SIR RICHARD FANSHAW, Brother to Thomas lord Fanshaw; born in 1607, and edu cated at Cambridge; was secretary at war to Prince Charles, 1644; treasurer of the navy under Prince Rupert, 1648; created baronet 1650, and envoy to Spain; afterwards, being recalled into Scotland, employed there with high credit (though no covenanter), as secretary of state. Having been taken prisoner at the battle of Worcester, 1651, he was sent to London, and is said during his confinement to have written several of his poetical productions. In 1659 he joined Charles II. at Breda, was knighted the following year, and made secretary of the Latin tongue, and master of the requests. In 1661 being burgess for the town of Cambridge, he was sworn one of the privy council of Ireland, and sent envoy to Portugal, and again as embassador in 1662. Having taken his place at the privy council in 1663, he was finally appointed embassador to both the crowns of Spain and Portugal, where he experienced a marked and unusually splendid reception, in consideration of his former deportment, according to some, though see the Biographia Britannica. He died of a fever at Madrid in 1666. Vide Wood's Fasti, II. 43, and Langbaine. His writings consist principally of translations, viz. The Lusiad of Camoens; the Pastor Fido of Guarini; a dramatic romance paraphrased from the Spanish of Ant. De Mendoza, entitled "Querer Por Solo Querer;" and a Latin metrical version of Fletcher's "Faithful Shep"herdess," under the Italian title of "La Fida Pastora." The following extract is taken from his poems, published with "Il Pastor Fido," 1648, 4to. and 1676, 8vo. The four first lines are part of another sonnet. THOU blushing Rose, within whose virgin leaves The wanton Wind to sport himself presumes, Whilst from their rifled wardrobe he receives For his wings purple, for his breath perfumes! Blown in the morning, thou shalt fade ere noon! What boots a life which in such haste forsakes thee? Thou'rt wonderous frolic, being to die so soon, And passing proud a little colour makes thee. If thee thy brittle beauty so deceives, Know then, the thing that swells thee is thy bane; For the same beauty doth in bloody leaves The sentence of thy early death contain. Some clown's coarse lungs will poison thy sweet flower, If by the careless plough thou shalt be torn, And many Herods lie in wait each hour, To murder thee as soon as thou art born, Nay, force thy bud to blow, their tyrant breath Anticipating life, to hasten death. JOHN MILTON Was born in 1608, and died in 1674. As the minor poems of Milton are too popular to require reprinting, only the two following short specimens are given of this great master. SONG On May Morning. Now the bright Morning Star, day's harbinger, Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing: SONNET When the Assault was intended to the City. CAPTAIN, or colonel, or knight in arms, Whose chance on these defenceless doors may seize, If deed of honour did thee ever please, Guard them, and him within protect from harms! The great Emathian conqueror did spare To save th' Athenian walls from ruin bare. RICHARD CRASHAW, Author of "Steps to the Temple. Sacred Poems, with "other Delights of the Muses," 12mo. 1646, seeems to have resembled Herbert in his turn of mind, but possessed more fancy and genius. His translations have considerable merit, but his original poetry is full of conceit. The time of his birth is unknown. Having been educated at the Charter-house, he was for some time a scholar of Pembroke, and a fellow of Peter-house, Cambridge; and afterwards changing his religion, died a canon of Loretto, 1650. His Latin poems were first printed in 1634, and have been much admired, though liable to the same objections as his English. For more particular information respecting Crashaw and his works, consult Headley, Dr. Anderson, and Mr. Hayley's account in the new Biographia Britan nica. Out of Catullus. COME and let us live, my dear, But if ! |