WILLIAM HERBERT, EARL OF PEMBROKE. The character of this nobleman is (as lord Orford has already observed) most admirably drawn by lord Clarendon (Hist. Rebellion, Vol. I. p. 57). A collection of poems, partly written by him, partly by Sir Benjamin Ruddier, and partly (as it should seem) transcribed from other writers, was published in 1660, in one volume, 8vo. If the following poem be really his, as the prefix denotes, it is highly creditable to his taste. A SONNET. So glides along the wanton brook And so does Fortune use to smile And so doth the fantastic boy, The god of the ill-manag'd flames, Who ne'er kept word in promis'd joy So all alike will constant prove, Both Fortune, running streams, and Love. EDWARD LORD HERBERT OF CHERBURY. This noble author is little known as an English poet, and it must be confessed that his younger son, Henry Herbert, who collected and published his poetry, shewed more piety than taste by that publication. Its title is "Occasional "Verses of Edward Lord Herbert, Baron of Cherbery and "Castle-island, deceased in August, 1648." 1665, 12mo. The following, selected from an Ode of 35 stanzas, are the most tolerable verses in this little volume. An Ode upon a Question moved, whether Love should continue for ever? HAVING interr'd her infant birth, The watery ground that late did mourn Of the wish'd bridegroom of the earth. The well-accorded birds did sing Their bymns unto the pleasant time, To which, soft whistles of the wind, And warbling murmurs of a brook, And varied notes of leaves that shook, And harmony of parts did bind. * * * * * When, with a love none can express, The season with their loves did bless. Walking thus tow'rds a pleasant grove, They staid at last, and on the grass * Long their fix'd eyes to heaven bent, When with a sweet though troubled look She first brake silence, saying, " Dear friend, "O that our love might take no end, "Or never had beginning took! " I speak not this with a false heart;" Wherewith his hand she gently strain'd; "Or that would change a love maintain'd " With so much love on either part. "Nay, I protest, though Death with his "Worst counsel should divide us here, "His terrors could not make me fear "To come where your lov'd presence is. "Only, if love's fire with the breath "Of life be kindled, I doubt, "With our last air 'twill be breath'd out, " And quenched with the cold of death." Then, with a look, it seem'd denied * * * * |