
I've been a foolish, faithful slave ;
All my best years, the morning of my life,
Hath been devoted to your service.

Dr. Thomas Franklin.

A merrier man

Within the limit of becoming mirth
I never spent an hour's talk withal.


November 5.

(Love's Labour's Lost).

With thee were the dreams of my earliest love,
Ev'ry thought of my reason is thine;

In my last humble prayer to the Spirit above
Thy name shall be mingled with mine.

Man's love is of man's life a thing apart'Tis woman's whole existence.

November 6.

Her heart is thrice as rich in bliss,


She's three times gentler than before;

He gains a right to call her his


Now she, through him, is so much more.

Coventry Patmore.

And mistress of herself, though china fall.


November 5.

November 6.

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And on her lover's arm she leant,
And round her waist she felt it fold,
And far across the hills she went

In that new world which is the old.

(The Day-Dream).

O! thou didst then ne'er love so heartily
If thou remember'st not the slightest folly
That ever love did make thee run into.

November 8.

(As You Like It).

Over the mountains and over the waves,
Under the fountains and under the graves,
Under floods that are deepest,

Which Neptune obey,

Over rocks that are steepest,

Love will find out the way.


Every one to their liking," as the old woman said when she kissed her cow.

November 9.

But her words such a pleasure convey,
So much I her accents adore,

Let her speak, and whatever she say,
Methinks I should love her the more.


William Shenstone.

Now, similarity of tastes, 'tis said,
Conduces much to harmony and peace.


November 8.

November 9.

Were I as high as heaven above the plain,
And you, my Love, as humble and as low
As are the deepest bottoms of the main,

Wheresoe'er you were, with you my love should go.

Thomas Sylvestre.

Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes,
Which, star-like, sparkle in their skies.

November 2.

Love then to us did new souls give,

R. Herrick.

And in those souls did plant new powers,
Since when another life we live,

The breath we breathe is his, not ours.

William Cartwright.

Love is the blossom where there blows

Everything that lives or grows.

November 3.

I love a woman's eloquence,
So racy 'tis, and flowing;

Giles Fletcher.

And then her tongue's so nicely hung,
The least touch sets it going.


Sir, as I told you always, her beauty and her brain go

not together.


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