



APRIL, 1816.





Ir is observable that accounts of pious and eminent characters form no inconsiderable part of sa cred history; and that the biography of Immanuel, who set us an example that we should follow his steps, occupies a prominent. portion of the New Testament; that, 'having so great a cloud of witnesses, we should lay aside every weight, and run with patience the race set before us, looking unto Jesus." But how has that cloud, beautified and animated by the Sun of Righteousness, been enriched and enlarged since the days of the Patriarchs and Apostles!


discovery it gives of the hidden life of the Christian; and that of our eminent Philip Henry, for its display of the Christian's exterior. The reason is obvious: the former having been written chiefly by himself, the latter by his son. In the following account of Mr. Herds man, we shall present the reader both with an interesting though short report of others concerning him, and with that which "he, being dead, yet speaketh of himself."

R. Herdsman was the second son of Mr. Herdsman, of the parish of Powick, near Worcester, where The written lives of holy persons he was born, in 1752. His mother in the successive ages of the Chris- was a humble pious woman, who tian dispensation, under the varied died when young, and left a family circumstances of persecution and of of six children. His father survived peace, of suffering and enjoyment, her but a few years. Being warmly have been, through the Eternal attached to the church of England, Spirit, instrumental to the refresh- he was highly displeased with his ment of myriads of Zion's travel- son for joining Lady Huntingdon's lers, and to the conversion of the people; at whose college he wag unholy. It is hoped the following educated. At an early age he was Memoir may produce the same very studious; and was justly eshappy consequences. teemed while in that connection, for his piety, diligence, and zeal.

It has been said that the life of the excellent Halyburton, of Scotland, is peculiarly valuable for the


About the year 1772, Mr. Herdsman first visited South Petherton ;


divine appointment of one of God's servants, for whom I must of course be so interested; but my health will not admit of a journey. I must therefore request the prayers of the faithful ministers of Jesus Christ assembled, as well as of the congregation present; and remain, with much Christian love and great respect, your obliged and faithful friend and humble servant,

and for about two years preached the ministers on this occasion, and in the neighbouring villages with to have shared in the blessings success, but under persecution. A which I trust will accompany this malt-house having been fitted up for divine worship at Petherton, Mr. Herdsman, in conjunction with other students, laboured in it. In this house his labours particularly appeared to be much blessed; and such was the attachment which by this time subsisted between him and the people, that a church was formed, February 29, 1775; and he received a unanimous call to the pastoral office, which he accepted with much fear and tremMr. Herdsman was a Christian of bling, His ordination soon after took place, previously to the erec- sterling piety; and, whilst he was tion of the chapel. Messrs. Reader, a man possessed of good underAshburner, English, &c. engaged standing and general information, in the service. Of this solemnity he was a faithful, active, laborious, Mr. Herdsman notes, "Much of the Divine Presence appeared to be with ministers and people." The venerable Lady Huntingdon addressed a letter to the ministers about to en

gage in the ordination; which, on account of the excellent spirit it breathes, and the testimony it bears to Mr. Herdsman, merits a place in this Memoir. It is as follows:

"My Rev. Friends,

"I think myself obliged in justice to all those ministers who shall be engaged in the ordination of Mr. Herdsman, to assure them that, during the time he was a student at my college, his moral conduct was unblameable; nor had I ever any reason to doubt the sincerity of his Christian profession; and his humble and dutiful behaviour both to me and those over him, has ever continued a confirmation of it. I trust the Lord will make him a faithful, diligent, and useful minister of his everlasting Gospel; and that the ministers assembled for dedicating him to so great an office, will have reason to rejoice for having laid hands upon one who shall bring forth much fruit unto God. I should have been very thankful to have waited upon



affectionate, and extensively useful minister of Immanuel; much known and respected by the churches in Somerset; one who wore well for a long succession of years, and, through divine grace, endured unto the end.

A respectable person of another denomination testifies of him as follows:-"During about 36 years labour among people of his charge, the Lord was pleased eminently to bless his endeavours, and to make use of him as an instrument of establishing a very respectable church and congregation; and the very particular intimacy and friendship which subsisted between us during upwards of 40 years, has given me an opportunity of witnessing that his character as a Christian and a Minister of the Gospel was held in much esteem by all who knew him."

It has been said, " To know a person thoroughly, you must live with him." Of course, the nearer the intimacy, the more clearly the character is developed. It will be gratifying to the reader to observe the sentiments of respectable individuals of the society of which Mr. Herdsman was pastor; one of whom expresses himself thus: "It may be said, to the honour of divine

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grace, that the venerable pastor of fear of Death and Hell."-What an this church was one of those instru- encouragement for the servants of ments employed for the conversion the Lord to persevere in their Masand edification of a considerable ter's work do such anecdotes ad, number of immortal souls. His minister! But the obliging friend persevering zeal for the honour of proceeds: As to his deportment "As his beloved Master; his philan- in his family, it was exemplary; thropy, and his liberality to the in the pulpit he was faithful; in poor, were manifest. Those divine his visits affectionate and cheerful, principles and qualifications be- carrying with him much of a savour stowed on him, produced that con- of the best things. There was that sistency in his general character uniformity in his life, which caused which made an impression on the even the enemies of religion to say public mind. The doctrines he he was a good man. He was alpreached to others were the sup- ways ready to shew his love to the port and consolation of his own cause of Christ, by his liberality in mind; and produced such compo- supporting it; and never let an opsure and resignation of soul, as to portunity escape without it. I well induce him often to express his remember, at the formation of the readiness to lay down his body in Auxiliary Missionary Society here, the grave, whenever it might please that he was quite enraptured when the Lord to call him." he stood up to express his regard to the cause. To the pious poor he was particularly liberal.

The writer of this has also been favoured with the following valuable communication, by another of good Mr. Herdsman's flock: "The first time Mr. Herdsman preached in Somerset was at Norton under Hamdon, when a severe opposition commenced by a riotous mob, which obliged the congregation to disperse; yet the Lord was pleased to bless this apparent unsuccessful attempt, to the conversion of an individual, who is now living.

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"Another instance of his usefulness I will mention. On his going to view a glass-work at Chelwood, he observed to one of the workmen that it was a hot place; but it was hotter in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; and what an awful thing it would be, if, after labouring in so much heat in this world, he should have no better portion than Hell in the next! To which the man replied, he had no fear of that. When he was asked what grounds he had to hope that he should be saved, he replied, that the Lord was pleased to bless the word which he had heard him preach at Pensford, 12 years ago, to his saving conversion; since which he had been divested of the

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It is about four years ago that he was first attacked with a paralytic complaint, which affected his right side; and about two years since he had a second stroke, while preaching, which deprived him of the sight of one of his eyes for some time; but it did not prevent his proceeding in the service. He observed to the congregation that he had lost the sight of one of his eyes; and said he blessed God it was not the sight of both. After this he seldom preached more than once on a Sabbath; but he did not wholly discontinue his pulpit-labours until 20th November, 1814, when he preached from Rom. xvi. 24. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.' Such was his entire acquiescence in the will of Providence, that when any of his friends observed to him that they feared his riding alone was attended with some danger, he always replied, it was a matter of the greatest indifference to him, whether the Lord should be pleased to take him in the field or on his bed."

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*This communication was made in August last.

To the testimony of friends who well knew him, we add a few extracts from his own papers. What the ingenious and holy Dr. Watts remarks respecting the diary of Mr. Halyburton, is applicable to these "There is such papers: : a vein of humility and honesty in them, that you may see the secret workings of his thoughts through his pious language; his sins as well as his graces lie open to sight; the labours of his soul appear to the eye; and the serious reader will find himself at once delight ed and improved. So the cu rious operations of bees are seen through a hive of glass; and the spectator is at once entertained with instruction and pleasing wonder." The following, up to the period of his ordination, Mr. H seems to have partly transcribed from a memorandum in his possession; and entitles it thus:

"Some remarkable Passages since the Commencement of the Year 1770. "Left-Worcester, August 15th. Came to Leominster for some time, October 28th. In February 1771, was in great distress and trouble of mind. At times found some relief; but mostly very dark in my conceptions of divine things.

"Nov. 19th, 1772. Came to Lady Huntingdon's College. Went thro' many distresses there. I had much comfort and sweetness frequently, from Mr. Crole's preaching and con


"May 27th, 1774. Came from the College, in company with Mr. Adams, under many fears, and some considerable uneasiness of mind. The fear of man has always been a distressing snare to me: but I have found, the more I have known of men, the less I have been afraid of them; and the more I have enjoyed the Divine Presence, the more I have been carried above earthly things. When I left Wales I had not the most distant prospect of remaining in England. I cannot but

admire the hand of God in fixing my residence in Somerset. When I first preached, I did not think of any settled ministry from any quarter, much less for myself. The Lord has generally led me through the most important passages of my life in great darkness for the present time; but afterwards I have clearly seen his hand.

"In the beginning of January, 1775, were the first proposals of a settlement at Petherton made to me. I encouraged the idea of a settlement, but gave very distant hints of my having a principal part in it; but things concurred quite beyond expectation.

"About the beginning of March, 1775, some joined in a covenantrelation, and gave me a written call; to which I returned an answer in the affirmative.-April 25th, 1775, was the day of the ordination. Much of the Divine Presence appeared," &c.

From the accounts Mr. Herdsman kept of his religious experience, the following are extracts:

"1777, January 3d. The Lord granted me sweet views of Jesus as my Saviour. I saw so glorious a fulness in him, that I could venture ten thousand souls, if I was possessed of them, into his hands. All the promises centre in him; being made first to him, and to my soul in him; so that all shall be fulfilled to me in his time. I viewed all that befel me here as tending to make me more like Christ under his forming hand. The view of complete salvation in Christ makes me hate vain words, vain thoughts, vain company, deadness in duty, and the stupidity that cleaves to this corrupted nature: - it makes me love holiness and holy conversation; to long for Heaven, because there I shall be like to Christ, my Lord and Saviour: it weakens unbelief, and strengthens faith:

it pulls down pride, and lays my soul at the Lord's feet in the dust. O God, give me what is most for thy

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own glory and my soul's good! wilt keep a continual watch over Do thou consider my want of know my words and actions. Let me ledge in thy word; my want of not in any thing dishonour thy holy faith, of circumspection, and of name. I found wanderings in the gifts for thy work;-and, O Lord, society this evening; and in prayer, do not gratify my pride, but do as both in family and in private, for thou seest good. which I desire seriously to be humbled before God. Lord, pardon the sin of my holy things! Feb. 22d. This day saw Mr. W ; he seems quite poorly. I am afraid he is not in a state fit to die. I find too much backwardness to talk to such persons, in so faithful a manner as their case requires. Lord, do thou, in thy mercy, remove this from my heart!

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April 15th. We had a fast-day kept at Mr. Gifford's, Lopen. We took a view of our many sins, and of our great dangers. It was an affecting opportunity. None but the members of the church present. "February 18th, 1780. Found myself resolved upon a more close attention to every concern in life. I want to learn from all the occurrences that pass. Lord teach me every thing needful and profitable! February 20th. Hope I had some measure of comfort in the Lord's work this day. I have many things for which to blame myself. I have still an absolute need of the fountain opened for sin. I desire to fly thither at all times. My frame seems weak and feeble. I trust the Lord will grant me some comfortable views of his grace and love in a dying hour. February 21st. This day I read part of Mr. Williams's Diary, published by Mr. Fawcett; was much struck with his serious spirit, his activity for God, and his usefulness.

"This world has little worth a desire of continuance in it. The removal of Mr. G. and Farmer G. often depresses my spirits. I would desire to acquiesce in the Divine Wisdom. Lord, thou canst easily supply their places. Spoke with Mr. R. G. Mr. H. and Mr. V. about the deacon's office. I hope it will be made a matter of prayer, that the Lord will direct to active persons for his cause and interest. I heard several things respecting that were likely to be of fensive. I gave him a caution in the evening; which, he seemed to receive in a spirit of meekness. O Lord, make him. - make all his people consistent followers of a blessed Redeemer! I hope thou

[To be concluded in our next.]




AFTER the attempt which has been made, however imperfectly, to expose the prevalence and the deplorable effects of the evil abovenamed, it may not be altogether uninteresting, if we revert to some of the causes to which it owes its spread; especially as the detection of these may naturally suggest the most regular, the only effectual, means for its expulsion.

Is there not, then, reason to apprehend that, in many instances at least, the extravagancies of principle, and of profession, by which the Christian name is so frequently tarnished, are nothing more than (to use a modish phrase) the effects of a re-action from an opposite extreme?—If it can be proved that evangelical preachers themselves have, under the notion of preaching practically, fallen into a strain in which the grand, peculiar doctrimes of the Gospel have not maintained due prominence and force;

that, professing the most ardent zeal for Christian obedience, they have often adopted a mode of enforcing it, savouring too much of the school of Epictetus, and too lit

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