conspiracy was shown from the fact that on Cyrus taking Babylon, Daniel was promoted to a place of the highest honour, equivalent to a leading Cabinet Minister of the present day.

In Jeremiah (50, ver. 46) we find these words: "At the noise of 30 the taking of Babylon [538 B.C.] the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations." About this time the "Migration of the Nations commenced.

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The Israelites at that time, as described by Herodotus, were a powerful and valiant race," and shortly afterwards Cyrus proposed 35 marriage to their queen Tomyris and was refused. This resulted in his famous attack on the Massagetæ, about 529 B.C. In that campaign, acting under the advice of Croesus, the Persian King entrapped one-third of the army of the Massagetæ, by leaving a camp full of wine and provisions and soon afterwards suddenly 40 attacking the drunken soldiers at their feast. Isaiah 22, ver. 13, deals with this episode: "And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die."

Death of Cyrus.-Isaiah 44, ver. 28, calls Cyrus the "shepherd" of +

*The apparent historical inaccuracy of certain portions of the Bible, such as the Book of Daniel, makes no difference to the value of the spiritual and scientific interpretation.



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the Lord, and Jeremiah 51, ver. 23, foretells that Israel will "break
in pieces. . . the shepherd and his flock." Now Cyrus was slain 416
by the Massagetæ in one of the fiercest battles in history, described 421
by Herodotus.

Expedition of Darius. -Israel then thought it safest to flee from Persian vengeance across the Volga into Scythia, probably with the object of combining with their brethren on the Danube. The celebrated Scythian expedition of Darius, about 513 B.C., across the Danube, through the country of the Getæ, and, according to 10 Herodotus, as far as the Volga, was an attempt to head off these fugitives, and was successful, in so far that it prevented the union of Israel and Ephraim, who together would have been too strong for Darius, and forced Israel, the Massagetæ, into Central Russia. Both Jacob and Moses, in blessing the Israelites, laid stress on the fact 15 that Joseph would be separated from his brethren.

The March Under Odin. -About the year 100 B.C., the Massagetæ, the seven tribes, under the command of a one-eyed leader, the celebrated Odin, descriptive details of whose withered arm and blind right eye are given in Zechariah 11, ver. 16, 17, left their 20 settlements in Scythia and went north from Asgard to the Baltic, where they became known as the Asar-subsequently the Angles.

The Sagas show that the pressure of the Romans drove Odin and the Israelites northward. The poem of Beowulf, the earliest Angle poem in existence, states that Odin belonged to the Geata 25 or Getæ. The Icelandic Eddas and Sagas state that Odin led his people into Scandinavia from Scythia or the Dannerstrom. The Icelanders themselves are part of the ten tribes. A long time before I knew that the Getæ and Goths were Israelites the thought had presented itself that Odin was an Israelite, and knew how to 30 work mentally. Undoubtedly he was a strong mental worker, if 437 he did not work consciously in this way.

The Rev. A. B. Grimaldi says: "The descent of our Royal Family from the Royal line of Judah is, however, no new discovery. The Saxon kings traced themselves back to Odin, who traced back his 35 descent to David, as may be seen in a very ancient MS. in the Heralds' College, London, and in Sharon Turner."+

In the Royal Museum of Copenhagen there has been for 275 years a golden trumpet, 2 ft. 9 in. in length, said to be a genuine trumpet of Zion. Professor Totten writes: "Up to the present time there 40 has not been the slightest scientific doubt as to the genuineness of this relic." It was discovered in 1630, in Jutland.

Israel Called by the Name of God.- The "Aesir" were the twelve gods of the North, and the Anses were the godmen of the South. 363 * Saga-an old heroic Scandinavian tale; a general name of those ancient compositions which comprise the history and mythology of the Northern European races.

"History of the Anglo-Saxons," Vol. I.

Here we recognise" the goodman of the house" (Mark 14, ver. 14).





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App. I. The Aesir and the Angles are synonymous names, both containing the name of God. This fact is important because it was foretold of Israel: "All people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the Lord" (Deut. 28, ver. 10. See also Num. 6, ver. 27; Is. 63, ver. 19; and Dan. 9, ver. 19). The "El" of Israel in Hebrew, Gott" in German, As" in Gothic, "An" in Getic, all mean God.

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The Migration of the Nations.-When the Angles took up their position south of the Baltic, they unknowingly carried out a process foretold in the Bible: "Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for 10 I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord" (Micah 4, ver. 13). In other words, they pushed the Franks from the North into Gaul, the Lombards into Bohemia, and eventually into Italy; the Vandals 15 into North Africa, where they were destroyed, the Burgundi into Gaul, the Saxons from the coast inland to the Rhine, and eventually to people Saxony. These are the movements known in history as "The Migration of the Nations," and from these nations are derived to-day the Great Powers of modern Europe. The other three 20 tribes also pushed their way like a wedge into the other nations, and the wave rolled outwards as the dispossessed races pushed those next to them, until the effect was felt in the farthest countries. This Moses foretold when of Joseph he said: "His horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people 25 together to the ends of the earth" (Deut. 33, ver. 17).

The Angles. The attack of the Goths in the third century A.D. upon the Roman Empire originated from Asgard, the region between the Don and the Dneiper, once the home of the seven tribes:* and the warriors of the Angles must have gone south from the Baltic 30 to share with their brethren, the Getæ, in the plunder of the campaigns, for the museums of the North to-day contain many thousands of articles, especially coins, brought from the Eastern Empire. These coins are of the dates of the second, third, and fourth centuries. There are none of the fifth century because about 35 375 A.D. the Huns invaded Eastern Europe and cut off all communication between Israel, the seven tribes in the North, and Ephraim, the three tribes in the South.

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Early in the fifth century, when Rome recalled her legions from 40 Britain to protect herself against the Goths, the Angles passed from the Baltic, and entering Britain, "the land of the Covenant," ultimately divided it into seven kingdoms known as the Heptarchy.

The Goths had seven deities from whom come our names of week-days.

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