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above recited Act, terminated by the Death of the Right Honourable Archibald Colquhoun, which happened on the Eighth Day of December One thousand eight hundred and twenty; and ⚫ the said Office of the Lord Register is now held, and the Duties ⚫ thereof are now discharged, by the Person who was then and ⚫ still continues Keeper of the Signet for Scotland, in the Manner directed by the above recited Act: And Whereas by an Act passed in the Third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, 'intituled An Act for regulating the Fees chargeable in His Ma- 3 G. 4. c.62. jesty's General Registry House at Edinburgh, and for completing

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the Buildings necessary for keeping the Public Records of Scotland 'therein, proceeding on a Recital, that the Building called The General Register House, which had been erected for the Purpose of being a Repository of the Public Muniments and Re'cords of Scotland, remained to be completed according to the ⚫ original Design and Plan thereof, and the Accommodation 'afforded by so much of the Building as had been erected had become insufficient for the Purposes of such Repository, and it being necessary that additional Accommodation should be 'afforded, it was reasonable that the Balance of Fees remaining, ' after satisfying and paying the Salaries or Allowances granted or that might be granted for the due Discharge of the Business appertaining to the said Office of Lord Register, and also of the Office of the Keeper of the Signet, when the same should come to be, as the said Office of Lord Register had been, regu⚫lated pursuant to the said recited Act of the Fifty seventh Year of His late Majesty's Reign, should be applied for this Pur'pose; it was therefore enacted, that the Balance of all such Fees that had already arisen, and the Balance of all such Fees that ⚫ should hereafter arise, which are directed by the said recited Act to be paid to the Receiver General of Scotland, should be 'paid to the Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, the Keeper of the Privy Seal, the Lord Justice General of Scotland, the Lord • President of the Court of Session in Scotland, the Lord Register of Scotland, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, the Justice Clerk, the Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, and the Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court, all for the • Time being, until Sums should have been received by them, or any Three or more of them, to the Amount of Thirty thousand Pounds; and it was further enacted, that all Sums so received by virtue of that Act should be laid out and applied by the 'aforesaid Persons herein named, or any Three or more of them, in completing and fitting up the Buildings intended for a general Repository of the Public Records of Scotland, according to the original Plan or Design thereof, Part of which only had 'been finished, or according to such other Plan or Design as 'should appear to the aforesaid Persons above named, or any Three or more of them, best adapted, in the present State of the Public Records of Scotland, for the Purposes of such Repository; and it was also further enacted, that Once at 'least in Three Years from and after the passing of that Act the aforesaid named Persons, or some Three or more of them, ⚫ should make a Report to each House of Parliament, stating the • Sums from time to time received by them pursuant to this Act,

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• the

Balance of Fees

payable in the Office of Lord Register to be paid to certain Persons till it

shall amount to

the Sum of 20,000l.

Sums so re

ceived to be applied in building and fitting

up General Register Houses.

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the Application thereof, the Progress made in completing the 'said Building, and any Matter arising out of the same which may appear proper to them to be reported to Parliament: And Whereas by the Reports made by the aforesaid Commis'sioners to the Two Houses of Parliament in pursuance of the 'aforesaid Act, it appears that in carrying into Execution the • Purposes of the above recited Act, they had found it expedient 'to alter and in some respects to enlarge the original Plan or Design of the Buildings of His Majesty's General Register House, and also to alter and improve certain Parts of the Buildings formerly erected, and the interior Arrangements of many of the Apartments therein contained, in consequence of which a larger Expence must unavoidably be incurred than had been provided for by the aforesaid Act; and that for defraying the Expence, it will be proper to provide, by a further Appropriation of the Fees that shall remain after satisfying and 'paying the Salaries or Allowances granted or that may be 'granted for the due Discharge of the Business appertaining to the Office of Lord Register, and also of the Office of Keeper of the Signet, when the same shall come to be regulated pursuant to the aforesaid Act of the Fifty seventh Year of the Reign of 'His late Majesty;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the Balance of all such Fees as have already arisen or shall hereafter arise, which are directed by the said first recited Act to be paid to the Receiver General of Scotland, shall be paid to the Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, the Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland, the Lord Justice General of Scotland, the Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, the Lord Register of Scotland, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, the Lord Justice Clerk, the Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, and the Lord Chief Commissioner of the Jury Court, all for the Time being, until Sums shall have been received by them, or any Three or more of them, to the Amount in all of Twenty thousand Pounds.

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II. And be it enacted, That all Sums so received by virtue of the above recited Act of the Third Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, or by virtue of this present Act, shall be laid out and applied by the aforesaid Persons herein named, or any Three or more of them, in completing and fitting up the Buildings intended for a general Repository of the Public Records of Scotland, according to the original Plan or Design thereof, or according to such other Plan or Design as shall appear to the aforesaid Persons above named, or any Three or more of them, best adapted, in the present State of the Public Records of Scotland, for the Purposes of such Repository.



An Act for the further Amendment and Extension of the
Powers of the several Acts authorizing Advances for car-
rying on Public Works.
[23d June 1827.]


Further Time may be granted for the Repayment of any Sums lent for carrying on Public Works.

WHEREAS it is expedient that the Provisions of an Act 57 G. 3. c. 34. made in the Fifty seventh Year of His late Majesty's Reign, for authorizing the Issue of Exchequer Bills, and the Advance of Money out of the Consolidated Fund, for the carrying on of • Public Works and Fisheries in the United Kingdom, and for the • Employment of the Poor in Great Britain, and the several Acts ⚫ for amending the same, should be further extended and enlarged;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts in Great Britain, or any Three or more of them, from time to time for the Time being, in such Manner and Form as the said Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts may think fitting and expedient, by and with the Consent and Approbation of the Lord High Treasurer or of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any Three or more of them, to grant any further Time for the Repayment of any Sum or Sums of Money which shall have been lent or advanced by the said Commissioners at any Time before the passing of this Act, under the Provisions of the said Acts or any of them, or which at any Time after the passing of this Act may be lent or advanced by the said Commissioners under the Powers of any of the said recited Acts; and that the Time for the Repayment of any such Loan or Advance may be extended by the said Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts, with the Consent of the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them, to any Period exceeding the Period of Twenty Years, any thing in the said Acts or any of them to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding; and that it shall be lawful for the Commissioners said Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts to com- may compound pound any Debt or Debts on account of any such Loan or Ad- for Debts. vance, and to stay any Proceedings for the Recovery of the same upon Payment and Receipt of any such Sum or Sums of Money, or of such Amount or Proportion of Principal or Interest, and at such Rate of Interest, and upon such Terms and Conditions, as the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them, shall judge fitting and expedient, and shall order and direct; and that it shall be lawful for such Com- Commissioners missioners for the Execution of the said Acts, by and with the may lend, for the Purposes Consent and Approbation of the said Lord High Treasurer or herein menCommissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them, tioned, on the at any Time after the passing of this Act, to make any Loan or Securities reAdvance for any of the Purposes mentioned in the said Acts or quired in forany of them, or for any other like Purposes, in Great Britain mer Acts, or and on such other

Time of Repayment may be

extended beyond 20 Years.

Securities as

shall appear to

and Ireland respectively, under the Regulations of the several Acts in force immediately before the passing of this Act, and for them sufficient. the Purpose of giving Employment to the Labouring Classes of the Poor in Ireland, upon such Securities as are mentioned in the said Acts or any of them, or upon any such other Securities as shall appear to be good and sufficient to such Commissioners; and that all such Proceedings of such Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts, by and with the Consent and Approbation of the said Lord High Treasurer or such Commissioners of the Treasury, shall be good, valid, and effectual to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, any thing in the said Acts or any of them to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

6 G. 4. c. 35.

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II. And Whereas by an Act made in the Sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act to render more effectual the several Acts for authorizing Advances for carrying on Public Works, so far as relates to Ireland, the Sum of Three hundred thousand Pounds British Currency, Part of the Sum of Two Millions to be raised by Exchequer Bills under an Act made in the Third Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for amending Two Acts of the Fifty seventh Year of His late Majesty and the First Year of His present Majesty, for authorizing the Issue of Exchequer Bills and the Advance of Money for carrying on Public Works and Fisheries, and Employment of the Poor, was set apart and appropriated and directed to be applied in the Manner specified in the said recited Act of the Sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign: And Whereas by an Act of this present 7 & 8 G.4.c. 12. Session of Parliament, intituled An Act to amend an Act of the First Year of His present Majesty, for the Advance of Money for carrying on Public Works in Ireland; it is enacted, that no more than the Sum of Two hundred thousand Pounds in the whole shall be issued and applied to the Purposes and under the Regulations of the said recited Act of the Sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, instead of the Sum of Three hundred thousand Pounds in the same Act mentioned: And Whereas Doubts have arisen as to the Construction of the said Act of this present Session, and as to the intended Ap'plication of the Remaining Sum of One hundred thousand 'Pounds, Part of the said Sum of Three hundred thousand Pounds ⚫ mentioned in the said Act of the Sixth Year aforesaid; Be it therefore declared and enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, to order any Advances to be made under any Presentment or Estimate which may have been or may be made at any Time either before or after the passing of the said Act of this present Session; and that it shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners for the Execution of the said Act of the Third Year of His present Majesty to apply the said Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds, Part of the said Sum of Three hundred thousand Pounds, in such and the like Manner to all Intents and Purposes as before the passing of the said Act of the Sixth Year aforesaid they were authorized and empowered to apply the said Sum of Two Millions to be raised by Exchequer Bills as aforesaid, and as if the said Act of the Sixth Year aforesaid had

Lord Lieutenant may order Advances under Presentments made before or after

passing c. 12.
of this Session.
Application of
the remaining
Sum of
Part of
300,000l. set
apart by

6 G. 4. c. 35.


former Acts

effectual for

executing this

not been made or passed; any thing in the same Act to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. III. And be it further enacted, That for the Execution of this Powers of Act, the Commissioners for the Execution of the said Acts, and the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury, and all other Persons, shall have all such and the like Powers and Authorities in all respects as are given to or vested in such Commissioners, Lord High Treasurer, Commissioners of the Treasury, and other Persons by the said Acts or any of them, except only so far as the same are altered by this Act.


An Act to continue until the First Day of June One thousand
eight hundred and twenty eight, and from thence to the
End of the then next Session of Parliament, an Act of the
Third Year of His present Majesty, for regulating the
Manner of licensing Alehouses in England.


[23d June 1827.]

An Act to exempt Persons who have procured Game Certificates in Great Britain from the Duty on Game Certificates in Ireland, and to authorize Persons who have paid Duty on Game Certificates in Ireland to kill Game in Great Britain, upon paying the additional Duty only.

[23d June 1827.]

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifty second Year of

W Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third,


'intituled An Act for granting to His Majesty certain new and 52 G. 3. c. 93. • additional Duties of Assessed Taxes, and for consolidating the "same with the former Duties of Assessed Taxes, certain Duties 'therein specified are imposed upon Persons (not acting by virtue ' of a Deputation or Appointment) in Great Britain who shall use any Dog, Gun, Net, or other Engine, for the Purpose of taking or killing any Game whatever, or any Woodcock, Snipe, Quail, 'or Landrail, or any Conies, or shall take or kill by any Means 'whatever, or shall assist in any Manner in the taking or killing by any Means whatever, any Game, or any Woodcock, Snipe, Quail, or Landrail, or any Cony: And Whereas by another Act passed in the Fifty sixth Year of the Reign of His said late

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Majesty, intituled An Act to repeal the several Stamp Duties in 56 G. 3. c. 56. Ireland, and also several Acts for the Collection and Management of the said Duties, and to grant new Stamp Duties in lieu thereof; and to make more effectual Regulations for collecting and managing the said Duties, certain Duties therein specified are imposed upon Certificates, to authorize Persons not being Gamekeepers to kill Game in Ireland: And Whereas it is expedient to exempt Persons who shall have paid any such Duty as aforesaid in Great Britain from the Duties payable on any such Certificates ' as aforesaid in Ireland, and to exempt Persons who shall have paid any Duty on any such Certificates as aforesaid in Ireland, 6 ' upon

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