Sing to the Lord! it is not shed in vain, High springs the church like some fount-shadowing palm; The nations crowd beneath its branching shade, And wrapt within its deep embosoming calm Sing to the Lord! no more the angels fly The sound of fierce licentious sacrifice. Headless in dust the awe of nations lies; Jove's thunder crumbles in his mouldering hand, And mute as sepulchres the hymnless temples stand. Sing to the Lord! from damp prophetic cave Cowl their dark heads t'escape their children's dying groan. Sing to the Lord! no more the dead are laid To sleep the eternal sleep, that knows no morn : While, on its own immortal pinions borne, Sing to the Lord! the desert rocks break down, Proud on thy height to see the banner'd cross unroll. Sing to the Lord! when time itself shall cease, Enwrap this wide, and restless world of man; Eternal vengeance waves its winnowing fan; To vast infinity's remotest space, While ages run their everlasting race, Shall all the beatific hosts prolong, Wide as the glory of the Lamb, the Lamb's triumphant song! LXXVII. GoD of the thunder! from whose cloudy seat God of the rainbow! at whose gracious sign An Eden blooms in the waste wilderness! O'er Judah's land thy thunders broke-oh, Lord For thou didst ride the tempest cloud of fate. O'er Judah's land thy rainbow, Lord shall beam, And songs shall wake, and dancing footsteps gleam, Thy vengeance gave us to the stranger's hand, Envying our fathers in their peaceful graves. The born in sorrow shall bring forth in joy; Yet ere he die, to Salem's streets shall come. Where; o'er the cherub-seated God, full blazed th' irradiate dome. LXXVIII. EVEN thus amid thy pride and luxury, When that Great Husbandman shall wave his fan, Sweeping, like chaff, thy wealth and pomp away : Still to the noon-tide of that nightless day, Shalt thou thy wonted dissolute course maintain. And marriage feasts begin their jocund strain: And heaven,his presence own, all red with furnace heat. The hundred-gated cities then, The towers and temples, nam'd of men, Eternal, and the thrones of kings; The gilded summer palaces, The courtly bowers of love and ease, Where still the bird of pleasure sings; Go gaze on fallen Jerusalem! Yea, mightier names are in the fatal roll, 'Gainst earth and heaven God's standard is unfurl'd, The skies are shrivell'd like a burning scroll, And the vast common doom ensepulchres the world. |