quartered and billetted, with Diet and Small Beer, and with Stables and Hay and Straw for such Horses, paying and allowing for the same the several Rates that are or shall be established by any Act or Acts in force in that respect. and also Bat and Baggage Horses, &c. how to be quartered in Ireland. LVII. And be it further enacted, That all Horses of Officers Horses belongand, Men belonging to His Majesty's Horse, Dragoons, Artillery ing to the Horse or Dragoons, or Commissariat, and also all Bat and Baggage Horses belonging Artillery or to any of His Majesty's other Forces, and also the Horses belong- Commissariat, ing to Staff and Field Officers in His Majesty's Forces when upon actual Service, not exceeding for each Officer the Number for which Forage is or shall be allowed by His Majesty's Regulations, shall and may be quartered and billetted in Ireland in the Inns, Livery Stables, Alehouses, Victualling Houses, and other Houses in which Officers and Soldiers are by this Act allowed to be quartered and billetted; and that they shall be received and furnished by the Owners or Occupiers of such Inns, Livery Stables, Alehouses, Victualling Houses, and other Houses in which they are allowed to be so quartered and billetted, with Stables, and also with Hay and Straw for such Horses, at the Rate of Eighteen Pounds of Hay and Six Pounds of Straw each Horse per Night, in Cases in which Hay and Straw shall not be supplied by Contract for such Horses, such Owners or Occupiers being paid for the same the several Rates that are or shall be established by the Lord Lieutenant or other sufficient Authority from Time to Time, the same to be regulated by the average Rate of Con. tracts for Forage in Ireland. When Horses are provided with Hay and tract, an AlStraw by Con lowance shall be paid to the Innkeeper. Dragoons, &c. quartered on Persons who · LVIII. And Whereas Innkeepers or others on whom such 'Horses as before recited may have been billetted, have here'tofore received an Allowance of Four Pence per Week for each 'such Horse for the Use of the Stable, when the Forage has been 'furnished by Contract;' Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act the said Allowance of Four Pence per Week shall continue to be paid only during the Time when such Horses shall be provided with Hay and Straw by Contract, and not by such Innkeepers or other Owners or Occupiers as aforsesaid. LIX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That when any of His Majesty's Horse or Dragoons, or any other Horses as aforesaid, shall be quartered or billetted upon the Owner or Owners, Occupier or Occupiers of any Alehouse, Victualling House, or other House in which Officers or Soldiers may be quartered by virtue of this Act, who have no Stables; then and in such Case, and upon Complaint made by any Person or Persons having no Stables to Two or more Justices of the Peace of the Division, City, or Liberty where such Horse or Dragoons or other &c. Horses shall be so quartered and billetted, and upon his or their making such Allowance, in lieu of his or their quartering such Horse or Dragoons or other Horses, as such Justice shall think reasonable, it shall and may be lawful for such Justices to order the Men and their Horses, or such Horses only, as the Case may be, to be removed and quartered upon some other Person or Persons who by this Act are liable to have Officers and Soldiers quartered and billetted upon them, who have Stables, and to order and settle a proper Allowance to be made by the Person or Persons having no Stables, in lieu of his or their quartering such Horse or Dragoons have no Stables, may be removed to those who have Stables, Dragoons, &c. and their Horses, to be billetted in the same Houses. Manner of and Horses. Dragoons or other Horses so to be removed as aforesaid; and also to order and direct that such Allowance shall be paid by the Person or Persons from whom such Men and Horses shall be removed, to or amongst the Person or Persons to whom such Men and Horses shall be so removed as aforesaid, or be applied in the furnishing of Quarters for the Reception of such Men and Horses, as the Case may require, and as such Justices shall think fit. LX. And Whereas great Inconveniences have arisen and may ' arise in such Places where Horse or Dragoons are or may be quartered, by the billetting of the Men and their Horses at 'different Houses, and often at great Distances from one another, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act;' Be it therefore enacted, That in all Places where Horse or Dragoons shall be quartered or billetted in pursuance of this Act, for the future, the Men and their Horses shall be billetted in One and the same House (except in case of Necessity); and that in no other Case whatsoever there be less than One Man billetted where there shall be One or Two Horses, nor less than Two Men where there shall be Four Horses, and so in proportion for a greater Number; and in such Case each Man shall be billetted as near his Horse as possible. LXI. And Whereas some Doubts have arisen whether Commanding Officers of any Regiment, Troop, or Company may exchange any Men or Horses quartered in any Town or Place, 'with another Man or Horse quartered in the same Place, for the Benefit of the Service;' Be it declared and enacted, That changing Men such Exchange as above mentioned may be made by such Commanding Officer respectively, provided the Number of Men and Horses do not exceed the Number at that Time billetted on such House or Houses; and the Constables, Tithingmen, Headboroughs, and other Chief Officers and Magistrates of the Cities, Towns, and Villages, or other Places where any Regiment, Troop, or Company shall be quartered, are hereby required to billet such Men and Horses so exchanged accordingly. Penalty on Officers taking Money to excuse any Person from quartering. Penalty on Constables, &c. taking Money to excuse any... Person from quartering; and on Victuallers refusing to quarter Soldiers. LXII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any Officer shall take or cause to be taken, or knowingly suffer to be taken, any Money of any Person for excusing the quartering of Officers or Soldiers, or any of them, in any House allowed by this Act, every such Officer shall be cashiered, and be incapable of serving in any Military Employment whatsoever. LXIII. And be it further enacted, That if any High Constable, Constable, Beadle, or other Officer or Person whomsoever, who by virtue or colour of this Act shall quarter or billet, or be employed in quartering or billetting any Officers or Soldiers in any Part of the United Kingdom, shall neglect or refuse to quarter or billet any Officer or Soldier on Duty, when thereunto required, in such Manner as is by this Act directed, provided sufficient Notice be given before the Arrival of such Troops; or shall receive, demand, contract, or agree for any Sum or Sums of Money, or any Reward whatsoever, for or on account of excusing, or in order to excuse any Person or Persons whomsoever from quartering or receiving into his, her, or their House or Houses any such Officer or Soldier; or in case any Victualler, or any other Person liable by this Act to have any Officer or Soldier billetted billetted or quartered on him or her, shall refuse to receive or be heard shall in his or their Discretion think fit); to be levied Penalty how to LXIV. And for the better preventing Abuses in quartering or billetting the Soldiers in pursuance of this Act, Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any One or more Justice or Justices of the Peace within their respective Counties, Cities, or Liberties, in any Part of the United Kingdom, by Warrant or Order under his or their Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals, at any Time or Times during the Continuance of this Act, to require and command any High Constable, Constable, Beadle, or other Officer who shall quarter or billet any Soldier in pursuance of this Act, to give an Account in Writing unto the said Justice or Justices requiring the same, of the Number of Officers and Soldiers who shall be quartered or billetted by them, and also the Names of the Housekeepers or Persons upon whom every such Officer or Soldier shall be quartered or billetted, together with an Account of the Street or Place where every such Housekeeper dwells, and of the Signs (if any) belonging to Justices may Account of the Soldiers quar- Justices may and enlarge Quarters. to their Houses; to the End that it may appear to the said Justice or Justices where such Officers and Soldiers are quartered or billetted, and that he or they may thereby be the better enabled to prevent or punish all Abuses in the quartering or billetting of them. LXV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it extend Routes shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, at the Request of any Officer or Noncommissioned Officer commanding any Soldiers requiring Quarters or Billets, in any Case in which it shall appear to such Officer or Justice that better Accommodation can be given to the Troops by extending any Route or enlarging the District within which Quarters and Billets shall be required, to enlarge such Route, and extend such Quarters and Billets, in such Manner as shall be most convenient to the Troops to be quartered and billetted; any Thing in this Act or any other Act, or any Law or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. LXVI. Provided also, and it is hereby enacted, That the Officers and Soldiers so quartered and billetted as aforesaid, shall be received and furnished with Diet and Small Beer by the Owners of the Inns, Livery Stables, Alehouses, Victualling Houses, and other Houses in which they are allowed to be quartered and billetted by this Act; paying and allowing for the same the several Rates that are or shall be established by any Act or Acts in force in that respect. LXVII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in case any Innholder or other Person on whom any Noncommissioned Officers or Private Men shall be quartered by virtue of this Act (except on a March or employed in recruiting, and likewise except the Recruits by them raised, for the Space of Seven Days at most for such Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers who are recruiting and the Recruits by them raised,) shall be desirous to furnish such Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers with Candles, Vinegar and Salt, gratis, and allow to such Noncommissioned Officers or Soldiers the Use of Fire and the necessary Utensils for dressing and eating their Meat, and shall give Notice of such his Desire to the Commanding Officer, and shall furnish and allow the same accordingly; then and in such Case the Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers so quartered shall provide their own Victuals and Small Beer; and the Officer to whom it belongs to receive, or that does actually receive the Pay and Subsistence of such Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers, shall pay the several Sums to be payable out of the Subsistence Money for Diet and Small Beer, to the Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers as aforesaid, and not to the Innholder or other Person on whom such Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers are quartered; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. LXVIII. And that the Quarters both of Officers and Soldiers may hereafter be duly paid and satisfied, and His Majesty's Duties of Excise better answered; Be it enacted, That from and after the Twenty fourth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, every Officer to whom it belongs to receive or that does actually receive the Pay or Subsistence Money, either for a whole Regiment, or particular Troops and Com Companies, or otherwise, shall every Four Days, or before the Troop shall quit their Quarters, if they shall not remain so long as Four Days, settle the just Demands of all Persons keeping Inns or other Places where Officers or Soldiers are quartered by virtue of this Act, out of the Pay and Subsistence of such Officers and Soldiers, before any Part of the said Pay or Subsistence be distributed to either of them respectively; and if any Officer or Officers as aforesaid shall not satisfy, content, and pay the same, upon Complaint and Oath made thereof by any Two Witnesses, at the next Quarter Session for the County or City where such Quarters were (which Oath the Justices of the Peace at such Sessions are hereby authorized and required to administer), the Secretary at War is hereby required and authorized (upon Certificate of the Justices before whom such Oath was made, of the Sum due upon such Accounts, and the Persons to whom the same is owing,) to give Orders to the Agent of the Troop or Company to pay and satisfy the said Sums, and to charge the same against such Officer or Officers. Penalty on Officers not satisfying Accounts which shall be charged against them by the Agent. If Quarters are not paid for before the Marching of the Troops, Certificate of LXIX. And be it further enacted, That in case any Troop or Company being suddenly ordered to march, and that the respective Commanding Officers are not enabled to make Payment of the Sums due for the Lodgings of the Men and Stabling for the Horses, every such Officer shall before his Departure make up the Account with every Person with whom such Troop or Com- the Amount to pany may have been quartered, and sign a Certificate thereof, be transmitted which Account and Certificate shall be transmitted to the Agent to the Agent, of the Regiment, that immediate Payment may be made, which he is hereby required to make accordingly, and to charge the same to the Account of such Officer. out Consent. LXX. And be it further enacted, That if any Officer, Military Soldiers Wives, or Civil, by this Act authorized to quarter Soldiers in any Houses &c. not to be hereby appointed for that Purpose, shall at any Time during quartered withthe Continuance of this Act quarter any of the Wives, Children, Men or Maid Servants of any Officer or Soldier, in any such Houses, against the Consent of the Owners, the Party offending, if any Officer of the Army, shall, upon being convicted thereof before a General Court-martial, be cashiered; and if a Constable, Tithingman, or other Civil Officer, he shall forfeit to the Party aggrieved Twenty Shillings, upon Complaint and Proof thereof Penalty. made to the next Justice of the Peace; to be levied by Warrant of such Justice by Distress and Sale of such Offender's Goods, rendering the Overplus to the Party, after deducting reasonable Charges in taking the same. teens. LXXI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for Licences may any Two Justices of the Peace, or any Two Magistrates within be granted for their respective Jurisdictions, to grant or transfer any Licence keeping Canfor selling Ale by Retail, or Cider or Perry, to be drank or consumed in any House or Houses, or Premises where more Houses or Premises than One shall be held together by the same Person or Persons as a Canteen, or any Licence to sell Spirituous Liquors or Strong Waters, or Wine or Liquor by Retail, to any Person or Persons applying for the same, who shall hold any Canteen under any Lease thereof, or any Agreement or other Authority from any Two of the principal Officers of the Board of |