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An Act to make Provision for ascertaining from time to time the Average Prices of British Corn.

[2d July 1827.]

W Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act 1&26.4. c.87.

THEREAS an Act was passed in the First and Second

'to repeal certain Acts passed in the Thirty first, Thirty third,

Forty fourth, and Forty fifth Years of His late Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the Importation and Exportation of Corn, Grain, Meal, and Flour into and from Great Britain ; and to make further Provisions in lieu thereof: And Whereas it is expedient to repeal the said Act;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said recited Act of the First and Second Year of Recited Act His present Majesty's Reign shall be and the same is hereby repealed. repealed: Provided always, that all Acts and Parts of Acts which Proviso as to were repealed by or by virtue of the said Acts shall continue and Acts repealed shall be deemed and taken to be repealed, as fully and effectually, by recited Act. to all Intents and Purposes, as if this present Act had not been made.

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II. And Whereas, for duly regulating the Importation of Foreign Corn, Grain, Meal, and Flour into the United Kingdom ' for Consumption, it is necessary that effectual Provision should be made for ascertaining from time to time the Average Prices

the Places

' of British Corn;' Be it therefore enacted, That Weekly Re- Weekly Returns of the Purchases and Sales of British Corn shall be made turns of Corn in the Manner hereinafter directed in the following Cities and to be made in Towns; that is to say, London, Chelmsford, Colchester, Rom- herein menford, Maidstone, Canterbury, Dartford, Chichester, Lewes, Rye, tioned by InIpswich, Woodbridge, Sudbury, Hadleigh, Stowmarket, Bury Saint spectors to be Edmunds, Beccles, Bungay, Lowestoft, Cambridge, Ely, Wisbeach, appointed for Norwich, Yarmouth, Lynn, Thetford, Walton, Diss, East Dereham, that Purpose. Harleston, Holt, Aylesham, Fakenham, Northwalsham, Lincoln, Gainsborough, Gladfordbridge, Lowth, Boston, Sleaford, Stamford, Spalding, York, Bridlington, Beverley, Howden, Hull, Whitby, New Malton, Durham, Stockton, Darlington, Sunderland, Barnard Castle, Walsingham, Belford, Hexham, Newcastle-uponTyne, Morpeth, Alnwick, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Carlisle, Whitehaven, Cockermouth, Penrith, Egremont, Appleby, Kirkby-in-Kendal, Liverpool, Ulverston, Lancaster, Preston, Wigan, Warrington, Manchester, Bolton, Chester, Nantwich, Middlewich, Four Lane Ends, Holywell, Mold, Denbigh, Wrexham, Llanrwst, Ruthin, Beaumaris, Llannerchymed, Langefin, Carnarvon, Pwhelli, Conway, Bala, Corwen, Dolgelly, Cardigan, Lampeter, Aberystwith, Pembroke, Fishguard, Haverfordwest, Carmarthen, Llandilo, Kidwilly, Swansea, Neath, Cowbridge, Cardiff, Gloucester, Cirencester, Tetbury, Stow-on-the-Wold, Tewkesbury, Bristol, Taunton, Wells, Bridgewater, Frome, Chard, Monmouth, Abergavenny, Chepstow, Pont-y-Pool, Exeter, Barnstaple, Plymouth, Totness, Tavistock, Kingsbridge, Truro, Bodmin, Launceston, Redruth, Helstone, St. Austell, Blandford, Bridport, Dorchester, Sherborne, Shaston,


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Comptroller to send and receive Letters

A.D. 1827. Wareham, Winchester, Andover, Basingstoke, Fareham, Havant, Newport, Ringwood, Southampton, and Portsmouth: And for the Purpose of duly collecting and transmitting such Weekly Returns as aforesaid, there shall be appointed in each of the said Cities and Towns, in manner hereinafter directed, a fit and proper Person to be Inspector of Corn Returns.

III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for His Majesty to appoint a fit and proper Person to be Comptroller of Corn Returns, for the Purposes hereinafter mentioned, and to grant to such Comptroller of Corn Returns such Salary and Allowances as to His Majesty shall seem meet: Provided always, that such Person shall be appointed to and shall hold such his Office during His Majesty's Pleasure, and not otherwise, and shall at all Times conform to and obey such lawful Instructions touching the Execution of the Duties of such his Office, as shall from time to time be given to him by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council, appointed for the Consideration of all Matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations.

IV. And be it further enacted, That the said Comptroller of Corn Returns, before he enters on the Execution of such his Office, shall, before some or one of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westminster, or before one of His Masters in Ordinary of the High Court of Chancery, take and subscribe an Oath in the following Words; that is to say,

A. B. do swear, That I will, to the best of my Skill and Knowledge, execute the Office of Comptroller of Corn Returns, according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth, 'intituled [here set forth the Title of this Act.]

So help me GOD.'

V. And be it further enacted, That the said Comptroller of Corn Returns shall at all Times execute the Duties of such his Office in Person, and not by Deputy; but that it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty to appoint a fit and proper Person who shall act as Deputy Comptroller of Corn Returns in case of the Sickness or other Incapacity of the said Comptroller, or in case he the said Comptroller should, with the Permission of the Lords of the said Committee of Privy Council, be absent from London; and all and every the Powers hereby vested in the said Comptroller of Corn Returns, and all and every the Acts, Matters, and Things hereby directed to be done and performed by him, shall be vested in and shall and may be done and performed by any such Deputy as aforesaid, during the Continuance of any such Sickness, Incapacity, or Absence as aforesaid of the said Comptroller of Corn Returns, and such Deputy shall hold such his Office during His Majesty's Pleasure, and not otherwise, and shall receive and be paid such Salary and Allowances as to His Majesty shall

seem meet.

VI. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Comptroller of Corn Returns to send by the Post to free of Postage, any Part of the United Kingdom, and to receive by the Post from any Place whatever, any Letters or Packets relating exclusively to the Duties of such his Office, free from all Duties of Postage; provided

provided that the Words "On His Majesty's Service" shall be written or printed on the Outside of each of the said Letters or Packets so sent by the said Comptroller of Corn Returns; and that such Words shall be subscribed with the Name of the said Comptroller of Corn Returns in his Handwriting; and also provided that it shall be lawful for His Majesty's Postmaster General, or for his Secretary or other Officer authorized by him in that Behalf, to examine and search all such Letters and Packets, and to charge against the Person or Persons sending the same Treble Postage on any Letter or Packet which may be so sent to or by the said Comptroller of Corn Returns contrary to the Provisions of this Act.

VII. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful Appointment for the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, at a of an Inspector Court to be holden for that Purpose, and they, or the Majority of for London. them present at such Court, are hereby authorized and required to nominate and appoint some fit and proper Person to be Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London; and it shall be lawful for the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen, from time to time as Occasion may require, upon any Misbehaviour or Neglect of Duty of any such Inspector, to remove him from such his Office by any Order to be by them made at a Court to be specially convened and holden for that Purpose; and upon the Death, Resignation, permanent Incapacity, or Removal of any such Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, it shall and may be lawful for the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen, at a Court to be holden for that Purpose, and they, or a Majority of them present at any such Court, are hereby authorized and required to nominate and appoint some fit and proper Person to succeed to the said Office.


VIII. And be it further enacted, That the said Inspector of Corn Appointment Returns for the City of London shall at all Times execute the of a Deputy Duties of such his Office in Person and not by Deputy; but that Inspector for in case of the Sickness or other temporary Incapacity of the said Inspector, it shall be lawful for the said Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London to appoint some fit and proper Person to act as the Deputy of the said Inspector during the Continuance of any such Sickness or Incapacity as aforesaid of that Officer, and no longer; and all and every the Powers hereby vested in the said Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, and all and every the Acts, Matters, and Things hereby directed to be done and performed by him, shall and may be vested in and be done and performed by any such Deputy as aforesaid, during the Continuance of such his Appointment.

IX. And be it further enacted, That no Person shall be eligible or shall be appointed to the Office of Inspector or Deputy Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, who, within Six Months next preceding the Time of any such Appointment shall have been engaged in Trade or Business as a Miller, Maltster, or Corn Factor, or who during that Period shall, as a Merchant, Clerk, Agent, or otherwise, have bought Corn for Sale, or for the Sale of Meal, Flour, Malt, or Bread made or to be made thereof; and if any Inspector or Deputy Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London shall, during his Continuance in such

Inspector or Deputy Inspector for be a Miller, Dealer, &c.

London not to


Appointment of Inspector for

London to be enrolled.

Corn Factors

in London to
make Decla-
ration to the
Lord Mayor
&c. before car-

rying on Trade.

Form of Declaration.

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his Office, engage in Trade or Business as a Miller, Maltster, or Corn Factor, or shall, as a Merchant, Clerk, Agent, or otherwise, buy Corn for Sale, or for the Sale of Meal, Flour, Malt, or Bread made or to be made thereof, he shall, in manner aforesaid, be removed from such his Office, and from and after the Time of such Removal shall become incapable of acting as Inspector of Corn Returns under this Act.

X. And be it further enacted, That every Inspector or Deputy Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, shall, within One Week after such his Nomination and Appointment, take and subscribe, before the Lord Mayor or One of the Aldermen of the City of London, an Oath, which Oath the said Lord Mayor or Alderman is hereby authorized and required to administer, in the following Words; (that is to say),

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IA. B. do swear, That I will at all Times, as Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London [or, as Deputy Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, as the Case may be], 'make due and true Returns to the Comptroller of Corn Returns appointed by virtue of an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, intituled [here set forth the Title of this Act]; and that I will in all Things, to the best of my Skill and Judgment, conform myself to the Directions ⚫ of the said Act. So help me GOD.'

XI. And be it further enacted, That every Nomination and Appointment so to be made as aforesaid, of any Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, shall be enrolled at the next Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said City, together with a Certificate of the Oath aforesaid having been taken, such Certificate being signed by the Lord Mayor or Aldermen before whom such Oath shall have been so taken; and the said Enrolment, or a Copy thereof, certified under the Hand of the Clerk of the Peace for the said City to be a true Copy, shall, for all Intents and Purposes, be and be deemed and taken to be good and conclusive Evidence of any such Appointment as aforesaid having been duly made.

XII. And be it further enacted, That every Person who shall carry on Trade or Business in the City of London, or within Five Miles from the Royal Exchange in the said City, as a Corn Factor, or as an Agent employed in the Sale of British Corn, and every Person who shall sell any British Corn within the present Corn Exchange in Mark Lane in the said City, or within any other Building or Place which now is or may hereafter be used within the City of London, or within Five Miles from the Royal Exchange in the said City, for such and the like Purposes for which the said Corn Exchange in Mark Lane hath been and is used, shall, before he or they shall carry on Trade or Business, or sell any Corn in manner aforesaid, make and deliver to the Lord Mayor, or One of the Aldermen of the City of London, a Declaration in the following Words; (that is to say),


I A. B. do declare, That the Returns to be by me made conformably to an Act passed in the Eighth Year of the Reign ' of King George the Fourth, intituled [here set forth the Title • of

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of this Act] of the Quantities and Prices of British Corn which henceforth shall be by or for me sold or delivered, shall, to the best of my Knowledge and Belief, contain the whole Quantity, and no more, of the Corn bonâ fide sold and delivered by or for me within the Periods to which such Returns respectively 'shall refer, with the Prices of such Corn, and the Names of the Buyers respectively, and of the Persons for whom such Corn 'shall have been sold by me respectively; and to the best of my Judgment the said Return shall in all respects be conformable to the Provisions of the said Act.'

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Declaration to be delivered to Inspector.

Which Declaration shall be in Writing, and shall be subscribed Certificate of with the Hand of the Person so making the same; and the Lord Mayor, or such Aldermen as aforesaid of the City of London, for the Time being, shall and he is hereby required to deliver a Certificate thereof, under his Hand, to the Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, to be by him registered in a Book to be by him provided and kept for that Purpose.

XIII. And be it further enacted, That every such Corn Factor and other Person as aforesaid, who is hereinbefore required to make, and who shall have made such Declaration as aforesaid, shall, and he or she is hereby required to return or cause to be returned, on Wednesday in each and every Week, to the Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London, an Account in Writing, signed with his or her own Name, or the Name of his or her Agent duly authorized in that Behalf, of the Quantities of each respective Sort of British Corn by him or her sold during the Week ending on and including the next preceding Tuesday, with the Prices thereof, and the Amount of every Parcel, with the total Quantity and Value of each Sort of Corn, and by what Measure or Weight the same was seld, and the Names of the Buyers thereof, and of the Persons for and on behalf of whom such Corn was sold; and it shall and may be lawful for any such Inspector of Corn Returns to deliver to any Person making or tendering any such Returns, a Notice in Writing, requiring him or her to declare and set forth therein where and to whom and in what Manner any such British Corn was delivered to the Purchaser or Purchasers thereof; and every Person to whom any such Notice shall be so delivered shall, and he or she is hereby required to comply therewith, and to declare and set forth in such his or her Return the several Particulars aforesaid.

Corn Factor's

Returns in

XIV. And be it further enacted, That the Justices of the Appointment Peace for the several and respective Counties, Ridings, or Divi- and Removal of sions thereof, in which the several Cities and Towns hereinbefore Country Inenumerated are situate, other than and except the City of Lon- spectors. don, shall and they are hereby authorized and required, at some Quarter Sessions held within or nearest to each of the said several Cities and Towns, to nominate and appoint some fit and proper Person residing within or near each and every of the said Cities and Towns respectively, to be the Inspector of Corn Returns for such City or Town, and from time to time, as Occasion may require, upon the Death, Resignation, or Removal of any such Inspector of Corn Returns, to appoint a fit and proper Person to succeed to such his Office; and it shall be lawful for the said Justices of the Peace, by any Order or Orders to be by them made


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