Registration Cases: Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, and on Appeal Therefrom in the Court of Appeal from Michaelmas Sittings, 1895..., 1. kötet |
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1 - 5 találat összesen 43 találatból.
ix. oldal
... Lawson's Notes , 32 Capell v . Overseers of Aston , 2 Lutw . 143 ; 8 C. B. 1 Charlton v . McManus , 29 Ir . T. L. R. 16 ; 2 Lawson's Notes , 12 Chorlton v . Kessler , 1 Hopw , & Colt . 42 ; L , R. 4 C , P , 397 457 389 460 42 PAGE · 42 ...
... Lawson's Notes , 32 Capell v . Overseers of Aston , 2 Lutw . 143 ; 8 C. B. 1 Charlton v . McManus , 29 Ir . T. L. R. 16 ; 2 Lawson's Notes , 12 Chorlton v . Kessler , 1 Hopw , & Colt . 42 ; L , R. 4 C , P , 397 457 389 460 42 PAGE · 42 ...
x. oldal
... Lawson's Notes , 304 Crowther - Smith v . New Forest Union , Ryde's Rating Appeals ( 1886-90 ) , 311 ; 61 L. T. 870 - D. Dalgleish v . Dodds , 22 R. 198 Daniel v . Camplin , 1 Lutw . 264 ; 7 M. & G. 167 Daniel v . Coulsting , 1 Lutw ...
... Lawson's Notes , 304 Crowther - Smith v . New Forest Union , Ryde's Rating Appeals ( 1886-90 ) , 311 ; 61 L. T. 870 - D. Dalgleish v . Dodds , 22 R. 198 Daniel v . Camplin , 1 Lutw . 264 ; 7 M. & G. 167 Daniel v . Coulsting , 1 Lutw ...
xi. oldal
... Lawson's Notes , 40 - Holland v . Porter , App . xvii ; 2 Lawson's Notes , 220 Howitt v . Stephens , K. & G. 183 ; 5 C. B. N. S. 123 Hughes v . Overseers of Chatham , 1 Lutw . 51 ; 5 M. & G. 54 Humphrey v . Earle , Fox & Smith , 39 ; 20 ...
... Lawson's Notes , 40 - Holland v . Porter , App . xvii ; 2 Lawson's Notes , 220 Howitt v . Stephens , K. & G. 183 ; 5 C. B. N. S. 123 Hughes v . Overseers of Chatham , 1 Lutw . 51 ; 5 M. & G. 54 Humphrey v . Earle , Fox & Smith , 39 ; 20 ...
xii. oldal
... Lawson's Notes , 7 Nielson's Case , 18 R. 338 0 . Onions v . Bowdler , 2 Lutw . 59 ; 5 C. B. 65 P. Petersfield Case , 2 O'M . & H. 94 Plant v . Potts , Fox & Smith , 206 ; ( 1891 ) 1 Q. B. 256 Prescott v . Lee , Smith , 197 ; ( 1899 ) 1 ...
... Lawson's Notes , 7 Nielson's Case , 18 R. 338 0 . Onions v . Bowdler , 2 Lutw . 59 ; 5 C. B. 65 P. Petersfield Case , 2 O'M . & H. 94 Plant v . Potts , Fox & Smith , 206 ; ( 1891 ) 1 Q. B. 256 Prescott v . Lee , Smith , 197 ; ( 1899 ) 1 ...
xii. oldal
... Lawson's Notes , 7 Nielson's Case , 18 R. 338 338 372 0 . Onions v . Bowdler , 2 Lutw . 59 ; 5 C. B. 65 P. Petersfield Case , 2 O'M . & H. 94 Plant v . Potts , Fox & Smith , 206 ; ( 1891 ) 1 Q. B. 256 Prescott v . Lee , Smith , 197 ...
... Lawson's Notes , 7 Nielson's Case , 18 R. 338 338 372 0 . Onions v . Bowdler , 2 Lutw . 59 ; 5 C. B. 65 P. Petersfield Case , 2 O'M . & H. 94 Plant v . Potts , Fox & Smith , 206 ; ( 1891 ) 1 Q. B. 256 Prescott v . Lee , Smith , 197 ...
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
42 Vict 57 Vict appellant's apply Barrister was wrong claimant Colt Court held cubicle decision declaration disqualified Division duly dwelling dwelling-house evidence fact Fishguard fourth column Fox & Smith franchise freehold GILLO'S given Gloucester government register Haverfordwest Hopw inhabitant occupier James Avery James Beavers judgment KILLOWEN landlord Lawson's Notes list of voters lodger lodger claims LORD ALVERSTONE Lord Esher LORD RUSSELL mistake Monk Street Municipal Registration Act notice of objection objector opinion overseers ownership parlia Parliamentary and Municipal parliamentary borough parliamentary register parochial electors parochial register Pembroke and Haverfordwest person objected pew rents place of abode poor rate power to amend premises primâ facie provisions purpose qualifying period qualifying property question Reform Act register of electors Registration Order residence respondent Revising Barrister Revising Barrister's RUSSELL OF KILLOWEN schedule sect section 28 section 44 separate list separately occupied SODEN statute tion Town Clerk
Népszerű szakaszok
266. oldal - An Act to amend the Representation of the People in Scotland ; " and in Schedule A of the Representation of the People (Scotland) Act, 1868. 61. The provisions of the Act of the session of the second and third years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter sixty-five...
282. oldal - AB is a [lunatic, or an idiot, or a person of unsound mind], and a proper person to be taken charge of and detained under care and treatment, and that I have formed this opinion upon the following grounds, viz: 1.
423. oldal - Every man shall be entitled to be registered as a voter, and, when registered, to vote for a member or members to serve in Parliament for a...
44. oldal - For the purposes of this Act a woman shall not be disqualified by marriage for being on any local government register of electors, or for being an elector of any local authority, provided that a husband and wife shall not both be qualified in respect of the same property.
2. oldal - I HEREBY give you notice, that I object to your name being retained on the list...
106. oldal - Person shall be entitled to be registered in any Year as a Voter in the Election of a Member or Members to serve in any future Parliament for any City or Borough who shall within Twelve Calendar Months next previous to the last Day of July in such Year have received Parochial Relief or other Alms which by the Law of Parliament now disqualify from voting in the Election of Members to serve in Parliament.
468. oldal - Where a man himself inhabits any dwelling-house by virtue of any office, service or employment, and the dwelling-house is not inhabited by any person under whom such man serves in such office, service, or employment, he shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act and of the Representation of the People Acts to be an inhabitant occupier of such dwelling-house as a tenant.
63. oldal - Acts referred to in this section, where an occupier is entitled to the sole and exclusive use of any part of a house, that part shall not be deemed to be occupied otherwise than separately by reason only that the occupier is entitled to the joint use of some other part.
363. oldal - ... during the Time of such Occupation been rated as an ordinary Occupier in respect of the Premises so occupied by him within the Borough to all Rates (if any) made for the Relief of the Poor in respect of such Premises; and 4.
62. oldal - ... of any trade, business, or profession ; and any such part may for the purpose of describing the qualification be described as " office," " chambers," " studio," or by any like term applicable to the case.