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any contiguous Portions of Two or more adjoining Parishes, and if in any such Portion of a Parish a Church or Chapel shall have been previously erected for the Accommodation of the Inhabitants of such Parish who may live at a Distance from the Parish Church, it shall and may be lawful for such Archbishop or Bishop to form such District, and to ascertain the Bounds thereof in the Manner required by Law, and to make the Church or Chapel within such District a Perpetual Cure, although such Church or Chapel may have been erected before the Formation of such District, or the Ascertainment of the Bounds thereof; any thing in the said Act of the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of His late Majesty, or of this Act, to the contrary notwithstanding.


An Act to provide for the Payment of a Salary (in lieu of
Fees) to the Judge of the Prerogative Court and Court of
Faculties in Ireland.
[23d June 1827.]


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HEREAS the Offices of Judge or Commissary of His Ma

Wjesty's Court of Prerogative for Causes Ecclesiastical,

and Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Faculties, in and throughout the whole of that Part of the United Kingdom called 'Ireland, are Judicial Offices, and have always hitherto been held and enjoyed by one and the same Person: And Whereas it is ⚫ expedient that Provision should be made for the Payment of a certain annual Salary to the Judge or Person holding or who 'shall hold the said Offices jointly, and that such Salary should be in lieu of all Fees and Emoluments whatsoever receivable by such Judge or Person, and that all such Fees should be applied to the Public Use;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act, the Office of Judge or Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative for Causes Ecclesiastical, and the Office of Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Faculties, in and throughout that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, both which Offices are held and enjoyed by the present Judge or Commissary thereof, shall from thenceforth for ever continue to be jointly held and enjoyed by one and the same Person, and shall from time to time for ever be granted and held as one Office, and that the Person holding such Office shall be styled the Judge or Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative for Causes Ecclesiastical and Court of Faculties in and throughout Ireland; and that no Fees or pecuniary Profits whatever, other than and except the Salary permitted by this Act, shall, from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, be received by or shall be payable to or to the Use of the Person holding or who shall hold the said Office in respect of the Execution of the said Office, any Act or Acts of Parliament, or any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding; and that from and after the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven,


all Fees and pecuniary Profits heretofore payable to the Use of the Holder of the Office or Offices aforesaid, shall be collected and applied to the Public Service in Manner hereinafter mentioned and directed.

II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, there shall be issued and paid and payable to the Judge or Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties aforesaid for the Time being, out of and charged and chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, after paying and reserving sufficient to pay all such Sum and Sums of Money as have been directed by any former Act or Acts of Parliament to be paid out of the said Consolidated Fund, but with Preference to all other Payments which shall or may be hereafter charged upon or payable out of the said Fund, the annual Sum of Three thousand Pounds; and the said Sum of Money to be issued in pursuance of this Act shall from time to time thenceforth be payable and paid quarterly, free and clear of all Taxes and Deductions whatsoever, on the Tenth Day of October, the Fifth Day of January, the Fifth Day of April, and the Fifth Day of July, in every Year, the first Payment thereof to be made on the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.

III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That whenever any Person holding the Office of Judge or Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties aforesaid shall during the Course of any Quarter resign his said Office, or shall die, then the Person so resigning the said Office, or the Executors or Administrators of such Person so dying (as the Case may be), shall be entitled to such proportionable Part of the said Salary as shall have accrued during such Part of the said Quarter as such Person shall have executed such Office as aforesaid; and every Judge or Commissary of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties, to be appointed at any Time after the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, shall, on the Quarter Day next after his Appointment, be entitled to have and receive, out of the said Consolidated Fund, such Proportion of the said Salary as shall have arisen from the Date of his Appointment.

IV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, the Judge or Commissary of His Majesty's said Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties shall not practise or be capable of practising as a Barrister or Advocate in any Court or Place, or in Conveyancing or giving Opinions, or in any other Manner whatsoever as a Barrister or Advocate.

V. And be it further enacted, That the respective Registrars or Deputy Registrars of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties in and throughout Ireland shall, from and after the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, receive and collect all the Fees belonging to the said Office of Judge or Commissary of the Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties respectively, and shall, within Fourteen Days after the Tenth Day of October, the Fifth Day of

$ 3


Salary of

3000l. to be
paid to the said

Judge out of the
Fund, by quar-
terly Payments.

A Proportion of the Quarter's Salary to be

payable on Resignation or Death, and on new Appoint


Judge of the said Court shall arrister or not practise as a Advocate.

Registrars shall deliver quarterly, to the Public Accounts, an Account of Fees received, and pay the Amount into

Auditors of

the Exchequer, January, the Fifth Day of April, and the Fifth Day of July in to be carried to each and every Year, deliver, into the Office of His Majesty's

the Consolid

ated Fund.

Penalty on not accounting for or paying Fees, 201. per Cent. on the Amount.

Acquittance from the Exchequer shall

Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts in Ireland for the Time being, an Account, signed by such Registrars or Deputy Registrars respectively, of all Fees received by such Registrars or Deputy Registrars respectively by virtue of this Act, for the Quarter ending on such Tenth Day of October, Fifth Day of January, Fifth Day of April, and Fifth Day of July respectively, vouched and verified by an Affidavit at the Foot of such Account by such Registrar or Deputy Registrar, to be sworn before any Master in Chancery, who is hereby authorized and required to administer the Oath for that Purpose; and in case of the Death of any such Registrar or Deputy Registrar respectively, then their Executors or Administrators shall, within Six Calendar Months next after their Deaths respectively, deliver in like Manner to the said Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, an Account, signed by such Executors or Administrators respectively, of all Fees received by such Registrars or Deputy Registrars, from the latest Day which he or they shall have so accounted to his or their Death, which Account shall be verified in like Manner by such Executors or Administrators, or some or one such Executor or Administrator; and it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, or the major Part of them, and they are hereby authorized and required to enquire into and to audit and settle, with all convenient Speed, every such Account so delivered in, and to verify, under their Hands, the Balance due thereon; and every such Registrar or Deputy Registrar, or his Executors or Administrators, having Assets, shall, within Six Days after each such Account respectively shall be so audited and certified, pay into the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer in Ireland, according to the Course of the said Exchequer, all such Sum and Sums of Money as shall be so certified as the Balance in his or their Hands, which Payment shall thereupon be carried to and made Part of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

VI. And be it further enacted, That in case any such Registrar or Deputy Registrar of His Majesty's Court of Prerogative and Court of Faculties in Ireland as aforesaid, or his Executors or Administrators, shall at any Time or Times neglect or make default in delivering in such Account as hereinbefore directed to the said Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts, within the Periods aforesaid respectively specified for that Purpose, or in paying into the said Exchequer such Balance as aforesaid, within the said Space of Six Days after such auditing, then and in every such Case such Registrar or Deputy Registrar, or such Executors or Administrators, having Assets sufficient to make such Payment, shall pay into the said Exchequer, together with such Balance, Interest for the same at the Rate of Twenty Pounds per Centum from the Expiration of the said Period of Six Days, until such Balance shall be paid in as aforesaid.

VII. And to the End that the Payment of such Balance may be ascertained, be it further enacted, That upon Payment of such Balance an Acquittance or Discharge for the same shall be signed


sioners for auditing the Public Ac


by the proper Officer in the Exchequer, which shall be produced be produced to and exhibited by the said respective Registrars or Deputy Regis- the Commistrars to the said Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts within One Calendar Month from the Date thereof, or at the Time of the presenting the ensuing Quarter's Account, whichever shall first happen, or by the Executors or Administrators of any such Registrar or Deputy Registrar within Three Calendar Months from the Date thereof; and the said Commissioners for auditing the Public Accounts are hereby required to demand such Acquittance or Discharge, and to have the same produced to them, before they shall audit and certify any subsequent Account for any such Registrar or Deputy Registrar in Manner hereinbefore directed.


An Act to allow, until the Twenty fourth Day of October One
thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, the Inrolment of
certain Articles of Clerkship and Assignments thereof.
[23d June 1827.]

W either
HEREAS many Persons who may have paid the proper

'the Execution of the Contracts in Writing entered into by
them, to serve as Clerks to Attornies or Solicitors, Scriveners or
Notaries Public, in Great Britain, have omitted to cause Affi-
<davits to be made, and afterwards to be filed in the proper Office,
of the actual Execution of such Contracts, and the Indentures
⚫ thereof to be inrolled within the Time in which the same ought
⚫ to have been done; and many Infants and others may thereby
'incur certain Disabilities;' For preventing thereof, and relieving
such Persons, be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty,
by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and
Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled,
and by the Authority of the same, That every Person who shall
have, either before or within Six Months after the Execution of
such Contract or Indenture, paid the proper Stamp Duty in that
Behalf, and who at the passing of this Act shall have neglected
or omitted to cause any such Affidavit or Affidavits as aforesaid
to be made and filed, or such Contract or Indenture to be inrolled,
and who, on or before the Twenty fourth Day of October One
thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, shall cause such Con-
tract or Indenture to be inrolled with the proper Officer in that
Behalf, and One or more Affidavit or Affidavits to be made, and
afterwards to be filed, in such Manner as the same ought to have
been made and filed in due Time, shall be and is hereby indem-
nified, freed, and discharged from and against all Penalties, For-
feitures, Incapacities, and Disabilities, in or by any Act or Acts of
Parliament mentioned and incurred, or to be incurred, for or by
reason of such Neglect or Omission; and every such Affidavit and
Affidavits so to be made, and which shall be duly filed on or before
the said Twenty fourth Day of October, shall be as effectual to
all Intents and Purposes as if the same had been made and filed
within the respective Times the same ought by the Laws now in
being for that Purpose to have been made and filed; and it shall·

Persons who

shall have paid the proper Stamp Duties on Indentures to serve as

Clerks, but have omitted to file the proper

Affidavits, indemnified on so

doing by 24th October 1827.

Persons prosecuted, and hereby meant to be indemnified,

may plead the General Issue.

57 G. 3. c.64.

be lawful for the respective Officer or Officers who ought to receive, inrol, register, make and file every such Contract or Indenture and Affidavit respectively, and every such Officer or Officers respectively are hereby authorized and required, to receive, inrol, and register, and to make and file every such Contract, Indenture, or Affidavit respectively, at any Time on or before the said Twenty fourth Day of October; any thing in any Act or Acts to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

II. And be it further enacted, That in case any Action, Suit, Bill of Indictment, or Information shall from and after the said Twenty fourth Day of October, be brought, carried on, or prosecuted, against any Person or Persons hereby meant or intended to be indemnified, recapacitated, or restored, for or on account of any Forfeiture, Penalty, Incapacity, or Disability whatsoever, incurred or to be incurred by any such Neglect or Omission to inrol such Contracts, or Indentures as aforesaid, such Person or Persons may plead the General Issue, and upon their Defence give this Act and the special Matter in Evidence upon any Trial to be had thereupon.


An Act for the better enabling the Commissioners appointed
by an Act passed in the Third Year of His present Majesty
to complete the Buildings of His Majesty's General Register
House at Edinburgh.
[23d June 1827.]

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HEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifty seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, 'intituled An Act to abolish certain Offices, and regulate others in • Scotland, it was among other Things enacted, that from and after and upon the Termination of the then existing Interests in the Offices of Keeper of the Signet and Lord Register in Scotland respectively, in the Manner therein mentioned, the Fees paid and payable to the Lord Register for Scotland, or in respect of the Duties then discharged by any Person or Persons in the Office of the said Lord Register, should continue to be paid and payable in the same Manner as such Fees respectively were then paid and payable; and such Fees should be applied, in the first Place, in satisfying and paying such Salaries or Al'lowances as the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, or any Three or more of them, should think 'fit to grant and direct to be paid to any Person or Persons whom they might think necessary for the due Discharge of the Business. appertaining to the Office of Lord Register; and in the next Place, in Payment of the Salary of One thousand two hundred Pounds per Annum, thereby granted to the Person holding the said Office of Lord Register; and any Balance of such Fees which should remain after such Payment, should be made to the Receiver General of Scotland, at least Once in Three Months, or as the Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them, shall direct, and should be paid and accounted for by him with the other Public Monies re'ceived by him: And Whereas the Interest which existed in the ⚫ said Office of Lord Register in Scotland, at the Date of the

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