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" That wherever Sentence shall be passed for Felony on a Person already imprisoned under Sentence for another Crime, it shall be lawful for the Court to award Imprisonment for the subsequent Offence, to commence at the Expiration of the Imprisonment to... "
Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ... - 164. oldal
szerző: Great Britain - 1827
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A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors, 1. kötet

Sir William Oldnall Russell - 1826 - 780 oldal
...for felony on a person already imprisoned under sentence for another crime, it shall be lawful for the court to award imprisonment for the subsequent...where such person shall be already under sentence cither of imprisonment or of transportation, the ceurt, if empowered to pass sentence of transportation,...

A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the Practice ..., 2. kötet

Joseph Chitty - 1826 - 132 oldal the Exsonment for a piration of the Imprisonment to which such Person shall have former Offence, been previously sentenced ; and .where such Person...Sentence either of Imprisonment or of Transportation, tation, the Court, if empowered to pass Sentence of Transportation, may award such Sentence for the...

The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1827 - 638 oldal
...for Felony on a Person already imprisoned under Sentence for another Crime, it shall be lawful for the Court to award Imprisonment for the subsequent...Sentence for the subsequent Offence, to commence at at the Expiration of the Imprisonment or Transportation to which such Person shall have been previously...

A Collection of the Law Statutes, Passed for the Administration of Criminal ...

John Tidd Pratt - 1827 - 210 oldal
...the subsequent offence, to Sto{£SSSof commence at the expiration of the imprison- the first. merit to which such person shall have been previously sentenced;...expiration of the imprisonment or transportation to which such person shall have been previously sentenced, although the aggregate term of imprisonment or transportation...

Supplement to An Analysis of the Constitution of the East-India Company: And ...

Peter Auber - 1828 - 228 oldal
...for felony on a person already imprisoned under sentence for another crime, it shall be lawful for the court to award imprisonment for the subsequent...expiration of the imprisonment or transportation to which such person shall have been previously sentenced, although the aggregate term of imprisonment or transportation...

Supplement to An Analysis of the Constitution of the East-India Company: And ...

Peter Auber - 1828 - 216 oldal
...for felony on a person already imprisoned under sentence for another crime, it shall be lawful for the court to award imprisonment for the subsequent...expiration of the imprisonment or transportation to which such person shall have been previously sentenced, although the aggregate term of imprisonment or transportation...

A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors, 2. kötet

William Oldnall Russell - 1828 - 836 oldal
...for felony on a person already imprisoned under sen" tence for another crime, it shall be lawful for the court to award " imprisonment for the subsequent...already under sentence, either of imprisonment or of trans" portation the court, if empowered to pass sentence of trans" portation, may award such sentence...

An Alphabetical Arrangement of Mr. Peel's Acts, Lord Lansdowne's Act, Etc ...

John Frederick Archbold - 1830 - 342 oldal
...imprisonment or ^ .1 • of transportation, the court, if empowered to pass sentence tion of the first, of transportation, may award such sentence for the...expiration of the imprisonment or transportation to which such person shall have been preFelonies, tubse- viously sentenced, although the aggregate term of imprison*...

The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, 3. kötet

Richard Burn - 1831 - 972 oldal
...alrraJy expiration of first. un,ier sentence either of imprisonment or of transportation, the Court, ¡f empowered to pass sentence of transportation, may...expiration of the imprisonment or transportation to which such person shall have been previously senteniv.l. although the aggregate term of imprisonment or transportation...

Summary of the Criminal Law

Henry John Stephen - 1834 - 518 oldal
...for felony on a person already imprisoned under sentence for another crime, it shall be lawful for the Court to award imprisonment for the subsequent...such person shall have been previously sentenced. And when such person shall be already under sentence either of imprisonment or transportation, the Court,...

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