

"In that hour

From out my sullen heart a power
Broke, like the rainbow from the shower,

To feel, altho' no tongue can prove,
That every cloud, that spreads above
And veileth love, itself is love."


ERY slowly did Katherine Labouchere


retrace her steps back to Combe, going over, as she went, the days of her life. Past sorrows had taught her endurance, so that neither in face nor manner did she betray the sharp conflict which she had so recently gone through.

She found that Mrs. Prescott was resting, and not wishing to disturb her, she went at once to her own room, and sat down before

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her desk, having promised her aunt that she would that day write to Stephen. To do so now was a task; but her task had to be fulfilled, because Stephen was anxious to know whether his mother had seen Miss Despard. So, after a little consideration, she began:

"DEAR STEPHEN,-I know you will like to hear that Miss Despard called yesterday, and by her unaffected sympathy with aunt, and her simply expressed feeling for you, she really did us both a great deal of good.

"This morning she sent a note, saying that her nephew, as she still calls him, much regretted being obliged to leave without calling, but that immediately he returned to Mallett, his first visit would be here. My own opinion is that all this is the old lady's invention, and that he has no thought of coming back again. I hear that he is dreadfully vexed at the behaviour of the

people in the village, with whom, it seems, he has never been a favourite. By the way, I have got quite into their good graces, and the amount of attention I received when I landed would have certainly made you jealous. Indeed, they were all so glad to see me, and so eager in their inquiries after Sir Stephen, as they still call you, that I forgave them half their roughness, and tried to look as if I thoroughly enjoyed the smell of their fish, likewise the tar, which just now they seem to be spreading over every available space.

"The packet I enclose is the one you asked aunt for. A note inside, from her, gives the necessary explanations. I need not say, be prepared to find her looking ill, as these recent events have, as you may suppose, greatly tried her. She says if you will lend her to me, and I know you will do so, that, when I leave here, she will return

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