

take up: when the manufacturer quits his SERMON loom, and the artizan lays down his tools, in order to contrive plans for reforming the state, and to constitute societies for carrying his plans into execution; what can be expected to follow from such a spirit, if it were to become prevalent, but the most direful confusion ?-Were the rashness of some, whose intentions are innocent, the only evil to be dreaded, the danger would be less. But it is always to be apprehended, that the operations of such persons are directed by men who have deeper designs in view; who seck to embroil the state, in order to bring forward themselves; whose aim it is to rise into eminence, though it were on the ruins of public tranquillity and order. Let such men, if any such there be, consider well what the consequences may be, of fomenting the spirit of presumptuous innovation. It is a dangerous weapon which they attempt to wield. agitation which they raise among a blind multitude, they are giving impulse to the motions of a violent engine, which often discharges its explosions on the heads of those who first touched its springs.

By the




UPON the whole, let us, my brethren, be thankful that our grounds of discontent, whether founded on real or imaginary grievances, are so few; and that, for so great a number of public blessings, we have reason to bless the God of Heaven. We live in a land of pure religion, of liberty and laws, and under a just and mild government. However the opinions of men may differ about this or that political measure adopted by government, it may with confidence be said, that we have much reason to respect those rulers, under whose administration the empire, though engaged in a hazardous and expensive war, has all along continued to hold a high rank among the nations of Europe, and has attained to that flourishing state of commerce, opulence, and safety, in which we behold it at this day: insomuch that perhaps the greatest dangers we have to apprehend, arise from the jealousy with which rival nations behold our superiority at sea, and our wealth and strength at home. Let our prayers ascend frequently to Heaven for the continuance of those blessings; for the peace of our Ferusalem; for peace within her walls, and prosperity

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- VI.

prosperity within her palaces; and let the SERMON admonition of Scripture never be forgotten; My son, fear thou God; honour the king; and meddle not with them that are given to change *.

Prov. xxiv. 23. 1 Peter, ii. 17.



On a Contented Mind,

2 KINGS, iv. 13..

Say now unto her, "Behold thou hast been


careful for us with all this care; what

"is to be done for thee? Wouldst thou be


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spoken for to the King, or to the Captain of the Host?" And she answered, "I "dwell among mine own people."



PIOUS and respectable woman Shunem had exercised great hospitality to the prophet Elisha. In order to accommodate him in his various journeyings, she had caused a chamber to be built for him, adjacent to her house, where he might be furnished with all that, according to the simplicity of those times, was wanted for * 8



his entertainment. In the text, the Pro- SERMON phet, by his servant Gehazi, acknowledges the obligations he lay under to this good woman for her care and attention; and being at that time in favour with the king of Israel, desires to know, whether, in return for her kindness, he should apply to the king, or the captain of the host, in her behalf, and procure advancement to her in rank and fortune. Her answer bespeaks all the modesty of one who was satisfied and contented with her present lot. Without any affectation of uncommon virtue, or any haughty contempt of the Prophet's offers, she mildly replies, "I dwell among "mine cwn people." "I dwell in the con"dition to which I was born; in my native "land; among my original connexions, "and persons of my own rank; and living "there in peace, I have no desires of aspiring to a higher rank.”

The temper of this worthy Shunamite, who could so properly set bounds to her desires, and enjoy her present condition with contentment, is what I now propose to your imitation. It stands in opposition to that restless and discontented spirit which so


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