
Qu'il jure de t'aimer. pour rompre fon ferment;
Qu'a des charmes nouveaux il brûle de fe rendre,
Et puiffes-tu fouffrir, par un double tourment,
L'affront de voir ta honte, & l'horreur de l'entendre

Cupra Maritima, &c.—An
Town in the Pienum of
Jofeph Colucci, in 4to.
Antonio Cortefi.

effay on Cupra Maritima, a March of Ancona. By Abbate Muerata apud Chiappini and

Mention is made by the ancient geographers of two towns called Cupra; the one Cupra Montana, the other Cupra Maritima. The latter is the fubject of Colucci's Differta tation, divided into three parts. The firft defcribes the fite and foundation of that town. The fecond treats of its hif tory, from its foundation to its decline. The third fpeaks of the temple erected to the goddess Cupra (the Juno of the Etrurians) in the above town to which no doubt it gave its name, as well as to Cupra Montana. The author displays throughout a very great learning and knowledge of antiquity, and cannot but meet with a very diftinguifhed reception from the loyers of topographical descriptions.

Ffame Analytics, &c. Analytical Effay on the Legal Syftem, with this Epigraph. Communia Fædera pacis. Lucr. Lib. Ve Ato. Naples apud Raimondi.

This work is divided into three books, bearing the following titles: ft. The Law of Nature, 2d. The Perfectibility of Man confidered by himself. 3d. Of Man's Perfectibility in Society. This latter part concludes with an Appendix, in which the paradox of that whimfical philofopher J. J. Rouffeau in favour of a favage and foreft life, is ftrenuouly attacked and victorioufly confuted. The author is Mr. Philip Briganti a noble of Gallipoli and correfpondent of the royal acadeiny of sciences and belles-lettres of Naples..

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Bacco Poeta, &c.-Bacchus Poet, a Dithyrambus, by Dr.
Jean-Baptifte Fanucci, 8vo. Pifa apud Pieraccini.
A long

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A long but ingenious and truly poetical paraphrase of this line of Tibulus.

Ille Liquor docuit voces inflectere cantu.

Arte Oftetricia, &c.-Theoretico-practical Effay on the Art of Midwifery by Jofeph Neffi, M. D. and profeffor of Surgery in the University of Pavia, 8vo. with a Preface and Dedicatory Epiftle al Signore de Brambillo.

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This book is intitled to the faireft reception from all the lovers of humanity. It is the valuable work of a profefled anatomift, an expert man-midwife, and a learned naturalift. Dr. Creffi had a difficulty to overcome, generally accounted infuperable, we mean, popular and rooted prejudice. Several thought that the obftetrical art is not useless but in direct oppofition to public good. This irrational contempt had hi therto awed into filence the Italian practitioners, and deprived that country of fome excellent treatifes on midwife. ry: but, rifing fuperior to popular clamours, Mr. Neffi has publifhed his Effay which vies with the best productions on that fubject in any part of Europe.


Hißoria della Republica Romana, Sc.-The Hiftory of the Ro man Common-wealth, in which the Errors of Titus Livius are pointed out, by comparing his Accounts with the Greek and Latin Hiftorians; with fome Philofophical Reflections founded on the Legiflation and Conduct of the Romans, -tending to establish the Truth of the Principle laid down by Cumberland: the Good of rational Beings depends on the happiness of the Community. By Abbate Gafper Garcia, late a Capucin Fryer, 8vo. 5 vols.

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The intent of the author is fully explained in his longwinded title. He means to confider the Roman Hiftory as a code of laws, and the epitome of all the focial virtues. His ftyle resembles much that of Muratorie, whofe exactitude he has fcrupulously followed both in his chronology and criticifm. The author fpeaks as follows of the method which he has adopted.

Fully perfuaded that thofe hiftorians are lefs guilty of flattery


and exaggerations who were bound by no ties of intereft to ther nation they fpeak of.. I refolved to write after what has been faid by the Greek authors, concerning the Romans who were neither so exact nor fincere as the former, and to have ever before me the works of Livy, in order to point out the errors into which he has fallen."

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Mr. Garcia then gives the enumeration of the originals which he hath consulted,

"The Greek authors which I have chofen for my guides are Dyonifius Halicarnaffus, to the year of Rome 312. His Chronology has been of infinite fervice to me in rectifying that of the following ages, concerning which Livy has committed many errors. In regard to the wars against the Veii, Samnites, Tarantini and Pyrrhus, to the Punic wars, Dion Caffius, Diodorus Siculus, and Plutarch in his Life of Camillus have been of confiderable fervice to me. For the Punic wars I have fpecially confulted Polybius; and for those which the Romans waged in Macedonia, Etolia, Achaia, and Afia, I have availed myself mostly of Plutarch's authority. Amongst the Latin writers Salluft, and even Cæfar himfelf have been confulted as well as Tacitus and Suetonius, the two latter for the lives of the Emperors."

Were this work to be viewed only as a hiftory, it would certainly pafs for the best founded in truth: but it may also be confidered as a compleat collection of lectures on moral virtues, grounded on the example of that people the moft admirable that ever exifted, together with fome excellent reflections which the author has had the art to render interefting by the manner in which they are prefented.

Raccolta, &c.-Miscellaneous Collection in Profe and Verfe, on Scientific and Literary Subjects, by feveral eminent Italian Authors. vol. 1ft. 8vo. Ferrara apud Rinaldi

Mr.. Antoni Meloni is the Editor of this very interefting Collection, a volume of which is to appear every three months. The one now under confideration contains, ft. a Letter from Abbate Cajetano Migliori giving to Mr. Giordani Patriarch of Antioch, an explanation of an infcription on ftone found at Rome, December 1776, in digging the foundation of the New Veftry at St. Peter's: the inicription is of the reign of the Emperor Juftinian.

2dly, a Latin Oration delivered by Titus Vefpafianus Strozai of Ferrara, before Pope Innocent VIII. to whom hẹ had beea fentambassador by Hercules I. Duke of Ferrara. This

is extracted from a book bearing neither date nor printer's name, and which is preferved in the library of the Dominican Friars in that city.

3dly, The Praife of Solitude, by Padre Antonio-Maria Mini, Carmelite.

4thly, A Letter from Abbate John Andres, concerning a demonftration given by Galilæi, of a falfe hypothefis on the acceleration of gravitation.

Sthly, An Introduction to the Science of Medals: the author Anonymous, but the article fuppofed to have been fent from Rome.

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6thly, A Differtation on all Kinds of Fevers and Agues in General, by Mr. Angelo De la Fabbra, M. D. of Fer


Laftly, Music, a Cantata, by John Bonaccioli, a Citizen of Ferrara. This Collection does equal honour to the genius of the writers and the tafte of the editor.


Erpofitio Parafraftia, &c.-The Book of Pfalms paraphrafed in Spanish Verses; together with explanatory Notes by the most eminent Writers on Sacred Subjects; by Padre Francois Jean de Solo, of the Order of St. Auguftine. Madrid, apud Fernandez.


Page 435, line 12, cours, read jours.

ibid, in the Parody of the lines of Voltaire, 2d. fine, Leur, read ta, in the lines quoted from that writer, line 24, ta, read Leur.

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Page 439, firft Latin line tenas read tentas.

444, in the account of La Morale del Sentimento, Dam read Don.

ibid, line 12, mortifying read modifying.

Sutton-Abbey, a Novel, in a Series of Letters, founded on Facts, 2 vols. 12mo. 5s. fewed. Richard on and Urquhart.

At this period novel-writing feems to be at a very low ebb, and the novelist does but little credit to his heart or abilities.. For a good novel is now become a rara avis. Moft are replete with indelicacies, and inflated love-ftories. Probability of events, fo effential to a novel, are rarely preferved. And as they are written in fo loofe a ftrain, they have a fatal influence on the tender and fufceptible minds of the growing generation of both fexes. From the prefent appearance of things this is too true to be denied. Were circulating libraries to be examined, and cleared of fuch pernicious trash, we imagine, many a fhelf would be left vacant. But fuch writings fuit the tafte of the age; therefore the press groans under fuch wretched productions, and,

Sermons are lefs read than tales.

A levity is gone abroad, its baneful influence is extenfive; fo it is urgent to be gratified. On this account, writings of a ferious caft are thrown by, and loofe novels, or books of a fimilar tendency, are adopted, in their ftead.

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With refpect to the novel before us, it is poffeffed of more delicacy and seriousness than the generality of novels which have lately fallen under our cognizance. It is written by a lady, to which he hath prefixed the following Dedication.



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"Be favourable, if you can a woman fues ; a woman, who, if he could make herfelf and family known to you, would not (he is led to hope by the encouragement the has ever met with from her acquaintance) fue in vain but thefe fhe must conceal.

"Fearful of the juft cenfure of the unprejudiced critic, fhe trembles with apprehenfion at the thoughts of publishing.

"When the following pages were wrote, they were not intended for publication. At that period the writer was acquainted with most of the characters which under feigned names are reprefented; and if they are not fufficiently marked, fhe begs it may be remembered, that the difcovery of them was only the penetras tion of a very young woman, who, if fometimes the judged too hafty, has ever received the highest fatisfaction in exploring worthy characters.

"Her pages are flained with the vices of but one of a fet of beings from which her fex cannot be too much cautioned not that caution is her prefumptuous ftyle-fhe is fenfible the is not equal to it.




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