
fome regulations and laws; foon after which, people of condition came to Bath, not only for their health, but for their amufement: there is indeed a fingular amusement in bathing, exclusive of the agreeable warmth of the water, which none but thofe who have experienced the effect of, can well conceive, and which is only to be perceived, in particular parts of the Bath, fpots, well known to the guides, and which they feldom omit leading their bathers into. Thirty years fince being in the King's-Bath, and near a goodly looking country woman, she was either led, or accidentally stept over

Where the bubbling fountain flows?

which she had no fooner done, than the called out most luftily, fo as to alarm me, and every one near her; and upon asking her the cause, fhe again called out, and in agitation exclaimed I have been mother of ten children!' not understanding what the meant, I defired to change places with her, and then I recollected I too had been father of as great a number, thofe who wish to be further informed, I must refer to an experienced Profe Guide, or they may take it from the following poetic Bath Diver.

While Phillis is bathing the starts at a bubble,
*Yet fears to remove, or difcover her trouble.
By the touch on her hips, it rises still higher,
And her eye by its twinkling, difcovers the fire.

Her cheeks grow the brighter, encreafing their colour,
As flowers by fprinkling, revive with fresh adour."


A Ride and Walk through Stourhead. A Poem. 4to. IS. Rivington.

Pope's "Windfor Foreft" has engendered many a forry describer of nature's vegetable graces.-This" Ride and Walk" is pleasant enough; but it wants elegance, sweetness, harmony and dignity. It wants, in fhort, the foul of Pope, though it is not altogether without poetical merit. The rich and various views from Alfred's tower are thus delineated.

I climb ambitious (what dares not ambition?)
(Herculean labour) Alfred's facred tower.
I catch, or feem to catch, his patriot fire.
The igneous particles play round my heart:
It feels their warmth, but finds its efforts vain;
For ftation, humble station, bids it stoop,
And makes it own that Alfred was a king.
Had he been village-bred, he'd Alfred been;
But ftation, powerful ftation, bad him fhine.


The rofe that opens near the humble cot,
Emits its fweet effluvia, blushes sweet.
Tranfplant it into Ilchester's fair bofom,
Ten-fold its fweetnefs, ten-fold is its blush.

The fummit gain'd, their point with most is gain'd.
Not fo with me: My views are unconfined.
Here Afiatic mountains wonder claim.

Here nature on her larger fcale displays
Her works ftupendous. Thou all-wife Creator,
Whofe fiat kind, gracious, omnipotent,

Bad all things be, and all things were, receive
My thanks, praife, homage, worship, gratitude.
O'er the gay Severn fraught with Gallic fpoils,
Produce of either India, I furvey

Th' exalted faftneffes and castles famed
Of Cambria unfubdued, whofe mighty chiefs
Not conquering Cæfar boasted at his car,
Nor English monarchs unavenged attack'd.
Glendower, Cambria's Alfred, leads his hofts
To bloody fights, and leads them back unbled.

See Wiltshire's yellow plains o'ercharg'd with grain,
The lab'rer's food, and farmer's luxury,
While amber beer provokes the far-fetch'd joke
At focial Christmas, and the lufcious draught
Calls forth his deep-tongued ruftic melody.

I move around: Dorfet's falubrious downs
Millions of frifking lambs untainted bear.
Black fwans and rotten sheep may here be found
In equal numbers. Hills, like fugar-loaves,
Of various height start forth. Old Ætna, fuch
Thy fides appear. Mountains of rock calcined,
And towers of lava (whilom liquid fire

And roaring feas) felf-built the trav❜ller views
Amaz'd: thefe thy prolific dreadful womb
Brings forth in thunder, while thy fruitful throes
Afflict thy fympathizing neighbours round.
"Beneath, extended Somerfet's fat vales
Lie open to my view. Here oxen ponderous
In fofteft meads lick up the knee-deep grafs.
Sweet-breathing heifers, careful housewife's pride,
Bring home diffended dugs each morn and eve,
In bellowings complaining of their load.
The milk-maid's hand perfuafive strokes the teat,
The fnowy torrent fills the well-fcower'd pail.

See there the spot † where Berkley, name beloved,


The prefent moft worthy Earl's Countefs, than whom this or perhaps any other age has feen nothing more lovely and truly amiable. + Bruton Abbey.

The late Right Hon. John Lord Berkeley of Stratton. This


Anxious for human welfare, nobly thought.
Alas, with tears I've fince bedew'd his grave!
His works his monument: furviving friends
To thefe truft prudent rather than to ftone.
If fortune kind e'er vifit me, dear fhade,
The Parian marble fhall recite thy deeds
In rude unpolish'd lays affectionate;
For rude unpolish'd lays are all I have."


The Tutor of Truth. By the Author of the Pupil of Plea fure, 2 vols, 5s. fewed, 6s. bound. Richardíon and Urquhart.

The MORAL of this compofition is comprised in the motto, which is taken from one of the conclufive letters; and the IDEA of it is fo fully given in the Preface, that we fhall offer it unabridged, to our readers.

"A work which is in the world, under the title of the Pupil of Pleasure, exemplified, that part of a late celebrated fiftem, which led immediately to voluptuoufnefs, hypocrify, and feduction. It wa, therefore, a faint mark for literary ridicule. The peculiar fuccefs of my undertaking, and the general esteem it fill maintains (notwithstanding the wilful, or the ignorant, perverfions of a few individuals, who affected to have their fcruples concerning the character of Sedley) convince me, that I did not write in vain.

"But, methinks, fomething very effential yet remains to be done, There is a much better, as well as a much more brilliant system stit to be illuftrated; the fyftem of integrity and truth.

"This is attempted in the prefent performance, where the reader will fee, in contraft to the Pupil of Pleasure, a character of a very different colouring figure before him. One, who, though even more accomplished than Sedley, with all his fire, fpirit and oppors tunity, as well as every perfonal advantage, employs each in the caufe, not of ruin, but fincerity.

great and good man conftantly fought for objects of real charity; by him the naked were conftantly cloathed, and the hungry daily filled, He was the best of neighbours, the best of masters, and a steady fin cere.friend.

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+ In reply to the doubts which were fent us fome time fince refpec ting another work of this writer, called SHENSTONE GREEN. in fome of the public prints to be clandeftinely compiled from materials found among the pofthumous papers of the late Mr. Shenftone) we have received full and fatisfactory information, that the Editor and Author are one and the fame perfon.

See our Review for October.

It has been endeavoured alfo, that the fcenes, in which this new perfonage is engaged, fhould be fo difpofed, as to give full fcope for all that is juft, affecting and ennobled, without departing from human nature. The hero of this production, like that of the other, hath many struggles, and many anxieties; for virtue (with respect to ordinary fucceffes and rewards) is not always fortunate but between the two heroes there is, throughout their adventures, this diftinguishing difference; the one hath the pangs of remorfe fuperadded to thofe of fhame and defpair; and the fufferings of the other, like the agonies of a Meffiah, are always for the truth and for the happiness of others. All that the beft men in the world can fay to themielves is comprized in this couplet of the poet, 'Tis not in mortals to command fuccefs.

But we'll do more, Sempronius, we'll deferve it.'

"There have been thofe (whether in the fpirit of criticifm, or or from principle, I cannot tell) who have warmed the young and fober against the warmth of character in the Pupil of Pleasure: furely, a little thinking might reconcile to them (as to the rest of the world) the propriety of painting vice in ftrong colours, in order to bring it into contempt. That very Sedley, who fets out, with all the graces of Chesterfield in his train, foon lofes his credit with the reader; he fades, towards the conclufion, more and more in every page; and at laft, he becomes a defperate, detefted man, on whofe grave even Pity herfelf can fcarce be prevailed on to shed

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"If, however, this objection, in the breast of any one, still subfifts against me, it would be a piece of justice not unworthy the true critic, if he would take upon him to recommend the character of Captain Carlisle in this work, as officioutly as he has difcommended that of Mr. Sedley, in the other. In real fact, Sedley is the fhade which will fet Carlisle in the proper light; and, although the ftories through which I have conveyed the moral, are utterly different, yet thofe, who are candid enough to conceive a book of this kind may be made fyftematic, and who may read the 'two performances together, will, I flatter myfelf, perceive a connection (with regard to fyftem) not wholly inappofite,

In fine, Sedley is a monster, and Carlisle is a man. Let them be accurately compared, and read only with this view, whenever they are in the hands of the young. As Sedley is the object of efcape and abhorrence; Carlisle is that of intimacy and imitation. He is much embarralled, but he has honour to bear him up : he is purpofely plunged in difficulty, that his truth might be the more tried; and that, being tried, it might, like fine gold from the fire, come forth the purer. He is Sedley's oppofite in every parti cular, except the attractions of form (which were given to Sedley alfo only to render Chesterfieldifm more exact.) Carlisle protects the innocence that he might have deftroyed; he fpares the chastity that he might have violated; he endeavours to preferve the wife, whom he might have ruined he has all the policy of prudence, VOL. XI. without


without deviating from truth: he is graced with every polishing ornament of character: instead of corrupting, he enriches fociety. "That the hero of the prefent work might have every ultimate advantage, fo as to bring the moral which his adventures convey, more forcibly home to the business and bofom of the reades, he appears, at different times, in all the amiable lights of which his picture is fufceptible. Amongst thefe, the honour of his friendhips, the tendernefles of his love, the delicacy of his fufferings, his difcretion under embarraffinents, and his courage in exigencies, will not efcape the attentive reader. It fhould be noted, alfo, that the contratt of the prefent, with the former performance, receives till greater force, by the introduction of other ketches which will be found here; particularly the fhort fcenes that belong to Mr. Henry Hervjon, and his brother. These characters are interwoven, not fo much to enliven, and relieve the deepnefs of the pathetic in the other parts, as to give greater elucidation to the fyftem. With the like view, the characters of the fighting Medway, and the fearful, frolickfome Sir Andrew Flight, have been admitted, as have thofe of Mr. Lafelles, the Marchioness of N***, and Lucia De Grey. It is hoped thefe all promote the moral as much as they 'contribute to the interefts of the fable: for example, Sealey, the Pupil of Pleasure, was uniformly vicious, deceitful and reprobate, and therefore died. Captain Carlisle, the Tutor of Truth, is unvari ab'y juft, ingenious, and good, and therefore lives. Sedley often felt the ftroke of ill fuccefs, but confoled himfeif in the worst of times with the hope of accomplishing his wicked wishes at laft. Carlile is fenfible of difappointment too, but is kept from paroxifms of defpair by a filent appeal to his confcience. Lafcelles is at once rakifh, falfe, diffolute, and therefore meets with punishment. The Marchionefs of N***, though pitiable, is also an object of terror to be held up to the female world, fince the fame imprudence will naturally lead to the fame misfortune. The Earl and Countefs of Blefingbourne are brought into this work, to fhew, that, true politeness and the Graces, are charms independent of mere rank, titles, or eftate: the family of the Hervfons are here, to prove, that true politeness and the Graces are not to be bought, as mere marketable commodities, whenever a man happens to have money' to fpare; and to prove likewife, that neither ruftic manner, on the one hand, nor bookish pedantry on the other, will enable men to leave the farm-houfe and the cloyfter to figure, more refpectably, in a flate of refinement. In full oppofition to all thefe, therefore, the hero of this work is produced. He is as truly polite as he is truly generous, and, agreeable to the title given him at setting out-He is A Tutor of Truth."

The candour which our author difcovers in correcting the ardours of his pen, (that were cenfured in the luxuriant difplay of SEDLEY's letters in the Pupil of Pleafure,') entitle him to applaufe. WE, were not, indeed, amongft thole who conceived that his fancy went too far, or painted

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