
Good Friday, Christmas Day, &c. as regards

Bills of Exchange, to be treated as the Lord's Day.

Act not to extend to Scot


57 G.3. c. 99.

Provisions of recited Act extended to Distresses for Taxes, Rates, Tithes, &c.

III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said Tenth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, Good Friday and Christmas Day, and every such Day of Fast or Thanksgiving so appointed by His Majesty, is and shall, for all other Purposes whatever, as regards Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, be treated and considered as the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday.

IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to that Part of the United Kingdom called Scotland.


An Act for applying certain Sums of Money for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven. [12th April 1827.]

"60,000l. from the East India Company; and 4,155,000l. pur"suant to 3 G. 4. c. 51. & 4 G.4. c. 22., shall be applied to the "Service of the Year 1827."

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An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act made in the Fifty
seventh Year of King George the Third, for regulating the
Costs of certain Distresses.
[28th May 1827.]


HEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifty seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, 'intituled An Act to regulate the Costs of Distresses levied for Payment of small Rents, certain Regulations are made with respect to the Costs and Charges of levying and disposing of such Distresses where the Sum demanded and due shall not 'exceed Twenty Pounds: And Whereas it is expedient that the 'said Act should be amended, by extending the same to Dis'tresses for other Causes;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act, all the Rules, Regulations, Clauses, Provisions, Penalties, Matters, and Things in the said Act contained, shall extend and be construed to extend, and shall be applied and put in execution, so far as the same are applicable and capable of being put in execution, with respect to any Distress or Levy which shall be made for any Land Tax, Assessed Taxes, Poor's Rates, Church Rates, Tithes, Highways Rates, Sewer Rates, or any other Rates, Taxes, Impositions, or Assessments whatever, in all Cases where the Sum demanded and due for or in respect of such Taxes, Rates, Tithes, Assessments, or Impositions shall not exceed the Sum of Twenty Pounds, and in all Cases where the whole of the several Sums sought to be levied by Distresses taken for different Purposes at the same Time shall not exceed the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and that such Costs and Charges, and no other, shall be taken and payable as the Costs and Charges of the Levy and Disposition of such Distresses; and


that all such Proceedings shall and may be had and taken against any and every Person transgressing the Regulations of the said Act in the levying or distraining for any such Taxes, Rates, Impositions, or Assessments, and all such Persons shall be liable to and shall incur such and the like Penalties, as by the said Act are directed, required, and imposed with respect to Persons making any Distress for Rent contrary to the Directions of the said Act; and that in any Order or Judgment of any Justices before whom any Complaint shall be preferred in consequence of this Act, such Order shall be expressed to be made upon a Complaint for the Breach of the said recited Act as amended by this Act; and that the said recited Act and this Act shall be taken and construed together as One Act, to all Intents and Purposes what



An Act to prohibit the setting of Spring Guns, Man Traps,
and other Engines calculated to destroy human Life, or
inflict grievous bodily Harm.
[28th May 1827.]

WHEREAS it is expedient to prohibit the setting of Spring That prohib. W Guns and Man Traps, and other Engines calculated to atting guns destroy human Life, or inflict grievous bodily Harm;' Be itu dularol therefore enacted and declared by the King's most Excellent Ma-ting without jesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual 4 Bing and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the Persons setting passing of this Act, if any Person shall set or place or cause to be set or placed, any Spring Gun, Man Trap, or other Engine calculated to destroy human Life, or inflict grievous bodily Harm, with the Intent that the same or whereby the same may destroy or inflict grievous bodily Harm upon a Trespasser or other Person coming in contact therewith, the Person so setting or placing, or causing to be so set or placed, such Gun, Trap, or Engine as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a Misdemeanor.

or placing Spring Guns, Man Traps, &c. guilty of a Misdemeanor.

Proviso for

stroying Ver


II. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing herein contained shall extend to make it illegal to set any Gin or Traps for deTrap such as may have been or may be usually set with the Intent of destroying Vermin. III. And be it further enacted and declared, That if any Person Persons pershall knowingly and wilfully permit any such Spring Gun, Man mitting Guns, Trap, or other Engine as aforesaid, which may have been set, Traps, &c. set fixed, or left in any Place then being in or afterwards coming into his or her Possession or Occupation, by some other Person or Persons, to continue so set or fixed, the Person so permitting the same to continue shall be deemed to have set and fixed such Gun, Trap, or Engine, with such Intent as aforesaid.

IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act shall be deemed or construed to make it a Misdemeanor, within the Meaning of this Act, to set or cause to be set, or to be continued set, from Sunset to Sunrise, any Spring Gun, Man Trap, or other Engine which shall be set, or caused or continued to be set, in a Dwelling House for the Protection thereof.

by others, to deemed to have set the same.


Proviso for

Guns, Traps, &c. set for the Dwelling

Protection of


V. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted and de- Not to affect clared, That nothing in this Act contained shall in any Manner Proceedings

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already commenced.

Not to extend to Scotland.

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6 G. 4. c. 116.

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repealed. Proviso for Penalties already incurred, and Actions commenced.

Persons ac

cused of fraudulent Bankruptcy may be prosecuted in Court of Justiciary.

Trustees or

Creditors may prosecute,

affect or authorize any Proceedings in any Civil or Criminal Court touching any Matter or Thing done or committed previous to the passing of this Act.

VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to that Part of the United Kingdom called Scotland.

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An Act to repeal an Act of the Sixth Year of His present
Majesty, for regulating Vessels carrying Passengers to
Foreign Parts.
[28th May 1827.]


HEREAS an Act was passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act for regulating Vessels carrying Passengers to Foreign Parts; and it is 'expedient to repeal the said Act;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the said Act shall be and the same is hereby repealed.

II. Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, That all Penalties, Fines, and Forfeitures heretofore incurred under the said Act, shall and may be prosecuted, sued for, and recovered; and that all Actions, Suits, Indictments, and Informations heretofore brought under and by virtue of the said Act, shall and may be proceeded with in such and the same Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as if this present Act had not been made; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.


An Act to regulate the Prosecution of fraudulent Bankrupts in
[28th May 1827.]


THEREAS it is expedient that the Court of Justiciary in Scotland should have Jurisdiction in Cases of fraudulent • Bankruptcy;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to prosecute all Persons accused of fraudulent Bankruptcy in Scotland, before the High Court or any Circuit Court of Justiciary, by Indictment or Criminal Letters, and according to the same Form and Course of Proceeding as is used in regard to other Offences prosecuted before the said Courts; and the Judges of the said High Court and Circuit Courts are hereby authorized and empowered to try all Cases of fraudulent Bankruptcy, and to inflict such Punishment on Persons convicted thereof as it is now competent for the Lords of Session to award against Persons convicted of the said Crime.

II. Provided always, and be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Trustee appointed for the Management of the sequestrated Estate of any Bankrupt in Scotland, or any Creditor whose Claim has been received and has been duly ranked upon any such sequestrated Estate in the Sederunt Book kept by the


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Trustee, with the Concourse of His Majesty's Advocate for Scotland, to prosecute any such Offence before the High Court or any Circuit Court of Justiciary, without Prejudice always to the Title of the public Prosecutor to insist in all such Prosecutions.


An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Duties of Postage
in Great Britain and Ireland.
[28th May 1827.]


THEREAS by the Laws now in force imposing certain Rates of Postage in Great Britain and Ireland respectively, Letters conveyed by the Post from Places in Great 'Britain to Places in Ireland, or from Places in Ireland to Places ' in Great Britain, are, by reason of the separate Rates payable in each of those Parts of the United Kingdom, charged to a 'higher Amount upon the whole than Letters conveyed the same Distances in Great Britain would be charged: And 'whereas it is expedient that such Difference of Charge, affecting exclusively the Correspondence between Great Britain and Ireland, should no longer exist;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, in lieu of all Duties of Postage granted and made payable under any Act or Acts in force in Great Britain and Ireland respectively, upon Letters so conveyed from either of these Parts of the United Kingdom to the other, there shall be levied and paid the like Rates of Postage, according to the Distances which such Letters are conveyed, as would be payable on the Conveyance of Letters from Place to Place in Great Britain, in addition to the separate Rates of Packet Schedule (A.) Postage now payable, and also to the several Rates of Duty payable under the Acts for building the Menai and Conway Bridges respectively; the whole being according to the Schedule (A) to this Act annexed.

From July 5, 1827, the

Duties of Postage on Letters between Great Britain and

Ireland shall be levied ac

cording to

All former
Packet Postage

between Great
Britain and

Ireland re

II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, no other Packet Postage shall in any Case be demanded or paid or payable for Letters or Packets between Great Britain and Ireland, other than such as is specified and set forth in the Schedule pealed. (A.) to this Act annexed; and that from and after the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, all Rates or Duties of Packet Postage between Great Britain and Ireland, under any Act or Acts passed at any Time before the passing of this Act, shall cease and determine, and shall be and are hereby repealed, and shall no longer be paid or payable; any thing in any Act or Acts to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. III. And Whereas certain Rates of Postage upon Letters and Packets conveyed by the Post to and from Places within Ireland were granted by an Act of the Fifty fourth Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to repeal certain 54 G.3. c.119. "Duties upon Letters and Packets sent by the Post within Ireland, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof; and such Rates of

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· Postage were made payable in Irish Currency: And Whereas by an Act passed in the Sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign intituled An Act to provide for the Assimilation of the Currency and Monies of Account throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, certain Provisions are made for the Payment of Sums under the Amount of Twelve Pence of the Currency of Ireland, by an equivalent Number of British Pence, Halfpence, and Farthings, some of which are not gene' rally in Circulation in Ireland; and in order to avoid the Incon'venience of collecting the Rates of Postage in Ireland according 'to the Directions of the said last-recited Act, it is expedient that such Rates of Postage should be in future charged and collected in the Currency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; Be it therefore enacted, That the several Rates of Postage upon Letters and Packets sent and conveyed to and from Places within Ireland, which by the said hereinbefore recited Act of the Fifty fourth Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty are made payable, according to the several Amounts thereof, in Irish Currency, shall, from and after the said Fifth Day of July, be charged, levied, collected, and paid and payable, according to the several Amounts thereof, in the Currency and lawful Money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, according to the Schedule (B.) to this Act annexed.

IV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, it shall be lawful for His Majesty's Postmaster General, and his Deputy and Deputies, to and for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, to demand and receive for the Conveyance of printed Votes and Proceedings in Parliament, by Packet Boats, from Great Britain and Ireland to any of His Majesty's Colonies and Possessions beyond the Seas, after the Rate of One Penny Halfpenny, and no more, for every Ounce Weight thereof, and so in proportion, in lieu of any Sum payable under any Act or Acts in force immediately before the passing of this Act, any thing in any Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding; the same to be paid when the said printed Votes and Proceedings shall be put into the Post Office; provided every such printed Vote and Proceeding shall be without a Cover, or in a Cover open at the Sides; and that there be no Writing thereon other than the Superscription; and that there be no other Paper or Thing inclosed or concealed therein.

V. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty's Postmaster General, and his Deputy and Deputies, in His Majesty's Colonies and Possessions beyond the Seas, to receive any Votes, Proceedings, or other Public Papers, printed by Order or under the Authority of the Legislative Assemblies of any such Colonies or Possessions, for Conveyance by Packet Boats to Great Britain and Ireland; and for His Majesty's Postmaster General, and his Deputy or Deputies, in Great Britain and Ireland, to and for the Use of His Majesty, his Heirs, and Successors, to demand and receive for the Conveyance of every such Vote, Proceeding, or other printed Paper, after the Rate of One Penny Halfpenny for every Ounce

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