

instead of

II. And be it further enacted, That no more than the Sum 200,000, only of Two hundred thousand Pounds in the Whole shall be issued to be advanced and applied to the Purposes and under the Regulations of the said in the Whole, first-recited Act of the Sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, instead of the Sum of Three hundred thousand Pounds in the said Act mentioned; any thing contained in the said recited Act to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

III. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, out of the said Sum of One hundred Thousand Pounds, to issue and make Advances on account of any Presentment or Estimate made at any Time before the passing of this Act, under the Provisions of the said recited Acts of the First or Sixth Year of His Majesty's Reign, in Cases where the Advances authorized to be made according to the Provisions of the said recited Acts shall not have been made or completed.

IV. And be it further enacted, That in any Case in which any Loan or Advance shall have been made for any Public Work in Ireland, under the Authority of any of the Acts hereinbefore recited, it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, out of the said Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds, to issue and advance any further Sum or Sums of Money, if he or they shall think fit so to do, for or towards the Completion of such Public Work, upon adequate Security for the Payment of such Sum or Sums and the Interest thereof, by such Instalments and at such Times as shall be required: Provided always, that no such Advance shall be made in any Case where the Party applying for the same shall not have paid the Interest, and the several Instalments due on any such former Loan or Advance, when and as the same shall respectively have become due and payable.


An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom
as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Em-
ployments, and for extending the Time limited for those
Purposes respectively.
[12th April 1827.]

[This Act is the same, except as to Dates, as 7 G. 4. c. 3.]


An Act for fixing, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One
thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, the Rates of
Subsistence to be paid to Innkeepers and others on quar-
tering Soldiers.
[12th April 1827.]



Such Advances may be issued on Presentments made

before the passing of this Act.

Lord Lieutenant may make further

vided the InAdvances, pro

terest and

Instalments on former Ad

vances have been paid.

THEREAS by an Act passed in the present Session of Par- 7 & 8 G.4. c.4. liament, for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters, it is (amongst other Things) enacted, that Officers and Soldiers shall be fur⚫nished with Diet and Small Beer, upon paying and allowing for the same the several Rates that are or shall be established by any Act or Acts of Parliament; and an Option is given to Innholders ' and


Allowance for the Diet of Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers,

1s. per Day.

and Soldiers, !s. per day.

Allowance of
One Half-

penny per
Diem for cer-
tain Articles
furnished in
lieu of Diet
and Small

For Horses

10d. per Day for Hay and Straw.


with respect to dieting Noncommissioned Officers and

Soldiers on their March.

and others upon whom Officers and Soldiers are quartered and 'billetted, to furnish certain Articles gratis in lieu of Diet and Small Beer; and it is just and expedient that an adequate Allowance shall be made and established for Provision and other Articles furnished to Officers and Soldiers; May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That every Noncommissioned Officer and Private Soldier who shall be furnished with Diet and Small Beer, within those Parts of the United Kingdom specified in the said recited Act, by the Innholders or other Persons on whom such Noncommissioned Officers or Private Soldiers shall be quartered and billetted by virtue of this Act shall pay and allow for the same the Sum of One Shilling per Diem; and that for such Allowance of One Shilling, the Innholder or other Person shall furnish One Meal; videlicet, a hot Dinner, if required, in each Day to each Noncommissioned Officer, Trumpeter, Drummer, and Private Soldier quartered and billetted on him, to consist of such Quantity of Diet and Small Beer as have been or shall be specified and fixed in and by any Regulations made or to be made from time to time by His Majesty in that Behalf, but not to exceed One Pound and a Quarter of Meat previous to being dressed, One Pound of Bread, One Pound of Potatoes or other Vegetables previous to being cooked, and Two Pints of Small Beer, and Vinegar, Salt, and Pepper; and that the Accounts of the same shall be rendered, and Payment thereof made, in like Manner as is directed by the said Act.

II. And be it further enacted, That in case any Innholders or other Persons on whom any Noncommissioned Officers or Private Men shall be quartered within the aforesaid Parts of the United Kingdom, shall, by virtue of the said Option in the said Act, furnish such Noncommissioned Officers or Soldiers with the Articles therein mentioned, in lieu of furnishing Diet and Small Beer at the Rates prescribed by this Act, such Innholders or other Persons on whom such Noncommissioned Officers or Soldiers are quartered, and by whom the said Articles shall have been so supplied, shall receive in consideration thereof One Halfpenny per Diem for each Noncommissioned Officer and Soldier; which Sum of One Halfpenny per Diem shall be accounted for and paid in like Manner as is directed touching the Rates aforesaid.

III. And be it further enacted, That the Sum to be paid to the Innholder or other Person within the aforesaid Parts of the United Kingdom, on whom any of the Horses belonging to His Majesty's Forces shall be quartered by virtue of the said Act, for Hay and Straw, shall be Ten Pence per Diem for each Horse.

IV. And be it further enacted, That all Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers shall be entitled to receive their Diet and Small Beer from the Innholders or other Persons on whom they may be billetted, within the aforesaid Parts of the United Kingdom, at the Rates hereinbefore prescribed, while on the March, as also on and for the Day of their Arrival at the Place of their

final Destination, and on the Two subsequent Days, unless either of the Two subsequent Days shall be a Market Day in and for the Town or Place where such Officers or Soldiers shall be billetted, or within the Distance of Two Miles thereof; in which Case it shall be lawful for the Innholder or other Person as aforesaid to discontinue on and from such Market Day the Supply of Diet and Small Beer, and to furnish in lieu thereof the Articles in the said recited Act specified, and at the Rates hereinbefore prescribed.

V. Provided always, That if any Victualler or other Person liable by the said recited Act to have Soldiers billetted or quartered on him or her shall pay any Sum or Sums of Money to any Noncommissioned Officer or Soldier on the March, in lieu of furnishing in Kind the Diet and Small Beer to which such Noncommissioned Officer or Soldier is entitled under the said Act, every such Victualler or other Person may be proceeded against and fined in like Manner as if he or she had refused to furnish or allow, according to the Directions of the said recited Act, the several Things respectively directed to be furnished to Noncommissioned Officers or Soldiers so quartered or billetted on him or her as aforesaid.

Persons paying
Money to Sol-

diers on the

March, in lieu of furnishing Diet and Small Beer, liable to be fined.

Soldiers enti

tled to Diet and Small Beer

when halted on a March, as

VI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That if any Regiment, Troop, Company, or Detachment, when on the March, shall be halted, either for a limited or indefinite Time, at any intermediate Place, the Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers belonging thereto shall be entitled to receive their Diet and Small Beer from they would be the Persons on whom they shall be billetted at such intermediate after arriving at Place, for such Time only for which they would be entitled to their Destinreceive the same after arriving at the Place of their final Destin- ation: ation, according to this Act.

VII. Provided, nevertheless, That whenever it shall happen that any Regiment, Troop, Company, or Detachment, when on their March, shall be halted, and it shall appear by the Marching Orders that it is not intended that such Regiment, Troop, Company, or Detachment shall halt for any longer Time than One entire Day after the Day of their Arrival at the Place of halting, and the Day after such Arrival shall be such Market Day as aforesaid, it shall not be lawful for the Innholders or other Persons on whom the Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers shall be billetted, to discontinue on such Market Day the Supply of Diet and Small Beer to any such Officers or Soldiers; but that all such Officers and Soldiers shall be entitled to receive their Diet and Small Beer from such Innholders and other Persons aforesaid, upon such Market Day as aforesaid, at the Rates hereinbefore prescribed, in like Manner as they would have been entitled thereto if such Day had not been a Market Day; any thing hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

VIII. And be it further enacted, That all Noncommissioned Officers and Private Men, employed in recruiting, and the Recruits by them raised, shall, while on the March, and for Two Days after the Day of their Arrival at any Recruiting Station, be entitled to the same Benefits as are hereinbefore provided in regard to Troops upon the March; but no Recruit enlisted after


and if such Halting be only for a Day after Arrival, and

that be a Market Day, their Diet and Small Beer not to be


Regulations respecting Recruiting Parties

and Recruits on their March.

Continuance of

Act may be altered this Session.

39 & 40 G. 3.

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c. 42.

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the Two Days subsequent to the Arrival of the Party at their Recruiting Station shall be entitled to be supplied with Diet and Small Beer at the Rates hereinbefore prescribed, except at the Option of the Person on whom he shall be quartered: Provided also nevertheless, that in case any such Recruiting Party, with the Recruits by them raised, shall remove from their Station, and after a Time shall return to the same Place, they and the Recruits by them raised, so returning, shall not be again entitled to the Supply of Diet and Small Beer for such Two Days as aforesaid, unless the Period between the Time of their Removal from such Place, and their Return thereto, shall have exceeded Twenty eight Days.

IX. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall have continuance and be in force from the Twenty fourth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight; and that all Payments which have been made, and all Acts, Matters, and Things done in pursuance of, or in conformity with, the Provisions thereof, shall be as good, valid, and effectual to all Intents and Purposes, as if this Act had passed before the said Twenty fourth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.


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X. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, amended, or repealed by any Act to be passed in this Session of Parliament.



An Act for declaring the Law in relation to Bills of Ex-
change and Promissory Notes becoming payable on Good
Friday or Christmas Day.
[12th April 1827.]

WHEREAS an Act was passed in the Thirty ninth and

Fortieth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for the better Observance of Good Friday in certain Cases therein mentioned; and it was thereby enacted, that where Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes became due and payable on Good Friday, the same should, from and after the First Day of June then next ensuing, be payable on the Day before Good Friday; and that the Holder or Holders of such Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes might note and protest the same for Nonpayment on the Day preceding Good Friday, in like Manner as if the same had fallen due and become payable on the Day preceding Good Friday; and that such Noting and Protest should have the same Effect and Operation at Law as if such Bills and Promissory Notes had fallen due and become payable on the Day preceding Good Friday, in the same Manner as was usual in the Cases of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes coming due on the Day before any Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday, and before the Feast of the Nativity or Birth-day of our Lord, commonly called Christmas Day: and Whereas, notwithstanding the said recited Act, and notwithstanding the general Custom of Merchants, Doubts have arisen whether Notice of the Dishonour of Bills of Exchange ' and


< and Promissory Notes falling due on any Good Friday or on any Christmas Day, should not be given on such Good Friday or Christmas Day respectively, and whether in Cases where Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes fall due on the Day preceding any Good Friday or Christmas Day, Notice of the Dishonour thereof should not be given on the Good Friday or the Christ<mas Day next after the same Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes so fall due; and it is expedient that such Doubts should be removed;' Be it therefore declared and enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and immediately after the Tenth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, in all Cases where Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes shall be payable, either under or by virtue of the said recited Act, or otherwise, on the Day preceding any Good Friday, or on the Day preceding any Christmas Day, it shall not be necessary for the Holder or Holders of such Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes to give Notice of the Dishonour thereof until the Day next after such Good Friday or Christmas Day; and that whenever Christmas Day shall fall on a Monday, it shall not be necessary for the Holder or Holders of such Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes as shall be payable on the preceding Saturday, to give Notice of the Dishonour thereof until the Tuesday next after such Christmas Day; and that every such Notice given as aforesaid, shall be valid and effectual to all Intents and Purposes.

[blocks in formation]

Bills of Ex

change becoming due on Fast or Thanksgiving Days,

to be payable on the Day

next preceding such Fast or Thanksgiv

II. And Whereas similar Doubts have existed with respect to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes falling due upon 'Days appointed by His Majesty's Proclamation for solemn Fasts or Days of Thanksgiving, or upon the Day next preceding such 'Days respectively, and it is expedient that such Doubts should be removed; Be it therefore further declared and enacted, That from and after the said Tenth Day of April One Thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, in all Cases where Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes shall become due and payable on any Day appointed by His Majesty's Proclamation for a Day of solemn ing Day. Fast or a Day of Thanksgiving, the same shall be payable on the Day next preceding such Day of Fast or Day of Thanksgiving, and in case of Nonpayment, may be noted and protested on such preceding Day; and that as well in such Cases, as in the Cases of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes becoming due and payable on the Day preceding any such Day of Fast or Day of Thanksgiving, it shall not be necessary for the Holder or Holders of such Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes to give Notice of the Dishonour thereof until the Day next after such Day of Fast or Day of Thanksgiving; and that whensoever such Day of Fast or Day of Thanksgiving shall be appointed on a Monday, it shall not be necessary for the Holder or Holders of such Bills of Exchange or Promissory Notes as shall be payable on the preceding Saturday, to give Notice of the Dishonour thereof until the Tuesday next after such Day of Fast or Day of Thanksgiving respectively; and that every such Notice, so given as aforesaid, shall be valid and effectual to all Intents and Purposes. 7 & 8 GEO. IV.


III. And

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