



Tenderness to Mothers.

1. MARK that parent hen, said a father to his beloved son. With what anxious care does she call together her offspring, and cover them with her expanded wings! The kite is hovering in the air, and disappointed of his prey, may perhaps dart upon the hen. herself, and bear her off in his talons.

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2. Does not this sight suggest to you the tenderness: and affection of your mother! Her watchful care protected you in the helpless period of infancy, when she nourished you with her milk, taught your limbs to move, and your tongue to lisp its unformed accents. In your childhood, she mourned over your little griefs; rejoiced in your innocent delights; administered to you the healing balm in sickness; and instilled into your mind the love, of truth, of virtue, and of wisdom. Oh! cherish. every sentiment of respect for such a mother. She merits your warmest gratitude, esteem, and veneration.



Respect and affection due from pupils to their tutors.

1. QUINTILIAN says, that he has included almost all the duty of scholars in this one piece of advice which he gives them; to love those who instruct them, as they love the sciences which they study; and to look upon them as fathers from whom they derive not the life of the body, but that instruction which is, in a manner, the life of the soul.

2. This sentiment of affection and respect disposes them to apply diligently, during the time of their studies; and preserves in their minds, during the remainder of life, a

tender gratitude towards their instructers. It seems to include a great part of what is to be expected from them.

3. Docility, which consists in readily receiving instructions and reducing them to practice, is properly the virtue of scholars, as that of masters is to teach well. As it is not sufficient for a laborer to sow the seed, unless the earth, after having opened its bosom to receive it, warms and moistens it; so the whole fruit of instruction depends upon a good correspondence between masters and scholars.

4. Gratitude towards those who have faithfully labored in our education, is an essential virtue, and the mark of a good heart. "Of those who have been carefully instructed, who is there," says Cicero, "that is not delighted with the sight and even the remembrance of his preceptors, and the very place where he was educated?" Seneca exhorts young men to preserve always a great respect for their masters, to whose care they are indebted for the amendment of their faults, and for having imbibed sentiments of honor and probity.

5. Their exactness and severity sometimes displease, at an age when we are not in a condition to judge of the obligations we owe them; but when years have ripened our understanding and judgment, we discern that admonitions, reprimands, and a severe exactness in restraining the passions of an imprudent and inconsiderate age, far from justifying dislike, demand our esteem and love. Marcus Aurelius, one of the wisest and most illustrious emperors that Rome ever had, thanked heaven for two things especially; for having had excellent tutors himself; and for having found the like blessing for his children.

On filial piety.


I. FROM the creatures of God let man learn wisdom, and apply to himself the instruction they give. Go to the desert, my son: observe the young stork of the wilderness; let him speak to thy heart. He bears on his wings his aged sire: he lodges him in safety, and supplies him with food.

2. The piety of a child is sweeter than the incense of Persia offered to the sun; yea, more delicious than

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odors wafted from a field of Arabian spices by the western gales.

3. Be grateful to thy father, for he gave thee life; and to thy mother, for she sustained thee. Hear the words of their mouth, for they are spoken for thy good; give ear to their admonition, for it proceeds from love.

4. Thy father has watched for thy welfare, he has toiled for thy ease: do honor, therefore, to his age, and let not his gray hairs be treated with irreverence. Forget not thy helpless infancy, nor the forwardness of thy youth; and bear with the infirmities of thy aged parents : assist and support them in the decline of life. So shall their hoary heads go down to the grave in peace: and thy own children, in reverence of thy example, shall repay thy piety with filial love.



Love between brothers and sisters.

1. You are the children of one father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one mother gave you suck. Let the bonds of affection, therefore, unite thee with thy brothers and sisters, that peace and happiness may dwell in thy father's house.

2. And when you are separated in the world, remember the relation that binds you to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before thy own blood. If thy brother is in adversity, assist him; if thy sister is in trouble, forsake her not. So shall the fortunes of thy father contribute to the support of his whole race, and his care be continued to you all, in your love to each other.




1. WHEN thou considerest thy wants, when thou beholdest thy imperfections, acknowledge his goodness, son of humanity! who honored thee with reason; endued thee with speech; and placed thee in society, to receive and confer reciprocal helps and mutual obligations.

2. Thy food, thy clothing, thy convenience of habita-

tion; thy protection from the injuries, thy enjoyment of the comforts and the pleasures of life; all these thou owest to the assistance of others, and couldst not enjoy but in the bands of society. It is thy duty, therefore, to be a friend to mankind, as it is thy interest, that man should be friendly to thee.

3. Rejoice in the happiness and prosperity of thy neighbor. Open not thy ear to slander; the faults and failings of men give pain to a benevolent heart. Desire to do good, and search out occasions for it; in removing the oppression of another, the virtuous mind relieves itself.

4. Shut not thine ear against the cries of the poor; nor harden thy heart against the calamities of the inno cent. When the fatherless call upon thee, when the widow's heart is sunk, and she implores thy assistance with tears of sorrow; pity their affliction, and extend thy hand to those who have none to help them. When thou seest the naked wanderer of the street, shivering with cold, and destitute of habitation, let bounty open thy heart; let the wings of charity shelter him from death, that thy own soul may live..

5. Whilst the poor man groans on the bed of sickness; whilst the unfortunate languish in the horrors of a dungeon; or the hoary head of age lifts up a feeble eye to thee for pity; how canst thou riot in superfluous enjoyments, regardless of their wants, unfeeling of their woes?



Ingratitude to our Supreme Benefactor is highly culpable. 1. ARTABANES was distinguished with peculiar favor by a wise, powerful, and good prince. A magnificent palace, surrounded with a delightful garden, was provided for his residence. He partook of all the luxuries of his sovereign's table, was invested with extensive autho rity, and admitted to the honor of a free intercourse with his gracious master. But Artabanes was insensible of the advantages which he enjoyed; his heart glowed not with gratitude and respect; he avoided the society of his benefactor, and abused his bounty.

2. "I detest such a character," said Alexis, with ge merous indignation!" It is your own picture which I

have drawn," replied Euphronius. "The great Potentate of heaven and earth has placed you in a world, which displays the highest beauty, order, and magnificence; and which abounds with every means of convenience, enjoyment, and happiness. He has furnished you with such powers of body and mind, as give you dominion over the fishes of the sea, the fowls of the air, and the beasts of the field. He has invited you to hold communion with him, and to exalt your own nature, by the love and imitation of his divine perfections."

3. "Yet have your eyes wandered, with brutal gaze, over the fair creation, unconscious of the mighty hand from which it sprung. You have rioted in the profusion of nature, without suitable emotions of gratitude to the sovereign Dispenser of all good and you have too often slighted the glorious converse, and forgotten the presence of that Omnipotent Being, who fills all space, and exists through all eternity."


Speculation and practice.


1. A CERTAIN astronomer was contemplating the moon through his telescope, and tracing the extent of her seas, the height of her mountains, and the number of habitable territories which she contains. "Let him spy what he pleases," said a clown to his companions; "he is not nearer to the moon than we are."

2. Shall the same observation be made to you, Alexis? Do you surpass others in learning, and yet in goodness remain upon a level with the uninstructed vulgar? Have you so long gazed at the temple of virtue, without advancing one step towards it? Are you smitten with moral beauty, yet regardless of its attainment? Are you a philosopher in theory, but a novice in practice? The partiality of a father inclines me to hope, that the reverse is true. I flatter myself, that by having learned to think, you will be qualified to act; and that the rectitude of your conduct will be adequate to your improvements in knowledge.

3. May that wisdom which is justified in her works, be your guide through life! And may you enjoy all the felicity which flows from a cultivated understanding, pious and

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