
superior; and the effect of the contrast is a new force both in the mere vividness of the picture and in the clearness and truthfulness of Mr. Trollope's moral. For there is a moral, and, as we take it, a very high, and in these present days a very rare moral, in Mr. Trollope's tale, which strikes us as one of the healthiest and, without soaring very high, one of the noblest for ordinary men which has been written for many a day. His great moral,- for men at least, -is that the mind, the will, can regulate the affections, as much as any other part of us, that "no man need cease to love without a cause; a man may maintain his love, and nourish it, and keep it warm by honest, manly effort, as he may his probity, or his courage, or his honour." That is a wholesome and necessary truth in these days of sentimental novels, and it is admirably illustrated in the graphic tale before us. Mr. Trollope is so well known for the artistic force and liveliness of his delineations, that it is only fair sometimes to call attention to the manliness of his morality, and nothing can be manlier than the morality of the following passage:


Neither man nor woman, we suppose, read this novel without thinking the picture of Julia Brabazon, afterwards Lady Ongar, one.of the most powerful and, in spite of her deliberate sale of herself for a title and a fortune, one of the most attractive of all Mr. Trollope's feminine portraits. All about her is marked with a certain power and brilliancy. Her wilful worldliness at the beginning of the book, her horror of mean cares and a poverty-stricken career, her determination to sacrifice love for splendour, are all deliberate, and all carried into action with a certain grandeur of purpose, with a clear understanding of the wrong she is doing and that she is clearly responsible for all the evil effects of doing it. Then her self-disgust afterwards at what she has done, her utter failure to enjoy the price of this sale of herself, the proud shame with which she bears the aspersions on her name which are the natural results of having married such a man as Lord Ongar, the misery of her loneliness on her first return to England, the clearly self-avowed purpose with which she determines to make up,- if she may, to Harry Clavering by her new fortune for having once thrown him over for the sake of money and rank, the proud resentment with which she braves her brother-in-law's (Sir Hugh Clavering's) coldness, the restlessness with which she goes from place to place and is satisfied nowhere, all painted with a master's hand. We fear that few readers will fail to find that, on the whole, there is more that is fascinating in Lady Ongar, in spite of her great, her unwomanly sin in marrying such a man as Lord Ongar for rank and money, than in Florence Burton ;- a larger nature at least, capable of great sin and great magnanimity also. But in spite of this, Mr. Trollope draws with a sincerity that never fails him the true and natural punishment of her sin, - first of all, and perhaps deepest of all, the disappearance of that true delicacy which could scarcely survive so deliberate a sale of herself as Julia Brabazon's; then, as its external penalty, the gathering of mean intrigues and meaner intriguers round her, the dirty and rapacious little harpy, Sophie Gordeloup, the selfish and able Count Pateroff, the foolish good-for-nothing Archie Clavering. Archie Clavering's counsellor in his aspirations after Lady Ongar's fortune, Captain Boodle, is a picture of the highest humour and skill, and yet it is not in any sense a diversion from the main object of the story, as so many of Mr. On the woman's side, too, the morality is as Trollope's cleverest sketches in other tales sound and as vigorous as on the man's. I have been. Many will read the coarse

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"He unconsciously allowed himself to dwell upon the words with which he would seek to excuse his treachery to Florence. He thought how he would tell her, not to her face with spoken words, for that he could not do, but with written skill, that he was unworthy of her goodness, that his love for her had fallen off through his own unworthiness, and had returned to one who was in all respects less perfect than she, but who in old days, as she well knew, had been his first love. Yes! he would say all this, and Julia, let her anger be what it might,

should know that he had said it. As he planned this, there came to him a little comfort, for he thought there was something grand in such a resolution. Yes! he would do that, even though he should lose Julia also. Miserable clap-trap! He knew in his heart that all his logic was false, and his arguments baseless. Cease to love Florence Burton! He had not ceased to love her, nor is the heart of any man turn itself hither and thither, as the wind directs, and be altogether beyond the man's control. For Harry, with all his faults, and in spite of his present falseness, was a man. No ceases to love without a cause. No man need cease to love without a cause. A man may maintain his love, and nourish it, and keep it warm by honest, manly effort, as he may his probity, his courage, or his honour. It was not that he had ceased to love Florence; but that the glare of the candle had been too bright for him, and he had scorched his wings."

made so like a weathercock that it needs must


humour of the chapter, "Let her know that | know, a fellow has a fancy for it. If a fellow
you're there," as if it were merely coarse is really sweet on a girl, he likes it, I suppose.'
humour, but in truth the coarse humour
contains the highest moral in the story,
showing, as it does, how just a retribution
women who act as Julia Brabazon acted,
bring on themselves, by being made the
subject of such coarse speculation. The
dialogue we are going to quote should be
read in connection with the few words of
previous dialogue in which Sir Hugh ad-
vises his brother Archie to ask Lady Ongar
to marry him, and repudiates angrily the
notion that there is any indelicacy in the
proposal, though Lord Ongar had been dead
only four months: -

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'She's a doosed handsome woman, you about it, except that I suppose Ongar wouldn't know, Doodles.' -'I don't know anything have taken her if she hadn't stood well on her pasterns, and had some breeding about her. I never thought much of her sister your brother's wife, you know, that is in the way of looks. No doubt she runs straight, and that's a great thing. She wont go the wrong side of the post.' As for running straight, let me alone for that.' Well, now, Clavvy, I'll tell you When a man's trying a what my ideas arc. young filly, his hand can't be too light. A touch too much will bring her on her haunches, or throw her out of her step. She should hardly feel the iron in her mouth. But when I've "The world still looked askance at Lady got to do with a trained mare, I always choose Ongar, and Hugh did not wish to take up the that she shall know that I'm there! Do you armour of a paladin in her favour. If Archic understand me?'- Yes; I understand you, married her, Archie would be the paladin; Doodles,''I always choose that she shall though, indeed, in that case, no paladin would know that I'm there!' And Captain Boodle, be needed. 'She has only been a widow, you as he repeated these manly words with a firm know, four months,' said Archie, pleading for voice, put out his hands as though he were 'It won't be delicate; will it?' handling the horse's rein. Their mouths are delay. 'Delicate!' said Sir Hugh. I don't know never so fine then, and they generally want to whether there is much of delicacy in it at all.'-be brought up to the bit, d'ye see'I don't see why she isn't to be treated like any other woman. If you were to die, you'd think it very odd if any fellow came up to Hermy be. fore the season was over.''Archie, you are a fool,' said Sir Hugh; and Archie could see by his brother's brow that Hugh was angry You say things that for folly and absurdity are beyond belief. If you can't see the peculiarities of Julia's position, I am not going to point them out to you.''

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And as if to illustrate this entire absence of all delicacy in the situation, the conference between Archie Clavering, and his adviser, Captain Boodle, immediately follows:

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They say she's been a little queer, don't they?' said the friendly counsellor [Captain Boodle]. Of course people talk, you know.' -Talk, yes; they're talking a doosed sight, I should say. There's no mistake about the money, 1 suppose? -Oh! none,' said Arcbie, shaking his head vigorously., Hugh managed all that for her, so I know it.' -'She don't lose any of it because she enters herself for running again, does she?'-Not a shilling. That's the beauty of it.' -Was you ever sweet on her before?'. -What! before Ongar took her? O laws, no! She hadn't a rap, you know; and knew how to spend money as well as any girl in London.' It's all to begin, then, Clavvy; all the up-hill work to be done?" Well, yes; I don't know about up-hill, Doodles. What do you mean by up-hill? I mean that seven thousand a year ain't usually to be picked up merely by trotting easy along the flat. And this sort of work is very up-hill generally, I take it; —unless, you

- up to the
bit. When a mare has been trained to her

work, and knows what she's at in her running,
she's all the bettor for feeling a fellow's hands
as she's going. She likes it rather. It gives
her confidence and inakes her know where she
to her fences, give her her head; but steady
is. And look here, Clavvy, when she comes
her first, and make her know that you're there.
Damme, whatever you do, let her know that
you're there! There is nothing like it. She'll
think all the more of the fellow that's piloting
her. And look here, Clavvy; ride her with
Let her know that they're on; and if she tries
spurs. Always ride a trained mare with spurs.
to get her head, give 'em her. Yes, by George
give 'em her!' And Captain Boodle in his
energy twisted himself in his chair, and brought
his heel round, so that it could be seen by

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We have heard this called coarse, true and
powerful as it is. And coarse indeed it is,
but the coarseness of the highest morality.
in its realism, than to teach women such as
What can be more realistic, or more wise
Julia Brabazon to what they really lay
themselves open, when they act

as she

The Claverings has, as we believe, a higher moral, and a more perfect artistic unity of the kind we have indicated, than any of Mr. Trollope's previous tales. There is scarcely a touch in it which does not contribute to the main effect, both artistic and moral, of the story, and not a character introduced, however slightly sketched, which does not produce its own unique and specific effect on the reader's imagination.

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so small was the tangible advantage to be hoped for, that in setting free the prisoner no longer dangerous or in danger, scarcely regarded by any party as notable, the majority in the United States may be considered to have obeyed at once the dictates of magnanimity and good sense. Upon a resolution so just and prudent, the American Government and the dominant party in Congress may well receive the congratulations of civilized Europe.

THE Drama of Revolution in the United States has evolved so many strange and various scenes, since the day when the curtain fell on Lee's surrender at Appomatox Court-house, that the early actors in the great struggle have glided, so to speak, out of sight and memony, at least in Europe. Dim and faded are now the rival reputa- Mr. Davis, we learn by the latest teletions once so fiercely canvassed, of M'Clel- grams, has left Richmond for New York. His lan and Beauregard, Hooker and Long- application for his writ of habeas corpus," street, Sheridan and Stuart. Even the bril- laid a few days ago before the Circuit Court liant names of Jackson and Sherman, Grant of Virginia, was not opposed on behalf of the and Lee, have lost much of their bright- Government, and was immediately followed ness. Clean forgotton are the infamies by his release on bail, with the obligation, rightly or wrongly fixed by one side and which is, we may be assured, merely formal, the other, on Butler and Forrest, Turchin of appearing before the court, if required, and McNeill: gone the Copperhead distinc- in November next. His arrival at the Emtion of Fernando Wood and Vallandigham. pire City, where but three years ago his The fame of Lincoln, consecrated by mar- name was in every mouth, will probably be tyrdom, survives, and will keep its place in little noticed. What a change since the the hagiology of freedom; bnt few care to victorious and hopeful days of Bull Run and follow the obscurer, if "earthlier happy "Chancellorsville! What a retrospect for the fate of his rival and enemy. Four years ago the name of Jefferson Davis was extolled by many, perhaps by the majority of Englishmen. His character as a statesman was extravagantly elevated to the level of Cæsar, Cromwell and Napoleon. But in the rear of failure came oblivion and contempt. From the day when the ex-President of the Slave Republic was captured at Irwinsville, in Georgia, disguised in his wife's attire, his name has been little mentioned in England. When the citizens of the North, naturally and bitterly indignant at the infamous crime of Booth, were urgent to prosecute, upon most baseless suspscions the great chief of the rebellion, a few voices were raised at this side of the Atlantic in favour of the fallen statesman, and from time to time a feeble protest or two has been heard in English jouruals against his incarceration in Fort Monroe. For a long time, indeed until public passion in America had cooled down from its first fever-heat, the State Prison, not demanding close and unhealthy confinement or degrading punishment, was probably the safest place within Federal limits for Mr. Davis. But with fresh struggles in the reunited republic there came forgetfulness of the past and expiated treason of the South. And though a large party in the North was desirous of bringing the question of the exPresident's guilt before a legal tribunal, so many difficulties lay in the path of the prosecution, 80 much uncertainty and vague dread would inevitably be aroused thereby,

baffled leader of a rebellion that might have been a revolution! As the man vanishes from public sight, let us for an instant recall his past life, so full of strange vicissitudes. Mr. Jefferson Davis belonged by birth and association to the class which was most identified with the " peculiar institution" of the South. Brought up in the State of Missis-· sippi, one of those Gulf States which were far more bitterly hostile to freedom than the older and more settled communities of the Border, he had early taken a part in public life. In the Mexican war he had been distinguished as a soldier, and at the same time as a consistant and fervent supporter of the nullifying policy of Calhoun. As Governor of his State, he was a prominent advocate of that system of dishonest repudiation which contributed so much to estrange English feeling from America. As Senator he was a leader in that aggressive action of the coalesced slave power which roused the freesoiler to the resistance that culminated in Lincoln's election and in the great civil war. Under the administration of President Franklin Pierce he held the office of Secretary-at-War, and it was as commissioners despatched by him that M'Clellan and Lee watched the progress of the Crimean war. In the Senate of the United States he pursued throughout Buchanan's presidency a course which proved that secession was with him a foregone conclusion. He procured by legislative enactment, unchecked by the simplicity of the

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of favouritism, even of want of courage. Probably Grant's successes before Richmond, and the subsequent ruin of the secession cause, only saved Mr. Davis from deposition at the hands of those by whom he was long looked up to as a hero.

North and the treacherous apathy of the said to the army in Georgia, "that the only Government, the distribution of Federal way to make spaniels civil is to whip them?" military stores throughout the South. Then Unluckily for him, the whipping was done he brought forward a Bill making it com- the other way. As the prospects of the repulsory on the Central Government to up-bellion became more gloomy, Mr. Davis hold the rights of slaveholders in the terri- was savagely attacked by a large party in tories of the Union, and he enforced this the South. He was accused of improvidence, demand with the menace of that secession which had been predetermined. When the division between the Northern Democrats and the Slave Party secured the defeat of both Douglas and Breckinridge, and the triumph of the Republicans by Lincoln's return, Mr. Davis showed no hesitation in choosing his part. On the 20th of December, 1860, four months before Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, South Carolina passed her ordinance of secession; three weeks after, Mississippi, with the rest of the Gulf States, followed, and Mr. Davis immediately quitted his place in the Senate. On the 4th of February, 1861, the delegates of the seceding States met at Montgomery in the State of Alabama, and having framed a Constitution, proceeded to elect Jefferson Davis President of the new Confederation for a term of six years. On the 13th of April Fort Sumter was surrendered to Beauregard, and the greatest war of modern times began.

The attempt made by some miserable informers and perjured sycophants to inculpate Mr. Davis with respect to that vile crime of Good Friday, 1865, which has fixed indelible disgrace on the slave-owning party, were happily little regarded by any respectable politicians in the North. President Johnson and some of his immediate advisers were anxious, we believe, to obtain a legal decision in the case of the Confederate leader for the purpose of settling the law of treason, just as some members of the Jamaica Committee urged the prosecution of Mr. Eyre for the same purpose. It seems, however, at once nobler and more consistent to make the amnesty extended to the South complete. The Mr. Davis's character as a statesman has example will not be lost to the world. If ever been the subject of much controversy. It rebellion deserved punishment as destructive cannot be disputed that for the single purpose and inexcusable, the revolt that was headed of awakening Southern enthusiasm and ex- by Mr. Davis should not have escaped. But citing European sympathy, the President of the tendency of modern progress has been the Confederation was hardly to be match- to deal lightly with political offences, to An accomplished writer and speaker, punish rebels only so far as their impunihe in his messages and despatches did much ty may be dangerous, and, where their into veil the inherent vices and weaknesses of the Secession cause. But it may fairly be questioned whether his confident professions of success, his rigorous control of free opinion in the South, his misrepresentations of the resources of the North and of his own people, did not tend to prolong a fatal struggle that might have been better abandoned early in 1863. At all events, there can be but one opinion of the bitter animosity, the foolishly braggart language in which he indulged as the armies of the North closed round the doomed Confederacy. After Sherman's capture of Atlanta, the Southern President ordered thanksgiving services in the churches of Richmond - a proceeding which almost justifies the theory attributed to him in the Biglow Papers,"



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fluence has disappeared, to grant them liberty and life. Already even the most docile Englishmen have begun to profit by the example of America. Without exciting many Tory fears, the Government of Lord Derby may surely go so far in the way of " Americanizing out institutions as to imitate the clemency of the Government of President Johnson.

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From the Spectator.


MR. BERNAL OSBORNE said with his usu"the al cleverness yesterday week, that Chancellor of the Exchequer had lugged that great omnibus full of stupid heavy country gentlemen " up the hill of Reform with a spirit for which all true Radicals would return him their heartiest thanks. "Do you not all know," he | That was well said, and would make a cap

"How winning the day Consists in triumphantly getting away."

At this time his temper seems to have become soured.

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tal illustration for Fun, but if Mr. Tenniel | from winning their hearts, - indeed probawould again work out for us one of those bly turning their hearts more and more higher imaginative conceptions which im- away from the detestable worship in which press on some of his cartoons in Punch a they are engaged, still paralyzes their character of ideal power, ensuring them a will and renders opposition hopeless and life long beyond the momentary situation impotent. Mr. Disraeli is for the time more that suggests them, let him reverse the im- than an adversary; he is inscrutable, invulage, and draw Mr. Disraeli as the inscruta- nerable, a powerful, passionless political ble Sphynx of Mr. Poynter's great picture, Sphynx. When he puts on his idiotic mask tugged along to be installed as one of the he is most dangerous of all. Then he is idols of the hour by the same stupid, heavy, laying up in his high mind some slight to his country gentlemen, with many a drop of divinity, and calculating the rate of comsweat and many a fierce gesticulation, while pound interest at which he will repay it; or the wives and daughters of the enslaved he is maturing some spell which shall make squirearchy dance reluctantly before his his adversaries mistake friends for foes, and triumphal path. Mr. Bernal Osborne him- fall hotly upon each other, instead of upon self, as one of the Radical leaders, might be him; or he is meditating some fresh and postooping from the car curling his long lash tent charm, which shall prolong the serviat the reluctant team; and Mr. Lowe might tude of such slaves of the lamp as Lord appear as the scowling and gasping Israelite Stanley, Mr. Gathorne Hardy, and Sir Stafwho had fallen out of his place, and was ford Northcote, and make them see their evidently launching deep curses at the head former political thoughts as ghosts gibbering both of his taskmasters and their temporary unmeaning reproaches, and hear their forgod. For though no doubt in one sense mer words as dreamers hear the words of Mr. Disraeli had hoisted up the country gen- those around them. The old Greek Sphynx tlemen to their present position, in another used to ask rather difficult riddles, but this and more important sense, they have con- modern political Sphynx answers them invoyed him, the inscrutable and enigmatic fallibly, even though they be of the highidol of the moment, to the altar on which est degree of complexity. How to coax the he at present stands. The House of Com- Tory into Radicalism by giving him a nummons, in spite of its thorough distrust of ber of false hopes and taking them away him, which is indeed the usual attitude of one by one; - how to utilize the accident idolaters towards the divinities they cele of the irrepressible compounder so as to brate and strive to conciliate, is lost in won- make the Tories think him a final and irreder at his great feats. The spirit of criti- sistable obstacle to household suffrage, until cism is almost paralyzed by his miraculous at last they are even more sick of the comsuccess. Every taunt flies back like a boom- pounder than of household suffrage itself, erang at the head of him who launched it. and see the last wave of the wand which The sword of every one of his opponents consigns him finally to the receptacle for enters into his own breast, and the bow of obsolete machinery with a sigh of something the rash archer who aims at him snaps and like relief; how to resist and defeat the Liblies broken in his hands. People go about erals with a stern face and even ardent deon every side crying, "It is a god, it is a fiance, though the whole battle is to the god!" Private warnings are given that it mind of the leader purely formal, fought is no use attacking Disraeli; he will only only for the sake of showing the power to cry tush! and suck thereout no small advan- beat, and though he means after all to retage. If you give him what would poison sign the ground for which he fights so hotly; any one else, he thrives upon it. It is a sort of enchantment. Unless any one can get hold of the talisman that will break the spell, the stars in their courses will fight against his foes. Is not the marvel visible to the dullest eyes, Radicals and high Tories competing together to serve him, while both alike murmur ejaculations of distrust between their teeth? Such is the general talk, and whatever the charms by which Mr. Disraeli has worked hitherto, it is really true that he is now beginning to get that influence over the nerves and imaginations of all parties which, while it is very far indeed equal to any emergency, a self-confidence

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these are the sort of riddles, hopeless because they would never present themselves to ordinary politicians, which Mr. Disraeli has been solving syllable by syllable with consummate art, and with the enigmatic reticence of an oracle who loves both to bewilder and bewitch his devotees.

We do not wonder at this reluctant Disraeli-worship, though we doubt whether a baser form of Parliamentary idolatry has ever been invented. No doubt there are qualites in the idol which are not, in themselves, ignoble, a coolness and courage


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