
other fun during the Wednesday, which was wound up by a right gallant ball, where the girls-regular island Venuses-were to the boys as a tithe to the whole. Let any gentleman in want of Philandering ship himself at once for Douglas.




If one of the simple paces of the horse, the mere gallop, is found of itself to contain matter sufficient for the establishment of about the leading national amusement of the age, the trot may most assuredly put in a claim for something of the same sort, although confined to far more humble efforts and fewer opportunities. The difference, indeed, between the practice of the two sports, when we for a moment attempt to make any comparison, will be seen much too great to require a moment's farther consideration; the trot, in fact, having suffered, in the words of Goldsmith's philosophical vagabond, "that cruellest mortification, neglect." This is the real state of the case the great secret regarding a diversion, or rather, perhaps, a business-agent in every-day life, that has made less progress up or down, within the last half century, than any other art or science we have had the good fortune to become acquainted with. In making this assertion, we readily submit that it has always enjoyed the support of some warm advocates, but, at the same time, has had to contend against the hostility of many equally determined opponents. The former of these, the "ayes" of the house, from being almost invariably of what society terms the Lower Classes, have lacked the power to push their favourite recreation prominently into notice; and the "noes," consequently, have not condescended to give any marked expression, or make any decided attempt, at enforcing their opinions upon the subject. Hence we trace the origin of that cruel neglect which, if not absolutely fatal, has always hitherto acted as a damper on the ardour of any man who (like the Squire) has, for the nonce, made a dash into it, and also smothered up the wonderful performances of the high-stepping stars; while steeple-chasing, and other modern compound innovations, have been coaxed on, trumpeted abroad far and wide, and, in a very few years, given the go-by to friend Jonathan's own game, the out-and-out genuine article, and no mistake. Considering ourselves, in the present instance, as specially retained by the plaintiff, the celebrated Norfolk Cob, whose character we can say, with the greatest confidence, is utterly unimpeachable, we may naturally show to the

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