
Our pocket-companions, 130-descriptive
poetry, No. I. Dyer's poems, 573-

Oyster-Eater, some account of himself by
the Irish, 47, 177, 358, 463, 618,

Painting, oil, Mérimée on, 747.

Paulin, George, parish.schoolmaster, New-
lands, his poem of Hallowed Ground, 598.
Persia, Afghanistan, and India, the reason-
ings on the attempt of Russia to gain our
Indian territories, as being Quixotic, some
years ago, are now inapplicable, 93-
the position and influence of Russia now,
on the borders of Europe and Asia, have
been vastly increased within these few
years, ib.—the geographical obstacles to
the march of Russian troops to India
examined, and proved to be not insur-
mountable, 95-the siege of Herat un-
dertaken by the Persians through Rus-
sian influence, 96-its avowed object the
reunion of Khorassan to Persia, 97-a
historical sketch of the fall of the dynasty
of the Afghans, who occupy the mountain
country between Persia and India, given,
98 the re-establishment of that dynasty
the object of the movement of our troops
in India, 99-but it is questionable whe-
ther the same object of defending our Indian
frontiers, may not have been attained
by an alliance with Dost Mahommed of
Cabul, ib.-the difficulty of reviving a
a fallen dynasty, shown, 100-difficulties
pointed out in dealing with the claim of
Kamran, 101-our advance into Cabul
will also place us in a new position with
the Seiks of the Punjab, 102-whatever
may be the fate of the Punjab, the shock
of war will fall on its soil rather than on
our Indian possessions, 103-this deter-
mination has been wisely acted on, for in
case of a foreign armed power advancing
beyond the Indus, many tribes would, it
is feared, join them against us, as for
instance the warlike tribes of the Raj-
pootana, 104-in short, the first footing
of a foreign power in India, would be
the signal for a general rising and arming
for plunder, ib.-on the success of the
Cabul expedition will depend the main-
tenance of peace on the frontier of Nepaul,
105-Lord Auckland not equal to his
critical situation, ib.

Peru as it is; a residence in Lima, &c., by
Archibald Smith, M.D., reviewed, 287.
Photography, engraving, and Burnet's
cartoons, 382.

Picture Gallery, the, No. VI. 319, the
week of pleasure, a tale, Chap. I. 321-
Chap. II. 325-Chap. III. 327--Chap.
IV. 331-Chap. V. 333-Chap. VI.
338--No. VII. 688, Castle-building, or
the modern Alnaschar, 590.

Pike, Albert, of Arkansas, his hymns to the
gods, 819.

Poems and moral songs, on the earlier Eng-
lish, 303.

Poetical description, what is it? 529.
Poetry, our Descriptive, No. I., Dyer's
poems, 673.

Political events, the late, the momentous
importance of them to the character of
all parties in the state, 715-the facts
in connexion with them truly stated, ib.
-extract given of Sir Robert Peel's
letter to the Queen, in which he traces
the steps of his negotiations to form a
new ministry, 717-as admitted by the
Melbourne ministry, their relinquish-
ment of power was occasioned by the
withdrawal of confidence from them in
House of Commons; and their resump-
tion of it was in consequence of the
changes contemplated in the ladies of the
household, 718-the clamours and un-
truths of the Liberal press, condemned,
719-extract of Sir Robert Peel's speech
in the House, given, wherein the diffi-
culties attending his government, whilst
the nearest connexions of the late minis-
try were retained in the household, are
fully and satisfactorily explained, ib.—
the reflections which these events gave
rise to are, that no deviation from that
respect and devotion due to the sovereign
was attempted by the Conservatives on
this trying occasion, 722-the conduct
of Sir Robert Peel considered and vindi-
cated, ib.-the grave allegation brought
against him of the desire to remove
all the ladies of the household, contra-
dicted by Sir Robert Peel's own decla-
ration, 725-by the probabilities of the
case, ib.-by the whole conduct of the
parties, ib.-and by the letter of the
Queen, who only refers to the ladies of
the bedchamber, ib.-the conduct of the
Melbourne cabinet in this business se-
verely condemned; because, after de-
claring themselves defunct, and making
way for a new ministry, they threw in-
surmountable obstacles in the way, by
advising her Majesty to make unreason-
able demands, in regard to the house-
hold, 726-because, while they retired
themselves, their wives and daughters were
to retain their places as channels of in-
trigue, ib.-because they have endea-
voured to fasten upon Sir Robert Peel
the charge of usurpation, 727-the pro-
ceedings of their inferior colleagues, in
this particular, exposed and condemned,
ib.-because they left office in conse-
quence of the withdrawal of the confidence
of the House of Commons, and resumed
it when no change towards them in that
respect could have taken place, 728-
the position of the ministry is now despi-


cable and ludicrous, ib.-there is no doubt
of the ultimate triumph of Conservative
principles, ib.-speech of the Duke of
Wellington in the Lords, on the subject,
quoted, 729.

Prospectus of a history of our family, 669.
Punch, reflections on him, 190.

Raphael, on his genius, 809.

Reflections on Punch, morals, and manners,

Religious and Secular education, 275.
Rosenthal, Emily von, how she was spirited
away, Chap. I. 400 Chap. II. 492-
Chap. III. 494-Chap. IV. 496.

Schlemihl, Peter, my after-dinner adven-
tures with him, 467.

Secular and religious education, intention of
the government condemned, to introduce
secular education detached from religious
instruction, 275-the display of bene-
volence for the promotion of education,
to be rejoiced at, ib.-the conservatives
perceive that the cry for secular education
alone is to put a dangerous weapon into
the hands of the destructives, ib.-the
Liberal party are not insensible to the
danger, but are unwilling to admit it
in its full extent, 276-intellectual pur-
suits, no antidote to the mass of the
people against political and sensual degra-
dation, ib.-the only power capable of
contending against sin is religion, ib.—
the examples of despotic states no rule
by which this country can be guided, ib.
-from the earliest times, the influence of
education has been unable to present
national degradation, ib.-France given
as an example, 277 Scotland always
held up as an example of an educated
people, ib.-but there crimes of the deep-
est dye have rapidly increased of late
years, ib.-Moreau's tables quoted to
show that a great amount of offenders
are found amongst those who can both
read and write, than those who can do
neither, 278 Toqueville's representa-
tion of American crime are to the same
effect, 279-this does not arise from any
deficiency of intellect amongst the lower
classes, 280-but mere knowledge is per-
nicious without a corresponding formation
of character, ib.-hence the erroneous
theory of those who hold that secular edu-
cation would raise the taste of the lower
orders, 281-the kind of books generally
found in the libraries of the working
orders, given to prove the fallacy of the
theory, 282-the truth is, we have fallen



a superficial generation, ib.—in a
political point of view, the spread of this
secular knowledge is attended with the
greatest danger, 283-it is no use arguing
that the danger apprehended arises not


from education but from imperfect educa-
tion, because working people have not
time to attain a perfect system of educa-
tion, 284-it is a fact that most of the
prostitutes of Paris come from the best
educated northern provinces, ib.-that
education based on religion should produce
a better result than without it, is evident,
285-it is also evident that secular liberty
is more enticing than the restraints of re-
ligion, 286-the union of both would be
a blessed consummation, ib.
Skene MS., the, an account of, 1.
Sketcher, sonnets by the, 651.
Smith, Dr Achibald, his residence in Lima,
&c., Peru as it is, reviewed, 287.
Some account of himself, by the Irish Oyster
Eater. Fasciculus the first, 47-Fasci-
culus the second, 52. Fasciculus the
third, 58-Fasciculus the fourth, 177-
Fasciculus the fifth, 182-Fasciculus the
sixth, 186-Fasciculus the seventh, 358
-Fasciculus the eighth, 360-Fasciculus
the ninth, 463-Fasciculus the tenth,
471 Fasciculus the eleventh, 618-Fas-
ciculus the twelfth, 628-Fasciculus the
thirteenth, 761-Fasciculus the four-
teenth, 771-Fasciculus the fifteenth and
last, 776.

Song, translation of a cantilena, 537.
Sonnets, by Washington Browne, of New
York. 300-a sonnet, 617-sonnets by
the Sketcher, 651.

Talbot, H. Fox, his letter to the Literary

Gazette, with reference to the new disco-
very of photography, quoted, 385.
Taylor, W. B. S., his translation from the
French of Mérimée on oil-painting, re-
viewed, 747.

Traveller, notes of a, 682.
Trojan horse-Homer-Egypt, 366.

Venus, the goddess, in the middle ages, by
R. M. Milnes, 603.

Vision of Caligula, by B. Simmons, 849.

Week of pleasure, the, 321-one at Man-
chester, 481.

What is poetical description? 529.
Whig decline and degradation, 795-re-

markable coincidences between the affairs
of France from 1789 to 1793, and those
of Britain from 1832, the passing of the
Reform Bill, to 1839, pointed out, ib.
the enthusiastic feelings in regard to the
Reform Bill at its passing, described, 796
-where are all those transports now? ib.
-among the innumerable evils which
that bill has brought upon the empire,
that of exciting unreasonable and extra-
vagant expectations of its benefits, is per-
haps the greatest, 797-this excitement
was maintained entirely by enormous
lying," ib.-the Whigs have been caught

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in their own trap, and universal contempt
has now befallen them, chiefly because
they now endeavour to check the progress
of the movement they at first set agoing,
798-the principal object of the Mel-
bourne Ministry has been, to yield as little
to popular demands as is consistent with
retention of office, ib.-they are right in
the opinion of making a stand somewhere,
799-for, what are the principles which
frantic incendiaries desire to support? ib.
-and what a woful picture does the present
state of the country exhibit, of the para-
lysis with which the revolutionary cabinet
conduct the measures of government!
800-all the dangers that surround the
country may be distinctly traced to the
false policy pursued, and the pernicious
principles installed by the government,
801-they employed and encouraged the
language of revolt in Canada, and now
they have deprived that colony of its con-
stitution, ib.-by short-sighted parsimony
in Indian affairs, they have placed the
safety of that splendid appanage of the
crown in jeopardy, ib.-by practising
revolutionary propagandism in Europe,
they have unsettled our relations with
every nation in it, 802-by encouraging
the premature emancipation of the negroes
in our West India Colonies, they have
not only endangered the production
of colonial produce; but have thereby
promoted the slave-trade to an increased
extent and refined cruelty in Cuba and
Brazil, 803-and, because the House of
Assembly in Jamaica remonstrated against
their conduct in, perhaps, too impassion-
ed language, they threaten to destroy the
constitution of that once flourishing, but

now decaying, colony, 804-for ten years
back treason and sedition have been
tolerated in this country and the colonies,
and now that their natural fruits are
beginning to appear, the revolutionary
government are determined to rule their
dupes, and the country at the same time,
with a despotic sway, 805-their support
of Popery has doubled crime in Ireland
ib.-so conscious are they of this, that
they excuse themselves by averring, that
things are not worse than they were
under Tory governments, 806-but they
are worse, as is proved by official returns
which are quoted, ib.-but perhaps the
most fatal effect of the ascendency of
liberal principles has been the general
corruption of the character of the Liberals,
807-it was a growing sense of these evils
amongst an increasing and influential por-
tion of the people, over whom religion still
maintains its sway, and not any particular
question, that led to the recent retirement
of the Melbourne ministry from office, ib.
--their resumption of power, under recent
circumstances, show they are now the
ministry, not of the country, but of three
ladies of the bedchamber, 808-now,
when dangers threaten alike the mon
archy and the institutions of the country,
it is the duty of the Conservatives to come
forward and demonstrate, both by their
language and conduct, their steady adhe-
rence to their principles, and their reso-
lution to separate the cause of the Queen
and the monarchy, from the Popish faction
which is domineering over every part of
this great empire, both at home and
abroad, ib.


Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.

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