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the man-millinery of the Church, the cross-rococo man-millinery establishment at York es, copes, lecterns, altars, and super-altars; the other day, and those gentlemen who furfor it was he who led us to admire the nish the green and gold things, the chasuGothic in all its variety, and from him Sir bles, copes, bracelets, gloves, and dresses Walter Scott caught his rococoism. But which our priests will put on, to the disgust Walpole went further. He doted on antiq- of the churchwardens and the terror of the uities, and did not care what they were; he old women of the Protestant party. Let us loved even mummies, and, like old Cockle- imagine, if we can, St. Paul at Athens entop in the farce, would have been delighted during a mitre, and taking it off to be held with "a hair of the dog that bit Aristides," by the proper official, and being careful in for a false miracle was to him about as good putting off his gloves before the altar to as a real one. His noblest follower was Sir give the right to one priest and the left to Walter Scott, who had an infusion of the the inferior parson. The seven lustrations true antiquary, Captain Grosse, within to be performed before Vishnu are more him, and some, too even in his misfortunes, sensible than these antics of a rococo priestwhich he bore and overcame with the most hood. Let us go on by a step or so further heroic spirit of that peculiar affection of Selden which Fuller so drily notices. Fuller said of Mr. Selden, who was both a rich man and a keen antiquary, that he had a large collection of the coins of the Roman Emperors, and a very much larger of those of his present Majesty. Sir Walter united to the love of the rococo the spirit of commercial success; he built Abbotsford, but he loved genuine antiquities. He brought back a love of Charles I., a dislike -a gentlemanly dislike, of course -to Puritans and Protestants, a belief, very different from the teachings of experience, or from that of the days of Pope and Addison, that priests were pious, learned gentlemen, and he paved the way in the general mind for the "revival" by Pusey, Manning, and Newman.

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To be satisfied with simplest truths in religion, morality, or art is not the way with the rococo mind. To tell a man that it is his duty to educate his hinds, to ask Lady Clara Vere de Vere whether she has no poor about her lands, and to bid her go teach the orphan boy to read, and teach the orphan girl to sew, would, for instance, shock Mr. Beresford Hope. It would knock off some of the ornaments wherewith the rococo is loaded. He must refine, and explain, and go back to precedent, and dig up Saxon institutions to back up his arguments. He is always looking back to see how far he has been, not forward to find how far he can go. So also with his fellows, Dr. Manning and Father Newman, setting out with the pilgrim on his journey and we are all bound the same way. to the world to come, these two gentlemen come upon a slough of despond. -as who does not?and they turn about in the middle like Mr. Pliable, and scramble backwards, to play at Hildebrand and to dream of power. Of the same nature, but subject to a less effect, are those minds which got up the

and worship becomes a nameless terror, in which we should be suffering as did the Eastern merchant for his unknown crime when, throwing away the stone of a date, he killed one of the invisible genii. But then such worship is very pretty, very absorbing, very rococo.

It is not manly, of course; if we go to Messrs. Seddons or Jackson & Graham's we shall see the library or drawing-room chairs of to-day built of massive oak or walnut, and capable of supporting any weight and enduring any time. At the same time, we shall see the rococo Louis Quatorze or Quinze chairs and tables all ormolu and French polish, with splay feet and spindly sprawling legs, very elegant, no doubt, for drawing-rooms filled with petit-maîtres and fribbles, belles dames and coquettes, but ricketty and top-heavy, not fit to bear the manly form even of Francis Feeble-woman's tailor. If Mr. Darwin is right, and by a sort of natural selection the strong minds grow up, absorb space, and strangle and kill off the weak ones as do weeds and plants, then we can have no fear of rococo minds. They have their use. They represent a kind of conceited dilettanti hero worship; they do not admire the strong; they would rather pay their devotions to Ganymede or Hylas than to Hercules; but they do some service to our taste in making us admire the pretty and the little. The Madonna and the bambino are the dwarfed ideals of rococo worship; the government of the Jesuits in Paraguay, the very crown and flower of political achievements. The truth is that pictures by Watteau with impossible shepherdesses in silk sacques, shepherds with silver crooks and blue satin inexpressibles, are very well to look at, and that Dresden-china images with rose-blush complexions and fingers more delicate than the pistils of the fuchsia, are ornamental and pretty under glass shades; but when


we come to the hard work of a very hard | pose were stewards, running about, as stewand exacting world, which presses harder ards always do run, from place to place, upon us every day, and every day demands and getting very much in every one's way. more from us, the rococo mind must be swept away with the china ornaments and the furniture-picture into the limbo of vain and useless matters which in these times, however, have impeded, worried, and often turned aside the true thinkers and workers of the world.

From the Saturday Review.



As, by the decision of the authorities, the University athletic sports were prevented from being held this year at Cambridge, it was determined to bring them off, under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Club, at Beaufort House. This arrangement was advantageous in so far as it permitted a large number of appreciative spectators to be present, who could not otherwise have attended; but it was disadvantageous in so far as it gave a business-like appearance to these purely honourable contests, which was not wholly desirable. Nor can it be denied that, if this meeting is held annually in London, it will become more and more every year the scene of betting operations that will be by no means agreeable to the best friends of the competitors. However, the rage for athletics is so great at the present moment, and has waxed so exceeding strong in such a short space of time, that it is but fair to presume it will cool down somewhat. A reaction will probably set in in favour of the cultivation of mind as well as of muscle.

We would suggest that another year one or two of these officials should graciously trouble themselves to study the comfort of those ladies who honour the sports with their pres. ence, and should take care not to allow any to remain outside the stand as long as men. are sitting within it. Further, if five shillings are exacted for admission, the payers of that sum have a right to expect a fair view of the proceedings; but on this occasion there were many people who never had a chance of seeing anything at all. The high jump was a foregone conclusion for Cambridge, each of her representatives being more than a match for those of Oxford. The latter failed to accomplish more than 5 ft. 7 in. and 5 ft. 8 in. respectively. Mr. Little cleared 5 ft. 9 in. with compara tive ease, and won; Mr. Green, the other Cambridge competitor, failing to clear that height. Mr. Little takes a comparatively short run, and at a very slow pace. He ap pears to spring rather indolently, and to make but little effort; but his length of limb and lightness of frame enable him to accomplish this really surprising height without apparent exertion. Mr. Green is an elegant jumper, but he has a bad habit of not getting his body quite clear of the bar, which often militates against his success. There was a good deal of jostling in the One Hundred yards race, but Mr. Pitman, who got the worst start, came through his men with a very fine rush, and won by about two feet. The battle for the broad jump was left at the end to Mr. Absolom and Mr. Maitland, and at his last attempt the former cleared the fine distance of 20 ft. 2 in. Mr. Maitland could not accomplish this, and thus Cambridge The card on Friday was not inconven- won the first three contests. Mr. Jackson, iently crowded, there being nine events who won the Hurdle race for Oxford, unwhich were brought off with tolerable punc-doubtedly took his hurdles in better style tuality. The arrangements of the Amateur Athletic Club to accommodate visitors were, to say the least, indifferent. The Grand Stand, a mean and insufficient structure, admirably adapted for the admission of rain from the top and cold wind from the sides, was approached by steps so precipitous that they must have been designed for the use of acrobats. No part of it was reserved exclusively for ladies, many of whom, owing to the throng of men and boys, were obliged to remain in and about the wretchedly small enclosure, with but a poor chance of obtaining after two or three hours even a rickety chair. We observed a good many gentlemen with white rosettes, who we sup

than any of the other competitors; but even he did not approach to the form showed by Mr. Tiffany and Mr. Daniel in past years. The Mile race attracted, as usual, a great amount of interest. Mr. Little did not run as if he was altogether well, and he knocked his shoulder against a post, which did not do him any good. It was rather an easy vic tory for Mr. Scott, of Oxford, who ran very well, although his action is high. He is short of stature, but has an unusually long stride for his height. The pace appeared to be slow at first, but improved considerably, and the distance was completed in the very good time of 4 min. 40 sec. Putting the weights is, we believe, an excellent trial of strength

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for the muscles—it is certainly a great trial Two-mile race was unwisely kept for the of patience to the spectators. Mr. Waltham, last, but it was well worth waiting to see. on behalf of Cambridge, put it 34 ft. 9 in. Last year it will be remembered that Mr. which we are told is a very superior perform- Long for Cambridge, and Mr. Laing for Oxance. Mr. Pelham was looked upon as ford, ran a dead heat; this year the strugthe probable winner of the Quarter-mile, but gle was almost equally close, and Mr. Long on this occasion he was beaten by Mr. Pitman, again distinguished himself. He ran with who dashed away with the lead at a surpris- great gameness, and only lost the race by a ing pace, and apparently forced the running foot from Mr. Michell of Oxford. This genfor his University companion. Though, at a tleman ran throughout in very good style, short distance from the winning-post, Mr. Pel- and won, as we thought, with something in ham did come to the front, it was but for a hand. He certainly appeared the least dismoment, for he was evidently exhausted by tressed of the six, and, though the finish was the severity of the pace, and the prize would so close, we feel inclined to attribute that to have fallen to Mr. Maitland and Oxford had an error of judgment. Had the distance not Mr. Pitman come again at the finish been a hundred yards longer, we think that with splendid gameness, and won by two Mr. Michell would have won easily. Mr. yards. This was undoubtedly the most bril- Kennedy, of whom great things were expectliant piece of running of the day, and the dis-ed, lay too far out of his ground to have any tance was done in the short time of fifty-two chance with the leaders, and this gentleman seconds. Throwing the hammer was another appears to prefer a longer course. The two wearisome and vexatious business that went miles were run in 10 minutes, which is reon for more than half an hour. What mus-markably good time. Last year Messrs. cles of the human frame are strengthened Long aud Laing took 10 min. 20 sec., and or developed by this surprising exercise in 1865 Mr. R. E. Webster took 10 min. 38 we are at a loss to conceive. In all athletic sec. to accomplish this distance. struggles that are beneficial we cannot On the following Monday the Amateur fail to notice harmonious and symmetrical Athletic Club held their Champion Meetmovement. In running, walking, jumping, ing, and many who had contested on Frior vaulting, the action and play of limb is day appeared again; in fact, nearly all the grateful to the eye. When, instead of easy great events were won by University men. and graceful motions, we see unnatural con- The day was miserably cold, the programme tortion's and grotesque inflections, we cannot was much too long, and there was no atbe in any doubt as to the exercise that re- tempt at punctuality. The most interestquires them being useless for any good puring contests were unadvisedly crowded pose. Hammer-throwing is hideous to the spectator, and we are sure it is injurious to the performer. A man wields a long handle with a cannon-ball fixed on the other end; he raises it over head, and points it to heaven; he then spins round for half a minute like a dancing dervish; of a sudden the hammer escapes from his grasp and flies in one direction; the man tumbles down and sprawls over in another; the judge runs away precipitately to avoid instant death; the referee dives behind the telegraph-board. The spectators must look, for there is no knowing which way the next hammer will come. Withdraw your eye for a minute, and sixteen pounds of iron may be whirled straight at your head. In the present case we cannot pretend to say whose style of throwing was best and whose was worst; we only know that after a very weary half-hour some one made a prodigiously successful effort, and very nearly killed a steward. On inquiry we found that this was the winning throw, that Mr. Eyre of Cambridge was the hero thereof, and that the distance over which the projectile travelled was 98 ft. 10 in. The

together at the end of the day, and the patience of the spectators was utterly exhausted before the Half-mile, the Mile, and the Four-mile races had been run and these were just what they had come to see. 'The managers of the Amateur Athletic Club have evidently a good deal to learn. London is not like a little village where the rustics have nothing to do, and think nothing of a day's sport on the green unless it begins very early in the morning and finishes very late at night. People in London bave engagements and occupations, and time is so precious that they cannot conveniently sit for six hours and a half in the most miserable of stands to accommodate amateur runners and jumpers who are too indolent to be ready at the appointed time. Between two and half-past four in the afternoon all the really important events should be brought off. The idea of running the great race of the day at a quarter-past six in the wilds of Walham, five miles from one's dinner, is quite ludicrous. The analogy of horse-racing should be followed. On great days at Epsom, Ascot, or New


market, the best race is always fixed to take place at the best hour. The Two Thousand is not run at dusk, after eleven plating races; and the Four-mile race at Beaufort House might take precedence of such exhibitions as hammer-throwing and pole jumping. We must also observe that the colours of the competitors, as printed on the card, were carefully and persistently contradicted by the colours worn by the competitors when they appeared on the course. We shall not review the results of the day's proceedings seriatim, because many of our remarks on Friday's sports will apply to those of Monday. Mr Ridley of Eton, who will be an athletic treasure to whichever University may hereafter secure him, won the Hundred yards and the Quarter-mile races. He is not only possess ed of great speed, but he runs with great gameness and unflinching perseverance. The Seven-mile walking race occupied 58 min. 18 sec. Mr. Chambers, who won this contest last year, did not appear in good condition, but he struggled well, and only lost by a few inches. We do not profess to be judges of what is fair walking and what is not; it seemed to us that both Mr. Chambers and the gentleman who, according to the card, was qualified for taking part in this meeting by having resided at Liverpool, are very fair runners, and singularly sound in wind and in limb. Mr. Frere had no difficulty in winning the Half-mile race for Oxford, and Mr. Long was again unfortunate enough in the One mile to be beaten just by a few inches. His steadiness and gameness in running are unquestioned; with just a little more speed at the finish be would often be, as he deserves to be, a winner. In the Four-mile race Mr. Kennedy showed his real power. No one had the least chance with him, and he was as fresh at the end as when he started. In these degenerate days, a man who can run four miles at a good pace, and finish as if he were ready to begin his task anew, is worth remembering.

We have one remark to make in conclusion. At present the success of the Amateur Athletic Club meetings depends almost entirely on University men. But in time competitors will be attracted from all parts of the country. It is to be hoped that a rigorous scrutiny will be made into the qualifications of all strangers who aspire to take part in these meetings. The mere fact of a man's belonging to an athletic club or a gymnasium in some large town is quite insufficient. The door would be opened to hundreds of persons who ought

to be excluded, and the character of these contests would be irretrievably degraded. The meetings of the Amateur Athletic Club should be open to gentlemen solely. Professionals can, of course, be excluded easily. It is not so easy to find out and reject the claims of those who are neither professionals nor gentlemen.

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JAPANESE ODES TRANSLATED INTO ExGLISH. By F. V. Dickins, M. B. (Smith, Elder, and Co.) This is a curiosity of literature, and is quite as worthy of a place on a drawing-room table as a Japanese tray or workdo not exceed six lines box. All the odes are short most of them though popular among the natives, are to us - and many of them, absolutely pointless. No doubt the Japanese would say the same of Dr. Watts or Mr. Tup per, if they were rendered into that ancient dialect from which these have been translated. In one place, too, we stumbled on a graceful turn which is beyond either of those poets:

"And still my love for thee as yet

I have forgotten to forget.

But without Mr. Dickins's valuable notes and elucidations the collection would have been a mere toy, and a quaint toy rather than one of intrinsic beauty. Spectator.

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Critical, on Early Poems of Alfred and C. TENNYSONIA. Notes, Bibliographical and Tennyson. In Memoriam. Various Readings, with parallel passages in Shakespeare's Son nets, &c. (London: Basil Montagu Pickering.) It is a pity that the anonymous author of this little study of the various forms and changes through which the poems of Tennyson have passed did not, if he could have gained permission at least, so far enlarge his plan as to print completely the now greatly altered poems of the earliest editions and volumes side have taken, and to give us in full the younger by side with the latest forms which these poems poems which the maturer taste of the poet has now suppressed. As the book stands, the complete lists of old editions and the occasional citations of a few lines since altered in a poem here and there, will be of use chiefly to those who have all the old editions in their posses Tennyson's thousands of readers. Still this sion, that is, perhaps, to two or three of Mr. little book is curious and welcome to the sta dent of Mr Tennyson. It has been prepared with sedulous accuracy, and all its facts, may be depended on. It contains a complete list of the portraits (photographs and engravings) of Mr. Tennyson, which will be useful to many readers. Spectator.

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No. 1200. Fourth Series, No. 61. 1 June, 1867.



1. Archæology of America.

Edinburgh Review,


2. A Week in a French Country-House. Concluded Cornhill Magazine,


3. Lectures and Writings of Emerson

Fraser's Magazine,


4. Yachts and Yacht-Sailing

New Monthly Magazine,


5. A Dull Life

Macmillan's Magazine,


6. The Fate of Dr. Livingstone

London Times,


7. Poetry

Fraser's Magazine,


8. Gen. Changarnier

London Review,


POETRY: An Arctic Vision, 546. Verses on a Russian Proverb, 546. A Bird's Song in the Night, 608. Hope and Memory, 608. Cui Bono, 608,

SHORT ARTICLES: The American Colony in Palestine, 580. Death of Prof. John H. Alexander, 563. Antiphonal Chanting, 607. Bamboo for Paper, 607, Anecdote of David Hume,

[blocks in formation]

MODERN INQUIRIES: Classical, Professional, and Miscellaneous. By Jacob Bigelow, M.D. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co.




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