
because no one who has not given the subject particular attention would believe how numerous they are; and also because he deemed it best that the Notes, forming as they do an integral portion of the Work, should retain in all respects the same tone of unquestioning credence assumed in the Ballads: but he has been careful to distinguish by a different type all quotations of importance; and when the story forming the framework of a ballad is not entirely original, the fact is mentioned in its note.

Some of these Tales may be considered as too trifling for adult readers, and others as too advanced in language and treatment for children; but from the Nursery to the Study is a wide step,- a numerous and very important portion of our Thirty Millions stands between, and it is for this portion more especially that they were written ;-although the Author will have somewhat mistaken his purpose and failed in his efforts, if they be not read with profit by the intelligent child, and with interest by the indulgent reader of maturer years.

April, 1857.

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“In old time of the King Artour-
All was this land fulfilled of faërie."

In the old time every Wood and Grove, Field and Meadow, Hill and Cave, Sea and River, was tenanted by tribes and communities of the great Fairy Family, and at least one of its members was a refident in every House and Homestead where the kindly virtues of charity and hofpitality were practifed and cherished. This was the faith of our forefathers a graceful trustful faith, peopling the whole earth with beings whofe miffion was to watch over and protect all helpless and innocent things, to encourage the good, to comfort the forlorn, to punish the wicked, and to thwart and subdue the overbearing; a faith that had its believers in every land, around the turf fire in the peasant's hut, and on the lifted dais of the noble's hall-though their belief was ever the strongest whofe dwellings were in the lone

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