
silly affectation-yet vanity seems to prevail even over the very sense of Pleasure, and the Italian Opera is more frequented by people of fashion, than any other public diversion, who, to avoid the imputation of want of Taste, submit to some hours of painful attendance on it every week: but the most outrageous " Fanatico per la Musica" will not venture to impeach his Understanding by pretending that his Ears have ever been half so filled with Pleasure by any Oltramontani Queens of Quavers, as they have by our mellifluous native Warblers, Mrs. Crouch, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Billington, Mrs. Bland, Misses Stephens, Carew, Povey, &c. &c., or our matchless Champion of Song, Mr. BRAHAM.

"Italian music's sweet because 'tis dear; Their Vanity is tickled, not their Ear;

Their tastes would lessen, if the prices fell,

And Shakespeare's wretched stuff do quite as well."


Of the late importation of the unaccountable assemblage of unconcatenated Discords and Hobgoblin Dramas from Germany, while we have such universally esteemed Musicians as THE FATHER OF ENGLISH HARMONY, our ORPHEUS ANGLICUS, WM. SHIELD, T. Cook, J. Braham, &c.—to use the gentlest terms, I must say, I wish to see it, as unpopular as it is unpatriotic. Let it not be again said, that our Excellent English Musicians, who are ornaments to our country, are less patronised, and that double and treble price is paid to Foreign Artists of Inferior Talents: in future, let

"The Drama's Laws, the Drama's Patrons give :
The Public Voice must bid the reign commence
Of rescued Virtue and reviving Sense;
Hence frantic Discords, hence the pomp of Show;
Hail useful Mirth and salutary Woe;
Bid Scenic Virtue form the rising Age,

And Truth diffuse her radiance from the Stage."

"The power so properly delegated to, and so properly exercised by Mr. Colman, the present Licenser, to suppress every thing which he thinks derogatory to the religious, the moral, and the political welfare of the state, is a restriction which, so far from being injurious to liberty, is indispensably necessary to support its cause, and prevent its degenerating into libertinism."

Major S. "Well, my old friend, we are quite in unison on this point; so

"Come be Jolly, fill your Glasses,

Madness 'tis for us to think

How the World is ruled by Asses

That o'ersway the Wise, with-Chink."

"Let's have another Bumper, and then I vote that Mr. M'Siller be requested to perform his promise of giving us the New Ballad."

Mr. M'S. "I shall be vary proud to do that." (Sings " Fill the Goblet again.")

The Words by Joseph Hum Esq


Author of the Cook's Oracle, &c.

Fnored copper by Sid Hall, Bury Str: Blooras

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